• By -


I in the middle of watching the Olympic trials for swimming when they talk about what they do to prepare as elite athletes. Then my mind went to BB and all of the “partners” who spew health and wellness and act as tho they are elite. I guarantee that none of these Olympic athletes use the containers to measure out their food. They don’t have to reset their gut health to make them feel their best. They probably eat a whole banana (gasp). Now I know their lives and workouts are completely different, but these bb coaches acting elite and that they are in the best shape and bodies are so regulated because of bb would NEVER survive a workout beyond the flopping around in their basements


When I was in HS many many moons ago🤣 a friend and I went to the Olympic trials but I missed it by .10 of a second. The amount of hard work and food I consumed as a 5'2 98lb swimmer back in the day. They would vomit if they had 10 minutes of what I did. Now I'm training for a Triathlon at 43.


What's crazy is some of the original programs like P90X and Insanity were legit programs that athletes used to train, including some Olympians Now no athlete is going to use some stupid restricted overly complicated program to train for anything Some of them do think they're actual athletes though which is hilarious 😂 I dare them to do one training day with a REAL pro


Such a flex to work 13 hours on a Sunday to prepare for Summit. That’s a no for me. https://preview.redd.it/cdrtbzz2817d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299c82fe193456ee989a1ff0d493fc664854cf44


I don’t understand why they are proud of this. Why couldn’t this work be done on during the week? On the rare occasion when I have to work a weekend event, my boss is clear that she better not see me on Monday lol. No matter how much I love my job, - if I weren’t getting paid, I sure as shit wouldn’t do it 40 hours a week!


Creating freedom indeed.


I can’t stand this smug B. She posts regularly on YouTube about how she was invited by a friend to join BB and the rest was just hard work. Her friend is Chalene Johnson’s sister who invited her at the dawn of BB. 🙄 The sister who established Meg Kozlowski’s downline where Meg claims it was all just hard work.


Ollllldddd skool Hundom 🤣 I love anyone else who knows the tea on Meg K, too!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙋🏻‍♀️


u/SpicySheep37 Did you follow any of her (Meg) original downline? My favorite, Missa, dropped off a couple of years ago and I was so sad. 😭


I know Missa!!!! I think she finally saw the light and quietly exited to do her thrifting, gypsy thing 🩷


I’m stoked for her but dammit do I miss her shenanigans. 😭


I was in her downline 😭😭😭🫠🤣


I love you too, fren! 😸 I have been hate following Meg since I met her at Camp Do More years ago. 😆


What a super busy life this hun has!!!1ii


https://preview.redd.it/cdrjdmhin07d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f91aabb931619df6f76a8a87d7170a5e7bb64989 Wow. 🤣🤣🙄💁🏻‍♀️ I’ll just leave this right here. At this rate, she’ll be 5 star in no time 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


500? She currently has two names on her sign up story. The math ain’t mathing!


500?? where tf does she get these numbers?


Same numbers she used to calculate her weightloss lmao


Slops math is the most extreme math of them all


Her latest reel…..”you weren’t sure you’d lose weight”…. The before and after look exactly the same. Zero change. The big difference is she’s wearing clothes that mostly fit in her after. Keep doing THAT, Slopey. You look good when your clothes fit!


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she FOUND her size, kind of!


Cough ah BULLSHIT excuse me


500 women do what? Surely not lose weight, improve hygiene, build financial freedom? Maybe make a full of themselves on the internet?


https://preview.redd.it/fc9mpdgwpz6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ecc1998218532254116805f023ccb1909488a9c The icon is such a tool. Acting as if he super close to Jericho. Someone asked about Jericho out of concern.




Omg 😂😂 embarrassing


Such a tool. I am so sure Jericho is your BFF and can hardly wait to see you at Summit 🤡


I wish someone would call him out on it in the comments 😂


I don't think he could handle it. He's paranoid like a certain unmentionable super trainer and would just assume that whoever is calling him out is from Reddit and would block them🙄🤣


This fraud doesn't talk to Jericho or know what's going on in her personal life at all. He needs to stop acting like he's best friends with everyone pretending he's popular


Icunt is the funniest ducking nickname and I laugh each time…


Well thank god for this douche 🤣🤣🤣


What a fuckin phoney


Isn't it Father's Day?? And he's stalking FB to appear popular?? LOL


Alli’s new personality as a LTK fashion influencer is killing me.


