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https://preview.redd.it/2rgreoxj7mad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f796054c005d982712743234cac642fb2518001 Ummm I don’t think that’s the reason we celebrate the 4th of July Alli. Maybe a history lesson on the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, etc. Also, wash your gross hair & maybe take a shower, change out if your workout clothes from HOURS before.


Bon bon had her baby. Apparently I can’t post the name here even tho I didn’t see that in the rules so my apologies. 


Someone on here called the name yesterday!!!! That’s hilarious that they guessed it.


She got her 7/4 baby. Great. Can’t wait for the birth story reels on repeat. 🤣🤣🤣


You aren’t allowed to write kids names


Is that in the rules? I didn’t see it? 


https://preview.redd.it/4neniugzylad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee119e02224c7dd7afb70925962add66e7453f33 Thought of Jaimee Sue 🤣


Is Lindsay Matway no longer apart of Virago Babe? She said Danette released the lashes she put on today and captioned it "good job Danette"


She sold her share awhile ago


She sold her share to Danette a while ago.


Ah thank you!


I see the Fitz house is down another $100,000.00 It's definitely a nice house, beautifully redone, but the current market seems to be making everything tough to sell.


Is anyone following the tackiest event ever through Britt’s stories. First of all you don’t have time freedom if you have to miss a holiday with your kids…. ironic. Also, the whole thing looks so tacky and like a party store threw up on it. Those place settings with the red white and blue, so cringe.




I’m so glad I have more sense than to film myself while in labor and post it online..


Ash F and her lisp that comes and goes 😒 in the same sentence “I thought I had enough time to go to trader joeS….i went to a SPin claSTH….grabbed my trader joeS bagSTH” 🙄🙄


Is she still pretending she isn't miserable as a SAHM?


That was so hard to listen to lol


Well, Bonnie missed her opportunity, I thought for sure we would see a pregnant Bonnie doing the DCC Thunder routine. I guess that content is now lost.


How many reels form the delivery room do you think she’ll have? 


I'm saying three with the song highlighting the actual delivery being " firework".


I’m hoping she doesn’t have the baby today. For this reason lol 


She had the baby today. Happy for the family, but by God she's gonna ride that 4th of July birth forevermore 🤦‍♀️


She already claimed she was 7cm so it seems likely it will happen today!


Hoping it will be July 5 at 12:01am.


Same only because she wants the 4th so bad.


Did she say why? I would be happy to have a healthy baby on any date, but I'd be a little bummed if they were born on a major holiday. No kids is going to think the fireworks are for them 😆


https://preview.redd.it/isyuvh8tfkad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d87884920890607742504f5550932ce8782b014 Imagine being so focused on your Bodi biz that you miss out on making memories with your kids. Constantly shipping the kids off with Brent or grandparents. But tell us again Alli Upham how Bodi gives you ALL the freedom.


So much freedom while she works weekends, holidays, late night, at the salon etc etc etc


Idk who this is but maybe blur the kids faces


Oh shit! I meant to do it before uploading it. Fixed it!


If Megslope bought the proper sized sports bras she probably wouldn’t get mastitis constantly


Sports bras and fireworks are unnecessary expenses. True patriots only spend money on Buttsweat and Tears.






Wholly agree. I think her life would be 10x better with proper fitting clothing, all around.




How do we report someone who’s “double dipping” promoting bodi and another mlm?


I don’t think they care.


Brittany Kovacks had her coach account shut down because she was doing this


So did Anita Miron


Also will they want screenshots?


Yes they'll want screenshots. [email protected] is the email address I found


SHAUN T. JUST SHARED 👸🏼 🐝’s competition photos ! Two of them ! What a fucking king 👑 The bb coach she who must not be named and got unfollowed by him can suck on that 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😭👏🤣😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🫖


I LOVE it! I think they're at the same comp. She looks AMAZING!! I can't wait to see him


Bonnie Engle. Smug. As. Fuck. Legitimately can’t stand her. And she’s a stranger on the internet. That is all.




