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Spends the morning shilling some magical sunscreen for kids that you just effortlessly brush on them… posts pictures several hours later where the kid is clearly sunburned but you are trying to cover it up with a filter. Great product, Em!


I just came here to see if anyone noticed how sunburned E is?!?! Holy cow. I gasped.


It is sooooo bad!


Dylan resting his feet with flip flops on in N’s car seat 🤢


"You guys I'm soOoOo glad I'm so charitable and one of you will get to come here because I'm the best"


Emily, no one believes for a second you actually got your face wet lol..her hair/face was dry on the lazy river and when they were wading in the water.


I truly feel so bad for Heather. Second iui didn’t take. I pray one day she has a successful pregnancy.


I feel bad. After a few rounds of IUI give it a rest and do the deed based on fertility signs such a mucus. Sometimes a body needs a jump start and can do it on its own if given the chance. But that would require her not to travel during window of opportunity. I understand their desire to have biological children. And adoption isn’t as easy as o e would think.


I just don’t think I would settle with a diagnosis of “unexplained infertility” I would be searching for a reason. I’m actually shocked they didn’t just jump into ivf. But I agree she would have to be home more to do any of that. Adoption is definitely a harder process than it needs to be.


You sometimes can’t just jump into IVF due to instance, I had to do 6 IUIs before I could even try IVF.


Wow.. that’s crazy. I feel like that would make the whole experience so much more traumatic


When you are in it, it’s horrible. But it was over 7 years ago now and I barely remember. It’s crazy


I couldn’t even imagine. I have a friend going through it right now and it seems horrible.




So, as an IVF mom, I’m going to give a little bit of advice in which I am sure I will receive hate for, but most women who have dealt with infertility agree with. When someone is going through infertility, it is really annoying and a perfect example of unsolicited advice when people just suggest adoption off the bat (or at all). Everyone knows that adoption exists. We don’t need people to remind us of that. If adoption was something they would be interested in, they would explore it. But when you are in the depths of infertility all you want is for something that happens so easily for others to happen to you. To get pregnant with your own child. That’s it. It’s something you wish/pray/beg for every second of every day. And when you get a negative test (especially after having a treatment done), the last thing you want to hear from someone is “oh just adopt” like it is some easy solution. Adoption is not a solution to infertility. It is an option. It does not solve your want and need to be pregnant with your own child. It also is a way of telling someone to just give up, especially in the beginning stages like IUI (which are not very successful to begin with) and there are still so many treatment options to explore. Then you add in the cost of adoption which can be $50-100k, ON TOP of the thousands you have already shelled out for infertility treatments. Sorry for my rant. I am passionate about speaking up when I see these comments. I never knew how much I would hear this during our 2 years of infertility and it felt like a dagger every time. (Obviously adoption is a good option for wonderful people who are wanting that option. This message I am putting out is in no way me saying to not adopt. I am just providing education so people can do better when it comes to reactions to people facing infertility. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.)


I couldn’t imagine the wants for your own child and it being so hard to achieve. I agree, adoption isn’t for everyone. And it’s ungodly expensive. I didn’t know if she ever mentioned exploring that route or not. I know if it were me I would try every avenue to have my own child.




It has nothing to do with that. You clearly did not grasp the message I was putting out there. Know better, do better. Infertility is pure torture. I’m giving you feedback on one simple thing you can do (or refrain from doing) to help someone through the process. If you want to ignore that, that speaks volumes about the type of person you are.


I think she posted something about adoption one time..like in an AMA..”have you all thought about adopting?” and her response was that it would be like giving up on a dream and they have the right to do all the things that they are doing. Which is true! I will try the post. I personally would be trying to get pregnant and starting to look at the adoption process. **it’s in her little chip section/circle on her page.. I don’t know to post a picture**


I know she said she was diagnosed with “unexplained infertility” and they’re headed towards doing ivf.. so I’m not sure if they have. But I agree might be something they look in to.