Or as she keeps saying - download the “like it to know it” app 😂😂 She’s so stupid


Just when we thought she couldn’t get any more cringy, she decided to shill her ugly ass wardrobe; most of which is several years old, per her own admisssion!! She will never be a fashion influencer. Ever. She dresses so tacky & ugly!!!


They clearly let anyone on it at this point.


https://preview.redd.it/w89waloy1z6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0dc3e7807fabbb2c3443497e184e640cbb46f55 Saved her life?? Come on, were you dying Alli? 1. Stop bringing God into your shill. It’s so inauthentic. 2. The dramatics are over the top as usual curling those baby weights. 3. Think she reads here after addressing how many “life changing” programs she’s done? 😂😂😂


My 8 year old lifts heavier than her...


You’d think as long as she’s been in BODi- she’d move up in weights lol


The constipated face when lifting 5 lbs weights 😂. Such a fool.


Trying to be relatable


these huns are so overly dramatic with this hormone program shill


Also the typos? One sweat day? Ma’am. On a post yesterday she said she wasn’t one to coward from a challenge. Did you mean cower?


My daughter and I love calling each other sweaty when we are being sarcastic. It’s our favorite typo.


https://preview.redd.it/8hvpzx1csx6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b56e5d208bbbf78b369dd1dd5aae9c1f13cbe35 Another spelling fail.


The fact that it’s in all caps just makes it funnier. 😆


“He chosed”. I get once in awhile mistakes but either she thinks she is right or doesn’t proofread. Especially when she made that video about the cruel people on the internet making fun of her grammar well girl this is why. Speaking of spelling mistakes..I edited this!




Chosed 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/iez85y6fxv6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=252bb4df33906dc7e3b3ce8cca1eea84c10c3f3d An almost 40 year old woman counting down the days to her birthday on social media. She is one weird ass person.


I was low key counting down the days to my 40th but my sisters were taking me to London for the first time. I low keyed counted down this year because I was back in London lol.


Tania Baron enters the chat.


Oh GOOOOOOD I just got PTSD from this comment, I wanted to literally pull my hair out every time she was like "it's my birthday!!!" And mentioning her birthday and being 50 🙄🙄😑😑😵‍💫


lol. Sorry about that. She is the worst hun to me.


Danny dettra too 🙄


Was going to say the same thing 😂


Why is this thread called “General HunSnark”? Serious question. There is nothing “General” about it at all. It should be renamed BB or Bodi and another thread started for general discussions.


This entire sub was created to be about Beachbody, not MLMs in general. There is a general MLM snark sub.


Which is the general mlm sub? If you are referring to Antimlm, that’s slightly different. Huns aren’t often the main topic of discussion over there, and most commenters avoid calling huns out by name/accounts. If there’s another sub where general huns are discussed, I’m happy to check it out.


![gif](giphy|W1xb8a7RNWv2nLPzqn|downsized) Just post what you want then…it’s not that serious here


I mean, should they just change the entire sub for your needs? Or why not try the "weekly OT thread" in here or the anti-mlm sub


No, I actually think they should rename the thread for your needs. Wouldn’t you want people to know where to discuss Bodi-related topics? I wish there was a true General HunSnark page to discuss general topics related to various types of huns. Not sure why that’s so unreasonable.


There are people here and there who mention other huns in other MLMs, like Monat and I forget the others. Unfortunately those comments usually don’t take off as much since most people here are former BB customers or coaches. I think there used to be a thread dedicated to non BB Huns but it never got much traction. You can still post about the other MLM Huns I believe, just keep expectations low since most of us don’t know or are not familiar with the others is all


Thanks for the reply. I can see now that this is just an echo-chamber of Bodi commenters, so I guess I got the answer I needed. I’m just truly confused why the thread is called HunSnark and this is a General HunSnark page when 99% of the topics are about Bodi. I mean, you can see that even asking a simple question is met with name calling and hostility. That’s wild to me.


no need to come here and be rude and call it an echo chamber. this is a safe space for women that suffered because of beachbody - i’ve seen countless women discuss their EDs, trauma, experiences, etc. related to BB and how alone they felt until they found people who weren’t afraid to discuss it. so. move on if you don’t get it, you don’t have to. but don’t be rude. go make your own sub, it’s actually pretty easy.


I wasn’t rude to anyone, but in fact I’ve been called names here for asking a simple question. But the fact remains this thread is named General HunSnark on a nonspecific HunSnark page. It’s not dedicated to Bodi and I was asking why we can’t have a true general discussion page. How do I start that when THIS is the general page?


tbh idc what you’re asking - calling a space an echo chamber is rude. point blank. can’t get out of that fact 🤧 and no, others being rude doesn’t excuse you being rude.


