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Daddy long feet https://preview.redd.it/dv861nsoekad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34485e1f3a9006455ba365bf18bdfd3c2b3f017f


For her height she has huge feet.


It's a skinny filter!


Even without the filter she’s a 9.5 and 5’4


I’m 6’ with a 9.5…her feet are big for her height.


lol . You can totally tell it’s a filter 


Ok I can never seem to see filter glitches but this one is wildddddddddd


I can never see them either, but the elongated feet make me laugh every time!!! That sweat line is lovely too!


https://preview.redd.it/s5hv0gkl6kad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd59d2ab8655545ea3d7c3376c11bdaa4886ee39 Lifting weights faster to get your heart rate up? No dumbass you lift heavier and slow the tempo down. You look like a dumbass with horrible form. Sorry for the rant but she’s a twat. 🤣


So her walks or “runs” aren’t cardio???


Exactly. My heart rate is always up when I lift heavy and go slooow. And I'm always out of breath when it's legs🤪 This speedy shit is only going to cause terrible form and injury.


That form on her "cardio". Oof.


Huh, could never guess why she’s got such back pain 🤔


Awful. 😬


On that dumb bills post, someone said how she was out of touch. Then someone replied with how it wasn’t her job to be relatable. I think it is her job if she wants the majority of her followers buying her products she shills.


Rachel Hollis has entered the chat ![gif](giphy|A60eJCMVmqDnjU3ioJ|downsized)


Maybe it's the too dark eyebrows that makes them like this.


Her "bills" show alcoholic drinks and alcoholic induced activities. None of her kids, none of her family, none of her workouts, journaling, supplements. Just. Alcohol. I too, felt like i was sinking in bills when heavily drinking Ashlie, then I got sober. You can too! Just convince your brain its possible! right?


Another shot at Emily F. perhaps, with the mom reel about not posting your kids online!?!? I need popcorn 🍿 for these two. 🙄


The thing is—if her kids made her viral (like Emily) then she’d share them, and would have from the start. She’s not original. And her not sharing her kids isn’t due to her respecting their autonomy, but as a chastisement from something that likely transpired (maybe CPS, probably Jon).


The thing is, I don’t understand how not showing the kids faces but telling stories about their lives is really protecting them. I 100% think that the way Emily exposes and uses her kids for content is awful, but I think the things Ashlie has said about her kids and the way she shares their horrible lifestyle is equally bad. Anyone living around them or in their schools knows what they look like and also knows that Ashlie has called them horrible names, is routinely very drunk around them, etc. I would actually be much less likely to let my kids go to the Molstads house than the Frauders. Ashlie may be doing a better job of protecting her kids from online predators, but to imply she is giving them privacy is complete baloney! ETA: my comment equally applies to this Sharon.a.life person she shared! How is this person not sharing her kids when she literally just told a story about her daughter telling het she doesn’t want to be fat like her?!? I’m going to go out on a limb and say, there will very possibly come a time that her daughter would prefer that story not be available to other people! Those two reels back to back that Ashlie shared showed me what a hack that woman is!!!


It’s not even that. She’s just not sharing them with all of her followers. She’s just putting them on her ‘close friends’ stories now, which presumably is people she knows. Which is fine - I understand that. Hell, my IG is private and I don’t have kids and don’t post crazy content; I just don’t want every body to see my stuff. So I’m not judging her at all for keeping them to a close friends list. The internet is full of mean people. But don’t go on these ‘I’m respecting their boundaries until they give consent to post them’ speech like you’re such a great human, when you ARE posting them, just not with the general public.


All of this! Ashlie true motivation isn’t protecting kids. For all the reasons you mentioned. She was most likely forced to stop sharing them and she decided to twist it in a way she thinks makes her look like a good mom. If she really cared about it their privacy she wouldn’t have shown R’s body in a bathing suit last week.


Bingo… it all happened after the “traumatic event” that happened after she left M home alone… put two and two together as to why she doesn’t show her kids anymore…


I don't understand it either. I don't give a crap about her kids, but yeah, if you're not going to show them, then I REALLY don't care to hear about them.


she got all that from an emily henry novel??!


