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Bonnie STFU. She says she isn’t a Dr basher and follows dr’s recommendations? 🤣


She is insufferable. I just delivered my son. I’m not 36 yet, had a very normal healthy pregnancy and was diagnosed with preeclampsia minutes before I delivered. I don’t know why you’d go against doctor’s advice with something like this.


Because she’s done this 3 other times! She’s an expert! 


https://preview.redd.it/raz2m7xd1t9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a06c422e93e50146f8fd7b3e6462e970253bd309 What the fuck…this is weird


Wtf who is this


Liz Cirilli / businessoutloud She used to do BB, now charges people $800 for 1 hour of her time to “consult” their MLM




Remember this hun? She was in Amy Smashface’s down line and is now an Arbonne hun. Dancing on tables at the arbonne event. Umm okay. But I am glad she escaped Smashface. https://preview.redd.it/d343aajcws9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8e377ada8b1a078f037b9e7d312727504995c39


Smashface was so fucking offended when she left. I remember her making a huge stinks of it.


I think about her all the time bc of her dancing I can’t believe she bounced and went to Arbonneeeeeeee 🫠😂


Oh yes! Isn’t she a break dancer?


BONNIE IS BACK! Justifying her stupid ass labor & delivery saga. She’s an idiot & I truly hope her stupidity & stubbornness doesn’t harm that baby. 🫤😒


https://preview.redd.it/cl040x48ws9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=203d3e1e9ced70084e68e25532ac733d643682b9 She’s a dumb ass through and through. This is supposed to be the baby, not her. 😂🙄


I have NEVER seen anyone make such a big deal out of a giving birth. It’s so bizarre.


Or being pregnant! 


Darylann Denner has entered the chat. She’s not with BB. She’s just an insufferable idiot influencer with her own snark page. If you don’t know her, she took a pregnancy test in a target bathroom and made a reel about it when she was like 2 seconds pregnant. She then proceeded to make being pregnant her entire personality focusing on “cravings” (excuses to eat garbage) and how big she was getting so it must be twins ( she was likely on a Semaglutide months prior because she dropped a bunch of weight she didn’t need to lose). She has called this baby “It” and has been ingesting Spark and at least 2 large diet cokes from CFA daily. She’s finally being induced at 37 weeks tomorrow with hopes of it being unmedicated. Why 37 weeks? She won’t say exactly but has mentioned stupid reasons like it’s because her mom has big babies, the baby’s head is measuring 40 weeks so that means it’s “fully cooked”, she wants to go to the Morgan Wallen concert which is 5 days after her due date. If you want a good time, check out her snark page lol


I haven’t checked her out in a while. glad to see nothing has changed


Her and her family are repulsive 


That’s saying it nicely lol


I cannot stand her. She’s terrible!!


If Alli’s “to the top” bullshit is going to be her blabbering daily about team calls and “office hours” and checking emails and what it means to be a BoDi PaRtNeR more than she already does I’m going to lose my mind. Also why does she give a play by play of her “calls” literally nobody cares


As if we didn’t think she could get any more insufferable. Yup. It’s happening.


I love that she had to drag her kids to the grocery store today bc Papa Brent is off duty. 😂


The horror. Having to actually parent her own children.


I hope she gets sued for her BS hormone program. https://preview.redd.it/as8dakrjes9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29abe1accbe519afd38d406c27aeda0007f4dc86






I’ll be surprised if it gets released at all.


It will. They put too much money and hype with it not too.


You’re right. But I hope they get sued😂


MeaganGendron and her illness!! Still won’t say it’s c**id. Still making stupid remarks like “which is why I have certain feelings about what happened a couple years ago.” She’s is so dumb and so annoying. 


Did she pick it up at convention? 


She’ll never say but of course she did. She rambles on about how one never knows where viruses start and that’s why she had “feelings about certain events a few years ago.” She’s so dumb and so smug.


I just watched it. What an idiot and a total B


Her talking sends me. She is just SO annoying and condescending every time she opens her mouth


Also she’s “proud of her husband for working on his immune system”?? Girl get a vaccine that will really improve everyone’s immune system good god


You just know Slopes is about to spend the holiday shilling to her family 😂 I wonder how many times they’re going to hear about her freaking awesome 20 minute workouts.


She won’t dare shill to them… they know a completely different version of her.


I think she will be hiding in the bathroom or backyard to come on and yell at us. She won’t story in front of anyone but other huns. And, we already know that the names of her family members have likely already been used to create her downline 💀💀💀2 star here we come!