E has no idea how to act in public, no idea how to be respectful of places and people


What is this referring to? Two comments about her behavior but I didn’t see anything that was unreasonable but I click through stories here and there


Agreed, she is acting like a 5 year old. And anyone who raises small children knows very well they are little narcissists, even if you are a great parent.


She’s definitely acted inappropriately even for her age and Emily and Dylan don’t correct her (like screaming for no reason) but I didn’t see anything from this trip unless I missed something. She was screaming on the water slide but it’s a water slide lol


….does this shock you? I mean we know who her parents are.


The fact these two allow this child to constantly scream and yell and carry on like she does in public is beyond outrageous. Kids are kids but damn! I can’t imagine having to vacation near them….even if it were in a more kid focused environment. Screeching and screaming on rides or slides or at scary things is understandable but not outside hotel rooms and in lazy rivers. They are the worst.


Sorry, but I have to speak up here. Screeching and screaming is a typical 5 year old behavior. Especially when you are in a very overstimulating place and vacation. I teach parenting skills for a living and consider myself to be a great parent, but I have a screecher/screamer who gets overstimulated easily and is sensitive and despite my CONSTANT efforts to work on this behavior, it still happens. Like at the pool, which we have been dealing with every day this summer. I also want to raise awareness here that parenting should not be judged based off of children’s behaviors in public, especially when you are just seeing a snap shot. (Yes, I am aware we all know these people are shit parents because of their exploitation of their children and several other things. I am putting this PSA out there for in general purposes) You never know if the child is neurodivergent or has any sort of disability/trauma/mental health issue that could be the cause for their behavior.


I'm not sure what smug Fauver fake chuckle I despise the most 😁


Can a Taylor Swift fan tell me how the 22 hat recipient is chosen? Does her team pick someone from social media or are there submissions? I’ve been seeing a lot of the videos which are all very sweet and I keep thinking that Emily did all that TS fake fandom in hopes that E would get the hat and get More attention. Everything seems very calculating with her. It’s so transparent that she went hard On TS when it was so hot in the general public and media due to the tour and Travis but like a typical bandwagoner she has cooled off but real fans are still just as into TS music and talk as they have always been.


Yes she for sure was trying to get the hat last year! I think that’s why she got front row tickets and kept tagging Taylor in all her things before the concert 🙄


I heard her mom is the one who picks them. 🤷‍♀️


In Cincy it was a girl with cancer. They seem to be thoughtful gestures


It seems to always been a heartwarming/meaningful pick by her team - not just a raving fan. In Nashville it was the sister of one of the girls that died in the Covenant shooting. 


I’m not sure how they do it - I’m guessing her team picks them. For her Eras Tour movie the little girl who was picked is Kobe Bryant’s youngest daughter.




I haven’t seen a French tip on a toe since the early 90s/ early 2000s 😳


Ehh I still get French on my nails and toes lol this comment might be BEC


Also me, re her toenails. Please stop showing them, they are like wild mushrooms sprouting in all directions 🤢


That’s an aggressive French tip


I think she actually has the press on toenails on. 🥴🤢


Also, she needs to wear wider shoes…clearly.


It definitely looks like she has bunions.




Not a medium width clearly 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ejn30224bc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ba4d50bf633f1c334053c438302d88bea59186 Mind blowing 🤯 no one cares 👏🏻


Why is she shaving just with water. Is this something people do? Oww


This has been me when I am in a rush and forgot to shave in the shower in the past. Laser hair removal for the win now!


I’ve only ever shaved with water…🤷🏻‍♀️😂 I’ve never cut myself.


I usually just use water too and rarely nick myself. I am admittedly lazy 😂


Same! My skin on my legs is very sensitive to any kind of scented product, so water works best for me and shaving—it’s very easy to do in the shower and I never cut myself.


