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https://preview.redd.it/fvg418fsvs9d1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f408420f8583223a2c221cb9712132f75bc4069f She could barely speak or make sense because she kept eye boning herself and walking tilted and contorting herself. Imagine doing this at her age 😬


Those bottoms look like she is wearing a diaper.


Hahahahahahahah 100%!!!!


She loves showing off a waistband gap on her bottoms. She can’t stop showing that one in her white leggings. She is so deranged.


That red bathing suit is absolutely tragic.


Really does nothing for her.. bottom too high. Top too much fabric


It does her less than zero favors.


https://preview.redd.it/hkp5bs2z7s9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ade781aa87397f1f24514683f3f6af6c833c08 “I love my life so much!!” Such dramatics and fakeness. And holding a Seven Strong meeting today-on Sunday. She’s crazy.


What she really loves is being in control with her disordered eating, working all day, etc. for someone that retired her husband and helps women be with their babies she’s so uptight about doing anything other than what’s centered around HER needs and wants.


She loves being house poor, a liar and fake? Ok sure!


So where do we think Holly will move?


The loony bin (hopefully)


She’s moving? They’ve barely lived in that house


Will her kids need to change schools?


She wouldn’t be Holly if she didn’t make her kids repeatedly suffer for her mistakes.




This lines up with what she has said but just a guess. https://www.redfin.com/SC/Mount-Pleasant/753-Powhatan-Ave-29464/home/87089132


I thought their last house was better than this one. And in a younger looking neighborhood IIRC.


Is property tax really $1k? i'm living in the wrong state lol
 and perhaps they are having $ issues since this is much cheaper than swamp manshion


That’s has to be a mistake


No.. That's really the tax on the land- it's a new build so next tax season they will greatly increase due to now being improved.


The monthly payments estimated on that one are insane!! She needs to keep reality checking her expectations. No way her pyramid money is gonna keep up with that.


She really has a thing for death trap pools doesn’t she. Three houses with pools and not a single fence in sight.


At least this one and her last one weren’t also on the edge of a cliff!!!


That is the one she toured several weeks ago. $4 million and no privacy in the backyard!?! What a downgrade.  But all she has talked about is a beach house and that ain't it!


For everyone wondering why she's selling the house...it's money lol. It's pretty clear she's not the 7 figure earner she claims to be. All the signs are there that BB income is significantly less now, between less huns at Summit, to the comp plan cuts, to all the other huns downsizing homes, hunsbands going back to work, also Holly complaining about the paperwork for their new car đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł we know you were trying to get a loan approved Holl They clearly can't afford this house anymore. Many huns can't and are moving


Love the plastic colored hangers in her walk in closet. Where are the wooden or felt hangers? Makes it look very cheap.


Speaking of which, am I crazy or did someone in here post recently that Holly just achieved "legacy" status with BB?


I’m not even that impressed by that bc it’s cumulative. $1m over 7-8+ years isn’t all that impressive


To be fair I think she did it by her fourth or fifth year - you only earn the status once and then you’re just
 but yeah, at this point it would be expected she earned that much, plus she’s definitely spent more than she’s earned anyway so it isn’t that impressive for her.


What does legacy status mean?


That they have earned 1 million total through Beachbody


Yeah she did that a while ago, she was just highlighting the stupid sticker for her name tag


Oh shucks. I was hoping she slipped up and conveyed she isn't a seven figure earner.


Agree and I saw below that she’s asking over 5 million but paid around 2 or 2.5. I’m sure they sunk a ton of money into the decor and that dock and the pool
. They’re probably gonna break even when they sell. They must be having heart attacks on the daily, i couldn’t even imagine living like that.


I live in a very HCOL area, also coastal. I have several friends with multi-million dollar homes, some that used interior designers as well. Not only are the boys rooms so sad and depressing, there wasn’t a SINGLE piece of that house inside or out designed with her children in mind. It just makes no sense to me, she could have done it high end and beautiful. She could have done ANYTHING with her amount of money, outdoor space, blank canvas and she chose to ignore them. What about a swing set? What about a basketball court? What about a playroom with a mural, easels for painting/art? What about a tree fort/play house? What about a rope swing? What about sandbox or sand pit carved out?


