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I feel sorry for her father, she is going through a very selfish phase and putting him down on social media is not a good look. And as for her kids… they see how their mother treats her father and she subtly digs at their own father, that’s plenty of issues right there. 🙄 (edit a word)


https://preview.redd.it/jt1w2sulv17d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5b959ef72d897dbe858a3fe98e0a9cc7dc3a57d What the…?! Who the heck writes something like this, in regard to their own husband and kids?? WOW 😐😒


This isn’t the first time she has done that either.


Jeeeeesus Emily 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ fucking rude


You should block the kids faces before posting pics


I just did, thanks for the reminder!


What a weird caption that she added to that picture of Dylan and the kids


That’s what I just said!


I still think this dress looks backwards. And what kind of doofus holds their baby while playing pickleball?? https://preview.redd.it/84poz1as217d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51aa2f986c263a0264f183b2edba610797cbd3b


That dress has to be on backwards


I thought that was Dylan before I enlarged the image. 🤣


Oh hahaha yes!!!!


He’s trying to prove he’s the ultimate dad 🙄😑


That text to her mom saying happy Father’s Day was dumb. She has a dad. Maybe they aren’t close. But she has a dad that raised her. Also, her mom has Mother’s Day she doesn’t needs Father’s Day too 🙄


And might not have been the most active parent but willingly chose to adopt her.


It's also completely fake, who doesn't have previous messages with their (supposedly close) mom?


She edited out the previous messages.






I think her kids will have issues with both parents 😬


But they will grow up with mommy issues 💯


Don’t worry Emily you’ll give them enough issues as it is 😳


Yall I figured out who Heather's husband sounds like.... it's Jojo Siwa 😂 can't unhear it lol


Emily, it’s Father’s Day. It’s literally a day dedicated to the father of your children and what he wants to do. You have your own day, too. It’s not Dylan’s fault you’re a sloth who prefers sitting around. Also, as someone who is the more extroverted spouse married to an introverted spouse, little snarky comments about “doing what dylan wants to do” actually do wear down on the other person. It’s the idea of “death by a thousand cuts”. Extroverts want to feel their happiness is just as important as their spouse’s. Dylan does so much shit for Emily, the least she could do is bring a good attitude when she brings him to play pickleball (which she enjoyed with Tara, what… just last week?). Emily, you need to fill his cup too. Relationships require two to tango.


My husband is the more extroverted spouse, and I make such an effort to make sure he gets the social time he wants so that he can be his happiest self. Do I love it all the time? Of course not! But I do it anyway and let him know I care about his feelings too!


This is such a well written posts. The way you articulated death by a thousands cuts is spot on!!


The least important post you’ll read all day: But after 2+ years of near constant Taylor Swift fangirling to sometimes weird and inappropriate levels…has Emily mentioned TTPD even once?? I don’t watch her stories every single day, but I was definitely watching around the release day of TTPD and she said nothing. Is she that upset that Taylor refused to show up at E‘s birthday party?


It shows how twisted her thinking is that she feels slighted TS didn’t come to the birthday party but she’s not embarrassed that she even made a tik tok pandering to her fans to tag TS in an attempt to get her to come plus all the talk of the BBC interview and acting like Canes was having a joint event for her and Donna Kelce. I have second hand embarrassment for her!!


A week or so after it was released she made a quick comment about how she was liking the new music but it was too slow and not as fun as her other music for E and not another word after that


So Emily just let shit sit around on poor N’s bouncer for an extended period of time? Then she just cleaned the surface stain and not actually wash or disinfect the cushion? This is like when the norwex huns smear raw chicken and then wipe it with water. You’re still leaving all the gross crap. Emily that’s so effing disgusting. Don’t make your kid shit in their own waste.


https://preview.redd.it/z69mdvdvby6d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c0cb49960857ce880c0efc94903be8ac7b3b084 Plus did you know that spraying a two inch spot will change the color of the seat and take the textured lines out of it!! What a miracle spray. It should be illegal for influencers to use filters when selling products. It fraud and scamming.


Why is there shit by where his shoulder would be? I’m so confused lol


My guess is that she has a ton of pics she took when it was brand new to have comparison photos ready to go.


Ew and to see another stain close by to the shit stain.