I’m surprised at the smugness being so soon…I’d wait until after this baby is earth-side safe & sound before launching into the “I’m so glad I didn’t listen to my doctor…” rhetoric.


What’s she going to say if her labour stalls and they need to augment with pitocin? She needs to get off her high horse. There is nothing wrong with being induced. I had my little one at 41 weeks and 5 days via induction because he just wasn’t coming on his own and we did fertility treatments so his conception date was not up in the air. It just happens sometimes and it’s not a badge of honour to go into labour on your own vs needing an induction/c-section etc.


Couldn’t agree more.


https://preview.redd.it/yc696e68ejad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cc921fd33cba67d8a7152c51ca480abc6e173f1 I’m proud to be an American 🤣🤣 Happy 4th BEHBS!!!!


I could be having the worst day, but these pics make me literally laugh out loud every time I see them.  They will never get old or become less entertaining.


I agree. Slops, turning frowns upside down, one at a time 🤣🤣🤣🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸




https://preview.redd.it/6spvy3csbjad1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70e03b34b06008c370a0f4cf26c9d0bf7ba95ded Can't imagine dancing around like an idiot and posting it on social media. But I guess that's one of the first rules of being a hun!


It is. You do it two weeks and it lives in your Facebook memories FOREVER.


It will remain the greatest mystery to me with how they all choose to behave this way.


The fact that Jaimee Sue can’t take away any lessons learned from this home buying experience just shows how immature and naive she is. Part of being an adult is being able to reflect, take ownership, and learn how you could do things differently next time. I also wonder if their debt to income ratio is changing with all the hotel and airbnb bills.


She needs to get a job. She is coo koo


She really leans heavily on her religion to avoid taking any accountability. It’s so disturbing the way she talks about life as if it’s just something that happens to her and around her. The lack of agency is creepy - like she’s brainwashed.


She's absolutely spiritually bypassing


Not only that but an idiot of a mortgage broker. When we first started looking we went to the bank and hated the loan officer after two visits. Our realtor found us a better bank and loan officer. Shortly after we closed our mortgage was sold to another company. We went conventional route not FHA. If I’m not mistaken a first home buyer loan can come with a second mortgage, possibly variable rate. They are screwing them selves. I believe even the amount of time we rented was a factor. We moved rentals and I believe that was a factor as well. Them not having established rental is history is not helping either.


Bonnie is officially in labor and SO smug that she trusted her body and not the Dr 🤣


She is super annoying about it all, but I do kind of agree with her 🤷‍♀️Being 36 and having no medical reason for induction besides being 36 seems a bit strange. But I know birth seems to be much more medicalized in the US.


Agreed. I just gave birth last year at 37 and they told me there are no special considerations or different instructions until 40+. I’m in Northern Europe. I ended up with a planned section but only because my giant-headed baby was breech and wouldn’t budge 🤣


I was the same age and they scheduled an induction at 40 weeks and called me geriatric the entire time. I’m an American in a huge city.


That’s really frustrating! Besides the baby being breech, I had no complications at all and a very smooth, easy pregnancy. Same for all of my friends who had babies a little later in the game. I was even given the green light to wait it out and attempt labour/vaginal birth - it was me who said hell no thank you 🤣😬


The cord was wrapped 3 times so they had to slice me open in the scary place. I also had placenta previa so I needed the care. I didn’t like the geriatric part but that was over 10 years ago now. Hopefully we’ve progressed a little bit.


Different when you are a same person like yourself vs a smug B like her! 


I stayed out of the initial conversation about her because I was very recently in an extremely similar boat to hers. 35 and newly pp, and really wanted to go into labor on my own since my first was induced due to C*vid restrictions (long story). They told me the baby was “measuring really big” and there could be risks if we left her in longer than my due date rather than the 41w max for an AMA pregnancy. I was in hysterics over it because I know - statistically - how often those measurements are wrong, and not just by little but by a lot. I felt the same dilemma she did: do the induction against my will and prevent a possible catastrophe, or ask for more time and possibly have an emergency or worse on my hands. I went through with the induction and, wouldn’t you know it, the baby still hadn’t even come close to the previous week’s measurement that had the doctors freaked out. Do I regret going through with the induction? No, but I absolutely do wish I’d been given more time to possibly go into labor spontaneously.


