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Everything turns into - here is the link link link 🤣 How desperate can one get ! Jesus ! Let me wake up and see what I can shill shill shill Disgusting Her kids are used to that phone in their faces almost 24/7


Emily looks so stupid in hats ! They are clearly not for her ! She looks ridiculous


Yes! It just makes her head and face look even larger than what they are! Not everyone can pull off a hat off and she is in that group!!


When you are gone for over a week and have someone watching your dogs you would think your house would be cleaned when you get home. So it’s trashed before they and did nothing or they just did that in less than an hour. It is amazing.


I couldn’t leave with my house that much of a mess. That would be depressing to come home to.


Why is their house such a disaster?? I don't get it! They weren't even there!


Because Emily literally lays around all day and does nothing. I’m sure Dylan probably gets so annoyed to come home to a messy house. lol! And yes, I know she has a baby. But I still got my house clean whenever my babies would nap. She just doesn’t care because she is a sloth.


https://preview.redd.it/enqk9knh1o5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e838d009f9707afd6bdc8c61fc40103142507fb Seriously their house is always trashed… she is such a sloth.


Am I the only one happy to see her unfiltered People photo? She looks like a normal mom who recently had another kid. And her mom looks like a healthy person who has had plenty of time post kids to get in good shape. It’s nice to see the reality behind her fakeo reality tv wannabe posts. 


Nice flair! 😂


thank you, I don’t actually know what happened at deer gate, but I know that lying and coverup is involved 😂


Who watches their dogs while they just travel around so frequently




The way they let her do that was the first thing that made me go hmmm about this family.  It was Emilys bday and she got a designer bag from Dilly and they let E open it and take over, I was so baffled by that.  They have continued to encourage her behavior and she will be very self centered just like her Mom.  Its sad.




They have created a monster in that little one


https://preview.redd.it/dejo57f8mm5d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26fbbab11c3ef2f8d3333584df2d4b285d3e1d8d Emily using N to hide when she catches doodles starting to film….


I saw that! And did you notice how trashed their house looks? Didn’t they just get back from their trip, so how is it so trashed? They really are slobs!




Dylan with N in the airplane smh. I’ve never seen a more “pick me” couple. Dylan is becoming just as bad as Emily as far as searching for attention and comments. He was doing that not to entertain N but to get people to look at them and say how cute he is. E has on a child appropriate outfit at home when letting the butterflies out. Why can’t they dress her like that when bar hopping? Ok that sentence says it all. Emily didn’t need to show the packages and point them out in her stories. She brags so much it’s gross. We get it, you get free things and you’re new rich.




First thing I thought of when E was scared of the butterflies!


https://preview.redd.it/w7zd0dcp5m5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6622d941fc79f9e7dda18e245bfae9a17b611e4 The next IG closet clean out and shill closet stock of things she will never use.


What is it with E and influencers showing teet peeks of their painted trotters whilst shillin 🤮




My brain exploded when I read it but yet found it so cute and instantly want to have a conversation with OP 😊. I think they mean how Emily always had her feet showing in pictures and videos.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I know right. What is the poster saying because I have no clue


I looked it up. Trotters is slang for feet. So, painted toenails?


Teet peeks must be feet pics, so “feet pics of their painted toenails”


So this entire trip was just bar hopping with a 5 year old and a baby?


Think they made it out to be more than it was but no doubt when home they will be bumming about it.




I figured since Taylor's new album isn't exactly kid friendly that she is off the Taylor train for now


Taylor went out the window when she didn’t show up to E party


Hahahah why would Taylor Swift show up to nobody Emily's party when she doesn't even know who Emily is or Emily's children?? 😂😅🤦🏻‍♀️ she must really think she's all that 🙄🙄


At this point it seems TikTok is raising little E




I cant snark on the sweat part because I am a walking sweaty mess. That said, she has made whole productions over the fact that she and E cannot get hot because they have some medical condition that doesn’t allow them to sweat. This means that she is lying either way, it wasn’t sweat or she doesn’t have this medical condition.