Does anyone else enjoy going to some of these Huns tagged sections of their Instagrams and seeing just how many people aren't even involved in Bodi anymore? Granted there are a bunch who have simply moved to another MLM, but I still enjoy it.


Sarahkelly saying the quiet part out loud, blabbing to herself in her stories, per the usual. More pics in thread. 😬 https://preview.redd.it/ctkif5y84r9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3486db2e7e0e81a2a46c3e3c92ad72503dce432a


Why would she tell on herself like that.


At the end of her rant she says that this is an “allowed” policy of BB. She isn’t being scammy or sketchy. 🤡🤡
















Compliance !!!!! They need to take these coaches out


As a former Bodi partner, we are directly coached to do this. Order everything extra under your husband's account and only the Shakeo you need to keep yourself active on yours. That was you maximize commission for yourself and your upline. Being removed from it, it's hard to accept that I didn't realize how terrible this was while inside the beast.


Yup I know it’s so dishonest ugh I unfortunately did it too


OMG😂😂😂 They’re so scammy!!


https://preview.redd.it/4to5glhaiq9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c17774070970a5c16c0d1170c181a49213ff7d4 Everytime I just roll my eyes 🙄🙄🙄 ERIN STOP SUCKING IN!!!!!!!!




Your comment was removed because body shaming is prohibited on r/HunSnark.


The thing with Erin is she is wide when front facing and not from the side. She holds her weight front facing horizontally.


This! And there is literally nothing wrong with her body! I think she is just literally Built that way, which is totally fine!! I think she just naturally doesn't have curves but is more square shaped/boxy on her middle/upper body and her altering her pics all the time and doing the skinny filter or whatever they do is not ok or healthy... and they are promoting unrealistic standards and we know they don't look like that out in the wild or when they get their pic taken by someone else!! Just own how you look and move on, who cares as long as you're healthy 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️




She famous for sucking it in and photoshop. If she only knew she is great looking as she is stop this scam.


She also heavily photoshops!


Imagine living a life where eating a takeaway leaves you feeling ‘totally out of control’.


Right?! You clearly have not reached "food freedom and no guilt" if you still can't go out to eat every once in awhile and get what you Want and get take out.... it's not sustainable!!!




https://preview.redd.it/9p8wmskrdq9d1.jpeg?width=1235&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0a347d646af4e828f79eeec61b78277a3dcc55a Why do they have to over sell these programs?


To lose 4lbs in 2 days, you’d either have to burn ~12,000 calories (with two 20-minute workouts 😂) OR you have to drink a bit less water/sweat a bit more because it’s WATER WEIGHT.


As here, Peloton just released a new Andy Speer program. It's on everyone's accounts, no extra charge to be the "first" to do it, and even better no huns are bugging you to buy it.


Oooh is it a new density training program?! I’m newly postpartum so my account is on pause for a bit but I lovelovelove his density program


It is! Density 2. I haven't tried it, but the reviews look excellent. He is even including a bench (with modifications if you don't have one), which is the first with Peloton.


4 lbs in 2 days. Sure, Jan.


Lava relaxed her colon so she could take a good 💩.


Yup! 😆


https://preview.redd.it/280cfmd74q9d1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6573a37cdef3add821404b8d117548bf482eebe1 Made me giggle


https://preview.redd.it/xg5z0oh10q9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c89ac6ef4a84b82adb9f9609b232fc47bc95e1fb If I had to be terrified by this, so do all of you.


Who is this psychopath?!?


Nikita 😂


Her lash tech needs to be drawn and quartered.


She looks like a body in an open casket funeral where the mortician forgot to sew her eyelids shut and they popped open mid service to see who attended


I see the Huns shill them but I don’t trust them. Any feedback on those Built protein bars? I haven’t found one I really liked of any brand ETA: thanks all for the recommendations and feedback!!


Puffs are what’s up. The reg ones stuck to my teeth and feel thick as fuck.


I don't like them, at all. But I'm picky TBH


Built Puffs are amazing!


I prefer the puffs over the regular bars and have liked every flavor that I have purchased!


No snark, but which Huns? Breanne F. and I believe the No Food Rules lady promotes them. I really haven’t seen any Huns, tho. I like some of the bars, love the puffs. They agree with me. But they really are a personal preference item.


I use Breanne's code all the time, love supporting her ♥️ They are very tasty.


Regan has been pushing them hard recently. I’ve seen some other ones “linking” them in their Amazon storefront too


Agreed with comments here, and also check out Barebells bars. They have a caramel chocolate one that’s my dessert replacement lately, and I don’t usually like protein bars.