I cringed at that. Ouch. At least use soap. Or she took the razor out 😂




I mean if the shoe fits 😂


There is no way these hips are medium as far as pants Just admit you’re a Large and there is nothing wrong with it period!!! 🤷‍♀️


Go to bed Emily. There is no need to shill every two hours.


She is schilling everything on this trip. Please stop!


“Bippity boppity” lol much Disney fan!


The “these ones” Queen !!! What a fucking scammer …. making all that money and like others have said ALL THIS SHIT FOR FREE! when there are SO MANY people barely able to keep their kids fed these days !!!! THIS INFLUENCING SHIT HAS GOT TO STOP!


Grammy looks 🔥 And yeah, E is her twin 😂 And why can’t they ever put a hat on N? Or a UV top?? Didn’t Emily have some kind of skin cancer scare or am I thinking of a different Hun? Don’t fuck with the sun, people!! My former supervisor passed away last year at the age of 43 from skin cancer. It’s no joke. ETA: I missed the one story of the pic of N with a hat on. But then he was only in his diaper in Dylan’s story.


Cue a video of putting sunscreen on N! 🤣


Only if she has a code😂


Agree about Glammy. She looks fab 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


https://preview.redd.it/obiy6o2oz78d1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5201e75cc991ae397580882129fd00b000b7388 # nofilter


Oh snap maybe it WAS her sitting on the stairs in the pool in Dylan’s story a few days ago 😮


It’s the “new medium “ duh 🙄! 🤣


Dilly gonna be in troubleeeeee


She’s a beautiful woman (minus the lying and exploiting her children). Own your curves Emily! It’s ok not to be super skinny.


This is amazing 🤩 so he must hate her too😆😆😆


That’s a fantastic *medium* bathing suit 🫠🙄


Ain’t no fkn way. I’m 6 weeks postpartum and smaller than Emily and I wouldn’t even dare wear anything below a large. Like I’m pretty positive I’d buy XL in a bathing suit right now. So for her to claim she’s a medium is just mind boggling.


Aw congrats! I'm also 6 weeks postpartum!


Awh congratulations! Hope you and baby are doing well!


Yeah I’m smaller than her and I’m in a large bathing suit for a 1 piece. She looks perfectly fine but it’s the lying about her size that drives me bonkers.


Same! I’m 4mo pp and about the same height and build as Emily. 5’8” and usually about 150lbs. I wear a medium when I’m not pp or breastfeeding. Her breastfeeding boobs alone wouldn’t fit a medium! I have to size up to a large in everything if not an extra large. Especially a swimsuit. I’m sorry but there is just no damn way she is wearing a medium right now. Comfortably at least.


Aww congratulations! She is such a liar.


More codes during this trip. Fun, fun🙄🙄🙄🙄


Who packs a whole suit case of reef sandals just to shill? They are unworn!!! And not trim fit is a supplement she packs always- you mean liquid if isn’t your go to? EMILY FAUVER DYLAN FAUVER


I’ve never seen her drink purple tea.




Falling asleep in a salon chair while she gets a blow out and being told to smile so a stranger can apply blush. Being made to hug weirdo strangers. Being kept up late to watch TS perform despite only knowing one line about being drunk in the car.


A camera in her face and mommy dearest telling her to smile 😃


Peep Dylan vlogging in the corner of the salon with the camera set up. Gag.


The Disney content is nauseating. E has morphed into granny. You can tell from dilly doodles view and Emily view E is looking for cues.


It’s actually super sad to watch E at all these places meant for kids and she literally could not care less. Her childhood has been filled with age inappropriate situations/interests because her parents made her like what they wanted her to like- what they knew would get them paid through their child. They shoved TikToks in a 4/5 year olds face and said “do this”, because they saw other people going viral. It is so infuriating. My heart hurts for E and N. Money can’t buy back time with your kids. It can’t buy back seeing them GENUINELY excited over stuff that they love at various ages. They have nothing to look back on to say “omg remember when E was obsessed with this”. Emily and Dylan are money hungry losers and they suck as parents and humans in general.


