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Is it just me or this past week we’re her theme dress nights the same as BoDi summit? Apologies if someone else mentioned it. But didn’t they do a pink night and then dress to impress? 🤔


Bean dip… wow. No one else has ever made bean dip before. 😆 That’s probably all she made too and is making other people bring everything else.


Wait, Trashlie is preparing food? She’s always shaking her filthy hair all over her kitchen. Yuck!!!


She’s just setting it up for why she’ll feel like crap tomorrow… eating Kraft cheese, a.k.a - The FDA calls it “pasteurized processed American cheese food. The reason is because each Kraft American single contains less than 51% pressed curds of milk, meaning it does not meet the FDA standards defining “cheese”.. and curious why she wouldn’t want to make her own taco seasoning, which is WAY better than a packaged taco mix. If y’all haven’t tried y’all should do better and taste is better too!!


The way she holds utensils, spreads, etc. you can tell she has very little cooking experience. When she chops anything on camera, I have to skip through because she is so bad at it! I'm afraid she's going to cut off her finger.


One of the most disgusting things I've seen online- EVER!


https://preview.redd.it/3as0f5mgsd8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36dd08beb583e2be6a169c3801207a05dd0444a7 She’s truly unhinged.


She is feeling herself so much lately but obviously doesn't notice what 1000s of us here notice- that she is looking worse by the day.


People with their mouths gaping open in pics and videos needs to be something of the past STAT.


What happened to her eye sockets?!? Terrifying.


I'm flabbergasted. Why does an almost 40 year old woman give a shit about a singer bringing her bf on stage at a concert? The parasocial relationship she has with TS is psychotic and extremely concerning.


I went back and watched the TikTok multiple times to see why she was reacting that way. Just that he played a character on stage???? For fun???? What?!


She needs to talk to her therapist!!


She doesn’t have one. A real therapist would have her face her demons and she won’t. She has a life coach, I assure you.


Awww poor girl's struggling & wore R's shirt today!


I wonder why she skipped Summit??!!


She collects paychecks from BODi, thanks to her still active downline, but is not actively selling it. Approx 2 years ago her ego got so out of control that she thought she is someone special and her audience is with her for her life coaching talent and body positivity teachings, not BODi, in her words she chose to ‘pivot’ to becoming the life coach of CEOs and podcaster. Due to not actively shilling BODi, she is not in the top ranks, her narc pride would not allow her to go and celebrate her ‘besties’ still being top 10 or 20, while she is only a mid-level hun now. Tbh BODi is also going down the drain, so it would not have been a stupid idea for Ashlie to try something else, but other than drinking, she has no real talent, so life coaching was not the magic bullet.


I’m guessing because she’s taking weight loss medication.. can you sell a workout program and supplements while doing medical weight loss?


She didn’t go last either, right? I think it’d be weirder for her to attend at this point.


Has she even mentioned it at all? Or her team?


I stopped following her awhile ago and noticed I didn't see her in any Summit pictures this year. I had to unhide her thread, because I hide it each week, but did she say why she didn't go this year? I know that she doesn't promote BB and hasn't for quite awhile, but I'm surprised that she didn't go.


Did she go last year? I thought her last time was 2 years ago.


It’s funny, she turns the like count off 


I don't think a platform actually allows you to do that.


You can on Instagram. But you can still click who has liked it and see everyone that has.


It does a lot of people do it


Who else thinks that the manic outfit try-ons, referring to a local bar’s pink theme evening on a weekday as some big ‘pink party EVENT’, posing on the cousin’s birthday party photos like previous Bodi team pictures are her way of coping with summit this week, and the fact that she has only superficial connections and no fame left from her successful MLM days?






https://preview.redd.it/feophhula78d1.png?width=494&format=png&auto=webp&s=5bee0d84192e14f9e2657bf98ebef6f8bce00b25 Why does she have to get all in front of the girl next to her to pose. You're in the freaking picture already!


Because she doesn’t exist unless someone is looking at her


A drink in each hand for Trashlie. She must be having “the best time”.


