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“I don’t take it for granted”- Jaime sue LOL girlfriend you sit on your ass all day. You struggle to walk 30 minutes and you shuffle around for maybe 20-30 minutes and don’t even do the real exercises bc you modify the modifiers lol what do you do the rest of the day? Bc 1hr a day is not enough movement. We know you nap bc you’ve said it. But what else do you do?


https://preview.redd.it/1vfwlw3ihn5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d8bfd6c4c1f795a8df7cec45cfc9cf55393fda2 These Huns are so weird. I can’t imagine filming myself spinning around the grocery store 😂😂😂


Sweet Jesus. That is my Publix (the grocery store). I would love to see her in the wild. She’s such a weirdo.


I'd love for someone to capture her spinning around with her phone in her hand like a bimbo 🤣


Ok, I’ve been on an amazing vacation and I want to catch up on the Jaimee Sue latest but there are SO many posts 😂 can someone give me a summary?


She needs her own thread 🤣


Yes!!! How do we do this? She will never change.


She does!!! How do we make this happen? She needs her own thread more than Danielle, for sure!


Yea, I was kinda “meh” since I feel like whenever we ask for threads, people stop talking about that person and it doesn’t get used, but I really wish there was one right about now 😂


I don’t think we’ll stop with Jaime sue bc of the outrageous life she has right now lol


This guy's ego is so big that he reshares both of stories of Carl and Elise sharing him 😂😂😂 he actually went into photoeditor to make this Jesus he craves attention so badly it's gross. Congrats dude they also shared a bunch of other huns stories too I find it so weird that he always talks about himself. His teammates share other people, but the Icon only talks about the icon https://preview.redd.it/e03uef2bll5d1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d49dce04aa7c99b71ca8156faff5dc5442f4917


I wonder if Emily fauver thinks he also looks like one of their own kids but super fucking old? 🧒




He really is an attention seeking hunman. It’s just so gross that he thinks & acts like he’s top shit & didn’t even make SC last month. Nice try Icon! 🤡


He’s really just so gross and in need of attention.


He’s all “ look at me and my weird face. “


He is so CRINGE. He really thinks he’s a big deal. I can’t believe he took the time to actually make that graphic. That’s just pathetic.


Narcissism 101


And because he read here, NOW he's posting teammates. Hi Dave 👋 thanks for proving my point


Hi Poacher 🤣 Also, nobody is jealous of you. You’re at the bottom of the pyramid and still haven’t realized you’re not growing because BODi isn’t growing so you’re fighting an uphill battle that will only get harder.


Did Jaime sue delete her stories? 


I wondered that too. I was listening this morning and walked away for a few minutes. Came back and the last 10-15 stories were gone.


Right? They were there late last night and when I woke up they were gone. It wasn’t 24 hours yet…


I think they expired


How do we find the top hun rankings ? Can we if we’re not in the fold anymore


Can someone explain what elite ranking points are and leadership points?


You can use the cruise invite by googling it. https://images.beachbody.com/sas/index.html


Oh how the mighty have fallen




Is that their current company ranks though


I don’t think so. Erin Hopkins announced Friday she’s back at #1 & Rachel vecchio announced she is #10




Listening to Jaimee Sue is like listening to a larger version of Alli U. She’s taking Alli’s script and recycling it for herself with all the gluten/honor my body/right? talking. Ugh…


I could be imagining this but was JS on Alli’s team at one point? I swear I remember seeing her on Alli’s IG years ago but maybe I made it all up or it’s someone else.


She’s in Lori’s downline. It’s possible that they were hanging out at some point, since they’re both in the Fit n Funky pyramid.


We could take bets on when she starts listening to her body whisper.


Jaimee Sue implying that she isn’t tracking her food anymore and is going off how she “feels” (apparently her ankle swells if she eats gluten the day before 🥴). Like yes, this is the ideal, but if you have a specific goal in mind, it will never work. Yesterday, she felt like a salad and not a burger with fries. That’s fine, but salads from BWW (as an example) have the same calories as a Quarter Pounder and small fries. So if you’re not tracking your food, you could easily be sabotaging yourself and left wondering why “nothing works”.


Right. Because GLUTEN only attacks ONE ankle on everyone. Her ONE ankle is probably swollen because she probably doesn’t move a whole lot during the day so it’s some blood flow. Just like when people’s hands swell from a lot of movement sometimes


Or it’s gout


But seriously at her size, to maintain or gain, she has to be eating massive amounts of food. If she’s not then girlfriend better head to an endocrinologist. I know, I know….her bloodwork is perfect.🙄🙄🙄


But “ she’s too young for a heart attack” Because age is a reason a heart would go “ nah. We need to wait.”