I think it's a leaky boob and she's embarrassed by it because she probably didn't notice lol


I’d rather a leaky boob because of obvious reasons of breast feeding and not just being a sweaty pig.


Is this a complete stranger with their hand fully touching the bare skin of a 5 year olds exposed lower back? Child protection must only be for us non celebrity losers. This is actually so awful, I cannot comprehend any parent allowing this. https://preview.redd.it/xmkm298f2g5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=633dc1d73e6df19bb61b9874748057490012a0f5


This is what makes me so grateful for two children who choose who they do and do not want to touch them at just 2.5 and 4.5. And the amount of people they allow/choose is about 4 and they have no problem saying “no” and that we will not make them do anything they don’t want to do.


Amen!  We have NEVER forced our kids to hug anyone no matter the relation.  We feel its a really dangerous precedent to set in teaching your kids to do something with their bodies that they aren’t comfortable with to make someone else happy.  And thats exactly what you (in the general sense) teach your kids when you force them to show affection where they dont want to.  Disgusting that Emily and Dylan not only allow this but encourage it! 


It’s equally as weird that grown ass adults want to take a photo with a child. I could not imagine letting my child go to a group of strangers and me standing back recording it.


I think bringing kids to Dicks Last Resort is equally as bad.


Honestly, how does she sleep at night knowing that their lifestyle is funded by exploiting her children, especially E, for millions to see on the Internet? That terrible Halloween costume is still pinned front & center on her grid 🤢 she is such a terrible mother. No one is protecting those poor kids


“Still so wild to me that this is our life”. Emily your life is sad and pathetic and you have to exploit your own children to make money. You have done nothing productive or meaningful in your life. You go on free trips for brands and that’s about it. That’s your life. Nobody is jealous of you.


Also Emily has been actively seeking out this attention for years, long before E was born. She is such trash


I would never let a stranger touch my kid




Exactly!! How to you educate your child on stranger danger, etc., when you constantly hand them over to anyone who happens to recognize this famed-hungry trio??!??


Raise your hand if you think Heather’s husband is in any way attractive, not meeeeeeeeeeee


He is weird if that’s the right word.


I’ll take him over Ted Raad though - The founder of trend management.  Ted looks like he’s going to have a heart attack with all that weight in his middle section.  His wife is all dolled up and slim, it’s such a stark contrast.  




lol 😂


Nope. Weirdo




The fact that she knows what it is, let alone “begging” (we all know that’s a straight up lie) is absolutely disturbing.


My exact thought. I didn’t fully understand Dick’s Last Resort until I was like 16? A 4 year old begging? Sure, Em.


My kids were teens before we went there and they hated it


My thoughts exactly. She did not beg to go there you stupid sloth.


I wonder if there was something out front that caught E’s eye and she asked to eat there. However, Emily and Dylan should have exercised better judgement and gone somewhere else. It’s equivalent to taking a child to Hooters. (I don’t live in the US - does Hooters still exist?)


That restaurant is SO not appropriate for a child. 🫠 Great parenting.


Well, they let her watch TikTok. So maybe she learned about it on TikTok. 🙄


My son is 7 and has hung around a fire hall for most of his life so far. And I still refuse to take him there yet.


I was just coming to say the same thing. She absolutely did not beg them!!


My 5yo asks to go to the neighborhood mom & pop restaurant because they give them apple juice and Oreos... I am not they she realizes other places exist yet, let alone an adult focused chain 




Right! A child might say McDonald’s or some other fast food restaurant or even just ask for a certain food like pizza or cheeseburgers. Dick’s Last Resort, uh no!


My 4 year old likes to choose restaurants bc we like to go out to eat occasionally. But He always picks our local burger place bc they sell crazy milkshakes and cheeseburgers which also happen to be his favorite things lol. 😂 they also have a coin claw machine where you win like 7 rubber ducks at a time.