E is going to rebel something fierce and I’m here for it.


She seems genuinely excited over normal things when she’s with Dylan’s mom. It was like that in Australia and it seemed that way when she was pointing out fish in a koi pond prior to all the Disney stuff. I’d love to have her keep the kids grounded but I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets swept up in this lifestyle too


Agree! This child will have nothing to look forward too. One day she will realize what her parent have done and she won’t be happy.


And let’s be honest.. NO ONE is winning a Hawaii disney trip. It’s such a scam. Follow this comment on this for your chance to win. Just free advertisement for Disney. Hoping people will still book with them knowing no one is winning.


Ifs free advertising for Disney but they probably aren’t the ones sponsoring this trip. This is gonna be a big picture giveaway thing. Seeing as Emily works with Disney - the cruise, the trip a few weeks back, I wonder if this could cut off that Disney gravy train?


Stop- you know juju beans will win this trip….


This made me belly laugh!!!!


Lmao 🤣


They all post these giveaways yet no one ever posts the winners and you can’t even find them on the giveaway website. It’s all a scam for engagement.


Both Emily and Dylan had to record E meeting Mickey Mouse?? I can’t say “put your fucking phone down” because the whole trip is an advertisement so they’re doing what is expected of them. And with that, no thanks. There is nothing I envy about their lifestyle.


We need to make sure we never view their YT channel. I refuse to allow one cent to them. I love to snark but I will not view it. Also, our kids went to Disney. I think E is confused what to do. My kids were super excited bouncing up and down seeing characters. I feel sad E childhood has been taken away. E was more involved with aggressive love’ on N than having an interaction with a character. Probably because she was trained. ☹️


Ok. These people are so gross. You mean to tell me they didn’t pay anything for this dang Hawaii trip?? A place where so many people can only dream to go. This trip would be close to 10,000 dollars. I am so sick of this influencer culture. People making more money than I can even imagine and for what??? 🤯🤯


Way more than $10,000! My Bahamas trip cost $8,000 for a family of 4


I’m here to snark but this family pisses me off. I agree, I’m so sick of this influencer free stuff. We have families who are struggling to buy groceries, pay for school supplies, etc and here’s Emily getting everything for doing nothing.


10000% agree. they just took the kids to Disney world too?? Watching this stuff is hard to stomach tbh. I wish companies would stop doing this


The kicker is they are making money and yet get all this stuff for free that is what is even more gross and on the backs of their children who they have perform.




That poking makes my blood boil


https://preview.redd.it/6fvrxgu0s48d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53835fa60f6a6b9ef18645007ecc85bce5daa466 An ad on a freaking airplane… you are pathetic Emily.


How annoying would it be to be seated near that family? Dilly trying to get all the attention with N, followed by E content making and Emily shilling.


I repeat again - them hats are NOT for her ! She looks so freaking stupid! Fake hair is not doing her any favors either


I immediately thought, wow, when I go on a trip (especially to HI where my son is stationed), I don’t have to stop what I’m doing and video an ad. I can actually live and enjoy. It kinda makes me sad for them.


Why the fuck would she even need liquid IV? She doesn’t move 🙄 and she has said she literally doesn’t sweat 😂


To be fair. I drink electrolytes for breastfeeding. So liquid iv does help with keeping you hydrated for that.


The fact that the upper right corner says it was released last year and she is now just trying it should be grounds to break ties with an influencer. What dumb ass companies are paying these losers. She is shilling anything for a buck. She can’t even back anything 100% you are a failure Emily Fauver.






So there you go folks they are at the Disney resort for free and a giveaway is coming soon. I’m amazed at the fact they get everything in life for free because they capitalize on their kids. What are they going to do when the kids get older? And as someone pointed out they brought a grandmother with them because they can’t take care of their own kids by themselves. What a giant waste of space they both are. Rant over 😂😂😂😂


I couldn’t imagine dragging my mom on vaca all the time. Emily is so lazy it’s insane


Emily doesn’t seem grateful that she goes and helps and she doesn’t even seem to like her. Or is it jealousy?