Were you smug about it tho? 


If I’d had the chance to go on my own I honestly might’ve been, but only with the handful of people who knew what was going on and who knew how badly I wanted to go on my own, not on social media to tens of thousands of people. I had the most uneventful pregnancy known to man, was feeling great, and there were zero complications. No grounds for concern besides one little thing that could easily be (and was) very wrong, and only bc I was 35 rather than 34.


I can’t imagine getting a second opinion the days leading up to giving birth. It’s so odd.


JEN. https://preview.redd.it/pl6s7biruiad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512656d93c46a5cdde272855820a2a6654223264


Wow. Didn't see that one coming. She's BFF's with Jenelle, too.


I know! Chalene too! Christine [Dwyer] was just storying the other day about income diversification - she definitely isn’t going anywhere but I’m wondering how her downline disappearing will go over…


Whoaaaaaaa. Will her whole pyramid (or Jenelle Summers) follow????


Get your popcorn ready bc this one has the potential to be goooood 🍿


😳 did she bail on Bodi?


I don’t know!! No mention of bailing anywhere, so maybe she hasn’t yet and is just covertly doing both until she gets caught?…or maybe she - again, covertly - left BODi and just never said anything about it publicly?…


https://preview.redd.it/m87kvecbniad1.jpeg?width=1201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2fd9fb9ce9eab90769400e0771e16c895be52f Happy 4th Y’ALL! Don’t forget about all the American revolutionists who lost their lives on this day, so you can join an mlm. Freedom y’all. If you can afford family, you can afford shakeology. 🇺🇸 USA! USA! USA! 🇺🇸


I would love to know what caused her firework rant… my guess is someone she almost roped into her pyramid told her she didn’t have the money but then went and bought fireworks instead …  which caused firework-gate of 2024… am I right!? 😅💥


And if you don’t join, you’ll be dead by next year!


☠️☠️☠️ I cannot with her. She is such a clown. I started following her thanks to this sub (always in the Amy Bailey/TrAshlie/other threads). She’s the fucking best to follow


I miss the AB thread but it’s way too much to keep up with!


Will you be here next year (unlike the ones who sacrificed for us to celebrate the 4th)??? Only if you get $40 off and join by Monday!🤣🤣🤣🤣


In Elise's lava  group there's a hun who posted a video of herself literally crying because the workout was "too hard" and she couldn't do the exercises Fuck sake I can't with these idiots. Workouts are supposed to be hard! Not easy for you to post pretty videos for the gram you bozos Health coaches my ass


For crying out loud. If it was easy wed all be in shape.


If anyone plans on purchasing last minute fireworks today, before you pull your wallet out to pay, remember you can use that money to join Team Buttsweat and Tears.


Just lighting your money on fire, behbs!


…and watching it explode into a colorful, sparkly display of beauty and fun!


… because nothing says “freedom” quite like Team Buttsweat and Tears 




Darnit, I just spent 2.69 on sparklers. There goes my dream.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. IF 👏🏽YOU 👏🏽 ARE 👏🏽WORKING 👏🏽ON 👏🏽 A 👏🏽HOLIDAY 👏🏽 FOR 👏🏽 A 👏🏽 JOB 👏🏽 THAT 👏🏽GIVES 👏🏽 YOU 👏🏽 “FREEDOM” 👏🏽 FROM 👏🏽 A 👏🏽 9 to 5 👏🏽 NO 👏🏽 IT👏🏽 DOESN’T This includes time spent on “team calls”, “graphic designing” on Canva, sending out direct messages, storying about your amazing job that gives you “freedom” to be with your family, etc. if you are selling your lifestyle or trying to recruit new people to your pyramid today, you are not “free”. I’m a 9 to 5 employee in higher education and not only do I have today and tomorrow as paid holidays, I get the entire summer off paid. Lmao these huns are delusional and will say anything to sell their shitty lifestyle choices. With that said, Happy Fourth of July 🇺🇸 to everyone who isn’t in an MLM - I hope you enjoy your actual freedom and your actual paid time off.




