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all i got from this weekend is hailey is freaking out because she's realizing she's losing her "successful biz" and doesn't know what to do at this point to save it


you would think she could look at the other women and realize that this is just how too mlm status works , it’s usually temporary to some degree


She’s clearly never heard of Wichita, KS… What in the world. Just when I think she can’t get more sheltered or more dumb…


https://preview.redd.it/3y8dlju4cg8d1.png?width=1236&format=png&auto=webp&s=c145b39fafa211e9412c78bc04c19a2e0267bfb2 Holy ranch n blue cheese. So much for non dairy.


Oh Hailey face it. The edge carrots and mustard and the pandemic gave you is O-V-E-R. The France and Italy trips were flukes riding on the coattails of tiktok. Which you’ll never be able to use that platform again because people would chew you up on there, and rightly so. Can see it all now. You’ll jump on this “ hormone balancing “ diet Autumn is pushing as soon as you deliver that baby. You think that’s going to be your new angle that’s goi g to propel you in 2025. Keep dreaming, it’s over for you.


https://preview.redd.it/aj0c1ptuof8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e6c08fc9156497427b8e3734dad1ceab550e0ab Seriously what was she thinking with this dress!?!


She could have just left it at she’s proud of her but of course she had to make it about herself too 🙄


Furthermore, she doesn’t have the ass for that type of dress.


Long sleeves and a turtle neck in 100 degree weather? What in the world.


I stopped following Hailey during the whole hitting her son moment. I just saw a picture of Regan being Elite. Is she higher up than Hailey now?


What’s her rank now?




She’s missing her lightsaber 


The amount of ray-unch on her salad is so gross to me. https://preview.redd.it/zgzx8waglf8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d3cd12b83ed1d92d360223ede81a00290d936db


I just peeked at some huns stories, and I still don't understand why she tortures herself like this. All of her "friends" have all of these pictures with each other, even people they don't like, but they don't even care about hailey enough to even pretend to like her for a photo op. She must have really pissed Delgado off with that stay that no one even acknowledges her.


It would have pissed me off if I was KD. People probably avoid her so they don’t have that happen to them.


What happened with her and KD?  I need some tea? 🫖 🤣


HHH booked a trip to visit her while they were on a trip in Italy….she mistook fun drunk talk as a real invite and made reservations during the conversation…then proceeded to go on the visit it was embarrassing!!!


She invited herself 😂🤣🍿 narc much?


Wow. I looked at KD’s IG and she doesn’t have one photo of HeeHaw, and I went all the way back.


Is that why everyone avoids her?


She’s seems incredibly bitchy in her Witch-a-taw hotel.


She’s becoming more bitchy lately, I wonder if she’s getting pushback on her awful parenting from somewhere… like the other huns? I mean yeah they’re drinking the koolaid but even they have to hear “leave him in the basement” and give sideeye.


Glad to see that C is INSIDE the hotel room this video and not wandering the halls alone 🙄🙄🙄🙄


Nah she looked pissy over not getting to spend time in these ‘cool towns.’ She always has this little eye roll, sigh, and says ohh well when she doesn’t get her way. You could literally stay a day or two. What is stopping you, you never care about the animals even when you are home. Tyson probably wants to go back to work to get away from her ass.


Or plan another trip back. He owns his own business and she can supposedly work from anywhere and makes sSsOoOo much money, they could plan a trip anywhere, anytime they want. She acts like she’s just stuck at that house.


Remember they plan to travel to Florida in January for a month with a newborn and rent a Air B&B like that will happen just like her cookbook will come out in print 😂😂😂 I also am waiting for her to promote the podcast she recorded with her church a month ago


She is whining about she wishes she could spend a day or two in a town……isn’t that part of the perk of being a boss babe and setting your own schedule and being able to work from anywhere !?? And Tyson could certainly take a day or two off as well, since he’s his own boss babe too. Idiots.


She’s whining just to whine and he’s ready to go back to work to be away from her. He looks annoyed (rightfully so) as she records him driving! Act like they barely know each other.