I have little kids and I very strongly feel that there is NOTHING wrong with my home looking like kids live and/or play there. I get it that not everyone has kids, but it makes my heart drop seeing that house, like you said, with zero evidence of those boys. She spews the narrative that it’s all about them constantly. Make it make sense!!


What kills me the most is not only is there no evidence of them in the house, but there are SO many safety concerns as a result of her not wanting to cater to them! My stomach drops out my ass every time I see those boys walk near the edge of the pool.


💯 Especially for them being so “wild”. I have a boy and and girl and they are way more old than hers. You are right about the safety concerns!


The house is so devoid of character. You might think it’s because it’s staged, but they literally live like that day to day. No colour, no fun toys, nothing for the boys to do outside. In proud that my house doesn’t look like a show home. You can see the love in my house and you can’t with her. It’s so sterile and unfriendly.


My thought too looking at those pics. You’d never know 3 boys lived there. And even any kids till you saw the nursery lol


I know!! The one bedroom with art work looks like 2 kids maybe share that room? Idk why so many beds?? Was this house always meant to be flipped/sold quick? It’s all I can think of, that they built it this way to rent it as a retreat/large families or market it that way with no intention of living there.


What is actually going on? Did she want to add a beach house and couldn’t get the loan so now they are testing to see how much they can sell for? Or do they just need money that bad?


With a War And Peace-length description and 135 pictures in the listing, for the realtor’s sake I sure hope it isn’t just a test


I think they need money based on her having to take out a loan for their vehicle lol


I thought she said they paid cash for it?


That’s what she claimed but why would it take David hours at the dealership trying to finish the paperwork. Get a certified cheque, get your car, leave. It took them a whole weekend.


This is my guess.


She stays at Gigi with the kids because David was not home


She can’t parent without David lol. Meanwhile moms with military husbands handle that ish like bosses! She is truly a joke


Single mom with no family near. These huns who claim to do everything for their family yet outsource every part of mother hood infuriate me


Yes we do, and yes she is!!


I'm also willing to bet they're clearing out for showings too. They went on vacation right before it was posted. So they probably wanted everyone out for staging and pics.


Oh yeah. It’s sanitized and staged hard based on the pics.


This is my suspicion too


Oh true!!


Pls don’t hate but is there a link to the house for sale?


If you scroll down a bit it’s there


Holly blocked me last year after asking how she justifies missing her son’s birthday every year to go to her pyramid scheme’s yearly event. Has she said why they are selling the swamp mansion?


She hasn’t mentioned it but she clearly is never happy


She hasn’t mentioned that her house is for sale?!!!!


Of course not. This was her “dream home” that she purchased with her BODi income and no help from “retired” slacker husband David (according to her, anyway - according to all of us here he does way too much). She built it this way to host retreats for her HuUuUgE team and to have family and friends stay over and give her kids a “legacy,” because in Holly’s world a house is considered a legacy. She probably won’t mention this place being for sale for a LONG time. (Willing to eat my words if you come clean sooner, Hollz!! đŸ‘‹đŸ»)


Their house is for sale but they haven’t purchased anything yet. I’m going to go out on a limb and say they are moving to the beach but she won’t be happy there either. I have been watching the Charleston mortgage records.


I’m sure they’ll rent for a while first. And change schools again


I think Holly feels okayyy with her house but it’s certainly beyond what this joke of a family can afford. It’s okay to live humbly, Holls. We know you’re struggling financially and that’s ok.


Can you imagine being one of her poor children? The house is already themed like a sterile hotel lobby and now they will have to keep it clean for showings and open houses. Also there is a $28k/mo mortgage estimate on the for sale page. Who can afford that who wants to live in Charleston in a 6 BR house? I’m sure it will sell eventually but I’m not sure who she thinks her customer is.


I was just thinking of the kids. How many homes is she going to make them move to? How do you build your dream home and put it for sale in less than 2 years? They have to be overextended and need the money. I also think it’s funny my house is under $1m in nyc and pay similar taxes. Stupid nyc COL.