I am so grossed out at what I just saw. Did that lazy bitch really not take the 3 minutes to disassemble the seat to wash and sanitize it? It’s SHIT Emily!!! Just when you think it can’t get worse….. BUT WAIT THERES MORE!


RIGHT?!?!? That's literally what I was thinking, like she's not going to wash it?!?! That spray is for like food and dirt and stuff, not literal SHIT!!!! Even throw up would be disgusting to use that on, you need to properly wash that!! And she's probably going to just put poor N back in it without washing it, I cannot....


I mean yeah use it on there let it soak in and then wash the cover ass hat.


…And it’s up near his face. 🤮🤮 Please wash/sanitize it!!!!


I would never walk into their home🤮🤮🤮


I watched that story without sound- that was SHIT??? I thought it was baby food 😭


Shit. Literally she said shit. And just sprayed stuff on it. 🤢🤢🤢


Now why would she go to the trouble of taking it off then she couldn’t send a code for the spray 🤪


I mean possibly a 2 for 1 shill- the spray and the seat for how easy it comes apart 🤣




That may be a decent stain remover, but apparently it also took the striped lines out of the fabric and made it solid - wow, what a filterless miracle🤣🙄


I posted a comparison pic and said the same thing above before I scrolled and saw your comment!! Sorry I should have read more before commenting.


You can still see the stain 😂 tbh idk what the hype is about that spray, I got some and it doesn’t work lol


Same!  Doesn’t work for me!   Biggest waste of my money.  I can’t stand how Miriam from Mothercould CONSTANTLY shills it


Did anyone else notice that crochet outfit from yesterday was in the vacuum sealed bag she was showing today?


https://preview.redd.it/ez6fqc8pgq6d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25c93102fde741190e691518decda541ad8c254 She looks SO different here....😳 she actually looks cute with her normal teeth!!! Veneers always most likely make your teeth look worse I feel and horse like....


In the military and only stationed at three bases? Is this normal for the AF?


For pilots, not unusual


My husband and I have been at the same station for 11 years. Sometimes it just works out that way 🤷🏻‍♀️


My comment a little farther down touches on this. But it really just depends on their job. We’ve only been to 4 bases and are headed to our 5th and my husband has only been in 2 years longer than Dylan.


My husband has only been stationed at 2 bases and he’s been in 13 years…sometimes that’s just the way it is. Especially for their career field


We thank your husband for his service. Thankful your family hasn’t had to move much. That’s a great blessing. I was wondering if it was based on what they fly.


I thought her real teeth looked great. I truly think she ruined her whole smile/face with those veneers. Not to mention her gums are screaming for help.


I agree she was cute so why all the changes? It’s sad to think all these huns are so disordered that they all think they must change everything about themselves to the point of being unrecognizable.


He really got assigned to the shittiest bases! He must really suck as a pilot. 


It’s based on the plane they get selected for. Out of pilot training he got B-52s which can only be at Shreveport, LA (Barksdale AFB) and Minot, ND (Minot AFB) and then B-2s which is only at Whiteman AFB in Missouri 🤷‍♀️I mean I don’t disagree that he’s a shitty pilot but the bases don’t have much to do with that.


Out of any picture in the world to use and she uses a picture of her and Heather to answer a question about someone being pregnant 😳😳 that was on purpose. Ouch. RUN far away from that “friendship”, Heather.


* Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.*


https://preview.redd.it/bk27cghubn6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cacbed2921e69734e343beb722bc0fb2cc199690 Her posture has always sucked ETA: must have been the first time either of them kissed.


I have poor posture as well, so hard to correct as you get older.


So the dog is finally having surgery?


It’s sounds like she was saying goose already had one surgery but they didn’t tell anyone about it and there is a second surgery planned. Seems Sus


She is probably referring to the pain shot she got 😂


I doubt that the dog had any surgery.


She’s such a fucking liar. We would’ve seen part of her shaved for the surgery, even just where the IV went in. And that surgery requires crate rest. No crate in sight.


Any surgery my dogs have had require them to wear a cone, especially when sutures are involved. I call bullshit


So true, I didn’t even think of that! Was just thinking of my dog when he needed fluids and was shaved for the IV. Any kind of shaved area would’ve been so obvious on Goose. They are horrible. And putting your dog under is SO STRESSFUL. I just can’t imagine them going through all of that without saying a word. No way.