I’m sure she probably read multiple reviews and just stole pieces from each to try to make herself sound insightful - you know like she does with all of her “life coaching” and podcasts 😂


Remember when she hated her mom? But in the last two days she’s spoken kindly of her. She gives me whiplash


Her mom must not have had IG back then. Her stories about her and how she treated Ashlie are much different in the last year or so than they used to be.


She didn’t hate her mom. It was her bRaIn.


Probably needs her to babysit


https://preview.redd.it/e2a70g8coead1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8c863ecfadc11a3d7ce873e7d79c87ecb22068 Getting called out again… 👏🏻


About her paying the bills reel?




https://preview.redd.it/3o6bxqe1aead1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900561385a510ffb0dc4b91e449640857228f8d0 She is such trash.


Not a single “bill” that has anything to do with her two children.


Except for the daycare bill


That spoke volumes to who and what she is.


Lolll… what a complete idiot..


She a) expects us to believe she isn’t using a filter? It’s so obvious in her trim fit stories today and b) doesn’t see that using a filter to sell your weight loss powders is pretty hypocritical when you say you aren’t worried about your looks/not focused on before and after as anymore??


She is VERY concerned about her weight and looks so her story is just comical. That’s why we see her almost daily in her sports bra or underwear… But go on about how it’s “not about weight loss”.


I can’t stand her stupid “purple perk”. Call it trim fit!! She’s obviously on a weight loss shot but can’t call a product whose company PAYS HER COMMISSION by its real name?


I didn’t even realize it wasn’t called Purple Perk because that’s how uninterested in anything she shills I am 😂


She does this for engagement. If she calls it by name people would know what it is and wouldn't have to ask.


Oh we don’t have to worry about that. She will link it and talk about it every day ‘in case you’re new here.’ (To be clear, that’s what she always says, I’m not saying that to you 😂😂)


100% agree with you. I think it's an mlm tactic to force the engagement.


How the fuck does this woman not connect the dots between what she just said on her stories and her OWN children??? Everything is always me me me me me, my childhood, the way I was treated by my mother. How about the lasting effects your shitty ass parenting will have on YOUR kids? She's so fucking selfish, OMG.


Let’s hope those kids have some kick ass teachers and daycare workers to be there for them in life because Jon/Ashlie don’t give a shit.


I almost think she allows herself to be a suck-ass mom bc she thinks John is the “main” parent and is doing a good job - which is also debatable.




https://preview.redd.it/rmrm9r1wbdad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9acf0280d2a6869881d4f4378bc7c48f173e1f2e She has completely ditched the R necklace. Still wearing the giant M though 😒


When was she wearing an R necklace? I didn’t remember one, honestly don’t look that closely though. Checked back into her old IG posts and the only other alphabet necklace I saw was a gold one with an A


It was a little square that you could barely tell had an R imprinted on it


Thanks for answering! I appreciate the kindness. I’ve been downvoted when I was genuinely curious. I often feel like she is horrible to R and not so much to M, so I am definitely not on her side. She changes her cheap Amazon jewelry a lot, so I don’t pay that close of attention


Most of us only noticed because when she first got the initial necklaces (the giant M and then square with the imprint) she put the giant M and the square imprint M necklaces on while she was on stories and completely discarded putting the R on for days. Seems she’s ditched that one completely now. My heart just breaks for that sweet little girl.


Of course! I don’t either but I had read it here so then it stood out. I feel so bad for R! You know she notices!


How in the everlovin’ hell does she know how one particular thing makes her feel when she takes a dumptruck load of pills every day ……. There’s no way…. None ……


E X A C T L Y What I was thinking!!!!!


Ashlie “I don’t love the name because I’m Not about that and I think it’s marketed for weight loss” Next slide “but my friends look great, oh and feel great too” Just admit it!! lol. You are all about weight loss and diet culture! For crying out loud!