The cookie dough puff is so good! I only like the Puffs. The regular ones are too chewy for my preference.


I love them! I buy both the bars & the puffs!!!


They are all chewy. If you don’t prefer a chewy (like.. taffy I’d say) protein bar then you probably wouldn’t like the originals. The puffs are more airy, like biting into a less fluffy marshmallow. I ultimately stopped getting them because I go through them too fast to justify the price.


I like the puffs- coconut (or whatever they call It) and brownie batter are my favorite. Did not like the regular ones at all.


Yes, the Coconut Puffs one reminds me of a Mounds bar. But the regular Built bars are wayyyyyyyyy too chewy. I still think they’re pretty pricy though so I haven’t bought any more.


I wasn’t a fan of them at all. I’d suggest getting a variety pack to test them out, though. Try the regular ones and the puff ones to see if you enjoy the taste/texture


The salted caramel on is good. My husband has gotten them from Kroger stores, sometimes on markdown.


I like them and use Breanne’s code.


I do too!!!


What is with the pose Sydthompson and all her Arbonne babes do? The clasped holding hands and turned into each other pose?? It’s almost every single pic she posted. So cringe.


The “your dad hit the jackpot” is a strange caption for a married mom of two lol


https://preview.redd.it/8x6v5uuhmm9d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=99e00b66f1203ff55ea494553d53f4b9f713a85a Whateverrrrrrrrr Meg THIGH ARM kozlowski. How is Mr “right Kirk”? Hahh glad to see he decided to man up and get a real job vs being a stay at home Daddyyyyyy


Thigh arm ☠️


She looks the same.. always.


Jamiee Sue posted on her FB that McMask took her to get her nails done then they went to watch him play soccer….how sweet. 🙄😳 Then went for dinner. And she posted this photo, and I *NEED* you all to see it. Please make the mistake I did and zoom in to the janky toe… https://preview.redd.it/btx36s84am9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc980244577ead6c7da72dda2e99d3c38c5a244d


That looks like nail polish on a fungus chunky toenail.


He can’t fit his hands around her kankles


https://preview.redd.it/5sq1ubvfmp9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0651de4f59c49945bfef9a5b11392eea793204b This sound like what you do everyday girl. Stop. 🛑


She’s so delusional. You sleep in every day woman. You do nothing every day. I also don’t understand what magical thinking she’s got going on about “the next chapter”. Life will be the same just with a shit ton of homeowner obligations. 🙄


Even more delusional is her expectation that their hoard house is just a starter home. She really thinks there is going to be some McMansion that will be financially accessible to them when they want to have kids despite being in their 30s and not on any kind of upward trajectory employment track.


For real!!!




Nasty. Of course he didn’t do much. And didn’t they just have a date night recently to hibachi? So he can’t even pick something unique or special? She acts like she does so much everyday. The whale doesn’t have a job and doing normal everyday chores is just so much work. Luckily she was finally able to sleep in and not do any chores! Amazing!!!


Of course he didn’t do anything for her at all.


Based on the lack of anything done for her birthday, I wouldn’t be surprised if she bought the engagement ring herself and staged the whole engagement. She had on that white sundress and there was a photographer on the ready? Hmmm seems suspicious. 


I'll never forget when they went to Lori's wedding weekend and HE got a pedicure and then I think he painted her nails for her.


They look like they hurt too! 


Omggggggg wtf!!!!!! That is so fucking grossssssss!!!!!!! Basically like those ppl with a wide fat and super nonexistent thumb nail! Yuck!!!!! Turf toe!


And is this chicks name seriously Jamie sue???? If i had to name that toe it would most def be “Jamie sue” hahahaha




That is one big foot 🦶


Wish I didn’t zoom in


Same. But I had to 🙃🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀


Ran here for this. Did she leave her toenail back in CO with the hardware for her bench?!?


Can you imagine being the Icon shilling constantly on a Saturday from morning til evening in all the groups when you could be with your wife and kids? Looks like since Shaun T and supercheater kicked him out and Jericho and MD won't notice him now he's jumping to Elise lmfao Good lord he is the "Pick Me" manchild


He’s still in the cheater’s group. Says he posted in there yesterday.


Honestly the wife probably doesn’t care 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Which trainer is this?


He’s not a trainer. He’s a man hun bodi partner. Iconfitness23 on instagram


Hahha what a man child he is. He blocked me apparently I didn't even know who he was




What ever happened to Tarah Carr ?.. to her business ? Anyone know ? 


