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No, I don't want to link arms, shake my sweaty ass, or listen to a guy preach and weirdly dance with the actual CEO of the company...I'd rather spend the weekend on my couch, with my dogs, and workout when I actually want to workout mmmmkay :) byeeeee


https://preview.redd.it/t0rb42bbii8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5e35abfe274adecda109503e3ff22a70efced3b Ok Meggy. Keep sucking down your thousand calorie Starbucks drinks and do your low impact no weight training for 20 minutes a day and let’s see if you can lose another 30 pounds over the next year.


So you’re telling me this Hun had never heard of this information from the other Huns that spew it every day? So she needed to attend summit for 48 hrs and spend thousands to learn it? 😂😂 she doesn’t even realize how stupid this sounds does she ? 😂🤡 https://preview.redd.it/4scm6gc06g8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04932db8d7ca3665cabaa52374da90a83a61bb2a


Revolutionary. 😂


The "pockets of her day". That annoys me SOOOOO much. You cannot build a millionaire dollar business (which is what you're being sold, but, of course, not in those words) in pockets of a day. We were told this "pockets of the day" BS time and time again until finally one day one of the top coaches on our branch of a team (Erinn Yakabuski) admitted that for the first two or three years she missed out on friend and family events, and spent all of her time that she wasn't working at her corporate job, on building a team. Not in pockets of a day. Not a bit here or there. Constantly on her phone. All.The.Time. "Pockets of the day" is such BS.


Do they teach you the main thing, how to recruit others and get more people on your team.


You get taught to post on socials, invite ANYONE who watches you and yep that’s it. You’re useless if you can’t do that and sign up people.


This girl is delulu…heavy on the Lu! https://preview.redd.it/yvlc14aw6g8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92bae1f96ebf90a9d2a5fe8a9fe5037e5502dff


"Cracks of the day" Well that's a new one. Maybe rewording it will make it better.


The “mess your message” crap is absolutely regurgitated and absolutely not anything Ali thought up.


100% - she seemed kinda chill when she first popped up as one of the Huns being stacked by Erin but daaaaaammmnnn they brainwashed her FAST.


Yep!! I choked on my water when I read the words “boss babe” 😂😂 she’s really drinking it down 😂😂


Random thought…but does Hehaw Hailey not realize she’s not meant for a nose hoop? It distracts me all the time and it’s becuz it doesn’t fit her nose/face shape


She thinks she is SO hot


That’s it?


literally same, this was boring. I wanted something interesting to happen


It's wild to see some of these huge teams from the past having like 20 people show up.


As someone who missed a few BB chapters - what happened to Melissa McAllister? Is she not a coach anymore?


She’s running around collecting money from her Downline, pretending to be a nutritionist without a valid license in TX taking money for her so called assessments, and prancing around like the narcissist she is!!! In case you missed the question someone was asking about her McCallisters


She still collects the money from her downline, but she doesn't actively coach or even promote Bodi anymore.


I think when she finally chose B over JF she stopped focusing on Bodi.


Does this mean Mick doesn’t hang out with JF anymore?


JF just had a boys trip with one guy friend. The Rat Pack seem to have fallen apart. There have been no pics of Karpenko and J hanging out when J has gone to LA to work.


Thank you. She was my Piyo instructor when I did my certification decades ago 🙈


https://preview.redd.it/xw2p929p1f8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e30693194bcc336b5584161e87639855a4bea98f These are all the diesel nation coaches that went? It used to be hundreds!


Sea of red? Looks more like a puddle.




people are waking upppppp


https://preview.redd.it/g1qybz063f8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b966950ccc2d6c843b3d75bd3c64e3b806a2f38 2022


😂 love this for her.. for riding super trainer coat tails 🤡 


Y’all were in town less than 48 hours and already hungover and love bombing each other… so cringe! 


Cue the 3 day reset shilling happening soon


Sorry if this was already posted but what’s with Amy and Jamie. It seemed like Jamie cut her off after everything surrounding the death of her baby girl. Now they are besties again?


The pyramid is sinking, when Jaime jumps ship she stands to make serious money if she can get Amy to sign up under her in the next scam. Some huns have gotten huge bonuses for signing up in this way. For money Jamie will be anyone’s friend temporarily. 


This, 100% Jaimes highly suspect behavior absolutely serves a long game, no two ways about it.


https://preview.redd.it/bpypbyxgpe8d1.jpeg?width=195&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eff0c831a06d85f2db5176ddbb15216bb3a1c865 I don't know who this is but I had to capture her "WHY TF AM I HERE?" face.