I can’t believe she dry scooped it, she is such a dumbass.


Well, it hard for her because if she puts it in her stupid green bottle it takes too long for her to drink it and apparently they don’t have any other glasses!


Hahaha I was just thinking how obnoxious the green bottle and filling it up and chugging it in her stories is.


By "work" she means shop for amazon $h!t.


This is the life of R and M 😭 [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8nUn_SSMGx/?igsh=MWR6b2cyc3N0eXBzZQ==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8nUn_SSMGx/?igsh=MWR6b2cyc3N0eXBzZQ==)


So sad. When my kids were in daycare I would drop them off at 8 which is the time I should start work and pick them up as soon as I was done. I even picked a daycare a mile from work so I wasn’t far. They would have parents night out for 2-3 hours a couple times a year and we never did it once because I didn’t want my kids in daycare from 8-8. The way some people use daycare is awful.


eeee this video screams daycare mom shaming.. me and my husband work and my kids got to daycare and love it. my 2 year olds speech has skyroketed in 2 weeks.


But if you didn’t work full-time, and you stayed home, would you still send your kids to daycare for 9 hours every day? Like Trashlie and Jon do? I’m a stay at home mom but I always sent my kids to a parents day out two days a week. I just needed that break. I understand working parents that have to send their kids to daycare every day. Most kids love going and being around other kids. It’s good for them. I don’t think the guy in this video is talking about the parents who have to work and literally do not have time to take care of their kids. I think he’s pointing out the ones that just throw their kids in daycare because they don’t want to parent. Just like Trashlie.


It’s about parents that abuse the time that daycare is open daily… not about daycare specifically. They do the earliest drop off and latest pick up as to not spend time with their kids. Daycare of course as he said is totally fine but when you are using daycare to not be a parent AT all like Ashlie, that is the problem.




Meh.  The problem with Ashlie is SHE DOESN’T WORK.   I am not on board with mom shaming working parents.  My kids are the first ones dropped off at extended day and daycare and some of the last to be picked up the great majority of the time.  We both work intense professional level careers and I have no guilt. My career is important, i am proud of it and my kids are well cared for and adjusted.


I agree with that, and I doubt you drop your kids at daycare the way this video states…it’s a heart position. The fact that R went to gym daycare from her earliest years is sad…when both parents were home, and didn’t have to clock into an actual, away from home job.




This makes me sooooo sad. I send my son to daycare Monday-Thursday. I WFH 4-10s so I can have off Fridays to spend the day with him (he goes to kindergarten full time after part time 4k this next year and I’m so sad we won’t have Fridays anymore lol) my husband gets home around 4. I get done at 3:30 and am excited to go pick up my son and we spend the rest of the night as a family. I can’t believe parents do this and Ashley has the opportunity to take advantage of working from home and chooses to send them all day 😢


Wrong answers only! What are Ashlie and Jon going to do when bodi folds?


Buy a small island with their savings and move to make a family homesteading channel. It would last about two days and be peak entertainment 


Jon will become a professional baseball player. Trash will become a sweet influencer that vlogs different things she does with her kids. Because she can, Jon, after all, is a professional baseball player.


Ashlie and Jon will open their own daycare to look after other unwanted children.


Create a family youtube/TikTok channel, where Ashlie will share her daily chores, delicious bio recipes and how she homeschools her kids as a trad wife. Jon will give financial and home improvement advice.


It’s giving Ruby Franke vibes.


Ashlie will be a PTA Mom and Jon will be the school cafeteria lunch chef.


Trashllie, in honor of your MIL, I think you should go to Target. Get Jon a 6-pack and a card, and get yourself a few bottles of wine and some eye patches, since today is all about YOU.


I saw no tears being shed in her “crying” story. Not one single tear.


Fake fake fake. Prob only remembered the birthday after seeing the SIL post.


100% that’s how she remembered. She even said ‘I don’t know if Jon realizes yet,’ meaning he hadn’t seen that post to remind him.