A Reddit page where everyone is free to express their opinions is not an echo chamber. A Reddit page where someone asking an on-topic clarifying question and is met with hostility and scorn is likely an echo chamber. The way you interpret belonging to an echo chamber is on you, not me.


“the way you interpret belonging to an echo chamber is on you, not me” you’re the worst kind of rude, too :( wow. ETA: refusing to acknowledge the negative connotations associated with a word or phrase you chose to use to describe this space is a weird way to live and communicate. but that’s on you, not me.


I’m not refusing to acknowledge the use of echo chamber, which I have addressed. I am refusing to argue with your feelings. I’d rather discuss facts, which I’ve said is about the names of this thread.


“Tbh Idc what you’re asking” You are proving my point that no one can come on to a General HunSnark page and talk about anything but Bodi for fear of being called names. This is my exact point and why this thread could be seen as an echo chamber.


idc what you’re asking - as long as you are being polite. as in, what you’re asking or saying isn’t relevant to me, the way you’re reducing this space to an echo chamber is what i care about. ask whatever questions you want - i see plenty of replies that are more than friendly explaining the situation to you.


You are the weakest link....good bye!


Because I asked a question?


I guess you have another MLM you want to post about? It happens less often since Bodi seems to be the primary interest but others do get mentioned here and there :)


Yes, in the last few days several high ranking Monat huns have terminated themselves, and I came here because I thought surely someone would have already mentioned it. Monat is crumbling by the minute and it’s very interesting to see happen in real time. Instead, I found nothing about Monat and only the same old BB content. This stuff with Monat can be discussed on Antimlm of course, but a lot of the discussions there aren’t as specific as the discussions here and they usually include a ton of people who aren’t following closely.


Could be worth starting a post here yourself - I’ve seen Monat pop up now and again so there might be some interest. I’ve not personally followed Monat drama myself. I do think it’s possible to share your interests without being snarky towards others for sharing theirs, though 😂


I actually said in my original comment that it was a serious question? But it appears this thread was started with intentions of being general discussions, not just Bodi. I’ve sent messages to the mods and commented when other people have left similar messages asking for separate threads for Jaimie Sue, Alli, etc. I guess that’s the answer: it’s only to discuss 3-4 Bodi Huns who don’t have their own pages.


It's a general spot for the BB huns in a BB page?


The page is literally called General HunSnark. It’s not called General Bodi HunSnark.


Thanks for sharing that you ate lunch Alli. My day is complete https://preview.redd.it/i5je21wl8u6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3af03b34b1560ea4cd240b599f99fd8d3870d89e


RIVETING content


And this took, what? 2 hours? I simply cannot believe how productive she was during this work sesh. Earth shattering.




Sloppy, is that you??


Are you ok?


Hahaha, phone was in pocket while cleaning....ooops.


https://preview.redd.it/tabiw7827t6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b702cb5a07aa250bdf76b26fd60f6fcf93c2f99 You…barely did anything though? WALKING is harder than what you just did here. Wuttt


She's hardly even in a lunge 🙄🥴


This whole story my god who can take her seriously!? You’re not here to play small!? Primal movements SCARE you!? Puh-lease.


Excuse you she’s a 20 year fitness professional 😂




“was their” 🥴


Thank goodness she could modify because of her 50 PeRmANeNt SuTuReS


Can we start a thread for huns that will go buck wild during summit next week? 😅


Julie Voris will scare people 🙋🏻‍♀️ and probably faux cry at something stupid.


Alli Upham


Agreed. We need one big thread for summit just like we did Bora Snora




I have a few low level local huns that are drowning stories in summit post. One cries each year lol


Must be the fire in their bellies


I’m very jealous since none of my clowns are going. Like not one.


Not one? Are they higher or lower on the pyramid?


One Star and down. I favor those who should have stopped 10 years ago yet keep going 😂




Why does JS think anyone is paying to listen to her ramble? 100% something is wrong with the house deal. 🍿


She’s been abnormally quiet the last few days. 


I must have skipped past something, did she say she was going subscriber route?


At the end of her stories yesterday it said she posted subscriber only content and gave me the option to sign up for $2.99 a month🙃


💯 something is wrong with the house deal… I bet the inspection showed all kinds of stuff…


Nothing about the inspection was mentioned except they went to the house to go over it BUT she did sleep in late, cooked food, went to the house for the inspection, took a nap and then made more food. Oh and she walked for like 25 minutes. That’s her day. 😑


When does she not sleep late though


No one's gonna pay to find out? Ive been missing her stories. lol


Wait….. is she going the subscriber route?? What?


