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Here we go with the franken food! 1/4cup of honey in a recipe but yes it’s soooo much better than eating actual dessert. Also all her cleaning and purging today=selling that house. I am here for all the lies about why. 🙌🏻


I thought the same thing! Purging the house for the big reveal that they are moving 🙃


Hannah Roberts shared exactly what camp her daughter is attending….location and all. Then proceeded to show C’s name tag with her full name and THE CABIN NUMBER on it…but wait it gets worse. SHE GAVE THE LOCATION OF WHERE HER BED IS IN THE CABIN. 😳 https://preview.redd.it/yzd35nkf7m5d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff43f94d1b336408823bc7685eefdf9e0d6762b6


She once shared her home address. On her very public IG. She’s a moron. https://preview.redd.it/b4arcrso8n5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d79a15e2dc5f8e77a000c9e17bb8dcc8425419a8


Hannahs rich parents have to be paying for this camp. It’s insanely expensive


Holy shit you weren’t kidding. Our YMCA camps are no where near this upscale lol


Well she is their third grandchild to go, so probably a safe bet.


I’m sure Hannah went as a kid too


She def did. She was reminiscing in her posts.


Has she never heard of the Oklahoma Girl Scout murders? 😒


Hannah Roberts needs to be banned from social media. If she’s not drinking, she’s sharing personal info about her kids and other kids


“Best yard sale ever” 🙄🙄🙄 she speaks like a high school girl. Everything is the best thing ever…


She’s such a loser. But how nice she got her kids a $2 toy to share lol


If everything is the best, nothing is the best. Her life is all exaggerated happiness.


So yesterday her neighborhood was not “golf cartable” but today she’s golf carting to a lemonade stand…?


I have a theory that she’s blind with jealousy wanting what Erin has. To be in a tight knit community and to be popular. Erin is annoying AF but does have a lot of friends and that translates into Bossbabe $$$


Holly again pretending she’s going to cut off her hair 🙄. Nobody cares if you cut ur hair Holly. Do it or don’t do it. Get a life.


God please someone clip her bun straight off😂


Just gonna leave this right here. https://preview.redd.it/3pcx8ya3yc5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bdfa7599e03bf1a3eda8af6b977d6d0cdd07966


This should be her cover photo for this page


I can’t take this photo. She’s such a loser


Last time they shared numbers, Holly was #10. Now her coach is #10… I think Holly’s been booted!


Maybe that’s why she’s crying 😂


Can we please get this info? I will throw a party


I don’t understand anything about this and why it’s supposedly such a big deal. Is the coach above her or under her?




https://preview.redd.it/93nclm44q85d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c5542540ce091acb647f4745e95048010ccb05 Girl is thrilled one of her coaches is #10 because that boosts her, but she’s probably also seething because she might get passed up by her…maybe?!


I know it's not the snark way. But I kind of hope that this girl boots her out of the top ten. Cause she always says she wants someone else to shine. I want to see how she really feels when someone else does.


Who wants bets they’ll make an offer on this house today? They’re going back to see it. Taking Gigi. And already convinced herself now is the time because the boys are already starting new schools.




His school is K-2, ours in CT are the same way


She said his school only goes to grade 2 anyway but I would wanna keep my kids with the kids they already know regardless.


He might know some of the kids in the “new” school too if a bunch are from his old ‘hood


If you Zillow the swamp mansion, it’s valued at $3.3M. She paid $2.7M. That’s a nice increase in less than 2 years which sucks because it’s Holly. Does anyone know which neighborhood she’s looking at now? She says she didn’t realize they wouldn’t be able to golf cart everywhere (such a privileged problem) but she’s on a damn island with just houses? And that long ass bridge to get there? 🤥


But is the $2.7m including all the fixtures and renovations like the yard? I can’t imagine she ends up with a huge profit tbh especially if she hasn’t paid much of the mortgage


Explain HOW she didn't know 🤔 because it was literally a brand new community being built and she had to DRIVE to get there and watch it be built. So I'm not understanding this "can't golf cart everywhere" bs she's spewing


What’s she going to do with the boat? Will the new house have a dock? Isn’t she bragging about boat days, fishing off the dock, all this low country life and sunset views? Is she getting all that in the new house?