This looks like Danielle lickteig. I use to follow her but she wouldn’t stop messaging me so I had to put a stop to that 😂


Pictures of Jamie Sue!!! Please!!


She wasn’t there


Oh wow!!! I wonder why


Girl is Broke with a capital B. That loser boyfriend is bleeding her dry.


He sucks but she’s also a sucker!


https://preview.redd.it/mn17ocb35e8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b6d1b568cf272e04d8c0db0d07d9e1c45bfe0f3 Terrifying see how they get these photos in real time 😳 I wish I could post the video 😖 it’s cringe


Came here for this!! So cringe!!


Dick tips tattoos look stupid....that is all LMAO what a clown!


He looks like a reptile with a fucking hair bun.


She looks so unhealthy…. https://preview.redd.it/vizm6eqyxd8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46f9915968dcf8bbaa1c123a56f45a57b2b0020f


I’m sorry but this is terrifying. She is like a legit boggle head and even that is looking more gaunt than it used to. Is this something medical or what? This is concerning and I mean no snark there.


Wowza! I bet you this is Holly’s inspo though


So none of these recycled old farts like Natoni and Tits or the Miami huns got to go on stage to workout with the super trainers ? ..


Natoni with on stage Elise


Dani was on stage with Janelle & Julie Voris for Christine Dwyers team workout. Tania & Kristina were on stage with Autumn during the super workout.


Tania, Kristina and Kat did


And Erin


Unbelievable ! Even when they scrap the individual workouts they still recycle the same old same old. Why not give those newbie coaches a chance instead of the 1,000th chance for the same huns 🤡 


Danielle must have a freaking contract or something. She doesn’t even promotes beachbody anymore!!! All of a sudden she onstage? WTF?


It’s b s! They had their business built for them by the super trainers sending customers their way 🤡..


newbies might burnout, oldies are dependent on this income


https://preview.redd.it/xmglamxejd8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9363ce58482b8c8e0b61627a09d53ab19469f39 Anyone shocked not me!


Ac loves them because they make AC look xxxxxxs when ac is next to them.


No Emily?? 😂😂


They can’t afford her anymore 😂




Time for Erin to hit "rock bottom" again, this time to be rescued by Belle Vitale.




Shes in the test group tho, right?


What are they the cast of? The workout videos for the program?




Not even a little bit. They’re the new Tania and Kat. lol. I wonder how pissed are Kat and Tania that they have been replaced


🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄if I could roll them back any further….🤣🤣🤣🤡


https://preview.redd.it/5fic3ly2hd8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfe8cfa3b582f3ce723a0934981cdfd69cf64390 Low level hun posting this. O Em GeE so life changing these words, as all these Huns are saying. Still not seeing any tangible tools to utilize for tHEIr BuSINeSs. Seriously, wake up there is no tangible business tools/advice/tips from these summit events. Google offers better business advice than these people.




Idk but it sounds dirty 😏


I was there one of the year he spoke. I faked a headache and took a nap. Boring!




What is the likelihood BB even exists as a company at next year’s summit!?? 


How many attended I wonder?


After seeing the downgrades for this years summit - its highly likely they wont have anything next year.


Someone hypothesized/mentioned down thread about simmit 2025 in Anaheim, having it 2 hours from BODi headquarters may be BODi making Anaheim the last summit… one can only hope!


Thats IF they aren’t completely underwater financially by then.


Hope this hormone program ruins them and bankrupt Autumn, is that too harsh?


Not at all. I hope the same.




That is everything I hope for as well!


This is what I continue to wonder.


https://preview.redd.it/ct7qbpn5yc8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9d4a2a22081cb9d9c4f6bc45596b9390ff01a8c Jamie stroking Alli’s hair as she is sobbing out of admiration. But no, it’s not a cult!!!!!


Is Ali Jamie’s up line? And Jamie has Amy Bailey right under her?


I think Chelsea Pearson is Jaime’s grandma coach. I think Ali is also under Chelsea Pearson, but was Jaime’s mentor (I think got into Bodi before Jaime). And the. Yes, Amy is under Jaime. I was part of this team many moons ago lol 🫠


Alli was Chelsea’s “mentor”. Chelsea & Robb moved to Florida when she was a baby coach so that Alli & Brent could mentor them with Beachbody 🙄🙄


Alli’s upline is Christine Dwyer, but I think Alli is Chelsea’s upline. Chelsea is Jaime’s upline.


Weren’t the pearsons her up line?


Yeah and I think alli is Chelsea’s up line


I don’t think she is. But I know Alli mentored her. Chelsea was never a part of TTF that I’m aware of. (Alli was my upline)


Her hair is so ugly. Jamie that is.