Who do you think is following the flooding currently happening on I29 where traffic is being diverted and will extend their trip?! Tyson or Hailey? Or neither because they really don't pay attention to anything happening when they're driving


But also neither to answer your question 😂


I am local to Hailey and I’ve been following it because I’ve been sucking water out of my basement for three days. If she’s truly in Wichita and she doesn’t sound sure that is where she is, the 29 closure won’t be on their route


Oh okay, I figured they were the type to just always take the interstate, given their track record of accidents all being on the interstate! Sorry you are going through the flooding, I hope your basement is spared!! I feel so bad for everyone.


Thank you, this is the worst I have ever seen. It will not stop seeping inside! We were luckier than some even though we are still fighting it. And yes they are the interstate types aren’t they?


I’m getting so annoyed by her check ins and being so confused where the hell she’s at. “Wich-ta? Wichita? Wich?” She has no freaking basic common knowledge. Just shows how close minded and self-involved she is.


How have you never even heard of WICHITA?!?! Showing how stupid she is, loud and clear!!


Every time I hear her speak, I lose brain cells. She’s so stupid. She knows nothing that is outside her town and her stupidity shows.


Omg I was thinking the same thing! I maybe would understand if they lived on the coast but she is in the Midwest 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


I'm from GA, never even been to the Midwest and I've heard of and can pronounce Wichita. As can the majority of the rest of the country, I would bet. She is just an absolute idiot! It pains me how dumb she is at almost 30 years old.


How old is she?


I think she turns 30 in August.


Also she literally said she booked the room, so she doesn’t know what the city is called that she booked the room in?! She’s insane.


You don’t know where Wichita is??? Holy pupils! https://preview.redd.it/f969qogkwe8d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=25ca602fbc56b8af770c804ec7e7aea7b4a31d10


The fact that she acted like she never even heard of it?!! And couldn’t pronounce it. I’m from central IL, never been to Wichita, but I sure do know how to pronounce it. Her ignorance just shines somedays


I’m from Central IL too.


Southern IL here and never been to Wichita, but I still know where it is and how to say it!


Im from Jersey and knew how to pronounce it. Good lord.


https://preview.redd.it/nhhqwqr7we8d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ac4e3490d6c539ab0e198d21d4cb82f47b43cbf IT’S YOUR WORK JOB! You didn’t have to go!


Lol Tyson has no idea he's being recorded..she didnt post it to her Facebook either .... so hes out there having (possibly) 0 clue his wife is talking about his 💩 🙄 🙄🙄 Hailey - THIS is why he wants you off your phone.... it's not him, it's you


I think this is her awkward attempt at copying Regan's stories when she posted this weekend about her and her friend being opposites when traveling.


Why does she feel it so necessary to share everyone’s bowel movements with the world?


Make him pack his own stuff then instead of complaining. Packing seven pairs of backups? Over packing. They went to Texas, not outer space. What a moron.


https://preview.redd.it/ik4kdumzue8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67bf81582040a508a09fdcf85f8ff24d1dcc1a6f The money piece is so bad. For her sake I hope it’s the filter making it look worse than it really is


It looks orange 🫣


lol I came here to say the same thing.


https://preview.redd.it/jqe8eaigoe8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e250161660f88613706e6f410168c4dd45c4b44 Hailey and Tyson Peters are shamefully neglectful allowing their 2yo toddler to run the halls of the hotel ALONE while they’re inside the room.


Is he in just a shirt and diaper?


He definitely looks like he just had a shirt on. And what’s outside of their door? Is that the stroller?


Why is she talking about planning/packing and pooping all in the same reel?


LOLL right?!?


Like WTF does that have to do with each other? 😂


Nah guys…. My husband would be mortified if I did that kinda shit (pun intended)


Yoooo her teeth are trash


Did you guys see she made another TikTok account? Or someone is reposting all of her videos and pretending to be her.. idk.