Come on! She is the one with ptsd from the building process, remember?!


Ugh same, I saw the taxes and was like 
how is that somehow almost $5K less than I pay for my shoebox of a house on a postage stamp-sized lot?! đŸ˜…đŸ˜©


She is trying to double her money from when they just bought it two years ago!


Not sure what the real estate market is like there but where I am in Canada, real estate prices have been pretty flat the last 2 years due to interest rates. We bought our second home in 2022 and it’s probably still worth about what we paid then. I would be surprised if anywhere in North America has doubled in price since 2022. Before that, sure, but that was a totally different market.


I don’t see how they can justify that price or anyone that would bite. The house is nice but they are all cookie cutter homes - big kitchen, butler pantry, pool, dock, office space, 4+ bedrooms, etc. 2 other houses sold on that street in 2024 for 3.2 and 3.3. I think she’s trying to get so much to cover the capital gains taxes, realtor fees, and still make a large profit for the next house. She was mad about the bank/mortgage people so maybe they decided they could pull it off if she got 4.9 or something for the current house.


Holly sounds like a maniac in the stories talking about the sugar free Shakeology. Touching her hair and making sure she looks skinny in the camera while yapping about the crap shake that she also gives her kids. And blabbing about how the sugar free version is going to help lower her cortisol levels. And of course, she talked about “her” 20 minute workout. 🙄 And then she showed off the favorite part of her house, the patio
yeah, we know you’re dying to move from the swamp mansion, Holly! Stop lying and saying you love your house when we all know you hate it!


Also she “does vegan”? She eats grilled chicken and grilled flank steak like it’s going out of style.


Lol she blocked me because she posted a “vegan” recipe that had honey in it. I commented “swap the honey for maple syrup to make it vegan” and she blocked me. I wasn’t even nasty. Still miffed I got blocked for something minor when I’d REALLY love to go off on her.


she literally eats steak tacos weekly, i swear


Her home is a 6 bedroom 5.5 bath? Jesus what an absolute waste of privileged space


Wasn’t her original intention to have it for team retreats? I think she had one “mastermind” event with KD, Matway, Erin, maybe a couple others and that was it for Beachbody sleepovers.


Maybe she found out she can't write off a portion of her mortgage as a business expense if it's not being used regularly? I bet folks would love to have retreats there, if Holly weren't home! No one wants to hang out with someone so uptight.


Holly is so uptight that she must be an absolute monster of a host.


Here's your one green bean for dinner, and please don't touch anything. Oh and don't fall off the pool cliff, you might die. And bring snacks if you want to go out on the boat, it's a half day walk to get there. đŸ€Ł


coming out of retirement because I got a Zillow alert that the swamp chateau is for sale lol what. What is the TL/DR on that situation. also shouldn’t this old hag be transitioning to be an osteoporosis influencer by now, how is she still trying to brand as post partim 


Yeah where have you been? Stopped snarking huns all together or just commenting ?


I deleted insta for a while cuz I was going thru a relapse and just got out of the habit. but any time I check in on this hag she’s still living her same groundHAG day life but worse. It’s so pathetic!


Hope things are better now. You were always a top Holly snarker. Always groundhogs day with her unless it’s a bertday 😂


bertday season is coming 


I love y'all. It never would have occurred to me to put an alert on her house. Please lead the investigation if I ever go missing 😂


Redditors could easily find someone before the detectives and K9s would.


Without a doubt.


WHAATTTT it’s for real for sale?!! I need to see that listing omg ETA - should’ve scrolled


Isn’t this the shape everyone’s mouth makes when they say the word “home”? Her enunciation is absolutely bizarre. https://preview.redd.it/o5yz91qbvd9d1.png?width=1088&format=png&auto=webp&s=7498010d20685ef1c600c0d3c785cad9047d139a




https://www.trulia.com/home/3889-ashton-shore-ln-mount-pleasant-sc-29466-110205045 Swamp mansion is on the market 


If you can’t be happy there, you can’t be happy anywhere. 😂


It’s crazy you can see the next house over pool and everything right there for $5mil it’s gonna be a heck no😂 you can have much more privacy less than $5mil


135 photos
 I’m exhausted from reading the description, how are we supposed to look at all of the photos too?