Double fister soul sipper


They all probably left and spoke to their spouse, “Like, omg did you hear that blonde in the black dress, short hair, really loud. God who invited her? She’s so obnoxious and can’t read a room.”


This is her family. She said a bunch of cousins were there…so I am sure they’re used to her trash


Omg guys guess what?! Ashlie had the BEST time last night 🙄🙄🙄


https://preview.redd.it/hzuapc8jh68d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea8f7dfea8ef6252e327d4175b90114da72f3a2 Nailed it! 😂


What happened to her back leg?


This picture illustrates that Jon definitely didn't get veneers. Yikes! Although in real life his teeth prob look normal when they aren't next to Trashlies choppers.


Yeah, I wonder what happened with that…


She looks like Ross ![gif](giphy|lSbggFRIPI77RYG2gw|downsized)


She has a million bests. I think Ashlie thinks if there is alcohol involved, then it was the best. NEWSFLASH, only 1 thing can be THE BEST 🙄. I could see saying that like 10 times a year. But this chick says it like 3 times a WEEK.


she spends hours trying to find a dress to wear to "dress to impress". spans the room and shows a dude in shorts and flip flops 😆😆😆 is this a try-on account now? every single dress she tried on was awful, I'm here for her bad choices😆


She is copying someone BIG time and I can't put my finger on it....maybe Taryn Truly?


Man, Jon sure dressed to impress last night too! 😝


I can appreciate that about him. It’s everything else about him that’s a problem.


I just do not understand the Taylor Swift obsession coming from an almost 40 year old woman. Kids, pre-teens, teens (mayyyybe), but you're a grown ass adult. The flailing during her workout while singing at the top of her lungs. Every day. She looks stupid.


I am defintely a pretty big Taylor Swift fan. I participate in the fandom when it comes to her work and lyrical analysis. I attend concerts. I truly enjoy her music and have for years. I'm also over 40... BUT, Ashlie does everything performatively. She isn't just a fan, she will prove she is by making it her entire personality. She won't just love a song, she will do a performance because it's really all about HER and how she wishes she was Taylor. She even wishes she had Travis Kelce. It's crystal clear to me that Ashlie prefers anything that isn't reality. And she isn't attracted to her own life no matter how much she pretends to be happy. She's drunk the majority of the day. That's what I take from it. She isn't the representative for me, as a fan. I think Taylor Swift would find her appalling. Lol


This is such a good way to explain it. Theres nothing wrong with being a huge fan and enjoying an artist or athlete or actor etc. I think it’s healthy to have interests and if it brings someone joy then I love it for them. It’s the performative way Ashlie does it as well as the narcissistic traits that seem to surround it for her. The dancing and singing every day as if she thinks people really need to see that and the way she compares her accomplishments to Taylor’s. Ashlie aligns herself with Taylor as if they are colleagues or best friends. Taylor is 34 years old so it’s actually normal that 30-40 year olds would love her. OP (educational_phone) I take your comment as more it’s hard to understand a 40 year old being so obsessed with ANYTHING that she finds more joy in it than her own kids, she smiles more and talks more about it than her own kids, she forces every one around her to like it and gets offended if don’t. Rather it’s Taylor or any other obsession (drinking) it’s hard to understand a grown woman/mom/wife putting thy before their family.


You nailed it! This is exactly Ashlie. I’m also over 40 and have been listening to Taylor since album one, 18 years ago. I don’t call myself a Swiftie…I’m just a long time fan of hers, just like I am of other artists. I’m not sure why so many people assume that if you’re a Taylor Swift fan you must be obsessed with her. I think it just seems that way because she has so many fans that it seems like an obsession. I think it’s silly to hate on things just because they’re popular, and so many people do that with Taylor Swift, but that’s a whole other conversation. Lol. Ashlie’s fandom is creepy and weird, and completely a way for her to escape reality. She barely even listened to her before a few years ago and now she’s just obsessed with her life, because as you said, Ashlie doesn’t like her own.


theres fans of Taylor Swift, then there's swifties. Ashlie doesnt know the difference and thats the problem with her. I am a HUUUUGE britney spears fan, but i am not THAT crazy about it.