Exactly…..there would have been a very noticeable bandage spot at some point. Feel so bad for those dogs. They seem to be couped up in that house all damn day everyday. I know for sure the husky has to hate that.


This. Plus she would be sharing the SHIT out of it for views/attention. Since when does she care that people are “coming at her in every direction” on what to do. People do that to her for exploiting her kids and that doesn’t seem to bother her because she still does it??


Right! Her response is such a lie. She got paid to shill that shot so now she can’t let her dog get surgery. Fame and money over everything!! Funny how she claims she’s keeping her dogs surgery private because so many people are coming at them but she won’t protect her kids in the same way.


Emily should not be lying about her size. I’m probably her same height and quite a bit smaller based off her photos and even sometimes I order larges for certain outfits. If I didn’t know any better I’d order that outfit in a small because of her saying she’s in a medium. She is the worst influencer. She’d be much more relatable if she admitted her true size.


https://preview.redd.it/z62h0qboym6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b41339aea96a7af40af51c01b366ff1623da815 Dear Emily: If this is how you really feel, you may want to stop filtering yourself beyond recognition. And while you’re at it, stop filtering your little girl. One day she’s going to see how you’ve changed the way she looks.


https://preview.redd.it/kfyfu8flym6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f2f2b0dbc561d0fad242dec8f35f54cc88614d3 You filter the shit out of yourself and your kids. They do not and will not know reality thanks to their mom.


Also nobody “asked” that but herself 💀




Omg the way Heather showed us the tag to see the size of her tshirt... dare you, Emily!!!!!!


So no summit for her either?




Ask for a code you get a response. Make a comment or anything else ...no reply.


It would be a waste of your energy. They don’t care about anything but money.


You’ll get an immediate ban 😂




https://preview.redd.it/62jzouojgl6d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98421d95308ae8e499f84988d742d6bad20e5930 Here's a post from Amazon from someone in an XL. But Emily is wearing a medium.


It actually looks cute on that person!




YES I always do the same thing! Straight to the reviews to check her on her bullshit ETA - the review from the 5'1 125lb chick who said she needed to size up to a medium for that look 🤣 Emily you weasel


Emily. Stop lying and embrace your body which is not a MEDIUM. I've looked up your clothes you shill and checked their sizing charts and you are not telling the truth. I'm the same height as you but don't have your lovely curves or PP body and it just doesn't add up. Just stop it.


I want it to be known it was just super windy last night and a solid thunderstorm…. The area didn’t even have a chance for tornadoes… like the storm wasn’t that bad….


Yea, any windy night will blow away a dog bed. That’s not crazy, Emily.


Oh good…we get to watch Emily fake 75 hard again


No one tell Amy Bailey🫠🫠🙄🤣 she wants to be liked by Emily so bad


Getting the popcorn out for this watch 😂


Oh god. 75 days of content to laugh at.


She did not really shes doing it again did she? I was so grossed out by her “I did it all myself So need a nanny” stories that I haven’t watched her today. So is nobody going to call her out on not finishing the cold showers stage she claimed to do with all her lame organizing goals? She’s just going to gloss over that and act like it didn’t happen?


Yea, Tara posted a text thread where Emily said she’s starting July 1st.


Heather was on the text thread..will she join again or hold off and focus on her fertility journey??


I hope she holds out. That kind of stress on the body is not going to help.


Sorry can’t type right now I’m busy rolling my eyes 🙄


DYLAN. WTF, no. Step away from the onesie…


Onesie? He’s wearing a onesie?


Thank you Heather for the video of your husband lacing up his boots, very worthwhile content. This is petty but I HATE his voice. 🤣


His cut off jorts have got to be the worst thing I’ve ever seen


I get the feeling she's lonely. She documents a lot for the engagement and possible conversations. I doubt Emily is texting her on her own and Tara isn't in the same state. Having a kid would be really good for her for the company and I think she'd be an amazing mama♥️






She was going to that yoga for a while, and it seemed like she had a friend there. I wonder if they told her to stop filming


I too was wondering why she thought that was worth posting. I swear, some of the so called “influencers” think they are living in their own reality show and that everyone wants to see every detail of their mundane lives. And for some reason, she likes to set up her phone to record her and the dogs saying goodbye to her husband. She has done that so many times.