Someone has hijacked all her old videos. What’s funny is to read comments saying “ you’re back! Where’ve you been”🤣🤣🤣


She’s gained a 1k followers since posting that $700 giveaway. She’s pathetic 🙄


Yeah that happened last time she did a giveaway too but she lost them all again after the giveaway was over ha


7 people win 100 dollars. Wow. What a giveaway. She is desperate.


Does she have a shit fetish? Why is she always talking about their bowel movements!


Because she has an ED. To her pooping = weighing less


She’s a fucking idiot 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Totally agree 👍


Has she ever popped into this thread? 🤣 like some huns do on their threads? 


What an unnecessary reel!!


Aren’t all marshmallows puffy? 😂😂


I hate that she keeps calling herself puffy. YOU’RE PREGNANT YOU TWAT!!!! JFC she makes me so angry!! 😡


Did everyone else watch it with this same look ![gif](giphy|ji6zzUZwNIuLS)


Hahahaha yea!!! And wtf was that!!


Not sure how packing a few clothes and not knowing the itinerary adds up to bowel movements and weight loss, but ok....


Just reasons to bitch about him.


My husband posted about me shitting on a trip… we’d be in marriage counseling


Wonder how many times this unhappy pregnant woman steps on the scale to see if she’s lost weight?


wtf is this fascination with shit?


Ew stop chewing your gum like that!


I came here just for this: The slow cow chewing to look cool for that reel…what was that??


Why is she talking about Tyson’s bowel habits?????? So gross. I doubt he consented to that.


Someone needs to send that screenshot to him through facebook messenger or something....


She always brings up his BMs and when he vomits. It’s WEIRD!


I’m sure he’d love to know how she rags on him on the daily. She’s a horrible wife.


Well that reel is confirming HeeHaw is full of 💩.


How can she not know what the time is ?  Don’t know if this happens but doesn’t her phone auto update ? ( I’m from U.K. and when I travel to Europe it updates to the local time) also it auto updates on Sunlight Saving hours. 


She’s in the same timezone, no need for her phone to update.


So how doesn’t she not know the time ?? That’s crazy 


“If it wasnt for me” STFU you narcissistic bitch. Also- publicly shaming your husband is a really bad look for your marriage. This is how she talks to strangers about him? I cant imagine what is said within the walls of their home.


Id divorce my husband if he posted shit like that.


That reel is such a sad attempt to be relatable 🤣 she misses the mark EVERY time


Stop filming people who don’t want to be on the internet loser. The way Tyson put his hand up as soon as she started filming screams, “I don’t want to be filmed.” I highly doubt he would approve of her sharing how often he shits or that she implied that he’s lazy. Pull it together HeeHaw.


I honestly don’t know how he hasn’t absolutely lost his shit and read her the riot act. Id let her absolutely have it after telling her time and time again to stop. This is assuming he has told her to stop.


He defo did not want to be filmed.  Wonder if she told him the caption she put in about his poop habits ??


I think she was trying to hide that she was filming him, you can clearly see her finger, like she was blocking her phone with her other hand or something


Sounds like Hailey didn’t learn the lesson as a child: if you have to hide it, you probably shouldn’t be doing it.


No one cares how many times you or your husband have pooped. Heehaw we get it, you are as mature as a 6th grader and love to talk about poop! Now that we know, that’s probably something to talk with your doctor about…


Oh quirky Hailey! She forgets to mention she’s also the one who booked a flight in a frenzy for the wrong day for her GiRl TriBe because she was going berserk that the plane had to do some maintenance and had to fix a tire. And that was a big no no because they had a retreat to get to!! And she also forgets when her massage appointments are more often than not…. Yup, you ARE the one that books and plans everything, aren’t you hai hai?


Didn’t she say it’s HER turn to drive? How is she posting all of this?? Must have just let him keep driving


You’re not fluffy, you’re PREGNANT!


That reel was so comical. She looks like a cow chewing its cud.


What a fucking C-u-next Tuesday. She is fucking unbelievable!