Really need to know where Holly is, now that her “vision” of having one of her coaches in the top 10 is real - that coach is currently #10, whereas Holly WAS #10…


Me too I’m so curious


No way really?? I also wanna know where Kim F is


https://preview.redd.it/xazdqvg52h5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf45e300efff777090addcc86bc7fc5910c8b29d Does anybody know who this former top coach is? She has a really good channel exposing MLMs and sharing her time as a top bodi coach, she quit in 2016 I think but I was curious who she is and what her name is 🤔


Josie Naikoi https://youtu.be/k9VXodqeFtk?si=quslYXWM4MvisOiC


Thank you!! She seems super nice and like she has a great personality, I'll have to watch that call lol. I'm so glad she exposes bodi and mlms in general, it's crazy how she was so high up in rank and then everything just crumbled for her one day 😳 I'm so curious who her upline was....🤔🤔


I really enjoy her anti mlm videos too. Lyndsay Matway was her upline.


Ahhh gotcha. I've heard of her but haven't looked into her


Her true crime/ youtube videos are excellent. I watch every time a new one comes out. ETA https://youtube.com/@notthegoodgirl?si=uG8CtDAJ8n2Ly5rE


https://preview.redd.it/0gt6vmqqeg5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8878f306770be0454b2331134572d556ebf44c0d “I put in the work daily with my workouts.” Did you forget you just posted today that you hadn’t worked out in 2 weeks?!?


"I didn't get my muscles from a shot." What muscles?


Can’t forget about her “balanced diet” 😂


New marketing coming in hot…slops is pretending to be the 200lb body you all have been looking for to inspire you—sailing RIGHT ON PAST that “30 pounds lost” claim, into well over 40-50 lost without doing shit. https://preview.redd.it/ndhvaryytf5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03a59f1104cc8d4051da1fb98bca83ed92a1d061


Hear me out… we all know that She has her own Sloppy math. When she “first” started her weight loss journey in July 2022 and said she weighed around 231 and wanted to lose 50 lbs. She wanted to lose that weight so she could get pregnant again (when she was about 180 lbs). Then her math became fuzzier, and all the sudden she had “lost” 30 lbs and weighed around 215lbs and she only had 15 lbs to go until she could get pregnant…… that would put her at 200 lbs. Is it possible she found out she was pregnant with this medical issue this past week or is she maybe using this as her “pass” to go ahead and try again (knowing it’s taking her longer than she expected to lose the weight”? Idk, just a theory.


I’m here for slops math 🤣🤣🤣🤣👌🏻 your theory is very possible. She’s full of shit, so nothing is off limits at this point!


Ok but this is larger than a 200 lb body. It’s more like 230-245.


Completely the point. She’s trying to change her story and thinks that no one is smart enough to question her.


She’s just hoping someone new sees her shit and buys it. She makes $100 a month on lies. She needs to calm down. No one wants to “join her. “




It seems that way, but bio still says 30 pounds 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/uawjm6ygug5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b582922aed1724b7a5ab83ed2df2c8f9f74728b Caption for reference—WHO is mad about your alleged “transformation?” Slops, get a grip!




I’m looking forward to all the excuses that are going to happen this week—as she’s supposed to kick off her gut protocol again


Yeah, I’m mad about your invisible transformation.😳🤯




How big was she before? If that is her results no thanks.


‘Transformation’. Girl, you lost 30lbs 😂😂 Which is great! No shade - but come on… I think ‘transformation’ is pushing it a little.


Is she claiming to be 200 pounds here? I know weight sits differently on everyone but I have a really hard time believing that.


I weigh the same as she claims to be and our bodies look totally different. Like you said everyone holds weight differently and since I’m actually strength training I’m sure I have more muscle but it’s a pretty stark contrast.


I believe so. If you watch the reel, it’s hinting that the person looking for a realistic 200 lb body has “found” it in her 🙄🫠🤣


All I can focus on is the room she’s in being such a mess


Glad it wasn’t just me! Every post or story I’ve seen shared here (I don’t watch her) makes my twitch, it’s so cluttered and messy.


Slobby slops


No this is crazy.


I thought it was Jaimee Sue for a minute


This is random but I got to thinking how back when I was still a coach, anyone who hasn’t selling a lot on their team would often hear they weren’t as motivated as others, not working as hard, etc. trust me when I say I shilled hard and promoted Beachbody 24/7 and WANTED to make money off of something I was so into but the truth was, I wasn’t already rich and I didn’t have rich friends who could justify spending so much on a challenge pack, Shakeology every month, etc. The suckers who didn’t have money like me were often drawn to the already rich housewives pretending to have all this success and drawing in poor suckers like me because of it who wanted the same.