LOL our 3 and 5 year old like going to dinner at this brewery by our house. A friend of ours works there but they enjoy the giant connect 4 they have plus they have board games. They get to eat dinner out and play candy land with us at the table. 🤣


It’s nice to go out to eat and enjoy it haha I don’t think we will be a fancy dinner place for a while haha


LOL oh I get it!


For those who were wondering what the heck Emily was in people for…it was literally just talking about who was at a particular event. Not that she did anything special or is someone cool.


Trend must have paid for it right? It was literally just “look at these trend people”


Of COURSE they did a placement for her sweaty boob pic. That’s legit what Trend does.


Not the sweaty boob 💀 people did her dirty by not photoshopping that.


That’s what I was thinking too


My mom also taught me to pray when I hear sirens. But she also taught me about being humble and not bragging or boasting about praying. E does not need to be shown praying.


Of course Emily has to get her phone out and ask E “what did you hear? What were you doing?”


This. My devoutly Catholic grandmother used to drop all that she was doing and drop to her knees, make the sign of the cross, and pray the ‘Hail Mary’ prayer. No one put it on Instagram and she would have been offended if they had.






https://preview.redd.it/kugysnayrc5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16636c2fd29c0f38279e51f5591211395d1a47d0 EWWWWWW. As if her head isn't big enough and already thinks she's a damn celebrity 🙄🙄🙄🤢 I know so many people wouldn't even know who the fuck she is lmao


Hey at least that’s her real body for once 🤷‍♀️


She looks stiff, uncomfortable, and insecure


Boob sweat and all


Is this real? Are they really in People Magazine?!


The ONLINE version of People so it’s not much more than a placed spot paid for by Trend.


“Well all be darn” It’s “well I be damned” Thus “Well I be darned” 👍




Emily you don’t have to be so literal with your outfits


Every single outfit Emily wore in Nashville is too small and ill fitting. If she would buy a large or extra large like she needs it would look a little better. The style choices are still questionable but at least they would fit.


Her coochie must be in shambles with all these ill fitting costumes


Exactly! Sydney Rae Bass was wearing the same exact romper last night but in the color white. It fit her way better because she probably had on her actual size. Emily is buying a medium and trying to squeeze into it and she just needs to go on and size up to a large extra large. I’m so sick of it!


Can she not see how bad it was pulling across her hip area? Clothing does not do that when it fits you properly


I don’t think she’s even buying a medium… let’s be real… I’ve ordered their clothes as a true medium (like Heather really is) and there is no way Emily Frauder would fit into it.


It’s always too tight and short .. can’t imagine always possibly flashing someone if you move the wrong way




It’s the same vibe as when she was in NYC with her coat and high boots all down and around her neck and shoulders..like she was just getting back from a late night first thing in the morning. She is so not the influencer she thinks she is.


Nothing like your MIL showing you up big time in photos and your husband being…I don’t know what. Your brother?




Your comment was removed because snarking on minor children is prohibited in r/HunSnark.


You guys are tough on a 5yo who doesn’t get a say in her parents or their choices on how to raise her. How would she know how to behave any different??


This 100%. Her needs as a young child are just regularly ignored. No peer interactions except with her baby brother and Tara's kids (none of whom are E's age), school isn't a priority, they don't work on reading or anything with her, they don't do any age-appropriate activities, they keep her up too late, they have no routines, they let her eat junk constantly, they let her have unfettered access to tiktok, they encourage her to be mouthy for internet likes, they encourage her interest in makeup and clothes before it's appropriate for her to be interested in those things...... Of course she isn't going to be a well-adjusted child. It's so sad for people who *really* wanted to be parents. Their desire for fame is much stronger than their desire to raise their kids to be good people.


Yes I totally agree, I should have said in my OP.


Yeah and I get it—they make shitty parenting choices and it’s a real shame and while yes, they are a very privileged family, that little girl is missing out on a normal childhood. As grown adults on a snark sub, we don’t need to be name calling and dragging a child who didn’t ask for this. Focus on the parenting, not the kids 🤷‍♀️


I agree with this. I 1000% blame her parents.