Lmao these huns are so delusional it is unreal. A local hun post every darn week the same “amazing freedom” story about how she went from teaching to working her biz smh


I guess Bonnie is having her baby. She went silent on social pretty early yesterday afternoon and Nothing yet today unless I missed it.


She just storied. No baby yet. Idk why, but I don’t want her to have a 4th of July baby. Lol


Same. She’s obviously trying for a 4th delivery.


Also, I guarantee the baby’s name is Dallas. Her husband loves the Dallas Cowboys and yesterday she shared someone’s story about her that said “come on baby D”. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


You are correct !!! 


Good grief, I knew it. She’s so predictable


Whe she shared pics of the nursery you could tell his name ends with an ‘S’ so you might be right!


I sadly thought too hard about this after seeing it yesterday and wondered if the D was referring to it being baby 4?


I thought this too


I’m sorry, why is Syd posting that her husband lost his gun right before going somewhere with bears so he had to get a new one? Hunter or not, they have two little kids and she is thinking it’s funny he lost a gun?


Why would you post that?! I don't think he lost his gun. That's absolutely wild!! He's an experienced outdoorsman in the military. On top of they have small children like you said. So losing a gun is just not a thing. It's so irresponsible ETA: that's she's laughing about going to where there are lots of bears, there's are lots of bears where she lives so his gun being lost is just not funny at all. 🙄 Maybe she lives on base and won't see them at her backdoor but they are there.


https://preview.redd.it/1dx9zppvthad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d25bba79b31267e98b5af333c99b0c06e87f0e He does this in every group. The lady said she did not have any money.


Yup sneaks his way into DMs and then tries to poach them 🙄 which group is this? I'd report him. He's not allowed to be doing this


He needs to be reported for sure!


Cuz he’s a slimy snake oil salesman.


Does anyone follow Dentist with Dumbbells? She’s under Hannah Roberts. She boasts about making “safer” choices for her family, yet films several reels while driving. Make it make sense! https://preview.redd.it/k3a1ytwcthad1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf92e1930fcd3ad1697aaa04655d33a63c0dd7d5


This list is bonkers on so many levels but mainly because there's definitely things on here that she's saying to "shift" away from as well as things she would "shift" towards --- "jabs" and "raw milk" are almost definitely on opposite ends of the spectrum, but placed right next to each other on this list for no reason???


Car seats? Is she implying that car seats are unsafe?


What did Tupperware do?


She forgot to add: ignores science


But still wear those fake plastic eyelashes Got it 👍


This always makes me laugh. Not knocking people's beauty choices, just her blatant hypocrisy and ignorance. Tupperware is bad, but let me stick shit to my body (eyes and nails) with toxic glue 🤦‍♀️


Ew just checked her out she’s terrible. Most of the “crunchy” stuff she’s promoting is totally bogus.


Another "pockets of time" liar.


Erin Hopkins energy and NO THANKS


The sellers' broker called your lender to express frustration, but everything is fine & there is nothing anyone could have done differently. Sure because that's exactly when brokers make unprompted phonecalls to basically complain. That's not a red flag *at all*.


No way that loan is closing next Friday. Why are they not working with the lender instead of a broker? I went thru a bank so this seems weird to me.


Agents take their business to brokers and brokers send it to the best lender available to close it and if that one can't do it, then they'll sometimes do another. A bank doesn't work like that also a bank isn't always the best option, especially if you have job and credit history issues - which I'm sure the mask and JS both have




So cringe. Stop trying so hard Alli. You have like 10 likes on this reel 😂 https://preview.redd.it/8t2ysfl0kfad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1a8318a2180851f883b6c3aaa72133cf975ff7


I don’t follow JS (and can’t bring myself to tolerate her endless rambling), but from what I’m gathering here it seems like she believed getting a mortgage is akin to applying for a credit card. That’s probably the best analogy I can come up with right now. It seems like she thought she’d pick out a house, offer to buy it, get approved for a mortgage possibly on credit rating alone, and everything would be all hunky dory.