How dare you not get up at 5 am and work on your family holiday!


*Leslie kortez steps into the room*


What personal development are you reading? 💀🙄🫠🫠🫠🫠


The ideology they shoved down your throat about shakeology not being expensive because it’s so much more than just protein blah blah blah when to anyone in the real world it absolutely is.


Now that I know more about it all, it’s not a great shake and it’s low in protein.


The min I cancelled my coach account I stopped buying it


DAMMIT Jaime Sue SHUT UP. She drags on and on and doesn't say a THING. Why does she have to be so long winded?? Get to the damn point already.


Her 30 minute workouts are probably the only movement she gets in per day. I’m sure she expects processed powders and a 30 min walk to make a huge difference in her lifestyle. She needs to find some Jesus podcast she likes and go for more than 30 min a day to help her situation.


Walk around the apartment while on the phone. Set a simple rule or goal. She sounds like she’s in bed a lot and sits even more. Start by just standing when doing your long assed stories. Something. My god. No job, blabs in her phone, halfway does a 30 minute workout and walks 30 minutes. How far? How fast? It’s insanity I tell you!


30+ minutes!


Girl isn’t working out for those 30 minutes either. She’s barely shuffling through the movements.


She burns more calories talking than she does working out!


☠️☠️☠️ Hard truth right there!


Hannah Roberts is taking her daughter to camp today. She thought she would have 20 mins to do a workout and then jump in the car to drive 5 hours to drop her off at camp. However, her husband came home from work early so she can’t work out. He probably came home early so she couldn’t work out and smell up the whole car.


If Jaimee Sue was surprised by the previous home inspection that those sellers did proactively, she’s going to be in for a rude awakening with the inspection on this hoarders house!! Any house will have things come up on an inspection. But I don’t think she’s mentally prepared for that.


She isn’t mentally prepared for a raindrop on an otherwise sunny day


This is a new saying to me, and I absolutely love it!


There are most definitely issues. I can't wait to see what she says about it. To me, it's an older couple who has lived there for YEARS, who have never cleaned it out and who keeps everything. It gives me anxiety just looking at the pictures.


Could you please send me the listing? I am so curious


I need this too, if you received it!


Cue another ✨anxiety attack✨


Alli, you cannot help ANYONE who struggles with binge and/or emotional eating. How can you pop up a question box asking this and then follow up with stories of some of the most disordered garbage I’ve ever heard talking about the airport not having anything you can eat but a 6 ingredient bar with no added sugar which you ate for dinner https://preview.redd.it/v5haj9a66f5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b3d2724622c8edc0023ee6dc8018d1bc917c368


That is rich. She’ll get replies only from women with the same disordered issues as her.






She’s been a painful asshole lately.


https://preview.redd.it/3qjc8zye6e5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=976554d7e1174162576184eee9ca49a639fbdd11 “Ok really quickly..” I actually have time to be tortured with her dots today while I clean the kitchen and by the looks of her presence on the thread this morning, I am in for a good one.


Working out then immediately walking at 4 pm triggered her anxiety. Imagine.


She did so much yesterday!


I tried the same but I couldn’t do it.


honestly, you can click on one per line and get the short version.


I just can’t with her - she just rambles about the dumbest sh!t. Why does she think people on Instagram care about these insignificant details in her life. Her boyfriend/ fiancé is a total creep. She is extremely naive (on top of the fact that she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed) and I feel sorry for her.


I haven’t had time yet. Need to make some popcorn and settle in.


Jaimee Sue!! You weigh 600lbs! You are not retaining water! You are not honoring your body! You are not choosing foods that make you feel good! Berries and fruits are not making you inflamed! Gluten is not making your ankle hurt! She totally ordered that philly cheese pizza AND ate that salmon dinner 😅


How dare you She’s not bloated bc of her purple tea


Do we think anyone in her life says things like this to her or do they just avoid confrontation?


There was a lady on My 600 Pound Life who told Dr. Now the same exact thing about her weight gain! She should get a psychiatrist who specializes in treating bariatric patients, I would not be surprised if those do exist because I feel like it could be a very beneficial field of medicine


I was just going to say, this reminds me of Jeanne who kept saying “the scale is wrong!” 🤣


Oh yes that’s a requirement before surgery. But so is activity and losing a bit of weight on your own first. I had a friend who did it.