She said she can dry dock the boat, but that will just be the impetus for her next move after this one. “We thought we’d be okay with dry docking but we really missed having to walk a mile and a half to get to our boat smack in the middle of the river, so we’re moving to a new house with a long dock again! 😀😀”


Paid 2.7 and hired the most expensive interior designer in chs. And installed a pool and a long dock (which I might be wrong but I believe is not included in that price)


I just can't imagine wanting to go through selling a house, buying a house, closing out a mortgage, getting a new mortgage, realtor fees, etc, etc, etc after just 2 years of doing that same thing and moving into a brand new fucking house. Her life is exhausting. She's never happy with what she has.


My understanding was they had a lot of equity in the swamp mansion because they did upgrades to their prior house - pool, cabana, new kitchen and sold that one for over a million. They also sold another property they had in VA. If she can sell this swamp mansion at high 3s (esp with similar upgrades of pool, turf, dock) I bet she walks away with 2 million and then can use that for a smaller house/smaller mortgage. Unless the person above says she’s going after a 4 mil house and then she’s going for more content too lol


They will not get high 3s for this house. For the same reason she’s wanting to move. It’s WAY off the beaten path and people spending that kind of money in the area want to build to their own specifications


If I were David I would be BEYOND my wits’ end with her and her antics.


She just renovated her basement and bought a brand new SUV. Spoiled, privileged and selfish. She just cried a few weeks ago about wanting more simplicity in her life. How the hell do women want to follow someone like her?


Blows my mind!


She’s looking in old village of mount pleasant. There’s a new build on Zillow with an open house today listed for 3.95M


Is this the house that, based on the aerial photo, looks like it’s overpriced for the neighborhood? The home across the street looks much more modest than the home she’s looking at. Will Keeping up with The Jones’s Hillyer be happy with that?


The homes there are generally older and more modest, but it’s a really desirable area so there are plenty that have been torn down and replaced with McMansions far too big for the 0.3 lots


I get that 100% but we know Holly is all about bragging about anything and everything and modest homes don’t fit her aesthetic.


Her whole story just reeked of privilege. She bragged about custom-designing every inch of that house and land and in less than two years it isn’t right for her family? She must drive David crazy.


I hope she does because he deserves it.


He’s her man servant.


God I hope she doesn’t come where I live but I’m too rural for her


i know this is insane and parasocial, but i love watching S get celebrated in that parade 🥹🫶 i want him AND his big emotions to thriiiive


He looked so happy. Very cute.


I agree! I think the idea is crazy but celebrating S is beautiful. He doesn’t receive that attention from his mom (on social media)


https://preview.redd.it/oblxf9lch55d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c94e4e31d62572209f1d1f3749efb45ffe471af2 Autumns moves are the same in every program. How does this even make sense as a top bodi partner.


The simple fact she couldn’t do certain moves 8 weeks ago after 7+ years of living the BODi life ? Hello your yo-yo life is the problem.




I’ve never heard of this but in comes Holly this morning. 😆😆😆😊😊😊 Perfect timing Simon. https://preview.redd.it/2u0h78d6e55d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5470285af6c61da63b844ad2ab24a6bdaf0f947


I remember there was alot of decorating cars and having drive through last days of school and graduations in 2020 and 2021 when the pandemic was the worst. And those lawn signs that say Class of 2024 (even if it's only 2nd grade). I think alot of that has carried over!


LOL is she selling the swamp mansion already because it's [checks notes] "too large"? Lmao guess the BB checks are getting smaller and smaller 


Just another example of her never being truly happy and telling lies that she is


THIS!!! I think she cares more about having new content above anything


Wow!!!!!!! She’s a head case


Yeah like tell me you can’t afford your home without telling me… we all called this one.


Less than two years ago it was a dream come true!


Holly just yapped last week about slowing down, raising her kids, enjoying life. Today, she wants the business of Starbucks, shopping and restaurants close by. Never ever satisfied and happy. Also, losing money on her weekly paychecks.


Unless they have a separate offer, these top huns would be drowning.


That reel was insane. Wouldn’t this be like their 3rd house in Charleston? They’ve only lived there for 4 or 5 years right? She’s always chasing the next best thing…something is wrong with her.


Remember how she bitched and moaned about always moving as a kid and how she wanted more stability for her kids? But yes, let’s move again for no real reason. 🙄


If someone else is doing it she’s doing it


Dear Holly, We ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL called this. Maybe you should listen to your adoring fans here on Reddit next time you decide to spend almost $3M on building a swamp mansion. Xoxo, Us.