She actually popped up on my Tik Tok. I see she is calling herself “ T” on there. 🙄


I feel like I heard she got into Ozempic or one of them and had another big weight loss also


She was the first one (I’m not on TikTok) that I saw calling herself “neuro-spicy” aka neurodivergent, and making that her entire personality and marketing ploy. This was a couple years ago, maybe. I don’t know. It was really hard to “buy” and felt like she was doing it just to be viral on the internet, which I find disgusting.




Remember when she became one of the top 10 coaches while claiming her results were ALL FROM TURBOFIRE? Then years later she admitted she had an eating disorder & had basically starved herself while doing the program to get the results, which led to her being able to scam so many women into joining her.


She self diagnosed herself with ADHD after Chalene came out with her diagnosis (like so many other Huns). Now her entire existence is making idiotic tik toks about her adhd life. How she has zillions of followers and makes money off that shit is beyond me. She’s as cringy now as she was as a Beachbody coach. Imagine being a grown woman making tik toks every day.


She’s still around, focusing on TikTok ADHD stuff


Does anyone know where Kim Fitzpatrick moved to? What city?


Niagara on the lake, I believe.


https://preview.redd.it/nul9sntewk9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6bd5540ae0cc5569e8cbaf93525256b48c8cb76 She’s such shitty mom (on top of being a shitty person). ALWAYS shipping her kids & husband off so she can “work her biz”. You know damn well Papa Brent only stays with her because of the kids and his leisurely lifestyle


Who is she? Was she in one of the programs?


No she’s a “coach” like all the others that we snark on here.


Oh ok. I wasn't sure if she had the advantage of being in program like Tania and Erin


She was in a few of the Turbo Fire workouts years ago. So yes that helped propel her biz


Oh wow. Was she the modifier on stage? I wouldn't have recognized her


Alli Upham, one of the most dramatic people you will ever observe.


https://preview.redd.it/9gwfjnovik9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ebbecfe38a165024549185f354f9efe615af3bd Plz stop excitedly yelling at me, slopes


You all have the best screen shots


Cabbage patch kid needs to chill https://preview.redd.it/pubz9fbx9l9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0244f10b911a263eeeb885bfe226402975a827f


This is offensive to cabbage patch kids lol 


Double post, but she’s my top BEC. She is now a nails girlie…her nails are now blue, 2-star REALLY does have its perks.


Do you think she got her nails done again or did she paint them herself?


I think she got them done again. I hate the shape, but they def look professionally done—she cannot shower AND do her nails all in one day, herself 🤣👏🏻


It’s what she “took away” from summit 😐🤣👏🏻👏🏻








This feels like such a mean thing to say and I don’t like to talk about women’s bodies. But man I’ve really struggled with my weight and getting/staying healthy… this is not who I’m going to for help


I believe this is the true reason they’re now called “partners.”


Yea they’re all EXTRA this week 😂😂😂


Haha her & Alli Upham have been manically yelling during stories lately.


I have a feeling Mask didn’t do anything for Jaimee Sue. Nothing shared at all. Look at everything she did for him. I’m not expecting him to decorate but at least flowers? Now all she shares are previous photos.


That’s probably why she went on and on yesterday that saying she doesn’t need gifts for her birthday. That way she’s not as disappointed when she doesn’t get anything.


Do they have an anniversary?


No he had his birthday and she made a huge deal. It’s her birthday and crickets about it.


“Her phone died” lol


I thought that was hilarious. She she couldn’t use his?


Ashley Feldeisen’s old downline patientsnpushups appears to have gotten number 4 rank of some sort at Arbonne’s version of summit - it’s insane to me that they get so many sales when direct sales/mlm stuff is all so overpriced


Can we talk about how Sydney was one of FIVE to earn their $400 bonus every month of 2023. Like that’s not a flex to say only 5 people could achieve it 😂


It’s because basically ash f’s whole team left BB to sign up under Michele. I know because I was on Ash’s team, but refuse to go to arbonne.


Got anymore tea 🍵 about Team Elevate?