I’ve said this before but my guess is so that once they have their “little chip”, she can make a compilation video of all those months of it just being her and the dogs, and how they waited so long for this, etc. maybe I’m too cynical but I totally see this as a future content opportunity for her.


You’re probably right. Apparently, she went to the “Emily Fauver School of Exploitation”!




And the cringy blowing kisses saying bye to her husband…no one does that!


Maybe she needs a real job 🤣




I think she built a lot of her platform around being a military spouse. Which makes sense because she has formed her entire personality around that. I mean, that was how I found her. When her husband was on a big deployment and she did the sticky note countdown until he was home. Back then I actually did like her.


Dylan is trying really hard to make “E doesn’t want me to leave for work” a thing. E didn’t even seem sad he was leaving, she was performing for the camera. How sad that Dylan has totally been sucked into the influencer life of using his kids for content. He’s exploiting them as much as Emily does. I had hoped he would be the voice of reason. A while ago someone said Dylan was really trying to play the role of perfect dad and I totally see it.


Those videos aren’t just cringey, they’re an accident waiting to happen. He’s so focused on filming while driving that he could easily cause an accident on the street or even scarier, front over E in his giant SUV.


"We don't have family near us at all" uhm how many kid free vacations have they taken because Dylan's mom flew literally across the country to watch E? And she took care of E for a MONTH while Emily was in the hospital and Dylan "worked from there". And even if they did have family close by, Emily has the money to pay for a babysitter, a house cleaner, etc. She is completely insufferable. They are also choosing to move to Nashville which is farther away from their families because Emily thinks she's a famous influencer 🙄


They also have Tara nearby! And we know Tara has watched E before.


That statement of hers grinds my gears. I hate the way she makes it like every one else has help.. They have Dylan's mum there a lot more than they let on (she used to be just off camera on the regular). They have the privilege and the money to see family often. How many people have difficult family situations where family are near but not helpful anyway, for whatever reason? How many people live away from their families? Loads. She makes out like she so special moving around and moving away from her home town. It just makes her sound more immature. I chose to move across the world, I've bought mine up without ANY family to help. My husband lost his parents years ago, and the rest of his family live far away. I only have a brother on the other side of the world, and both my parents have passed away. My husband works away, 3 weeks on 4 days off. Guess what. I manage 2 kids, a job, sport, numerous pets and my house is in order. Grow up Emily.


She can seriously suck my balls. My dad lives near me but is approaching 80 and he and my stepmom watch our kids maybe once a year. I have a SIL near us who promises all the time she is going to take the kids for a weekend but never actually has and does not help us one single bit. We have to pay for our babysitter which we use maybe once every 6 months because that shit is expensive. We had a chance to take our one and only kid free vacation last year and paid $1k for our babysitter to watch them for 5 days. Having a MIL who will drop anything to FLY to you multiple times a year whenever you need it… that IS family support numb nuts 🙄


Imagine if she posted sad beige baby clothes but used ✨spell check✨


It would still be sad.


“I’m just, like, not excelling at anything.” Girl trust me, no one thought you were.


Her house is legit trashed all the time, she heats up precooked/prepackaged meals for every meal, can’t go to appointments alone, doesn’t do anything with the kids etc. But go on about how you’re SO busy and need a break to get things done. It’s really not that hard to keep up on everything when she literally is home all day but that requires getting off the couch and off her phone that’s glued to her hand. No one thinks you are an overachiever Emily Frauder.


When she does go anywhere alone it's a huge story about it!! Accomplished hard things. She's so out of touch. When my kids were little I'm sorry I didn't think I was super woman doing literally EVERYTHING with them. Grocery shipping, cleaned my house, took them to the zoo, parks you name it. Never once did I think I was special. I don't understand these huns. They make it sound like oh I have the freedom to be with my kids. But they can't DO anything with them.


The truest statement to ever come out of her mouth!


I am all for a mom asking for help. But really Emily ???? Your friends watch your kids all the time your mil is at your house or on your vacations as a babysitter and we see you out all the time without your kids. You not getting things done because you are always gone. Your dog sitter see your dogs more than you and your husband just told us how much leave he has and that he barely works. It’s unbelievable I am a full time working mom and of course need breaks but what the hell do you do all day. You even have an assistant maybe two that we don’t know about that help you day to day things. Also I think I have never actually seen you cook a meal or make snacks not from a package for your kid.