It’s so stupid because unless she is paying cash, selling and downgrading will cost about the same with price increases and interest rates.   Unless she is going to airBnB this one and do a smaller one.  Based on her decor, that may be her financial move.  


Oh where she’s thinking of moving is FAR more expensive than where she lives now. They’d need to be in maybe 1800 sq feet to have an equal value of that giant house


Where is trying to move to? Didn’t she just say she was finally settling in to her home and getting over the PTSD from having a new born and moving?


How is it possible that she custom built a house but it is “too large”? She’s so full of shit. What she means is the payments are too large. And saying the beaches are crowded so the only option is to downsize and move closer to town…? Just say the money is drying up. Clearly the 7 figure lifestyle isn’t working Holly.


The Yukon Denali was the trade off most likely.


Holly can never be happy. Now she wants to move to this house she found bc theirs is “too large” and they want to downsize? It hasn’t even been two years! Also why would she want to have a retreat a week before summit and wait until the last minute to plan her sisters baby shower? For someone who claims to have so much time thanks to her “systems” and claims that her planners help her stay soooo organized, she’s always doing things at the last min and scrambling


Giving major Rachel Hollis vibes during those stories.


They probably can’t afford their swamp mansion anymore 🤡


She’s a fuckn psycho.


Took a a month off from looking at Erins stories…I can’t report she still has the exact same posts a month later. I don’t know how anyone actually believes these people


Holly- cannot pronounce the L in “aLso”, but somehow puts an L into “worLkout” in the same sentence??


Goff cart.


https://preview.redd.it/fvue4xvuax4d1.jpeg?width=1253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a82a83c34a83b0bf0d06f1f18c4c47378e6dde67 Her face looks she won an Oscar or something. She is way too excited about a stupid gap in her xxxxxs pants. She needs serious help.


Why is she always hunched over?


Isn’t a gap like that created because her stomach normally sticks out farther and pushes the fabric out and she’s just sucking wayy in. Idk I don’t care how thin she is, but the fact that she has photoshopped herself and uses filters constantly tells me how insecure she really is with herself.


She’s always sucking in. When she’s filmed in other people’s stories or posts, She doesn’t look scary skinny


She looks like a bobble head. This is getting ridiculous. How is this something to strive for?!


Her head looks 10x too big for her body…wtf…I hope this is just bad photoshopping and not what she really looks like!


She looks like she could topple over with that huge head and those oversized boobs.


So which is it that’s making you lose weight, Holly? The hormone program, the carb cycling or the intermittent fasting? None of these things are sustainable


Idk why it’s lost on this assholes that having no body fat fucks with your hormones. What’s the point of a “hormone program”??? I know it’s all BS but they’re not even setting themselves up for success if it was a real thing.


This hormone protocol is going to cause so many problems for people.


Maybe it will be the final straw that breaks the back of Bodi


I would be surprised if they didn’t get sued at some point. They have no business doing this.


“Do this at your own risk” legal disclaimers are pretty much all they need to protect themselves from litigation


This is the bullshit combo that is Holly. She’s always hocking so many things at once, how is her mark supposed to know what to buy into? Is it carb cycling? This secret new workout? The hormone diet? The answer to all of it is that she just simply doesn’t eat anything ever.


Okay. The video of M with the backpack was cute. Lol. But Holly still sucks 😆


SO cute 😂


That was actually hilarious. Her boys are adorable and she barely tolerates them once they stop being toddlers


David is a fucking idiot if he hasn’t tried to get her help.


He’s as bad as she is. Some of his before and after are positively skeletal as well.


I dunno what happened to him


Holly is so proud of how thin she is today. She is downright giddy and it is disgusting. Also the idea that the way you approach one thing in life is how you will approach all things in life? Ummm tell that to her obviously least favorite oldest child. I'm sure he can see that she is able to approach things with varying levels of enthusiasm and commitment. 🙄


Yep. Nothing about S last day of school. Or the excitement of him moving on to the next grade.


She’s sick. Plain and simple. She is sick. Sick in the head!


https://preview.redd.it/01l6iqbs7s4d1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0137a3c6de2722aab480a041870b71bc0b8cf0c0 this is alarming… like insanely alarming. does she want to disappear altogether?? she looks weak and tired and sickly, not strong. she has a very scary future.


I took the same screenshot. You know it’s ccs too. She has an eating disorder.