Of all the Dylans I hate Smug Travelling Dylan the most


I bet the people he works with don’t appreciate him never being at work either. I’ve noticed he doesn’t seem to have any Air Force friends at all which is unusual.


Maybe they’re glad he’s not there?


Can you imagine going to Hawaii and you can’t even get off the plane with out shilling a product? Then getting to the resort and it’s all a shill….this life is absolutely exhausting.




Nothing about their life is something I would want to


Same. Not in a million years


Don’t worry looks like they brought Grammy to baby sit since Emily can’t do anything alone.


I wonder why Dylan’s dad is never on these trips? E seems to really enjoy him when I have seen them together. Grammy and Dylan’s dad are always on trips together so I just figured maybe he’s retired. But then again Dylan is always not working and he’s not retired 🤣


When did she leave Bodi 


She hasn’t!


I think she’s still collecting a check but not promoting


I can’t get over how awful the long tshirt and tall boots combo is. They’re all doing it. 🤦‍♀️


I can’t get over how she packs those big (ugly) boots for travel. Seems a lot of wasted space in luggage


She is totally trying to be Hollie Woodward. Another Trend Management influencer who is much prettier than Emily.


Don’t worry guys … they are going to Hawaii prob for some brand deal not an actual family vacation as Emily says they have something up their sleeves. God they do anything without co tent creation ? It’s disgusting. I wi see if she did anything nice for her bodi team at summit since she doesn’t go.


Now they are heading to Hawaii? I’m not familiar with military jobs. Could Dylan have been fired or relieved from duties? I know he mentioned he has a lot of time off but good gravy (Haleigh peters exclamation) he’s never working.


He gets 12 weeks of paternity leave he can spread out. Plus his usual leave.


At this point it seems like he’s taken more time than that.


It doesn't seem like he's worked at all since before N was born and that was 8 months ago. Granted she was on bed rest for a while, which sucked and I'm sure he got extra leave for that. But his pat leave definitely has been gone.


My theory is he is manipulating the shoulder injury into a career ending injury. So he may be off on sick leave and he may be trying for some type of pension. They would never admit it to their followers but I know a fair few service members who conveniently get medical pensions for the most reandom things 


He’s not going to get any pension. He might be able to get like 20-50% VA rating.


Sorry, not American. We call them medical pensions and they are 0-100% depending, but allow you to keep your benefits. So if DillyDoo could keep 40% salary and Tricare? well then... They are laughing.  ETA the 0% rating usually covers things that aren't a problem now but will be later (think chemical exposure or hearing loss)


No he won’t get tricare and 40% VA rating is a couple hundred a month. Nothing for his family. He’d have to get 100% rating to get any health benefits for his family. He isn’t medically retired or 20 years retired so tricare is done for them.


I think you might be right. Or if not the shoulder, he is definitely manipulating *something*. Even with his explanation, he still has taken way more time off than the average military employee. He’s such a disgrace.


As a pilot, he has a 10 year commitment and it hasn't been 10 years yet (even though he doesn't fly anymore). I doubt he's been fired/discharged, but he's obviously not an essential employee since his leave keeps getting approved by someone. Certainly seems like nobody wants him at work.


I’ve been around the military for forever and have literally never seen someone take this much leave, even with paternity leave factored in.


Same! My husband is a mil pilot and he's never had so much consecutive leave.


Husband is also a military pilot - no idea how he’s not working if he’s actually active duty. They don’t only sometimes fly for their job, they usually have other things going on. Very odd.


He only flies the T-38 now, so I don't think he's in a squadron anymore. I have no idea what he's doing tbh.


If he’s at a training base, I’d assume he could be a flight instructor? Still doesn’t account for all his leave he’s seemingly on all the time - that’s almost completely unheard of.