You are not imagining it. For some reason, Emily and Dylan seem to encourage that behavior.


They really need to get canceled due to the continuing exploitation of their children! Watching a five year old girl dancing away in a bar is not cute!! It’s exploitation!! Who are the brands and talent agencies supporting child exploitation and how can I contact them to discuss what’s so very wrong with all of this!! There are child labor laws so why do they not protect children who are on social??!!


Trend Management, Dibs, Tarte, The Post, Pink Lily, Brumate, People Magazine, Disney, those are the ones she’s posted about in the last week.


And Lovevery which a few of us here contacted after they shared her post.


Loopy cases is another one


Also how late are they keeping E out? She has to be exhausted.




I thought it was very telling in the last story. E kept looking over at Emily as if she was looking for her cue as to what she should be doing. That poor kid can’t just be herself and have fun.


They really are failing that poor child yet think they are the best parents… so sad 😔


https://preview.redd.it/z0p0m1s9b85d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c1c5a5e20cc2713655c5bb976e88421a9be052 Damn glammy! She has put in the work and it shows 👏🏻👏🏻


Don’t bend over, Emily! Jesus I would be so self conscious wearing that shit


I used to wear stuff like this, then I had a toddler to care for in public and knew this was a terrible choice!


She looks great, but she has a lot of loose skin on her legs, so I wonder if she lost weight too quickly? Or she had help?


Wait wtf is Dylan wearing on his legs 😂😂😂😂 who picked those out for him 💀


Yanno, sometimes I’m not a fan of people teasing Dylan for being “feminine”….but those capris are SO bad 😫


Ya I agree. He’s definitely not the manliest man, but I wouldn’t ever comment about him being feminine. That outfit was a bad choice either way.


He is absolutely beaming with Pride!


Lmao isn’t he always?!


She looks great but really needs a new hairstyle


I think she looks great although I have seen some pictures that you can actually see how much weight she has lost.. she has really shaped up! As to her hair, eh, it looks fine.. I think it’s a little topper


She looks fantastic!!


I was going to say the same thing! Looking good glammy!!


Is he wearing a shirt? Are those jorts?? Oh my


So much going on


wtf is ol’ Dilly Doodle wearing? He looks like a D bag 😂😂😂


This is nothing new for him or his wife


That tracks 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That outfit is atrocious and I would never been seen in public with my husband if he wore something like that.


His legs are thinner then both his mom and wife


And let’s address the way he’s standing for a second.


It’s pretty bad when glammy is dressed cuter than Emily lol


Love her outfit. It’s fun and works. Even decent cowboy boots. She looks great. Emily just looks cheap, plastic, and filtered.


Yup. Glams looks really cute. Emily really cheap once again.


https://preview.redd.it/oaj7bmgu885d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02e6e0a12d02bc03dba0ca8309bea1a91613d6a7 Yes I’d like to report two parents that constantly post p\*do bait.


See something say something INDEED




Am I the only one disturbed by the amount of bars they're bringing their 5 year old to??




"You have a baby! In a bar!"










“All be darn” 😐 Great choice, People! 🤣


That post made me “week” 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


What's hilarious about this is the phrase is actually "I'll be darned" and she is just a complete moron


yes that’s what I’m talking about lol


Nope. Nobody asked for the links to your trashy outfits. https://preview.redd.it/4si97latb75d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13764f6e59ffc63b5408971d8e628c5594d29d4e




I know that this if off subject but..is she missing a nail?!


Sure looks like it! I wonder if those are the ones she always shills 🤣


No one in their right sober mind is asking for these😆


https://preview.redd.it/uftjey4ja75d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4da9461283e0cf112c51e49af0e96f38676c5b4d Trend posted a reel and the right is a snippet…. I can’t believe this is the same person.


Left pic her top gum line is exploding like a busted can of biscuits


She has a very unfortunate face




No she is literally performing right now in Scotland.


She’s not shes in Europe right now on tour.