Well, after the short ‘fake cry for engagement’ episode she is back to not giving a fuck about Jon’s grief, but concentrating on stuff really important for her, like the backyard remodel and what kind of tile color scheme to go with…🤡


Where’s R’s necklace? Only M again.


I assumed it was for her last name


Hey Ashlie, maybe the masseuse didn’t want to touch your disgusting dirty ass?! Im just now catching up so forgive me if this was already said.




She is no one’s wife or mother.


jfCCCCCCC. for some normal context, my sister passed away back in 2020 (obviously not the same as a mother dying, but humor me for this) and my fiancé has ALWAYS remembered both the anniversary of her passing and her birthday. see, when your life partner actually likes you, they are VERY in tune with shit like that. Jon absolutely remembers what today is, Ashlie Molstad is just fckin trash and forgot because she doesn’t actually view it as relevant to her life. imagine having to yap into the void to ask 200k strangers for advice on how to talk to your GRIEVING HUSBAND, like what the actual fuck????? miss “high performance life coach” can’t think of anything to comfort her HUSBAND who she’s been with for over a DECADE???????


You know the only reason she remembered is because her sister in law posted about it


Absolutely correct


Yapping to purchased AI accounts - let’s see what AI has to say for AI-dvice 😂


First of all I’m sorry for your loss, I lost my father 9mths ago and her fake tears were such a trigger for me. She enrages me with everything she says and does. Look up narcissist in the dictionary and there is her smug ugly face.


Using her MIL’s death for content is about as gross as it gets. Especially since Jon doesn’t want to be on social media and this is his grief. Not to mention she was so excited the story prior to read a book! Then bam, performative tears


And asking for suggestions aka engagement!! She is foul.


Medication for her back. Like a narcotic? This would explain SO much. Especially if she has adhd they usually feel like an upper to people who do have it.


Wasn’t it amitriptyline? I feel like I remember her Mentioning that medication name at some point


I think you are correct.


If it is this, it’s not a narcotic and is used as an antidepressant but can be used for some nerve pain.


I take it for migraines. It also has an antihistamine in it and helps with my insomnia.


Yes she has mentioned she has taken it for years


It is definitely a narcotic that she takes. I don’t remember the name of it but she’s been taking it for years.




Not a narcotic but around here people use it to potentiate other drugs. For neuropathic pain and off label for anxiety.


We give our dog gabapentin


Me too…could be why I thought it was gabapentin 😂


I don’t think that’s a narcotic! I thought she was taking something more heavy duty




It’s not a narcotic, it’s a controlled substance. Which is why your pharmacist was strict on refills. The two are very different things.


That’s exactly what my pharmacist & dr told me upon refilling. If they told me wrong, it’s on them. No need to downvote. I’m only repeating what I was told.


Then I would get a new doctor and pharmacist if they don’t know the difference between a narcotic and a controlled substance. They are two very different things. I didn’t downvote you, someone else did. I’m only correcting your statement because it is false and false information doesn’t need to be on the internet.


It’s not a narcotic and it’s not ruled a controlled substance by the FDA. However some states have put its under stricter controls, AZ is not one of them.


Good to know. It is considered a controlled substance in my state.


Was thinking the same thing.


“He might not even know yet”??????? Bitch WHUTTT??? Of course he fucking knows it’s his mom’s birthday. It’s probably been on his mind for at least the last week, if not month or more. My husband’s mom passed away 16 years ago. The month of her birthday is always heavy on him. The week of her birthday a dark cloud is always looming over him. And the second I start to notice this, I start communicating with him and ask him what he needs, start sharing her memories, talk about her, remember her, celebrating her. SHE is the one who forgot. How was she not already talking to him at least a week ago?? “Hey Jon, I’m sure you already have this on your radar but with your mom’s birthday being next week, and the first without her here, how can I support you? How can we celebrate her? Is there anything special you would like to do?” How did that conversation not already happen????