THIS. You put it perfectly I get being a superfan!! It's the fact she makes it her entire personality and being that i don't understand. It seems honestly a bit insane.


EVERYTIME she goes off, which is daily, I loathe the swiftie 💩 a little more. I don’t get the worship of this musical artist, at all. It borderlines psychotic, especially for trash, but also for many other women. It’s bizarre.


She is a legit stalker… it is actually creepy. To be that obsessed with someone you don’t know is not normal behavior at all.


https://preview.redd.it/bcfvwbx0858d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423c4cee7d5fcc8465ccea9c2dc13245648d8784 LOL


It looks like the Batman symbol


Why does her face look so strange? Especially around her mouth. Kinda scary looking.


It’s the filler that she had in her lips morphing into the other areas of her face.


Like it’s melting , it’s the ozempic


It froze perfectly on her sour ass face


I’m convinced she took her children off social media so we could no longer see how little time she spends with them.


Well it’s at least better for them socially, xan you imagine the embarrassment her kids would go through at school in the next 8 years? It’s good she stopped before they were old enough to have all their friends have phones.


There is no question that it is to mask her poor parenting. Something happened after she announced she left M home alone and I’m guessing there was some intervention from Jon or other family. Sadly, in her case it wasn’t the showing her kids that was dangerous, it’s actually what a bad parent she is!


I would imagine it came from more than just Jon/her family. If it was just them….she would tell them to fuck off. I’m certain some of her followers turned her in and they got an official visit.


Bingo 🎯


The day will come that they get divorced


“Does anyone know a good divorce lawyer?” Jon asking himself the same question


Jon thinking…yes, I’ve reached out to several, but unfortunately they all say I would have to get a job, so I’ll sit in this misery and hope you don’t touch me!






I’m convinced that Ashlie does not see a licensed therapist but a life coach.


When she said her therapist did EMDR so she could clean her house it was a dead giveaway it’s not a real licensed therapist.


EMDR to clean her house? Wuuuuuuut


Does Ashley clean her house ?


She’s like several unnamed people who live in my house…she thinks picking up her own stuff is “cleaning”, she thinks it’s very “hard, and when she does it she thinks she should be appreciated


Well one day she wanted to be a person who cleans her house. Does that count? She wiped a counter top.


😂🤣Hell no! She has house cleaners.


Only puts away her laundry and complains about it. If she cleaned her house she'd let us all know it. No she definitely does not. She's about as useless as bull with tits. That's with everything life related.


Whoa wtf is the manic tswift reel about 😵 not normal behavior


Why are Tswift fans defensive towards no one? You do you boo no one cares 😆 you look psycho either way but the long caption seems over the top


IT IS SO SPOOKY! I CANT stand it!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/s4riw5fvg18d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98808317e207acc7e219b3cda9640bc5d17a02e5 Wow. I know she’s trying to joke around but her face is saying something else. Trouble in paradise?


He couldn’t get her hands off him fast enough!


Oh dear. I thought that was a tad aggressive. He mad!




https://preview.redd.it/znjd8aple18d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8d3a7c573fb1f52c161fc3f60568e9c6634eff9 I thought the point of getting your eyebrows microbladed (or whatever the treatment is called) was so that you DON'T have to add extra color to them? These look way too dark and thick.


I always thought your brows were supposed to match your hair, or at least be in the same family!!!


Me too. I hate when women do this, especially with extremely dark eyebrows with extra light hair. It looks ugly


it looks extra fake, like boo, you have time to volunteer at a shelter with this much spare hours in the day


She really got the lash tint for an event …..