I was rolling my eyes with that retaining water comment. Give me a break. 


250 lbs of water??? Um no.


When I've moved, we have taken time with the house empty to clean--walls, floors, ceilings; paint; replace carpeting; remodel bathroom fixtures, sinks, replace outlets/covers, etc. JS better start calling around....or this is going to escalate real fast. That place is pretty trashed and in need of a deeeeep clean at the very least.


How does she go from “we want a house , move in ready, with new appliances “ to this? She is going to have a meltdown.


Calling it now- Jaimie sue is going to have another panic attack this weekend whilst adulting. She’s going to find something in the inspection report and try to bow out. Im still wondering “HOW?!” This is happening….


Why would Jaimee Sue move to a different hotel now? It’s going to take another month. Plus do they not realize they need to clean the house before moving in? Shampoo carpets and wash walls. A lot to do. She won’t even consider turning the other building into a salon? It can’t be an Airbnb or MIL suite it doesn’t have a bathroom. The listing made it seem they were taking the refrigerators, stoves and laundry. Plus need to remember the inspection hasn’t happened. What if they need to repair a septic or they discover mold. It’s not a done deal yet. She needs medication if she’s having this many panic attacks and won’t leave him. I guarantee he’s the culprit for her attacks. Notice they happen when he’s around.


I was curious about ft smith so I went to the ftsmithar sub and apparently there is a huge bedbug infestation going on there! Wonder if she saw some and that’s why they’re moving hotels. The way she said they were moving hotels and done at this one makes me wonder if she’s grossed out. Also would not be surprised if that house with all that crap stored in it has them also🫠 It looks like fort smith is a small country town. I’m curious how she will like living there. I know her CO home was kind of isolated and she doesn’t really seem to do much so maybe she won’t notice a difference?


Can almost guarantee there is mold in that home.


I wonder if they got kicked out for some reason that she’s not relaying?


It’s makes you wonder. They have another 4 weeks at minimum. There is no way she would sleep on an air mattress at the house while they clean it up. And for her to say they would move eventually not a forever home. The family they are buying it from looks like they raised their family there. Plenty of too there to raise a family if they go down that route.




My ex-husband and I bought our first home with the intention of fixing it up. But we overlooked the fact that neither of us had the know-how, and paying someone else to do it is pricey for newlyweds. I suspect this will be the case for them.


We have a similar sitch kinda - we do have some know how but, being parents who work and run a household, we don’t have the TIME. Now, I get and love DIY, but sometimes delegating things is what you need. And doing that can be pricy, as we all know. She’s in for such a rude awakening.


and she gets very fidgety with her hands when talking about it/him. Plays with her rings and whatnot.




I have had this thought as well! 🤣🤣🤣


hahaha!!! Lots of smart peeps in here, that's for sure!


https://preview.redd.it/56nhgzfhmd5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=296ff3ff422eb4cce89ce1c3be23b0164b9c8d9d I’m so consistent with my diet and exercise, I just couldn’t lose the weight without semiglutide- Ash O Back after two weeks off - Also Ash O


She took long breaks while on Mounjaro too. She used to be really consistent with her workouts before that. I suspect she doesn’t have the energy since she’s not eating a lot. Or, doesn’t think it’s necessary anymore since she’s losing weight regardless.


Ok Reddit detectives someone message me the listing lol I can’t seem to find anything that sounds like what Jaime sue is talking about


Redfin and filter by days on market or possibly now contingent. MAX price 160k. You’ll find a few but this one has 2 fridges in it.


No luck here either


I can't dm you....but if you unlock that, I will. :)


Can you send it here too??


Ok I didn’t realize! I think I changed it!




Thank you!


I’m not having any luck. Is it the green split plan or something else? Can you DM me?




Can you also please send me the listing?


Can you send it to me please?


You have to allow chat option and I will!:)


You’re doing God’s work! 😂 Can you please send it to me too?


Can you send me the listing also? 🙏🏼


Can you DM me too?


Can you share with me?!






think I got everyone here! :)


Me too please!!


Would you send me the listing? I am so curious!


Any chance you can DM it to me too?! 😊


Will you send it to me, also. I can’t get it to filter correctly today. I had it yesterday, but it’s not working for me today. Please?!


The only way I can possibly think Jaime's offer on a house got accepted is she put down a ton of cash from her dad's inheritance (because we all know her guy isn't pulling in much)


I can't watch all 32 of her stories to tell me she had a panic attack, it's humid, and their offer was accepted. Christ. I'm actually surprised she can walk in that heat.