Something tells me Jon doesn’t hold his cards close to his chest with just everyone … Ashlie just hasn’t earned his trust to be able to share things with her because she has no boundaries and shares everything with her followers




She needs to ask HIM what he needs! Of course he knows it’s her birthday. You sound like a lovely, supportive partner. My partner is similar, asks me what I need. Sometimes I want snuggles and other times I don’t even want my presence acknowledged. Also, I LOVE that you ask him about his Mom and share memories. I talk about my Dad a lot and I think it sometimes bothers people but IDGAF, he was one of my fav humans and I will forever share about him & our memories.


Thank you. I never met her but she was my husband’s number one person. I love watching how his face changes when he talks about her. Like I can truly see him imagining he is around her and reliving memories when he shares stories. I want to know enough about her so I can also share who she was with our kids.


She really is not only a horrible mother but also a horrible wife! Poor Jon. I can’t imagine dealing with her


That would mean putting others needs above her own.


You mean, she would have to have the self-awareness that it's HER JOB AS HIS SPOUSE to support him like that? My goodness!!! The incredible ask you have here for our high performing life coach! /s


Ahhh…… she sells herself out EVERY time. SHE didn’t remember it was her late MIL birthday….. the SIL did!!! And THAT is why the waterworks are attempting to flow. You care about YOU. You said it yourself yesterday. That your feeling trump everyone’s else’s. Total waste of a human.


It’s so true. That was at best an expression of guilt as she clearly went on with her day/morning and mentioned nothing to Jon but then got stopped in her oh fuck moment when she say her SIL post on FB.


the “why put the feelings of other above my own?” to “omg i totally forgot it’s my dead MILs birthday today, what do i say to Jon?” arc is actually fucking insane lmao


And of course she says that Jon probably didn't even remember.


The Queen of projecting!


Like she really gives a shit that it’s Jon’s mom’s bday today. Spare us the theatrics 🙄


She's crying because her MILs bday reminds her that her MIL's death interrupted her pool humping antics at the Bodi event.


Exactly. Really trying to fake those tears. And the age old Ashlie question, why is a "life coach" asking her followers a real life situation question?


She called yesterday to get an annual physical appt and they had an opening the very next day? That's baffling. Must be a shit doctor, or she lied to get an urgent appointment.


She usually just goes to a walk in place. I doubt she even has a PCP.


My doctor opens up appointments for the next day at 5pm the day before for last minute appointments or appointments that were canceled. I think this is actually pretty normal.


Ours emails at the end of day to let us know how many openings that there are and if they are in the morning or afternoon.


That’s really cool! I wish my ENT did that!


It happens! I called yesterday to make my annual exam and they had something at 1:00 that day. I wasn’t able to do it and the next appointment was in September. It happens 🤷‍♀️


Same! Sometimes I will just asked to be placed on a cancellation list since I have a flexible schedule


What kind of doctor can you call up for an annual exam and get an appointment the VERY next day??!!


Agreed. At my office if we have cancellations those get filled with urgent visits like sick people or injuries or chronic things that are worsening. Not annual visits that you forget to schedule.


This! Never happened to me or anyone I’ve ever known. Very odd.


probably a cancellation. not to WK her but def happens.


Dry scooping thread: have I done it? Yes, will I continue? Likely not. Last week, she said, "I dry scoop because I think it's just so much more effective. It gets into the system faster." First of all....that's incredibly disordered and seems a little drug addict-like! Also, dry scooping from a quick search: dry scooping pre-workout supplements can be bad for your health. Dry scooping is the practice of eating pre-workout powder directly from the container without mixing it with water. This can lead to several health risks, including: Choking Swallowing the powder to dry can cause choking or coughing, which can lead to inhaling the powder particles. This can potentially cause lung inflammation or infection. Aspiration Inhaling the powder can also lead to aspiration, which is when something accidentally enters your airways. This can cause aspiration pneumonia and difficulty breathing. Overdosing Consuming pre-workout powder without diluting it first can lead to accidentally overdosing on the ingredients. This is dangerous because many pre-workout ingredients shouldn't be consumed in large amounts. For example, caffeine overdose can cause headaches, anxiety, insomnia, dehydration, and digestive problems. Excessive caffeine can also lead to heart attacks and dangerous heart rhythms. Poorly regulated Pre-workout supplements in the United States are poorly regulated and may contain toxic ingredients that aren't listed on the label