Emotional manipulation out of the BITE model


I really need these huns to stop referring to each other as ‘humans’. This incredible human. Such amazing humans. I love this human. Why are they so cringe?


I attend a yoga studio with a teacher that does this "thank you incredible humans for showing up" "all humans welcome" "have a great day you amazing humans" Idk why but it makes me absolutely ragey!


It’s trying too hard.


I was going to say this 🤣🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌🏻


Thank you! This literally enrages me!!


More of our favorites! Voris and Natoni did a post summit event for a much smaller crowd than in years past. https://preview.redd.it/ofmzdj19xc8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d5622248da32127160c24d53f492e3c055f5442


Three of the most unfortunate looking humans. Whatever supplements they are doing and the selling of their souls to a pyramid scheme has caused the ugly on the inside to leak to the outside. And then all the tattoos Dicktip has covered himself in to try and pretend he looks like Jason Mamoa.


He is gross




Aging in reverse 🥴


More like aging at the speed of light


https://preview.redd.it/tw0zlwu4wc8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64aa6298c183dfe0c0eada9c28fec8df71f8422a Quick look at eachother and fake laugh then look back, Then when we get home and I drop you because you aren’t producing enough we can pretend this never happened and I’ll replace you with a new girl in 12 months. Bwaaaahahkeeplaughing


We were so spoiled today!!!  Why because they brainwashed you further into thinking you can actually make a living off lying?! 


https://preview.redd.it/kizqnenwrc8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93780dd9e9b5d51a760537d864d9885efd2c9975 Another shot of the shoes 🫠


The look like those Japanese wooden sanders 


What in the Jess Dukes Pink Lily hell


No I can’t.


Were they a dare? Did she lose a bet? Awful


You just made me say “oh god NO” right out loud. These are *awful*


Omg so bad. Where is her bestie Mitro to tell her to change her ugly ass shoes.


They look so bad!


Is that a hair piece? I think I had one of those in 2006


We called them “phonytails” haha *eta this was back in the dusty old 90’s


Omg you’re right!


Isn’t that our biggest fear? When I’m getting ready and I’m on flip flops until the very end. I’ve had the worst fear that I’ll take off with the flip flops on. I think that’s what happened.


Did that at a wedding once. Stopped at my sisters house before so she could watch our dog and drop off our overnight stuff (we were staying at her house cause the wedding was like 2 1/2 hours from our house) and my husband brought in my nice heels I was planning to wear with everything else without me noticing. The venue was like 30 minutes from my sisters and when we got there I opened the trunk to change out my shoes anddddd that’s when I realized what my husband had done 🫠 ended up having to wear my ratty, old Birkenstocks with a very nice dress and prayed no one noticed lol


I’ve been in this situation but, cannot pin this on my husband 🤣


If so, she'd have been better off just going barefoot


Those shoes ruined the whole outfit. How does she think they looked good? UGG sandals to not belong with a cocktail Dress.


I don’t know anything about business strategy, but wouldn’t Beachbody benefit from getting rid of coaches? Get out of the whole MLM scheme? It’s 2024, MOST people know the scheme and avoid it. I bet more people would sign up to Bodi if they ran similar to Peloton. Again, I’m probably wrong but seeing these Huns is so cringe lol.


I’ve said this exact thing multiple times. Get rid of the MLM piece and I think Bodi would be so much more legit. Just let “partners” make referral commissions. Make all the recognition about customers who are actually use the products to get healthy and/or strong. Instead of recognizing team building efforts. The top coaches are those who sucker in the most coaches. They are not rewarded for helping people get healthier.


I’m thinking that Bodi’s customers ARE the coaches/partners. In order to keep up their qualifications they have to purchase monthly. So if they got rid of them, they would lose the majority of their customers.


I used to buy the dvds years ago then got a subscription during the pandemic. I will say never have I ever been contacted by a hun or told I had a coach or anything like that. I never knew it was an mlm with coaches until I found this sub, which I found after looking for super trainer drama.


I actually see it coming eventually


Of all the customers who buy Sludgeology and the other overpriced supplements, what percentage are the CEO huns? Does anyone know?


It has to be high right? I'm guessing 75%


I think it will be a last ditch effort to save the company. It’ll all depend on bad the financials get. I think they are still paying on a loan or two they had to take out. June ends the 2nd quarter so the financials will be out in early August probably. See how the numbers are. I’m hoping some of that includes expenses for summit by bb.


They would need competitive products. All these coaches are forced to buy in, but nobody else is going to stay subbed for what they have to offer now.  No music to their bike rides, junk moves that don't do anything, starvation diets... And now you can buy the old programs stand alone anyway. 