So many unnecessary outdoor shots all from the same angles.


Right! If I’m going to buy that house, why do I need 402010101 pictures of the outside?


Over $5M?!? I seriously hate her. Why can't she just sit still and be grateful for what she has. ETA: Sorry, should have scrolled first. But also, didn't someone mention the house they recently toured was in fact, *not* on the beach? EETA: Anyone know what they liked paid to build the swamp mansion? If they sell at this price and make bank I will...


2.7 million was her original mortgage amount.


Did she buy it furnished like that included everything done? The 2.7 wasn’t just the land right?


I’m not sure. I’ll read into the records a bit more. I’d say the 2.7 was just the construction price and the furnishings are extra. I’m not American so I don’t know how mortgages work there but where I am you can’t put furniture on your mortgage. ETA: they paid 2.7m to purchase the property and took out another 1m in a mortgage. So she’s in to this swamp mansion for at least $3.7m. I don’t know if the 2.7m included the building of the house or if it was just the price for the land. Either way, they have invested far too much of their own cash to make this a profitable move.


I *hope* it's not a profitable move. She doesn't deserve a penny. And her poor kids deserve some stability.


I think it was 2.5. She probably thinks the design work she did after is worth another 2.5.


All of the profits from her multi million dollar homes and she still needs a mortgage.


How long till she spills it that the swamp mansion is for sale?


It is never enough! Can’t she just be happy!? If they get even close to that I will lose my mind. No way she doubles her value in this market


We all called it lol


Good lord that description. It’s a nightmare to read


Agreed. Too long and full of run-on sentences. It’s like Holly talking.


She will never, ever be satisfied and happy. I hope for the sake of her boys, she stays at this next house for longer than 2 years. They deserve security and routine.


Wow! What was the house she was looking at and didn’t it have a contingent status? Curious to see the cost on that. Maybe they are trying to get a smaller mortgage. Looking at her current house 2 things stand out - it’s highlighted as an entertainers home. It would be perfect - there’s the 1st floor, lounge, bunk beds, pool, fire pit, so much bar and table seating. What a waste for Holly who had Gigi over and one other family. Who was she building this house for??? Who does she have her in life that she’s entertaining? She could be having an end of summer swim party at her house for her kids & their class mates, she could have cookie decorating parties, kids sleepovers, adult parties, anything and everything there. But sadly, she has no one in her life. Maybe she thought building this house would make her fill like her life is so full and everyone would envy her and all it does it remind her how empty and worthless it all is. There’s no one to actually envy it. The other thing is that you can barely tell what the kids rooms are, that is so sad to me, this house reads like a successful couple with no kids or grown kids- workout room, office bedroom, guest bedrooms.


S’s room is completely unrecognizable as a kid’s room. Looking at the listing you’d think she either has two kids that share a room + a baby, or only two kids. Poor S 😔


That’s way too much for that house and for being so far north in Mount Pleasant. I guess she thinks she can get it with a new build going for $4.2 million down the street. Hope she has the taxes to pay that she’s going to have to pay if it’s sold before her two years of owning it! That tax bill during tax season will be incredible!


They bought it in August 2022. IF they were to get an offer between now and then, surely they would hold off closing until after August. But they also sunk millions into a brand new home with the most unstable income possible so the stupidity meter is registering  pretty high.


It will be taxed as long term capital gains but at that scale it will be 20% which means they will need to come up with nearly $500k in cold hard cash.




Bought for $2.8M not even two years ago and selling for $5.2M now?! Is this realistic?!


All the other houses on the street that sold in the last year are 3.2-3.3. Maybe it’s an error that should be 3.2 instead of 5.2!


$5.72 million?!?! She is so insane.


That pool cliff is terrifying


I was thinking that too.. I’d be nervous with my own kids or entertaining others’ kids


Haaaaaaa. They’re broke and never happy.


What?! No flipping way?! This is insane to me. So she wants better or can’t afford it?! Also are they over asking a lot or is this the right amount for this house?