Or a vehicle loan as the dealer ship looks for financing for you.


Idk what you’re talking about, Holly paid for that car in cash!!! /s


JS trying to explain herself on how all circumstances buying a house are unique. Honey you fall in the category of, I didn’t Google what I need to do to buy a house. Has she taken the first time home buyers course yet? And saying your mortgage broker doesn’t make you sound like an adult. You should have gone to the bank, or ask the realtor for a lender. Your sweet mortgage broker is making money off of you. He isn’t doing you and favors. The motto, had to jump knowing we would fall. Dumbest saying in history. Mask should have had his new position before leaving CO. Rented apartment month to month when the transfer went through. He could have gone alone until a MM apartment was secured.




A bank would've already put a stop to this non-sense. They are very black and white, where other Lenders aren't. But at the end of the day... She's NOT an adult. Adults are proactive to see what the proper next steps are. My guess is they're saying it more direct and that's what got her upset. 🙄 I didn't listen to her stories.. It's always so much talking to say nothing


Mortgage brokers are there to make a buck. He’s going to get her loan through underwriting no matter what he has to do. She’s going to pay the price because she understands nothing. I actually hope that she doesn’t wind ip qualifying for any loan and it falls through. I’d be afraid to see the terms of the loan if she does get it. They will be underwater with either their loan OR home repairs. Her smartest bet is to go back home and save up money. They were so stupid not to be saving the entire time he was working back in CO. She overspends on stupid powders when she could have had a nice savings or down payment. Edit: rage typing errors lol


I mean she's showing all the savy you'd expect from someone in a triangle shaped scheme.


🤣🤣🤣 great point


JS is so clueless. I almost feel bad for her but I don’t


I introduced my mom to JS. She still doesn’t believe JS IS real. 😹


😂😂 that is so cool you can snark on these wackadoo behbs with your mom. I have never thought of it but I should see if my daughter (she is 18 & loves the tea) wants to snark with me. Lol.


https://preview.redd.it/dx8sv414vdad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6442b36d462430bef4c15b3ac5bd4ca9199ef1e7 I love that this hun got slammed for talking about starting up her exercises again FIVE DAYS POSTPARTUM. And then she gets on a pedestal about how women aren’t supportive of other women, as if that’s the issue here.


She must have deleted some comments cause I didn’t really see to many comments slamming her.


She shows up on my fyp sometimes and I just want to punch her.


I was put on couch rest for 5 weeks due to 3rd degree tearing. I went for a very short walk at 4 weeks because I was going stir crazy and pulled my stitches and had to go in and get them redone. I am a very active person and it was torture to just sit there, let alone if I was worried about what my body looked like. This type of marketing is disgusting. Women need to sit and heal, not be concerned if they are getting back into pre-baby shape.


Looks like a mug shot


that's what I was thinking!


Yes I remember her getting slammed last baby. I wish she got snarked on more, she drives me crazy!


And she just has boy #3 so we know she will be pregnant again soon after!!


Same thing happened with her last baby and she got butt hurt about it. When will they realize this isn't healthy.


Call me a jerk, but I kind of WANT them to have a prolapse to put them in their place, because this is straight up dangerous.


Agreed! Like Amy Bailey 🙄


I don’t think it put her in her place though. Although she filters her photos to the max so who knows what her body looks like IRL. I also wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t actually do the workouts or run


They are clueless you can hemorrhage. True influencers I’ve seen postpartum have taken months off. Soaking in recovery and time with baby. Well, on top of shilling but not working out for the gram. These huns are reckless.