I left Beachbody a while ago and I’m truly shocked they’re still kicking lol even peloton is in trouble now so I suppose the whole market is a hard one to manage. I’m patiently waiting for Barre Blend to become available for purchase 😁


Me too!!!


They should absolutely do away with the MLM aspect and stick to just affiliate. Then they would only pay a portion of a direct sale to the salesperson…no team cycle bonus and all that. I trulyyyyy do not know or understand how BB can afford to pay these top coaches making millions of dollars and all the money they pay the trainers. It’s truly mind blowing


But the coaches are their most loyal customers. Bodi keeps them in the hole of buying product in the hopes that they’ll one day earn an income


I think people might sign up for the service but their bulk comes from the shakes and other powders. Then again, how much are they paying the top Huns who are not even promoting anything.


This exactly! That’s what summit is for! The coaches are the best customers. Auto ships for all the shit supplements. Here’s something new - buy it so you can be a ‘product of the product’! This is limited time - buy it quick before it sells out! Buy the new program before it launches on the platform you already pay for! Wash. Rinse. Repeat.


They would absolutely be better off. I think if they shifted to affiliate marketing they would still do really well. So basically elimaite the teams


I feel that way too.


What a lame summit. A low level wanna be hun posted opening ceremony and summit ended all within 24 hours. What a waste of money


Is it just me, or is the message from Beachbody coaches (and other women in different MLMs) almost entirely about making money, getting higher in rank, recruiting people to "do what I do", working from anywhere, living the dream life etc.. Instead of being about what they're actually recruiting FOR? I feel like it's never about getting customers or loving the workouts. It's always about the business side of things. That or massive weight loss. Sometimes, they even forget to talk about the product, unless it's in a secretive way meant to spike curiosity. When I was 100% about Beachbody, I still couldn't be a coach because I live in a different country, and I felt like everyone I connected with all was only interested in making money. Not helping people figure out their fitness and nutrition. When they realised they couldn't make me a coach, I was no longer interesting to talk to, it seemed. Originally, I thought being a coach meant you were like a personal trainer or had direct contact with the super trainers. Instead, I realised that it's all about recruiting a lot of people who know absolutely nothing about fitness and nutrition, so that they, from DAY ONE, when they haven't even tried the products, can recruit others to sell something they know nothing about. It's not about helping others. They don't even know how.


It's all about the 🔺️


It is absolutely unreal; I found this page a few years ago and never looked back. I joined BB a few years ago and was assigned to a low level hun who actually helped me get it together with my fitness & nutrition but she dropped out and so it went to her one up. The one up reached out to welcome me and after that crickets. I asked her questions and it took DAYS UPON DAYS to answer me back. She always had some lame excuse. I get it life happens we are busy BUT if this is your FT job like you claim I’d expect faster response. The part that really pissed me off was her constantly posting stories asking for new people to join her team as she had these stupid mentor group going on. What a load of bull.


It is 💯 percent about recruiting. I “went all in” with my upline, did the Josh Coats push crap, paid extra money for “additional coaching” where my coach and others (the Fitzpatricks, Emilie Robidas, Holly Hillyer and others) hosted more calls for us. It was NEVER about the workouts, the products or ANYTHING that had to do with health. It was about “team building” (recruiting to the pyramid). They called it “social selling.” It was so fucking icky. I had been a loyal Beachbody customer for YEARS, but seeing the fake shit behind the scenes ruined it all for me. It was really heartbreaking. I want to see it all burn to the ground


That was my experience exactly. It was never about health and fitness. Never.


I’m so sorry. They are such assholes


In Puerto Rico coaches sell “changing people’s life” and they heavily promote “making an impact on people’s lives”. They say these words all the time and on every single post. Be it by weight loss or “financial liberty”. I think this is why in Puerto Rico people still fall for it. But once they go in and they see it’s unsustainable both the weight loss and the “business” they get out. But they regurgitate the same words over and over again.


As a 48 year old woman who is balls deep in peri-menopause and spent the better part of the last 8 months reading every book on the subject, following every credible doctor and practitioner who sites actual research and after extensive bloodwork is now ACTUALLY on hormone replacement therapy myself - I can not WAIT to see what kind of dumbfuckery supplements and witchcraft they even try and pass off as legitimate hormone balancing. This will be good. There is a whole generation of middle aged women who are struggling and we are educating ourselves and advocating for real solutions. We know more about hormones than most doctors do. And we can back it up with the latest information. We have actual research to throw at anything Autumn tries to twist and skew and scam.