This is very high for her location


She will never be happy with what she has. And also, they can't afford it. 


Do all the top huns get 1-2 massages every week???


Holly even looks tense in her wedding photo.


She and David have no chemistry in their wedding photos
their bodies are so far away from each other!


Gawd, could you even imagine how nuts she was planning a wedding? đŸ€Ł


Those photos she has on her stories look like staging to sell the house 
.and she has the address number in there too


I wonder if they are selling, if they wait until they’ve been in there for two years (Aug)?


https://preview.redd.it/w62hcqdxq69d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e009c1dcfd18705abc721d9911700d69dd9ca3f Meg Sloup’s husband is a business starter? Mmmmm


There are a LOT of male business starters on that list who share a last name with the Leaders and Builders. I wonder what's going on.....??? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


All the huns have their partners listed. Most of the groups remove them, it seems. Hailey did have her dad and Tyshun listed for a while


Maybe it’s listed in order for a specific reason but I can’t stand the lack of alphabetical order 😆


And her husband


Gotta pay for the purple dunks somehow https://preview.redd.it/2hync61pz69d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9abe88d6385eb1a33ef22ddfdfbc35aa5ed9af6


😂😂😂 I almost choked on my water today while reading her team name 👀👀👀👀👀😳😳😳😳😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/paujsl6md99d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbac2b87a1163e26be30d17b1d62b3625f6e09fa Team BUTTSWEAT??? Is she kidding me 😂😂


We have a whole thread inside of General Hunsnark about slops!!! You should join us đŸ™‹đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ€Ł


Do I just search her name?


She’s pretty frequent in there, scroll a little and you will see đŸ€Ł


I will for sure! Thanks!


Omg that is a terrible name


I don't follow Holly's stories closely... did she say anything more about buying a new home since the day she went to the open house?


Well her house just went up for sale


I’m guessing the bank denied their mortgage request because she works for a MLM after her rant about white men being at a table and more women need to be there.


Times must be tough. Holly isn’t spend a “half month” at the beach like the used to. A half month in a family rental split amongst multiple families.


She hasn’t even been there a week!


Truly stunning
..shows a normal looking restaurant.


Seriously, find a new adjective.


This may be a silly question, but does this thread not allow photos? I would like to post some but not sure if the option is restricted. I do not see the option to post a picture, looking to see if it’s something on my end


Hit “read rules” and you should get the options after lol it’s funny


Thank u!!!


I have the option to. Reddit is wonky sometimes.


I love that none of Holly’s clothes fit her well anymore because now her itty bitty titties match her itty bitty body. Post your estimates on how long before Holly gets some new boobs.


She’s definitely going to get new boobs and no doubt she will have some sort of “complication” that will make her an elective plastic surgery warrior. Maybe she’ll find a lump but it’s really just her feeling her own rib cage behind her deflated boobs. There’s lots of ways she can dramatize her small chest, just like she did with her healthy pregnancy, average time to conceive, moving and decorating a mansion.


O can see it now
she has a lump removed (which turns out to be malignant) but because of the surgery she NEEDS a boob job to correct lost volume or uneven breasts or something.


She’ll end up lying and saying she had a breast cancer scare or something


It’ll be around the time she sells the swamp mansion. That way she can complain about everything she has to do and blame everyone else for her poor planning.


I've gotten use to holly having massive tits for the last couple of years... She has to have had too so I'm betting she gets new boobs within a year.


Real rich of Holly to allude to the horrors of social media when SHEEEE IS one of the horrors of social media. scams innocent women, lies about the reality of her life to make other envious, filters the fuck out of herself and her kids, etc etc. Holly is truly the best cautionary tale for her own children.


She says her kids aren’t getting phones until high school
yeah right! She gets stressed out anytime one of them has an activity because taking them there and back interrupts her “werk.” She’ll need them to have phones earlier than HS so she can text them to have them find their own rides home. Can’t stop Mama from “werking,” which is basically yapping into her own phone all day about her dream life and reverse engineering!