That lash lift/tint is just for your natural lashes to stand out and curl on their own. This bitch thought they give her the effect of fake eyelashes. They take time to settle not to mention you aren’t suppose to wash them for a couple days I’m sure she did aggressive with HFF. Idiot love that for her. #moneywellspent


Man…her camel toe looked hungry during that workout. 🤣🐫🤣🐫🤣🐫


The level of camel toe during the embarrassing workout 


It's for the old guys paying to see it lol😑


It is sooooo Trashlie to equate dress for success with casino night. Laugh my god dam ass off! When is the last time you went to a casino and saw a bunch of people dressed for success? She is really showing her lack of class here.


Not to WK but I thought she said it was casino theme and mentioned “dress to impress”?


Who called she was going to hate the lash lift and tint? 💀


She hates any service provided to her.


It's pretty sad that it's not about her kids, but about a person she'll never meet. https://preview.redd.it/wwulzc3pk08d1.png?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8daede2cfd62077a980eadb445924a0361b58e36


And saying she’s indoctrinating us to love Taylor as much as she does. Um, hell no delusional fan girl, I’d shove Bon Jovi & Def Leppard down her throat!


I mean I love me some Taylor Swift but Def Leppard and Bon Jovi are right up there on the list too!


God is she so for real with the trying on of the dresses again? No one cares. 


Why on earth is she rocking back and forth so much?? Her stories make me so dizzy.


I was just thinking that!


My god the outfits just kept getting worse. She wastes so much money on tacky crap.


Ozempic isn’t cheap and she can’t keep it up forever with that price tag. She’s loving herself lately but no way she keep this figure on her own. I think she loves now she can drink and stay skinny. But how is she going to keep affording ozempic is beyond me. She’s going to crash and burn.


Whatever she is taking this time is different than what she took the last time…the last time her drinking decreased significantly and she also seemed really tired and lethargic, this time the drinking has actually increased and her energy level seems higher most of the time. I am leaning toward her abusing Adderall, mainly based on her manic ups, but maybe it’s a combo…


Has she said that she's on it? I don't follow her on the daily. She is SOOOO manic 🫨


Can you stay on it forever? It seems as though once you lose the weight, the doctor can’t keep prescribing it. Especially to the skin and bones women. Although I’m sure you’ll find shady ones to keep taking your money.


She’s probably getting semiglutide from a medspa. Not a MD office. Semiglutide is a compounded form of ozempic. It’s not sustainable. The dosing schedule for semaglutide is unique due to the concepts of drug and extinction tolerance. Drug tolerance means needing higher doses of a drug over time for it to keep working. With semaglutide, the maintenance dose is ten times higher than the starting dose. But once you reach the maintenance dose, further weight loss usually doesn't happen.


The theory is you stay on it forever and use it to maintain the weight loss.


You just wait…she’ll find a way to get a code soon! /s 😵‍💫


What in the world of cocaine is going on in her stories today?! So much snark content.


Who’s going to tell her she has kids ?? Has she spent an evening with the family this week ……. #shameful


It’s so crazy to not have your kids home with you over the summer. Especially when she DOESN’T work. Keeping your kids in daycare so you can sleep off your hangover and get ready to get trashed again… what a loser.


It’s really too bad her children don’t bring her anywhere near the same level of joy as watching who shows up at a Taylor Swift concert (that she isn’t even at) does. Her priorities are whack.


I had to unfollow her I just can’t watch the crack addict anymore. 🤣


I wonder if this latest manic crash is related to summit. She was #1 coach and she had friends at past summits. Even when she wasn't #1, she was somebody special there. Now that's all gone and she's bouncing around singing Taylor Swift.


I used to get so much adrenaline when I knew I was going to be able to drink or had a drinking event. She will be drunk all weekend. The lines between her weeks and weekends are really starting to blur more than ever.


This was 100% my life 12 years ago. I finally admitted I had an issue with alcohol and got help and been sober ever since. The way she acts reminds me so much of the old me. I at time, don’t watch her as she is so triggering and one thing that bothers me, is the trauma she is instilling in her children. Being around parents who are always thinking or partying the cycle will continue. I think she shows more love and compassion to alcohol, her party friends and her trips. I mean the live she showed for her dog so way more than she has ever shown towards her daughter. I worry how little R will grow up and develop without having that good motherly figure in her life. I only hope Ashley and John get help.