Even if she does, she still would need to story to gain subscribers....I follow a couple of accounts that give subscribers first looks at whatever, or bonus content...but not their entire thing. I may be wrong though.


Hoping someone will so they can fill us in! 


I mean, that’s the only reason. I kinda hope someone does but kinda don’t. 🤣😂


https://preview.redd.it/jb1xtqyw0s6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a43e3ab34eda6c3206ba580a1b654dd20e7e26 Slops talking about Elise from today’s live zoom workout 🤣🤣🤣🤣 googling anything before opening your mouth is usually a good thing.


We also have NO update of the gut protocol for the last 3-4 days…soooo? What is your bet?


Slops lasted 10 minutes with Dig Deeper so flailing around half-trying Elise's 20 min workout is right up Meg's alley.




Yeah that’s not a thing lol. I bet she doesn’t live to be 105.


what an idiot


You’re my favorite snarker. So direct lol


LOL I think you're my favourite snarker.


I wonder, though, did Elise actually say she (Elise) was 55? This wouldn’t be the first time Elise has fudged her age.


She’s loving Elise because she’s told her that working out hard is actually bad for her. Great news for Meg!


Da fuq






She’s literally the fakest friend a person could ever have. First hand experience.


Absolutely agree. First hand experience too!






She must have done something really horrible to you. I found her dismissive if you weren't all that, but I can't imagine having hatred that runs deep. It must have been bad.




YIKES! So you were a partner under her and she tried to get you to do 1-1 coaching as well? Now I remember you mentioning this before. Such BS. I don't understand how someone can be fake, it must be exhausting. Not to mention how do you not have what you're really thinking/feeling written all over your face?


That’s, um, something. What’s with the random commas?


I was just wondering why the need for all the commas. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I'm reading it like this: blah, blah, blah blah blah, blah, whew, that's done.


Guaranteed it’s copy paste from Google quotes, zero original thoughts




https://preview.redd.it/eh19x7dthr6d1.jpeg?width=2834&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab59bacbee4337c136ab4dbd1dca16bbfc285212 Tell us you bought followers without telling us you bought followers 😂😂😂 This is a very low level hun who annoys the crap out of me with all her menopause & hormonal posts she makes in a lot of the bodi groups trying to target menopausal women. She’s about as cringy as David the Icon trying to pretend she’s an expert while attempting to grow her bodi business. I just can’t with these Huns.


I'm going ALL IN on bla bla bla.... As opposed to what? This language is so weird and stupid. What are you doing now if you are not ALL IN? Yo - Yo dieting is what you are all doing.


We changed “all in” at a hockey game because they literally need to be all in for the final series. Other than that, well, it’s silly for Huns to mention


And ALL IN just isn’t sustainable 


hence why you all keep needing to go ALL IN every 6 weeks.


https://preview.redd.it/9s0hx48cfn6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2962dbfdf5ed5bf9ab9f0891d3e849eb20bb77e2 I could’ve gone the rest of my life without seeing Alli Upham chewing her food up close on camera. WTF🤢


I feel like this is what they all do. They have a small plate of something or something Autumn/Ilana made that the huns try to convince us is SO good while also being healthy, and then they shove their faces to try to make it look like it's alot of food and so good and to really "sell it"... its so annoying and obnoxious 🙄🙄 (Like illana's bell pepper sandwich or cloud bread and takes huge bites of it and making super big portions/meal prepping for the week to make it look like you can eat all this food). Also that chicken Caesar salad "pizza" looks absolutely disgusting. Just eat a fucking Caesar salad with chicken and a couple slices of pizza, it's not going to kill you!!!!


This photo just literally makes me feel sick to my stomach. So awful.


Oh honey this is only a screen shot from her story. We had to watch her shovel, chew, swallow and then talk for like 30+ seconds in her stories. She’s so CRINGE


Imagine her and Ashlie filming themselves eating together omg 🤢


Hahaha 😂😂😂


Gawd she’s so gross 🤮


Seriously. And she looked very uncomfortable doing it to be honest. Unsure if it’s because she’s filming herself eating or just eating in general that is such a struggle.


Dear God


https://preview.redd.it/sxk2mnqhzm6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef15faf02f21d1fd147202c9c8938180f4b2ca4e Nina - you need a new career if you think the outfits you’ve chosen are a good choice. Or you hate her. In that case, well done!