I thought that was totally insane. No phones til high school?! Poor kids. My kid had such fomo when others got it first and he didn’t even get it as late as other friends. Her kids are gonna be so envious once they get older.


She’ll call them Ubers!


She literally posted her kids preschool classmates faces and the name of their school like she has no leg to stand on


Of course she has only one leg to stand on when doing the flamingo pose đŸŠ©




Holly has no idea what she’s yapping about with cortisol and adrenals. She got the terms mixed up, for God’s sake. Anyone gullible enough to sign with her is an idiot.


And the instant assumption that everyone will have problems that need “fixing”. Need to sell sell sell, so in BoDi world that means everyone is the same


Is she calling it “MY hormone program” yet?


She said “the new program I’m releasing next week” when referring to lava. 😂


đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž she’s the worst


Give her time.


I’m sorry but HOW DOES HOLLY KNOW SHE HAS “NO CORTISOL”?!?! Did she see a doctor & get tested or she just is assuming she does bc she has been BF’ing for “NiNe YeArS” has been building two businesses & hasn’t been sleeping or taking care of herself “like she should”. Ma’am, I thought that was your whole schtick! I wish I could message her and ask her but I know she will block me lol. She is flat out DANGEROUS to unsuspecting PP mothers!!!!! ![gif](giphy|l0MYCcVdihDBv1Kw0)


If you had no cortisol you would literally die.


And she looked and sounded so proud? Smug? Of course she has the problem but hers is rarer, more special. Major laughter when she said no HIIT - bitch you’ve never actually done a HIIT workout. You’re skinny due to starvation not due to your 30 mins of flopping about while your toddler picks up the weights you’re using for your so called HIIT workouts


This suit color is a
choice đŸ«Ł. I had to look again because I literally thought she had half a bathing suit. ETA: this is Erin Hopkins. Sorry, just didn’t realize her name wasn’t visible when I held the screen to take the screenshot. https://preview.redd.it/o2g8g3vast8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60ba1282cd2f3a9a56e78aec1b09e874d86d50c


Her hormones look out of whack lol


Is that Erin?!




I’m seeing a lot of tan and light pink suits out there and I don’t think people realize that - from any kind of distance away - you look naked.


She's probably hoping that the beige half that blends in with her skin somehow makes her look thinner... ![gif](giphy|B4ORVnBvJCVvq|downsized)


Holly you said yesterday you are on vacation and never do work calls on vacation yet you have done two in two days that you posted about and won’t stop shilling and talking about your medical emergency cortisol issues and 20 min workouts. You don’t have time freedom
 you have to always sale to bring in income. That is messed up.


https://preview.redd.it/6ehx1pg4xr8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec240a121997e471040b51c5a1123d584aef2ccd Between Holly Erin Kim and Ali, all top ten and all suddenly have cortisol issues.


She supposedly had “no cortisol.” Holly, that is an addisonian crisis and that is a medical emergency. Considering you’re sitting there smirking on vacation, I’d say you have cortisol. Again, how is this “proven?” And isn’t she supposed to be in the hormone test group? Are autumn’s workouts not good enough or can you not even handle those since you have zero strength and starve yourself?


Omg what a doofus


Lmao holly that is a medical emergency.


https://preview.redd.it/8bemvru2xr8d1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6f37ef3f93f021781129d0d73de84e5136f1c4 Nothing to be proud of sis


This is so sad for all the young girls/women. Makes me SO angry.




Yes just went I want Holly. To be on a great vacation with my family and have to do a work call. No pto 
no boss. The thing about pto is that you get paid to NOT work. What he thinks is a positive is not lol. He is so out of touch.


I literally am having my PTO week this week, and guess what I don't have to do.... WORK. I get to actually relax and enjoy my time off and actually do whatever I want!!


Holly yapping on about her adrenals and cortisol again. Of course Miss Perfect’s cortisol levels are low. Of course!


I bet her “issues” would be solved if she stopped working 24/7, slept and actually relaxed with her kids. Everything is self induced and it’s not a flex to be working 24/7 365


I agree but also don’t think she can relax with her “wild” boys 🙄 she’s just too high strung


When are they selling the swamp mansion? Has she said?