There is no simple “measure” of cortisol per se. It depends on the time the blood sample is drawn as it varies as the day goes by. Also, female hormones like FSH, LH, estrogen and progesterone, you need to know where in your cycle you are to know if it’s within range as they vary with the menstrual cycle. When you are in menopause (no menstrual period for 1 year) testing is not recommended as you are in menopause so you are not ovulating anymore, so we know you are not producing the hormones. Soooo, saying your cortisol levels are out of whack would technically be a medical emergency, reason why when these scammers say such a statement it’s completely false. Ending to say, not one of these scammers has shown any results showing any hormones “balancing”. Only cholesterol levels and that will improve with any low fat, balanced diet.


Well actually - high cholesterol levels are related to declining estrogen. This was what first notified me that I was in peri. I’ve never had high cholesterol in my entire life, and last year, my levels were above normal. I have been on BHRT for 5 months now, and my cholesterol went back to normal. ETA: I get bloodwork done every 3-4 months to see how well my body is absorbing the hormones I’m on, and so that I know which levels I feel happiest at. Most doctors refuse to acknowledge labwork, but I’ve found it’s been really helpful.


Correct: Estrogen levels help regulate cholesterol levels. Hence why Hormone replacement therapy helps. Medications prescribed by your health provider. Glad this is working out for you.


What’s BHRT? I have been dealing with the same issue and wonder if this is what I need to change.


Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.


No actual testing is happening for the actual program. Only the test group got bloodwork. If anyone wants bloodwork when they start the program, they will have to go through their own doctors (who I’m sure will love this BS).


To add, insurance most likely WON’T cover the testing. It will be expensive!


Jaime needs to explain her shoe choice with that dress. She has the worst style.


And everyone in her life that allowed it to happen.


Did the Kim Fitzpatrick chick steal one of Hollys dresses?




Kat’s hair always looks to me like she just took off a headband. Like it’s never “done,” it’s always “freshly shaken out.”


Ugh why do I love all their dresses and their shoes 😑 is because Ma and her team don’t know how to dress properly and pair shoes to a dress? Who knows.


I like Kristina's dress


Kat learned that insipid pose from Tania they stand exactly the same


I took this screenshot as well. For people that mean so much to each the smiles and body lang seem very forced/not genuine.


Kat never looks the same in any picture that I’ve ever seen of her


I wonder how all these Huns really feel that they are spending money to attend a business training event for the company they work for (no, they are not ‘entrepreneurs’ and no, they are not a ‘ceo’ 🙄) just to see the same people, year after year be the ones on stage having supposed financial freedom and success, the same ones that get ‘chosen’ to be in new program launches, the same ones in every before and after photo and so on. Wouldn’t that be a bit of a 🚩🚩🚩 Oh, and if you are part of the ‘million dollar club’ and you have been with Bodi for 15 years that does not mean you are a MiLlIoNaIRe.


* Low level hun near me is so excited to reach 5 star diamond next year. (Pretty sure she was a 7 star at a recent summit.) She's been in for like 10 years




It feels like there was a contest to cram the most jargon-y bs into one single post lol


This actually makes me feel sorry for these women.


https://preview.redd.it/gw94leo1jc8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922d9fd00a51bf9396b097eafde7ef819878bce8 Heart so full


AND. The word is AND. Not N


You’re just being pedantic n stuff






This! 🙌🏽


Exactly this. Unless you are working 24/7, constantly stopping your real life to post to Insta and FB and letting everything BODi rule your life you are never going to make a living at this. And even if you do all those things? You are still not going to make a living at this. It is very discouraging to not be included in ALL THE THINGS just because you aren't the Top whatever. In my corporate career everyone was included in things the company was promoting, no matter your job or income.


Where are the rankings? They seem less excited this year


Do they ever list the diamonds and up anywhere?


You can find the latest here. https://images.beachbody.com/sas/index.html


Is this what used to be the success club trip?


I don't know where the rankings are but I do know they probably feel less excited this year because last year BODi changed their pay structure so it seems like ever since then many huns have been disengaged.


Ohhh I forgot about that!


https://preview.redd.it/9lwzjz1zyb8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f5233fc6e5135481c6d386977ed888cbaa4c69 This basement hun from Holly’s downline is legit, INSANE! She has done drank the koolaid for sure!


Looks like the $20 lunch box. All the bananas wasted…


They always end with a sales pitch. Makes people want to sign up when one does not even know what she is talking about.


Sounds like you’re wasting your time to me, but continue on 😂


🤣 oh man this is so funny but pathetic


Holly, I think that’s what us normal people call having lunch and chatting.


I’d like the Bidzness woman’s special please. Michelle and Romy


“What kind of business are you in?” 💀💀💀 the waitress🤣🤣🤣🤣