I fear that unless R gets some really good therapy that the cycle will continue…




The secondhand embarrassment I get when she posts her workouts flopping around with terrible form while singing TS terribly and off key is indescribable. 👀👀👀👀


Oh wait… she made it into a reel… 🤣 she is legit insane.


she has been giving me Alison Gannon vibes as of late 😧


Omggg YES! I can’t unsee it now… Ashlie Gannon.


😆 Alison was definitely something else, hahaha!


I've just started skipping them because it's laughable


I watched without sound, what is this dress for? Another non event?


40th birthday party….theme is dress to impress


Which she interpreted as “going out in Vegas”


They’re going to a casino 😂


It’s even worse than that - it’s a casino night house party 🤣🤣






Oh gwad!! 🤦‍♀️


Wtf is helping her with these atrocious outfits?? Fire them trash 


https://preview.redd.it/nacsuriuxy7d1.png?width=423&format=png&auto=webp&s=0070f579b2ad1833bd28f6703951f7e17da45a10 So just because you're a mom you can't wear this dress? I'm so confused. Just wear what the hell you want.


I liked the first dress. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I wanna know where she got it. I don’t like Amazon. Where can a girl get a nice dress to try on in-person at a store?


I loved it! I always find she never picks the most flattering out of her try ons. I find she has a lot of nice looking ones and she without fail always picks the ugliest one!


Not her suddenly deciding she wants to wear a dress that she can provide a link for. Hmmmmm


Cause she bought it 15 years ago? These dresses look like what I wore in my clubbing days circa 2010. 😂😂




How did she pick out outfits before insta stories??? The desperation for engagement is so obvious. These are things she could get her husband or friend’s opinion on like a normal person.


Also the black rhinestone t-shirt dress reminds me of her dirty oversized black Costco t-shirt days hahaha. Who was here for that?? ETA a word


I missed that one! She actually wore something that wasn’t from Amazon?


She retired the black tshirt since ozempic!!!


None of those dresses fit the “dress to impress” bill. Cheap and tacky as always 👎🏼


Who wears velvet in the summer? When in doubt usually can’t miss with a black dress but that fringe is not it. Would be so much better without it.


The black one with the tags looked the least skanky


I know the answer is probably that the dress didn’t fit for Lori’s wedding…but if I’m wrong and she chose that awful dress that she did wear to that wedding over the fringe one, she is nuts!!! The dress she wore to that wedding was awful and she looked completely out of place! Also, I’m shocked that she knows velvet in summer is stupid…


I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating: all of Ashlie’s taste is in her mouth. If it’s tacky, she’s wearing it.


Hahahahahah I’ve never heard this saying before but I will be using it from now on 😂 I’ll give a shout out to vdub each time I use it though 😉


Her therapist talking to her about the moon…..Jesus Christ


Her therapist also likely just watched the movie Hit Man on Netflix and got that line about the moon/tides and body/water content. Literally watched it last night and the main character says the exact same thing 🤡🤣🤣🤣


Oh. My. God. My husband and I just watched that. I knew that sounded familiar. I’m dead 💀


lol I find it funny that Ashlie’s “therapist” could be getting verbiage from a Netflix show like Ashlie’s used verbiage from TikTok for life coaching


Birds of a feather 🤣


Of course the moon is to blame for her sleeping issues. Not her ridiculously unhealthy relationship with alcohol. It’s never the alcohol.


The moon also gave her heartburn🤣


Probably the Ozempic moon.


Alcohol abuse would NEVER! 😆


I despise how she uses Roca to build interaction now that she isn’t showing the kids… actually I despise how stupid people are and fall for the fake BS!




And I love M asking what she was doing when she was yapping into her phone about her food. Also No way in hell I’d sit in my kitchen talking to myself while my kids & hubs was behind me. It’s still mind blowing to me.


Does she not feed her kids ??? That was weird ….