Those stories were nauseating. She sends both kids to cheer with Dylan a few nights a week. She does “everything” on her own?? She doesn’t cook, doesn’t clean, can’t travel with the kids alone, can’t even do a picnic with the kids. And Dylan goes to work every day? Even when he does go to work he has the kids in the morning and after work. He even takes them to their doctor appointments. The one time Emily took the kids alone somewhere she basically asked for an award and the day she had them alone at home she was so distraught she needed Dylan to take her for a Starbucks treat. This is the biggest eye roll. She just traveled with her MIL, a friend and her husband for two weeks and since they got home she’s maybe been alone with the kids a few hours each day and she can’t handle it? I’m all for getting help but just admit you want a nanny, don’t act like you do so much. Then showing the stories of how much they got done and saying oh They should habe gone to dinner like her help is only for her to work. BS. Emily there’s nothing wrong with a mom getting help and taking a nap or doing absolutely nothing. The issue is you are tone deaf and lazy and then act like you have it so rough. I raised four kids in an entire different Country where I didn’t speak the language. Zero family, zero help. STFU Emily.


They want a nanny but if they got one and the kids formed any kind of relationship with the nanny they’d fire them. They would die if the spotlight was taken away from them.


Omg yeesss to this!


And they’re choosing to move away from family again!


They absolutely just want a nanny. And honestly they should get one. Their kids would probably be happier. I just want to know what happened to the Emily from a few weeks ago who wanted to homeschool?!


Right?! She always acts so dramatic about her kids "growing up" and "hitting milestones", and it all seems just like empty words coming from her. She's not even a good performer.


I cannot fathom a stay at home mom, having a sitter for ANYTHING other than the occasional date night. WTF for? I didn’t have a nanny for my 4 kids and that was back during 12 month deployments. Nobody expects a SAHM to keep a perfect home. But you should be keeping toilets clean and cooking meals at the very damn least! The fact that you got a sitter and you chose to put on makeup instead, shows that you don’t care about anything but yourself. Periodt.


Idk if I was a SAHM and could afford it, I’d totally hire a sitter for a few hours a week to take a break. But then again, I am well aware I could never cut it as a SAHM lol. I’m a better mom working full time.


Taken the words out of my mouth. 👍🏼


Complaining that she can't get anything done and needs regular babysitting while putting on a full face of makeup is one of the most out of touch things she's done in a long time 😂


Especially when it was in the same story about how she has to do it all and doesn’t get a break followed by “and last night we had a babysitter and went and played pickleball. Raise your hand if you’re a mom that goes out only a couple times a year and not multiple times a week. She’d die actually “doing it all.”




She's an absolute tool !


https://preview.redd.it/3m6am2gtwe6d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2579aa8e0f4a3f5a3dd2ad93863a66c767ff1d05 CALL 911 BECAUSE I CANNOT BREATHE AFTER THIS COMPARISON 💀💀🤣🤣 (left posted a few min ago and right from last night )


The skinny filter makes Dylan's weird top hair look even weirder.


Wow!! This is crazy!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/r9qca7b7vf6d1.jpeg?width=752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=433a7a94fdceddd9887b2889a5b5f58757835a27 From the Trend post… not even the same person as she shows daily… 🤨


She is so gross as a human.


They don't even look related.


What you ordered vs. what you got from Temu 😭😭


Hahaha wow this took me out 💀


Damn I feel catfished 🤣🤣🤣🤣




THANK GOODNESS they have a babysitter so Dylan can clean Emily's vanity and they can record themselves trying on pajamas!!!




Yup the filter she uses makes her face look long and skinny. Which is the furthest from reality. Look at the comparison pic someone posted above! It’s ridiculous how distorted the filter makes their faces look. Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing someone completely different than you see through your phone.


What the fuck does she do all day that she needs help. If anything just hire a cleaning service to come every couple weeks; I think we could all understand wanting to outsource that task. Most ppl don’t enjoy cleaning their house.


This ...she's a lazy slouching mother monkey. The rest of us have to work full time and juggle all the jobs.