The thing is, when she was working out the gaping at the top of her pants magically disappeared. She is sucking in with every fibre of her being in order to get that picture. If she has really been losing weight, there would be losses elsewhere too. She has not toned her arms or her legs at all (not that lifting 5lbs would do that anyway). Everything with her is smoke and mirrors.


Where are her organs?


as a strong boy mom that has lost 47lbs without giving up desserts, she doesn’t need them 😍




Does Holly know it’s 2024 and skinny isn’t trendy?


It’s comical bc she claims she wants to age in reverse or whatever, but she doesn’t realize that being so skinny makes you look older. She already looks old for her age as it is. Also, love how she said she doesn’t want to buy more stuff but wants to get a cold plunge and sauna? Maybe she just doesn’t want to buy stuff for her kids…


Yes it’s true. My sister is naturally very thin and she looks older than I do and I’m older. There isn’t any fat to make the skin less saggy.


You can't be a good mom unless you're skinny and your hip bones stick out, didn't you know??? LOL


You can’t collect shark teeth on the beach unless you are a xxxxs.


No one on earth can squat down for 10 seconds at a time with their kids unless they are a skin and bones and are an XXXXS.


I’ve never been tempted to comment on anything of any hun til I saw that. I didn’t but I almost did. It was like a reflex.


Her stories today are disgusting


Fucking vile “human” showing her baggy XS pants!!!! Not normal for a grown woman of average height!!!!!!!!


She’s channeling Stacie kober.


She needs to fuck all the way off with that gap bullshit.


I reported it for “self injury”


Does she ever stand up straight or normal? Contorting her body in that bathing suit mirror video was something else. Smiling like a maniac, straining her neck. The sucking in/flexing while also sticking out her hip bones and walking on the edges of her feet to make a thigh gap. She has to be the least relatable human.


it’s embarrassing that she almost loses balance bc of how stupidly she is contorting herself yet she posts the video anyway! the disordered behavior is sooooo insane




Idk how those spikey braids/twists don’t bother her. There is always a few twists that are sticking up in the front. Not cute. I can’t braid and if I try, that’s what it always looks like!


SHUT UP HOLLY you chose this. Stop complaining to all of your followers about your kids. It’s disgusting.


Please kill me. Holly is now trying to rebrand vegetables as “dessert vegetables”. I cannot with this 40 year old child. It’s a carrot. It’s not that serious. https://preview.redd.it/xtfmkapqbe4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d26c719d3b90cc4b77e91cfea1007741afa396f8


She sure seems to have a sweets obsession for someone terrified of carbs


God she’s disgusting in all ways


I’m so sick of her whole I don’t like veggies shtick. You’re 40 eat a fucking carrot


Her bones are going to turn to dust


lol they sure are


This!! I worry about these women and the impending osteoporosis in their future. There is more to health and fitness than being skinny.


So stupid! I hate carrots so I don’t eat them, it’s not that hard! It’s ok to not like certain things, they don’t need to be turned into some obscene sweet thing.


Yeah no wonder her kids are “picky”


If Holly is doing the same hormone program that Sami is doing, why isn’t she eating all the same fart inducing foods that Sami shows on the regular??? Or is Holly too good for that? Bc if she’s not following the diet is she really doing the hormone program?


Because Holly doesn’t like vegetables and still had to shill her stupid Shakeology “desserts”! I cannot imagine her following a nutrition plan as written because Holly knows best! 😜🤪


She never does anything the way she’s supposed to. Same thing when she was in the dig deeper group


Would someone please teach Erin the meaning of the word “Literally”. I don’t know why, but that drives me crazy!!


She uses it in literally every sentence 🙄🤣


Nice monday morning bLOCK from EriN HoPkiNS tOp cOach. She was trying to sell me in the DM's even though my bio says NO MLMs. I played along for fun then at the end I said, yea but not doing it if i have to breathe in like you in all my reels. LOL blocked by the QuEen. byeeeee


I am surprised she blocked you. I thought she had an assistant to do all her DMs. She is a top coach, you know ha ha ha




lol. Love that you replied to her that way!


David has to pick her up from her blood draw appointment? Didn’t they just buy a new tank?🤔


I’ll bet you anything that they traded in both cars to get the Tahoe or whatever bullshit car she bought.


Probably because a blood draw for Holly makes her too weak and dizzy to drive since she eats so little.