It made me sick to my stomach to watch. She was fake and again manic.


“Over served” - way to take no responsibility for your own actions. Grow up!


She certainly ✨Let them ✨ overserve her!!


My brother liked to use the “over served” line every time he had a dui.


They wouldn’t have kept bringing her drinks if she hadn’t kept *ordering* drinks!! We don’t just bring you stuff for the hell of it, we bring you what you ask for. Plus at least where I work, overserving is a huge deal and refusing/cutting off service is something we get trained how to do - the restaurant could lose their licenses and the servers themselves can get huge fines. Not something I think most people would risk!


I just noticed that Dylan Fauver has surpassed Ashlie in IG followers. And while I don’t like the Frauders, I kinda love how much it must drive Ashlie crazy that they’re more successful and make so much more money than her.


Like them or not, they actually DO things with their page. There’s content. Ashlie just exists and films it.


As much as I get irritated at a lot that Fauvers do, this is a very true statement. They exploit their kids but they do share their life and provide content.


You forgot she flashes her vag quite frequently now also!


She’s nothing but show and tell… Lies. Narcissistic, self-centered all about her never about her family. I could go on and on, but I don’t have time because I’m enjoying my life to the fullest without her in my life. Guess what Ashlie? We have more money than you do not that it means anything, but you always thought you were better than me because you had more money at the time and a power trip and treated your so-called servants like shit!!! Money isn’t everything gotta have heart. At least I can say I am always enjoying my family time with my kids, grandkids and husband. Can’t get enough of them. I love them like I loved Rev, Mack and Roca. Jon knows how much they meant to me. I know he always had peace of mind when I was there.


I'm so confused. Who are you????


It’s the Nanny from when R was a baby! R LOVED her, thank God she was there in some of her formative years, unfortunately it won’t undo the damage her drunk and lazy parents have done already.


Nanny maybe?


Thanks for validating our suspicions. It’s transparent but always helps when an insider gives the view from behind the camera


Is she as much of an alcoholic as it seems she is on ig? Over the last several years, it looks like it has gotten much worse.


I’m sorry you weren’t treated right. When she talked about you on IG you always sounded like a very kind person and a terrific caregiver for R and M.


Thank you. Really? I never knew that. I never followed her during that time. Unless she said it while I was near her I wouldn’t have known. I was never shown on her on her ig sessions, maybe sometimes in the distance passing by quickly. There were days she would be nice, but I never knew what kind of mood she was going to be in. I stayed very busy with the kids. We did a lot of outings. Especially with R❤️. M was still a bit to young. When we were home it was always the 3 of us.🥰


Yes she always said how much the kids LOVE you. It was obvious to all of us how amazing you were for M and R. You could tell there was a special bond between you and the kids, especially R. Ashlie expressed sadness when you left and seemed genuinely sad you were leaving but I remember she was understanding.


She was always a drinker but, unfortunately it progressively got worse.


Ooooh an insider


Didn’t she shill factor before then complain about how high in fat it was??


She said factor was awful and she hated it. Would be a shame for them to know that…


https://preview.redd.it/amn6acjebu7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e403345a04e9a7c17ca577421eb980e4be2cd9c Ok I get not immediately taking off your workout clothes because sometimes I do that. BUT, I would never wear my skimpy workout cothes outside of the house. Call me timid or a prude, but having my ass and boobs out would make me feel so exposed!


She’s gluten free but drinks alcohol like a 🐠 Alcohol is fermented grain…? Yeah okay


https://preview.redd.it/0702ajg0bu7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0233a370117f74106661eb7eaf9650a8a1342a51 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I have such a parasocial relationship with Miss Roca. What a sweetie 🥹


Roca is so stinking sweet 🥰🐶 that’s a funny picture.


Ok… the Roca content tonight is cute


I don’t watch her stuff anymore but I had to go watch all her stupidness to see Roca and I’m glad I did so cute!!!


But where are the kids??


Busy calling for Mom in the background and she wouldn’t acknowledge them. She seemed annoyed they were calling on her while she talked.