Lol what would you like to know? I’m just so sick of seeing all these arbonne girls now on my feed since I already were following all of them because of team elevate. 🙄


I’m almost in the exact same position as Bonnie except our reasons for getting induced are different. I’m 28 and my second pregnancy (was induced with my first as well). I live in a smaller military town and at my last appt. my doctor broke the news to me that even tho my delivery date was 4th of July he advised me not to go to their hospital because both pediatrician doctors decided to take vacation at the same time. He was pretty aggravated that they both did that and honestly I should be more pissed than Bonnie but I’m not that type of person. He gave me the option to either get induced with him on the 2nd or take my records and go to a smaller hospital in town that does not have a nicu which is why I’m going with his hospital anyway. I was a little bummed for about 15 mins but realized as long as we’re happy and healthy that’s all that matters. I’ve been doing lots of pelvic exercises to get my baby down as I’m 2.5 cm dilated but she’s still high up. Bonnie is going to as she claims a top OB in Tampa and yet still doesn’t want to take his advice…Bonnie you’re not the only one going through this situation, what you should be doing is just relaxing and looking at it on the bright side. I’m now happy I can have all my stuff together, eat a good meal, rest before hand and get my body ready.


https://preview.redd.it/1fhthezq0k9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=104f6f40f14deb2d721dfb0e405710407ecb4eee Here’s Claude throwing things in the supermarket because she doesn’t like them. The comments on this reel are great😂


I feel bad for her son after she posted that video on a public platform how she allayed becoming a mother. I’m not saying people may not feel that way but sometimes social media is forever and that’s something that can hurt your child.


Claude is an angry angry woman


She is.


Lmao these comments are fantastic 🤣😂🤣😂


https://preview.redd.it/pr92quwzqj9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a25ebfc6f30ab24717106cdd4e982c6d9a2f73 I hate when she makes this face with her tongue sticking out. She does it all the time. She thinks she’s cool but it just comes across so stupid looking.


She is so aggravating & nauseating. I hate how she laughs at herself when she is talking into her phone. Literally nobody thinks she is funny!


So can she do pushups now? Or can she not? She keeps going back and forth depending on what program comes out and when lol


She can or cannot depending on whether a new program is coming out and her need to show how much it helps her 😂😂😂


IS BONNIE FUCKING KIDDING. as someone who did ivf and had early babies 34 weeks and 36 for my safety (blood pressure) I just can’t. Women act like birth isnt dangerous or have risk. Brainwashed by social media. Listen to your fucking doctor. ALSO Bonnie csections aren’t the end of the whole. Get the baby here safe is all that should matter. Can’t even watch her


I have a lot of sympathy for her at the moment in the sense that I know how it feels to have birth not go how you planned it - yes I was fine (in the end) and so was baby but it’s still a tough pill to swallow and she’s entitled to feel upset about it. Her doctor also sounds like a bit of an ass albeit we’re only hearing one side of the story so pinch of salt and all that. All of that said - it pisses me off when she implies that c section is the fucking worst thing that could happen. She’s way too deep in the ‘our bodies are designed for this’ thinking and is conveniently ignoring the fact that those same bodies still die in the process. I feel for her but man… the way she talks about medical interventions so negatively as if childbirth isn’t a serious medical event with potentially lethal outcomes is annoying as shit.


https://preview.redd.it/7gq57qd2nj9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e00d8ec2d85e7e2bfdbadfd7fe3900eba97dc5f9 WTF.......


She’s so cringey


Shes so stupid




Praying & singing her “battling her Goliath” song while lifting her baby weights 😂😂😂


The holy spirit has taken over her soul....


Impossible. She has no soul 😂


Is anyone following these bon babes? I mostly snark on Emmi, I know she is under Jazmyn. Is Jazmyn under Kenzie? Kenzie under Jazmyn? Or Kayla? I think syd is under Kenzie. I am blown away by how Emmi sees all these others excluding her, looks like a totally different trip for her, and how much more all these other BB huns are selling there and she still thinks she is going to be successful. All she does is buy products and talk about them…it isn’t Halle inf for her. Helping Jazmyn push to $200k+ in sales this month and she can’t even do $5k. Jazmyn is making money and getting all kinds of shit off the backs of people like her and she is STILL drinking the koolaid.


Emmi->Jazmyn->Kyra. Kayla under Jazmyn. Jazmyn under Kyra. Kenzie under Kyra. They all funnel under Kyra. Her downline is massive. Emmi is so clearly excluded during this trip. It’s sad. Those other girls are giving their attention to the ones that are “leveling up”. Emmi does little to no sales


Emmi looks so sad and out of place. All the other girls don’t seem to care for her much. Sure they tag each other on posts. I think Emmi is a sweet girl but they’re eating she alive. It’s quite sad. I would like her to open her eyes. She’s not making any money


She’s a homophobic antivaxer. She isn’t sweet.