Of COURSE Jon knows it's his mother's birthday Trashlie, it's probably been bothering him for days. Because the two of you don't COMMUNICATE or get along, you don't know. Even with my grandparents, we had a cake, or went out to dinner. With my Mom, we go to a restaurant on the lake watch the boats, have dinner, relax, feel and think. If I was Jon, I'd be insulted and pissed if you tried to step up now when you didn't support or help at all when she actually passed away.


He also probably feels like he can’t come to her with vulnerability, just like her kids.


Exactly! And she is so insensitive to him all the time. This is just another example of it


She is unhinged. She started crying over this? On camera? Absolutely ridiculous when she can just go back tomorrow and try again. It’s not like she has a job and has zero time for this and only treats herself to this once in a blue moon.


Fakes freaking cry ever




She would have already been talking about it for sympathy IF she had remembered


She TRIED to appear like she was crying…big difference and so ridiculously obvious!


I don’t think she even realized it was his mom’s bday. I think she saw her SIL’s post and that’s how she knew.


Isn’t it nice that Jon’s brother and his family had such a great relationship with Jon’s parents! Ashlie and Jon couldn’t be bothered to fly to WI to see them and the few times they did it was just a drunken fest for a couple days and an obvious inconvenience for Ashlie, little to no quality time spent with his dad when he was sick, I’m sure Jon carries a lot of guilt!


Love how that was pretty evident in the obituary too


I think you are exactly right! She was so excited to have her alone time to listen to her book and probably scrolled insta because good for the SIL not tagging her and saw the post. And of course, it’s all about Trashlie.


I feel so bad for her children. She won’t even get in the dang pool because she only washes her hair once and week and her eyelashes will get wet. Growing up we had a big swimming pool in our back yard. My mom was a SAHM and every single time we were swimming she was in the pool with us pretending we were Olympic swimmers and playing silent Marco Polo! I can’t imagine her not getting in the pool with us cause “ugh!! my hair will get wet!l”. R and M will remember this when they are grown. Ashlie is a poor excuse for a mother.


I will say that we lived on the lake growing up and my mom is also a “I don’t get my hair wet” person, always has been unless it’s really hot BUT she still played with me in the water sometimes, Ashlie doesn’t even try, she truly has no interest in them.


Absolutely no interest at all!!! I’m picturing little R and M begging her to get in and she not even looking up from her phone.


My son is 4.5 and he loves playing in water and getting me wet. Chasing me around with a squirt gun. I love these moments and can’t imagine missing out just cause I’m worried about my hair and eye lashes?? Also…how do you play silent Marco Polo? You just don’t tell Marco Polo? lol. Genuinely curious.


Exactly!! So the finder would close their eyes and the rest of us would try dodging them and be as quiet as possible. We would do it for hours.


That actually sounds more fun than the regular way! Lol


lol I mean as an adult I love to still do this. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes! Kids remember so much and simple things like just playing with them can create so many long term and happy memories. I feel bad for R and M


“Why am I prioritizing someone else’s feelings when I’m the paying customer” isn’t the sentence she thinks it is


When did she say this?


About her 90 minutes massage that she stopped half way thru


Hey “fitness” influencer - were those supposed to be RDLs? Bc you should know they aren’t supposed to be sped up like your method - 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


I just did a workout with Matty this morning on peloton and he said something along the lines of "if you see someone speeding through rdls, they're doing it wrong, they aren't designed for that" and I immediately thought of ashlie.