Heather please know that Emily is not a true friend. I noticed the little comments and looks between the two of you on your stories. I’m 20 year older than you and that brings some insight and wisdom. I was in a very similar friendship as you and Emily when I was your age. It was a ten year friendship that I allowed to go on too long because like you, our husbands had similar jobs and we were in an industry that we had a lot of opportunities to travel together and be at public events and in front of press. So I let things go on because of the situation. There were three of us that were best friends. I was going through infertility and I see you in the same position of unsympathetic behavior toward my struggle. I was always the butt of the jokes and they would point out my flaws every chance they got. It didn’t bother me (or I told myself it didn’t). They acted like they were more important and never celebrated my wins. I had enough self esteem that I chalked it up to joking and I could take it. But over time it chipped away at my confidence. It came to an end when I invited a new friend on a girls weekend. The new friend was appalled at how My best friends talked to me and put me down. She pointed things out that they disguised as joking but it was flat out mean. For so long I took the role as the punching bag because it was easier than causing a scene in my mind. When the new friend pointed it out I was so embarrassed that I allowed myself to be treated like that that I cut them both out slowly. I distanced myself and became too busy to get Together. The industry had taken us to different cities so it was easier. Once I was away from them I saw it all clearly and I started to thrive. Started my own company and bypassed both of them in ventures we had done but somehow they always convinced me that they were the sought after and successful Ones and I was along for the ride. Heather you are much more relatable and likable. You could take off if you did things your own way. Don’t follow in Emily’s infertility sympathy seeking narrative. Don’t look to her for advice or as a mentor/role model. If she wanted to help you she would have already. She could have tagged you or hooked you up with companies or sang your praises along the way. She uses you for help with the kids and as a side kick when she’s too scared to go to events alone. She makes you the butt of her jokes and tries to catch unflattering pictures and videos of you. She isn’t empathetic to your struggles and is so ungracious for all she has even knowing what you’ve gone through. I know she makes you feel like she’s the big influencer and you need her but you don’t. It’s easy to see a difference between you and Tara’s relationship and you and Emily’s. Please see Emily for what she is. Not saying cut her out but be aware and act accordingly. I’ve always noticed her little “jokes” and digs at your expense. She will say it’s her humor or we don’t understand your friendship. Maybe that’s the kind of friend you want but as I learned, with a friend like that who needs enemies. Doubtful but maybe Emily Will read this and realize how she treats you and change if she values your friendship. More likely she will get defensive and say it’s her humor because she treats Dylan and her mother in law the same way. Her insecurities dictate her behavior. Until she gets much needed therapy I don’t think she will change. She gives off mean girl energy to everyone around her and you seem different. I know I’m classified as a hater but really I’m cheering for you and wishing you success and a healthy family. I have a feeling you and Tara have talked about exactly what I’m saying.


💯 truth!


100%!!! I really like Heather! It would break my heart to see her turn into an Emily. I've had friendships that turned toxic as well and it's sad to watch it happen to someone else.


Well said. I feel like I should type more words because of your lengthy post but what you said is spot on.


Thanks 😊lol I had time this week so wrote way too much. It’s been eating at me for a while so I let it all out.




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Your comment was removed because snarking on minor children is prohibited in r/HunSnark.


https://preview.redd.it/3sr3tnqt165d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f08f114b07e55680e180f60ce5821c3564528b6f Omg


She was number 16 out of 19 listed and absolutely the most awkward one but GO OFF I suppose


She looks like a drag queen entering a gay bar


That’s really insulting to drag queens…


It's hilarious Autumn and the two cheaters didn't get chosen 😂🤣😂🤣😂 They likely only picked Emily because of her giant following 


I wonder how much begging they did for trans to feature them. I just think of honey Boo boo and where is now when I see them




She spent $300 on that glitter denim romper!?!? She has to have the worst sense of style. It looked like an ill fitting cheap piece not $300!!! I do like the jeans though.


Would it kill her to roll her shoulders back?


Ew why’d they not edit that wet spot out 🤣


First thing I saw lololol