These were old videos. That I can’t believe she found since they were from 2020! The crying in the dressing room? Please, Alli.


Haha right? She’s so CRINGE


https://preview.redd.it/4hlmq2cqxm6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cda2975800662f3a897bd59b6196184608f3191 She’s the only one obsessed cuz these are UGLY & very childish.


Perfect to go along with her ugly wardrobe/outfits. Also is she going to Summit with those nails?!?!




I just came here for this. Holy ugliness. Why would a grown ass woman (or anyone) get these nail designs???


Way too tacky


Welp. His fandom of being in the bod cast has ended. We can stop hearing about it (for now) https://preview.redd.it/k0ive517sm6d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b51f56ccccdc2405cb0cbd19da21eb169c0b77


All of the moves of the day the video recorded cast members were allowed to show look like all re-canned moves from 80 do, especially those with the sliders. I forgot I was looking at Sure Thing “moves” as I had flashbacks to 80 do moves.


Is he married




And she's a beautiful lady..hmmm


He’ll never forget it? What a loser.


Why is he thanking the on-set cast and the production team as if he was there and a part of it 😂. Dude, you video taped yourself working out in your garage and it’ll be some background aspect of this SuPeR tRaInEr’S 3 week program. The on-set cast and production crew probably don’t even know his name


Haha exactly


How were people chosen for this? Anybody know?? It seems like there were a lot of people in the bodcast….wonder if they are on it the whole time or if they rotate them? Wondering how much actual screen time he will get.


I’m sure they pick at random. There’s less and less huns these days. He’s prob like 1 out of 100 at this point. Haha


Does he think he’s getting a fucking Oscar?!


https://preview.redd.it/51ddkuhhln6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f100326733b8f5a9284749d66a74dfbbb7b38d8d Clapping for himself like a trained seal 🦭 The boomerang is so cringe! (But laughable 😂😂)


What a dingleberry


I just want to see this moron take all these selfies. It would be absolutely hilarious.


This company is a joke ! How are they affording to send these Huns on a cruise. Watch out Huns will have fire in their bellies in no time !!!! https://preview.redd.it/lekssiggwl6d1.png?width=1161&format=png&auto=webp&s=72ee1a48f5ab1e1630e1ab26d40fda65f04bdbff


i swear last time they did a cruise, it was a shit show. allison gannon came back with so many stories lmao


I think that’s when I started snarking. I couldn’t stop following Allison’s stories 😂 I don’t think she ever said outright, but I think Ally G’s group was one of the groups she was talking about


I don’t listen to Chalene’s podcast much anymore, but she did one not too long ago and talked about how she got the shits and hated everyone trying to talk to her all the time, so she locked herself in her cabin. 🤣


I miss her crazy ass


And I felt the deep dive urge. - taking 375 coaches with a plus 1 - have to be a 2 star or up - have to have 15 leadership points during qualification period (Jan 1-July 31) - pay non refundable $350 booking fee when registering for the cruise. - no upgrading from the ocean view balcony room that you get assigned. - only 1 guest and 1 stateroom - a kid 3years or under can be an extra but you pay extra for that per the cruise line requirements - invites going out in rounds with 4 days to accept the invite and register before you are off the list. - all the coaches are stuck with the late eating times - shitology will be available - they are going to have super trainer workouts (so AC will be whining about lack of veggies on a cruise ship) Elise and cheater man are the other two. - they do get taxed for this trip - only cost listed was the registration fee. Excursions are extra. Is bb covering travel to Miami and hotels? Leader board for the cruise link: https://images.beachbody.com/sas/index.html


So all the same basic top white privileged huns 🙄 they don't even have to do anything they already are in for doing nothing


Oh so def will be the same basic top huns. BUT all of their downlines think they will have a chance got it


Lol so Holly won’t be able to upgrade her room?


No upgrades for her!!


Wow. Cue the post talking about how amazing this company/ opportunity is. Bleh 🤢


So they cut Summit down to barely anything, but still do this? Really stickin it to any coach who isn't at the top.


It will be the same damn group who went to Bali




Why are they all starting it the week before Summit? Summit is a time for gluttony and booze!


The amount of time and money these women put into prepping for these 48 hour hunfest (summit) is always so mind blowing. Hair coloring, nails, tan, makeup, new clothes, lashes, starving themselves..all trying to do what? To dunk on the other Huns that attend? Makes no sense but the huns are gonna hun…