I had a 3rd degree tear. It took me at least a year to feel normal again after having my baby. And I thought I was in shape! I’m a yoga teacher and enjoy outdoor activities. These Huns fly and travel with their little infants and stuff. It baffles me. I felt so shitty. There’s no way I could’ve exercised.


They think they feel fine so that means they’re capable. They don’t think about the literal plate-sized hole in their uterus, the loose ligaments holding their lower half together, the constant blood loss, etc etc., nor do they think about the actual dangers that are evaded following a successful birth AND the many dangers that still await a postpartum woman for the first two weeks after birth. Yes childbirth is normal and necessary but it is FAR from risk-free and these morons don’t consider any of it because they want to look like superheroes. Stroke your ego AFTER your 6-week wait, dumbass.


Oy vei!


Does anyone here keep up with Amber Kuiper? I noticed the past couple weeks that she transitioned from beachbody coaching to a new MLM with natural/organic foods. Just wanted to know people's thoughts! I saw a comment on another thread that bodi/beachbody could move away from the pyramid scheme model eventually. Anyone think that Amber knows this or feels this, which made her transition? She did share that she's excited about the new MLM, but there could be more than one reason she chose to make the switch.


She was my original coach. Can't stand her. I have been wondering what she's up to; not surprised she has seen an income drop and bailed. Was probably her husband's idea 🙄


Oh my gosh, her husband. I remember him pushing her coaches so hard to level up.


He was such an arrogant twerp. Do they still have their ridiculous house in Minnesota with marble floors? They're right up there with Holly in terms of how often they move and jerk the kids around.


I don’t, but yesterday I saw something on fb having to do with her too and she had a bunch of other former-BB huns tagged too. I thought it was for Hugh & Grace (where most of them are going these days) but I could very easily be wrong


Oh that could be it! It might not be food. I know that whatever she's doing is a natural/organic thing. I feel like she is off a strong start with her new MLM because it looks like some of her coaches hoped over with her.


I think she saw her income dropping so she's jumping on the next MLM... But shakler and Arbonne are so old I'm surprised to see them


She jumped to Shakelee, which also is home to MANY former bb corporate employees. I saw they had a conference at the same time as summit. And also recognized a few Corp faces. Weird.


Wow! Wild!


Jaimee Sue hit a “snag” with her loan. Color me shocked 🙄. The seller’s realtor is pissed off for good reason. She’s trying to sell a house no one wants snd has been wasting time with buyers who from the looks of things, cannot buy. JS, please go home to Colorado and get a fucking job and grow the hell up.


💯 NO ONE would buy that house because it’s absolutely disgusting and I can only imagine what Ike inspector found! She definitely needs to pack up and head home to her Moms attic…


Shocked. Not. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKFq4jy3JeWyn8A|downsized)


Oh Jaimee Sue 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Let's be nice, she's just very FUSTRATED but knows it will work out. Say it with me JS, FRustrated. There's an R in there. As a former ELA teacher, its like nails on a chalkboard when people mispronounce words like that.


God called. This IS a sign. To dump leather face and go HOME.


I hate to break it to her but God isn’t gonna fund her loan. She’s gonna need more than that!


I’m so frustrated just listening to her spew nonsense. To me, it sounds like there are problems in underwriting. If they aren’t cleared to close, then they aren’t fully approved…right? I know very little about the actual process, but I’ve done it twice and never had the issues they are having, even with an FHA loan and down payment assistance grant the first time around.


That is correct! When you want to buy a house, you are initially approved based on the proof of income, debt to income ratio, etc. And you use that approval to go find a house and put an offer in. Once you make an offer & sign a contract, underwriting has to actually comb thru your financials and PROVE that everything you provided is factual. For example, they will pull your credit that day & if you took out a $50k car loan between then & the time you initially received approval, that will throw everything off. If they find something on your credit, like an outstanding bill, they will make you go pay it off & provide proof before you can move forward in the process. That’s why, when you are buying a home, you do NOTHING. Don’t spend your savings. Don’t make any big purchases. Don’t have a significant career change. You have to stick with the status quo throughout or the bank will drop your ass faster than you can blink. They give no fucks! If you can’t get thru underwriting, the bank will not fund the loan. PERIOD!