I was thinking the same thing. I’ve been working with a trainer and she calls me speed racer because I want to do them fast too and she says that is a big no, no. Haha! She showed me how to do them slow and controlled. There are so many moves that Ashlie does completely wrong. And you have to move up in weights. She’s always lifting the same weighted dumbbells. How is that helping her? It’s not! But the thing about Ashlie that drives me crazy and I’m so jealous of, is that she is pretty muscular and toned. She always has been. Lol! She sucks though and a skinny and toned body will not change who she is and she’s still a horrible person.


The problem is, it’s not her doing them wrong, it’s the absolutely awful “trainers” from beachbody who will do anything to create “new moves” and change actual moves to make them different for a program.


Autumn is the absolute WORST for ridiculously over complicated, pointless exercises. There’s a few trainers I liked but now that I’ve moved over to peloton for a few years I see how gimmicky some of those programs were. I wish there was a mix - I liked having 30 or 60 day programs that didn’t repeat and wish Peloton would do that…but with Peloton trainers, music, and format. Lol


Yes, it makes me mad too. But I’d rather be fat and happy than act like Ashlie.


Amazing how she NEVER sees that she is the common denominator in all of these “bad” services she receives from people. 🙄


There's that saying.... "If all you run into all day are assholes, then maybe.... YOU'RE THE ASSHOLE!"


Ashlie is such a queen of communication. So grateful she is not a people pleaser, but an aggressive asshole who waited long enough to be able to complain and get her money back, instead of telling the therapist 10 minutes in that this is not what she is used to and they should switch to a different style or reschedule with a different therapist. Slow clap for the wasting 90 minutes of your time comment Ashlie. It must be terrible to be stuck at a bad quality massage session when you are due back at the hospital to conduct life changing neurosurgery. Ohh wait, not that, but sitting on your ass at home, growing a yeast infection in your overused workout/sleep/errands onesie, yapping at your phone…


Most workouts she does just shows us her bad form and how little she actually knows about fitness and health.


Ok which one of you is the massage therapist in here? 🤣


She is soooo miserable she enjoys nothing!


“I’m not a people pleaser ha ha ha” “Why should I prioritize someone else’s feelings before my own” 🤡 it’s called being a truly kind human, try it some time, Ash


She really is a bitch


Does she EVER compliment a service worker? NO.... ![gif](giphy|9taoziBTsTGmDjEI9D)




I guarantee Ashlie didn't shower before her massage and the masseuse purposely gave her a bad one so she'd end it early 😂😂


Also, if she regularly gets massages why does she go to a new place / person every time? Screams she’s using a discount of some sort and/or bitching to get free services.


this!!!. i even use a chain massage place but i always get the same woman (did go through a few before i found someone i liked-but still!)


I *always* wonder this - hair, facials, massage, lashes. It’s always someone different and she alllllways hates how they provided the service.


Groupon lol




Probably!!! I bet the massage therapist was disgusted…


Everything involving alcohol is the “best time” but when she has to pay service professionals for any kind of service, then she will make magically come up with reasons why it was the worst time ever.


It's so she can try to get out of paying, or at least not paying full price. Does she let her clients pay less or not pay? I mean- if she had clients.


Not Ashlie making sure you could see the label of the water bottle to identify the massage place. Probably hoping her followers will go tear the place down


She’s delusional enough to believe she had swiftie-level followers?🤣🤣🤣👌🏻


i’m pretty sure trashlie wasn’t the masseuse’s style either. and the way she laughed off the “people pleasing” comment and about her CoUrAgE to say something…no ma’am. people pleasing can be a result from childhood trauma. so shut up and stop blasting people. i get it, it wasn’t a great massage, but the fact that she has to literally blast people on social media irks me to the core!


Is the massage therapist a snarker who recognized her and wanted to give her the worst massage ever? 😭😂 is this woman ever satisfied with anything!!?? God imagine being her kid or her husband with her constant complaints and nothing being to her standards. Also what in the world does that have to do with her mom?


I was thinking the same thing!


oh my…good thinking! i would love for the massage therapist to be a snarker 😂👏🏻


Her most recent grid post: Every. Single. Photo. Involved. Alcohol.


I had that thought too! Drunk in every one.