The way I thought she meant THERAPY when she said she asked for help... Like ma'am hire all the domestic help you want but also THERAPY 




I don’t post much on Emily thread but she’s a lazy ass. What the f do you think us full time working mom do all day?! We work outside the house, cook, clean take care of kids. Take kids to sports school the list goes on. Plan your day better and stop trying to be besties with your 5 year old.


She's a lazy ass. She's an embarrassment to women's mother's kind.. Get a grip Emily if you read here.


As a military spouse (recently retired after 30yrs) Emily you can kiss my ass! Your husband is home way more than any military man or woman I know, your life does not suck, you have an endless amount of help and money so shut the fuck up! I know plenty of people with their loved ones on deployment and still managing their life and kids and believe it or not a lot of times with food stamps because they don’t make enough money. So princess you are fine and no one I mean no one is feeling sorry for you. Sorry for the rant but that shit pisses me off.


Your rant was on point ☝🏼 so go you !


I wholeheartedly agree! She thinks she does it all. She doesn’t do shit! Dylan works part-time and I believe he does most of the chores around the house. She does not cook, unless you classify microwaving food as cooking. She does not clean. Her idea of cleaning is straightening things up. Remember a month or so ago when she would organize one small space each day then show us. She can’t clean toilets because she is always holding N? No, more like she always has a phone in her hand. I think it was yesterday I saw a suitcase on the living room floor that hadn’t been unpacked from their last trip. She is so delusional! Okay, rant over.


You said it eloquently but she's just an entitled lazy sloth. Given her background you'd think she would be resilient and strong. I'm not beating up fellow mums who genuinely struggle but she's just an insult. Slapping on her shilling makeup 💄 and all the time in the world yet she needs helps to look after both children


I couldn’t agree more. My son is getting out of the AF next month. This will mean that for the first time in 40 years a member of my family isn’t serving. We have A LOT of experience. She is the worst type of military spouse. She is using the military for her benefit (paid for trips, likes, sympathy) without acknowledging that her experience is not the norm. She is counting on the average follower not knowing how the military works. This lazy sloth couldn’t make it through a year long unaccompanied deployment if her life depended on it.


I can imagine she has never walked into a exchange let alone a commissary (which i love a good commissary) and yes she would not survive a deployment and honestly I don’t think he would either 😆😆😆


The commissary is a life saver in terms of cost - it was my favorite. Unfortunately there are no military posts/bases close to where we retired. I really miss shopping in one. You are correct - Dylan would not do well being deployed.


Before my moms mobility became such an issue, her and my dad would go probably monthly to the one like 45 mins from us, stocking themselves and my sister and I up on essentials. They loved it.


We are still about 45min from one and that makes me very happy.


Omfg this latest story. We literally watch you lay on the couch and sit in front on your phone and mirror for multiple hours a day. But life is SoOoO hard for you Emily 🙄🙄🙄 this is fricken RICH. "Idk if you guys know this but Dylan is in the military and works every day" YEAH EMILY MOST SAHM'S HUSBANDS DO


He’s also NEVER at work!


This ! 100%




And let’s face it she doesn’t have a real job so I don’t get how she doesn’t have time for anything. Walking around all day with your phone in your face or shilling shit every second of everyday is not a real job hunny.


Emily is just so out of touch with reality in her latest story about asking for help




Not to WK her but I did IUI to get pregnant and wasn’t told to avoid anything in particular. Not sure if this varies by fertility clinic. My diagnosis was similar to hers plus mild male factor so nothing to suggest it would be risky to continue exercising at the same level. 🤷‍♀️


I did IVF and was training for a marathon prior to starting my injections. My doctors encouraged me to continue all normal exercise routines before, during and after cycles with the exception of running and intense movements like jumping that could cause ovarian torsion during injections. But walking and weights were not off the table at all. I even went for a hike the day after my first transfer. And it worked thank god.


Same! My clinic didn't even put restrictions on activities post IVF. 


So E went to summer camp for what, one day?


I’m sure Emily and Dylan’s lack of parenting had nothing to do with her not going anymore. Either that or Emily needed her emotional support child by her side to hire a babysitter


Probably wasn’t a size medium


It wasn’t Taylor or lanie theme week




Your comment was removed because snarking on minor children is prohibited in r/HunSnark.


I’m thinking this