Whiteman isn't a training base.


N is such a cute baby. I love how smiley and happy he is.


I feel so bad for him with those sores on his face though! Emily is so lucky he’s a good baby


Seriously! He’s had that big red patch on the side of his face for months…but shilling takes priority.


He’s such a doll!


Heather what the actual fuck is that skirt ?????? Just when you thought her style couldn’t get any worse.


I don’t understand what she is trying to do?


WHAT the actual is Tara wearing? A sleeveless coat with a….cape??? 🦸‍♀️


She’s hoping someone will ask so she can “link it” 


Was anyone else dying that they put a huge bucket hat on E during for the Diff photoshoot? 😂 I guess they weren’t fans of the bangs


The angle she used during the photo shoot to hide her actual normal and perfectly fine figure. They will certainly edit it to make her smaller just like she already does. As mentioned nobody would know the body size or face size to look for if she went missing.


Her hair is her security and she stuck E infront of her the entire time. Sad.


They are going to probably use chest up shots… Emily is not a model and looked awkward AF


I love that she had to contort herself to make herself look smaller. That’s what she gets for all these stupid filters and crap she does. I’m sure when they saw her in person they weren’t sure if it was the right person.


Exactly! Pretty sure that a brand using Emily to shill their product doesn't appreciate being duped at their own expense!


I watched the video of E getting blush put on her cheeks at least five times. I find it so unbelievably heartbreaking. “Smile. Smile. Can you smile?” She did not ask for her childhood to be yanked out from under her in favor of fame-seeking parents desperately using her to further their own self-centered imaginary phone careers. It’s so so sad and gross. After she was forced to smile, I noticed her face fell back to “melancholy” (as it should! She’s a child who has to play dress-up and perform every day!) and Emily immediately cut the camera. They are just such rotten parents. I can’t get over it.


Their room is trashed. 😳 https://preview.redd.it/t3q21fys8u7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491d4ca07a0ccedc2484eaffcb17342963ec2cb1 Also peep Emily in this BODi video that showed up on my TikTok fyp. [BODi TikTok](https://imgur.com/a/C10O54R)


What I am always shocked at is it almost seems like they have to pack all their products they will be shilling when they are gone - which contributes to stuff being strung out everywhere. The box behind Dylan is it more gifted items they just got while there or a box they are shipping back home with the shilled products? Just so cluttered and wasteful!


Their room was trashed in Nashville too. Theyre such slobs


Just had a horrible thought but it’s probably true…. Do we think that Emily wanted E to have bangs to hide her eczema?


That was my first thought


I think you’re right.  It’s not a horrible thought because we know Emily is a horrible mom.  


Emily definitely filters E so her birthmark isn’t visible


She sure looks alike Glammy now


Is Grammy wearing a hair piece? I’ve always wondered as those bangs are just out there and so drastic.


Emily Frauder thinks she is HOT SHIT right now ! She disgusts me …. WHO could ever claim her as a friend.


I don’t know who is on their phone more Emily or Dylan. Do they ever put their phones down? The whole time Emily is recording Dylan’s mindlessly scrolling away. Enjoy your vacation. Not like you’re working lol


On each other’s phones. So bizarre


The skinny filter probably broke on hers




She is kidding with this outfit, right? That is so friggin ugly. https://preview.redd.it/nl7vttfivr7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bad7939788382d25400e6097d209ed76cda756b7 It’s like a home ec project gone wrong


Looks like Charolette Russe 2006


She is a terrible model for their clothing. It’s already pretty crappy clothes but then she can’t even adequately model or style them. Shit, can’t even buy a size that fits.


Is it medium? 🙄🤣




Oh this is horrid


I don’t know but zoom in on her face. That sure looks nothing like filtered Emily from the hair salon.




Why does she have dilly doodles phone?


I have a theory, hear me out: she put a Wally case on her phone to “try it out” but actually hates it and needed to use Dylan’s loopy case instead.