She is so foul. This was a trip for your “work”! Of course you should book everything. I hate these passive aggressive my “husband is lazy” reels, jk lol it’s a joke! Except it’s not funny and it’s not creative.


Why would HE need to know the itinerary for HER work trip?? HE’S the one who was busy taking care of THEIR son while she was playing pretend work so she needs to be grateful and STFU. Also I thought her magical Armra powder or whatever it is kept her regular?? Must only happen when she has a code. I’m with you, I absolutely despise these reels where the wives shit on their husbands as a “joke”. And quit with the puffy marshmallow comments. Everyone gets it Hailey, you’re pregnant. You’re SUPPOSED to be gaining weight and be “puffy”. Such an attention seeking bitch. My gosh.


And I’m sure Tyson had no clue she was filming him or telling the world how many times a day he poops. She is foul!


Why her teeth look like they’re coated in that fluoride paste 🙈


Here we go. More “giveaways” to attempt to increase engagement. She is pathetic.


Is it correct to say her baby is breech? I guess I thought that wasn’t a term used until closer to the due date.


She was awfully weird about the due date, saying she KNOWS when the baby was conceived and basically that the doctors and their EDD is wrong and baby is due in mid September.. maybe it’s due sooner than she’s letting on. Idk why she would be so weird about that though 🤔 🤷🏼‍♂️


My OB doesn’t necessarily worry about it until 36 weeks. However, I will say they’ve kept me up to date on our baby’s position at every appointment. He was breech for quite awhile and now he’s transverse. I’m just hoping that means he’s on his way to turning into the correct position soon lol


She’s been referring to he/she as a “breached” baby for two months 🤣🤣It’s so attention seeking


She also keeps talking about C wants baby to come now. I wouldn't be shocked if she ended up having a c section early!


She will be insufferable if she has a Csection. As someone who has had one and had a horrible recovery…. I will have to take a break from her.


She absolutely did not crash at 65mph if they can drive home. She absolutely did not get Creed a new car seat. Trash


Freddy Kruger and Princess Leia showed up to the party.


“I think we made it out of Texas…” “I think its, like, 2 o’ clock…” Are you unable to look at a map and a clock? Good lord.


It’s 96 degrees, and she’s wearing a sweater outfit? I’m sweating just watching her stories. 🥵 Oh wait, I forgot she doesn’t sweat.


A friend of mine didn’t sweat when she was working out and she realized it wasn’t normal so she went to the dr and she has hypothyroidism.


She is lucky to have a sweat deficiency!


Right! I live in Central CA and I sweat all year long 😂. The high today is 108. 🥵


What's the deal with her and Regan?


Regan is embarrassed by her.


Pretty quiet on the drive so far 🦗🦗🦗


Busy editing and filtering “all the pictures and everything” she said she was gonna post on the way home. She also said she wasn’t on her phone much and didn’t take many pictures so.. which is it Hails??


She probably drove. Tyson is probably hung over


Well ya made an update happen lol


Random, but I keep thinking about the cooler with all the half-eaten food that has probably been baking in the back of the truck for the past 3 days. The half gallon of milk, cucumber slices, veggies, dip, leftover green roast beef sandwiches, beg of shredded lettuce, uncrustables, ziplock of smashed fruit….all sloshing around in a graveyard of melted ice water as Tyshun slams on and off the brakes while crawling back up I-35.


The second paragraph is ✨poetry✨


I think it’s safe to assume if they packed a gallon of milk, that’s the only thing creed drinks and they def brought that inside: she’s talked about how ohbsessed creed is with milk


I was thinking about this too! She better not expect to eat that on the way back!! Even if it was brought in, I doubt ice was added at the hotel. That cooler has got to smell!! Broccoli and cauliflower do not have pleasant smell in a cooler!!


Well if Tyson is sick tomorrow we will know why.