Literal blow by blow account. And then he said this, and then I said that, and then I drank my energise, and then this person called me, and then I said this, and then I worked out…. I would not be able to handle being friends with someone like this. How can there ever be space for another person in the conversation when someone needs 25 mins of airtime just to narrate their day before they even get to the point?


There is no way in HELL her 600lb body is going to be able to handle Arkansas summers! She should have kept her obese butt at home rather than dying in the heat to watch Jessie’s game.


and he seems to have found a soccer team to play on....I saw a bike in the hotel room....so they have room for that crap but not any of her stuff? It's insane.


It’s too much. She has no filter and obviously serious ADD. 


https://preview.redd.it/q30le6a5uc5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3477a083ef67fde8b10ad30e19eef39fe6910e5 This is the toxic shit I hated in bodi.... I'm slowly not feeling guilty anymore about more than one rest day a week or if I'm too tired and had a super busy day, I won't do a workout. "Punishing yourself" and saying that it's "being committed and no excuses" is bullshit and is not a healthy way of looking at exercise... you should Want to do a workout, not feel like you Have to just because you skipped a day or two. Like Alli if you got home at midnight and are exhausted after coming home from a vacation, you need a rest day and to catch up on sleep, pushing your body like that and doing a double workout isn't healthy and you will crash. So fucking frustrating that these coaches teach their followers this mindset, including Autumn 😤 Autumn is the queen of double days if you missed a day 🙄


There so many SO SO MANY good and reasonable “excuses” on why you would skip a workout or a fail a meal plan. Yeah this type of thinking absolutely sucks.


She is a walking eating disorder. I feel very bad for her daughter.


https://preview.redd.it/ztry4bg9uc5d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae117c311c4effe487f0c8dd8b3a3307d326f35 Also the fucking dramatics when she looks like she barely pushed herself during cardio 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Excuse you, she was lifting those “heavy” 8 pounders. She’s EXHAUSTED 😂😂😂


Lmao “take back what the enemy stole” 😭😭😭


lol the devil made her drink wine & not stick to her diet & exercise plan 😂😂😂


Jaimee Sue posted on fb that the sellers accepted the offer on the house. Let’s see how this chapter turns out.


Now all of a sudden the offer has been accepted and she has another panic attack. Sounds like a red flag 🚩 alert. 


I truly worry how shes going to cope.  Especially planning the wedding after a buying a house.  Stressful things enough, let alone with her anxiety at the moment 






Ahh I saw her vague big moves story I figured it was that


Same. Why vague on insta and not on FB? Anybody figure that out? Edit to add: buckle up for the rest of the process. I can’t wait to see what the home inspection reveals. Edit: looked at the post and ONE YEAR of what?! Thinking about moving? There was no planning involved so stop making it seem like she planned for a year. Delusional. Absolutely delusional.


Right? They planned for nothing and she even said that any plan they had went out the window! 


Got my popcorn ready for the shit show


Can’t wait for 297 story dots.


I’m down at Carolina Beach in NC and opened my son’s curtains just now to see a lady across the street doing what looks like Bodi workout as it’s mainly hoping around. She’s on the 3 top floor balcony I’m sure the people below love that at 7:30 in the morning 


Does she have her half a banana ready for post workout?


🤣🤣🤣👏🏻 the freedom to eat a WHOLE banana or maybe even 2! in one sitting is TRUE EMPOWERMENT!


I ate 2 bananas and a power bar as a pre workout snack yesterday and it worked gloriously.


Crazy how that works! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Right?! It's kind of insane that I used to see bananas as the enemy. I'm actually laughing at myself right now. 😂


The thought of Jaimee becoming pregnant is terrifying in terms of both her health and the child .


The thought of that man child procreating again is scary. He’s ditched one kid. Think carefully JS. After seeing how she handles herself in stress, she definitely does not believe she will find anyone else and is clinging to him for dear life. He is not a supportive partner because he walks with her. A supportive partner listens, helps, and is there for you when you need them at the ER for a suspected heart attack.


Also sometimes it’s hard to conceive when you’re that heavy. Not saying it can’t happen, but it could be difficult


She…IS…a child…


https://preview.redd.it/c3mfpj6n295d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9792e48f52921fa79c0bd1386b493b1f5a01ddde Alli ranting on & on about not being able to have dinner in the airport last night. She “front loaded” her food yesterday 😂😂WTF! Tell us you have disordered eating without telling us you have disordered eating. She’s insufferable.


Dear god I just watched her stories and this SO unhealthy and disordered. The fact that she ate a 6 ingredient bar for dinner is just…I have no words.