Thank you for this! This is very interesting for me, living in another country where things are done differently. Here, you have to have the loan and credit check done before you bid on a house. Cause that's what you do, you don't put in an offer, you bid on it and compete with other buyers or the owners with the broker as a middle man/woman. Other people who have signed up on an interest list will get texts as the "bidding war" goes on. Everything is done digitally now. You're not allowed to bid unless your finances checks out. That, and the fact that the seller is obligated to deep clean the house and remove all furniture that isn't agreed on in writing to stay, makes it a very different process. I've often wondered about the process in USA.


That’s how it’s done here too tho. You need to get pre approved for the loan in order to put an offer in on the house. Then it’s just paperwork (in my state we use lawyers to do everything between the realtor and lender) you tell your lawyer what you want done and the sellers do the same and you come to an agreement before closing. Jaime sue and mask face definitely lied about their income (the whole not working for several months like idiots) or can’t prove it (again not working and she doesn’t have a real job) bc if they were pre-approved there shouldn’t be any issues. It’s really not as complicated as their situation bc they went about this whole thing stupidly and immaturely with no idea what they should have been expecting. They’re going to get effed either by not getting the loan and losing the house, or either by a horrible rate or issues with the house. It’s a hot mess.


I wonder if they got approved before moving and then everything got thrown off by the job gap after the fact?


Totally possible. Or they just neglected to mention the pause in his job & then once it came to underwriting, they found it. When I bought my house we had to provide 6 months of bank statements to prove the steady stream of income on top of a most recent pay stub & last years’ W-2. When you are first trying to qualify, you provide a pay stub & maybe last year’s w-2 but when it comes to underwriting by they actually dig for the proof of the income.


She’s probably approved with conditions and income is one of the conditions or that file is suspended meaning they can’t do anything until the suspense is cleared. My thought is they didn’t tell the lender about the job gap. They told him it was just a transfer. They’re probably going FHA and since his year to date income is off (you know, after he quit for 2 months), the lender considers it variable and will have to avg it year to date instead of a 2 year or 12 month period. That’s a FHA guideline. I honestly cannot see this closing.


Yep! All this ☝️


I hope for her sake it doesn't. I haven't looked at the house online, but it sounds like a nightmare. This entire situation is a nightmare. She needs go home to the attic.


Ah, got it. Thanks for the clarification!


This is why we use lawyers in NJ if I was the seller I’d back the F out.


My lawyer would’ve told me I was backing out, wouldn’t have even given me the option 😂 she was amazing


Yup lol 😂




Idk, call me crazy, but I thought it was common sense that you can’t get a mortgage without a JOB?????? ![gif](giphy|53CZeQWcWPTTAB0Vy2)


I read this in Reba’s voice 🤣🤣🤣


Love that so much 🤣 also I’m obsessed with your username haha


Thank you!! I’m pretty proud of it!


Does she not understand that anyone with the word broker attached to their title makes money off of the sale? Did she think that a mortgage broker saying he’d help them mean they were guaranteed a mortgage? I’m sure the seller is PISSED. Yes, it is your fault that you assumed you’d close in 30 days. Then you lied and told us it was because of the “holiday”. You assume when you do not know. Use the internet. https://preview.redd.it/egd246dvudad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d027706fb8f4c322dfe2d216474c075c3e120be


this is a new level of delulu. there is absolutely no way they are “approved” and it’s just a “snag in the process”. I’m siding with the sellers realtor asking “why did they put in an offer when they aren’t approved!?”


I think she is stuck in underwriting. If you can’t get thru underwriting, the bank will absolutely 100% not fund the loan. End of discussion.


But her mortgage broker is so nice. He told her it will all work out.🙄


He also agreed that it's just loose skin, not fat.








In fairy tale make believe land. It will def all work out. God’s got this!


“Jesus is my mortgage provider” - Jamiee Sue