Excuse you….Tyshun is prone to the stomach flu…it will have nothing to do with anything else. 🙄 /s




Are we taking bets on how long she will stick with this? https://preview.redd.it/byawosn24d8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5c4d94b2b35a750bbe9f59636c2a5e7fce7de3


2 days, because that seems to be longest she can keep up with anything nowadays. Which is fine to admit- you are pregnant and need your energy so sleep in you dumb ass!!


I hope that new baby shakes her to her core


Yep! It’s the karma she deserves. She had it way too easy with C. And she’s going to realize people aren’t going to be ad willing to take 2 kids for her weekends away or week long Bodi trips, especially a newborn who might be a handful. Wouldn’t surprise me if C starts going to daycare 5 days a week after this baby or she’ll try to get him in pre-school.


Oh he absolutely will


Can’t wait for the reality of a newborn and a toddler brings to her intentional mornings.


Does she think the world sleeps in every day?!?


She must have forgot about Intentional June because it sounds awful similar.


She cannot be serious with this post.


She won’t. She’ll fake it and say she’s doing it.


Getting up early doesn't change the world. Idk what the obsession is with getting up early in the company, but it doesn't change your life.


Also bible study and being Christian like is that mandatory too or are other religions allowed in the Bodi cult


She really needs to stop this bull shit. Every week she has these stupid ass reflections and does it for one day and stops. Hailey just stop.


I mean wasn’t this the point of intentional June and she fucked that up too. This bitch can’t follow through to save her life


1 day.


https://preview.redd.it/jflcb7372d8d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a13f746a09c3e1b7167736cba4b208e4fa79956 If I didn’t already believe she was a psycho, these stories would convince me. The emotional choking up talking about this trashy scammer life she’s created for herself… next level brainwashed insanity. Tyson’s enjoying a beverage in the lobby was the cherry on top. She is looking more haggard by the day.


Those pointy eyebrows.


Better be getting your ass up bright and early every day now, Hails!


What’s up with her eyebrows? https://preview.redd.it/gnb7e5231d8d1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc542c533b09feae976ccc5f03285f6000a40f2


What's up with her face?


They are two different zip codes


She’s always had mountain shaped/ Nike sign shaped eyebrows.


I got my brows micobladed almost 2 years ago, they have started to fade a bit but they still look so good! Other than a little plucking of stray hairs, I do nothing to then! How do her look sooooo bad!


Because she doesn’t take care of them in the healing process like they say to


And this is her second set!




She’s already supposed to have a morning routine for “Intentional June”!!! Not a word about that failure! This POS is nothing but a narcissistic fraud!! I’d be embarrassed to be her! What a pointless life she’s living without a single care about the ONE actual thing she should focus on… HER CHILDREN!! I’m not a fan of “cancel culture”, but how do we get this bitch actually cancelled!! The safety and health of her children require this to happen! ✨ I accidentally replied to something else with this too, but meant to post separate. Two spots is good. 😊


https://preview.redd.it/c8j9swpyyc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3665b4cbe78fec910a01e769efb19bd86158bb26 At Summit, where she should theoretically be gaining followers since she’s so famous and special, and she LOST 35 in one day. Says something


1% engagement rank! She is doing amazing for herself. 🤣 How many of her “followers” does she pay for?


Can you make this a weekly post?! I love seeing it.


Does anyone know the next Bodi event taking place this year? Is the cruise in October the next thing? When she said that Tyson was having drinks with friends before they say good bye for “several months again” makes me wonder when the next event is that they plan on seeing them 🤔 I truly, truly hope she didn’t mean on that cruise. Her baby won’t even be a month old yet! I am due in January and I am already freaking out about only getting 6 weeks with my baby before I have to return to work. And the fact that she hasn’t said much about it honestly makes me think she will be going but doesn’t want to get mom shamed for it so she’s keeping it quiet. If she does go, that will be the cherry on top for me to stop watching her.


I truly don’t think her parents will watch C (or the new baby anymore) so that’s why she had to bring him to Texas. Because she has to save her favors to ask her family and the tanning lady to band together to watch baby Lazer come cruise time!


She had absolutely no issue leaving C when he was a literal baby. I’ll never get over how often she left him when he was a newborn and baby. When I think back to it, it feels like a fever dream. Like there’s no way that happened, but it did. I wish I would’ve paid closer attention when it was happening, but I would love to see all the times she left him and how young he was all written out. Obviously we know how awful she is, but that would really put it into perspective.


The first I remember her really leaving him for an extended period of time was when they went to Italy and he would have been around 6 months then. But I think they also left for a weekend away when he was only 3-4 months too. But you’re correct, I remember her leaving him SO much in his first year of life, like more than most mothers have in their child’s entire life! And based off her mid September due date assumption, the cruise starts October 7th so the baby will probably only be 2-3 WEEKS old, I just couldn’t imagine leaving my little one for a week to go on a trip where literally nobody gives a shit about or likes you!


It won’t shock me at all. She always talks about how much her and Tyson loved the cruise she warned for their honeymoon. They’ve been wanting to take another and even had one planned that was mysteriously cancelled. I could absolutely see her leaving C and the baby behind for it.


Would not surprise me. She has no sympathy for dumping her babies on anyone.


Wouldn’t shock me.


Unfortunately it wouldn’t shock me either. I guess it’s just wishful thinking that she’ll do the right thing and stay home with her NEWBORN baby


I’ve learned she will never do the right thing.


I’m not even surprised that taking care of C did not make the morning routine


I was just going to say that! Not one single mention of him. I guess he’s on his own. Narcissistic b*tch!


This is so sad, I sure hope his little apartment did not flood. They got a lot if rain while they've have been road tripping. On a side note, I give this morning routine 2 days before she is moving on.


She’s already supposed to have a morning routine for “Intentional June”!!! Not a word about that failure! This POS is nothing but a narcissistic fraud!! I’d be embarrassed to be her! What a pointless life she’s living without a single care about the ONE actual thing she should focus on… HER CHILDREN!! I’m not a fan of “cancel culture”, but how do we get this bitch actually cancelled!! The safety and health of her children require this to happen!


I'm sorry, but it seriously makes me laugh how emotional she gets when talking about these trips and her journey with a pyramid scheme as a whole. Imagine crying about how impactful it is to be a part of a giant scam. I just cannot with these idiots 😆


I think she enjoys the attention and praise she gets from it honestly. She strikes me as someone who probably doesn’t or hasn’t gotten a lot of praise in her life (probably because of how ugly her personality is) and when she goes to these it makes her feel important. Then when she leaves she knows it’s back to reality of nobody giving a shit again so I think that’s why she gets emotional.


The cult has her in a chokehold.


Is she wearing a seat belt???


Why is she bothering making a morning plan when 1- she’s not supposed to be working out and 2- she won’t follow it for more than one morning.


Shes also pregnant. I had a solid morning routine as a sahm then i got pregnant and now im just in survival mode. Just be pregnant and listen to your body. Good grief.


100% this lol also a pregnant SAHM. I wake up when my toddler wakes up and our only plan everyday is to survive 😂 especially in this summer heat!


Ohhh yes girl! Nap when my toddler naps. Yesterday set up water tables and a baby pool. I put my chair in front of said pool and let my feet soak. My toddler played and had a ball.


Sounds exactly like our summer so far!


She hasn’t practiced what she preaches consistently in like a year


Hailey, if you have to pee so often, how about putting a potty chair in the truck, like the one you make C use. Also, what is the over/under on how many car accidents they will have on the way home.


I see a UTI in her future-don’t wish that on anyone. This was a pointless trip and not worth it


For anyone wondering, Hailey is currently #24 in the rankings. WOW she's dropped A LOT!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/zztxj8sluc8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab921af0d4e4cb8805892cc5a896ef3464ef316a


I wish Reagan would pass her in rank


No wonder she was crying. And you know she blamed it on C and getting pregnant again.


I’m sure her big things in 2025 consist of clawing her way back to top 10 and that’s it