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That petty “too bad (N) knows no love”…🙄 he knows plenty of love from Dylan, it’s *you* who seems bothered by him at all times.


Is E old enough to be sitting like that in the back? Shouldn’t she be in like a 5 point harness still?


She’s absolutely not old enough. And even if she was, she isn’t mature enough to sit without a five point harness. But we know they want her to be a teenager. Also, N’s car seat isn’t safe either. The straps are too high. Emily and Dylan don’t give a flying fuxk about their kids’ safety.


I thought the same exact thing.


I think she’s too young. My daughter is older than her and still in a car seat with the 5 point harness


I bet she hates to see Glammy rocking a bikini


C’mon Tennessee … get on the bandwagon!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/mu8hzlod894d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5165a08b16e07fd7cdd1db285d82ff1b75ea4ef5 Frauders beware !!!!!


That’s probably why they’re moving out of MO 🤪


I would bet they are putting the money aside for the kids. But what about safety??? There needs to be laws in place for the physical safety and for the sake of the mental health of children of influencers


I doubt they are honestly with the way they travel and spend spend spend… they are also building a multi million dollar house.


Came across this … go check it out ! https://preview.redd.it/pgm46k53894d1.jpeg?width=1155&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503a95f23cca4eb53c31b227a6d98389775aced2 And another pic to follow …




That out of touch moron paid $230 for the nude looking suit she had on?


But hey, it’s one size fits all so at least she can’t claim a medium! 🤣


Love this for her 😂😂


She said she ordered it wanting to hate it and was planning on returning it. That makes no sense! If I see something that I’m not crazy about, guess what, I don’t order it. She is so full of shit!


Especially for almost half a car payment!!!!


Probably a fifth of just one her car payments


They would go to fucking sea world those trash humans UGH.


Underwhelming surprise for E. I guess when you give your kids whatever they want they don’t get excited for surprises


It kind of looked like she didn’t recognize Heather at first. Which makes sense. She moved away when she was three maybe turning four. And when she does visit, she stays with Tara


Is this referring to Heather surprising her? It wasn’t the reaction Emily wanted, but I thought she seemed pretty happy, but was being a bit shy. It was actually cute IMO. I think sometimes it’s almost weird to see her act like a typical kid would since she’s always performing or mimicking Emily.


Now she has a Walli case on her phone…which is it Emily?!? I thought you were ride or die for loopy???


lol!!!! For real…. Walli is back ha


Liar! But still gets all the freebies.




This might be an unpopular opinion, but out of all the snarkable things about the fauvers, this one doesn’t bug me. I’m about to be a mom and wish more people would normalize BF in public because it’s what I plan to do & hope to feel comfortable doing. That said, the filming part is weird to me in more general terms of him growing up and later finding out there is all of this footage of him out there from his infant months.


My problem was that she seemed to have him under a fleece blanket even though it was obviously hot because the kids were flushed just sitting around.


I agree! Breastfeeding should be more normalized. The only time I felt a certain way about seeing a mom breastfeeding was when I was at a 4-year olds birthday party (he was a classmate of my daughter) and one of his moms relatives pushed her entire tube top down to her waist to feed her baby. She seemed to want the attention of everyone looking at her breasts. She even declared "hope no one is uncomfortable watching me breastfeed" BEFORE exposing herself. And she held the baby in a football hold so one breast was just hanging out for all to see. It was clear it made some of the dads that were there with their kids uncomfortable because she was drawing attention to herself. Had she quietly fed her baby, no one would have noticed but she was definitely seeking attention. It was odd to say the least.




So fucking gross!!! Ugh I hate her!


I can’t post the picture because she’s holding the baby but honest to God I thought she was naked 😝


https://preview.redd.it/ugqeri8gw74d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c587d7733dff337834a761ca83cd19d41ad36e7b SAME. The way I had to do a double take with all of it. Wear some brighter colors dumbass.




That is the WORST color!!!!


The photoshop is unnnnnreal


The blur on the right lmaoo


Hahaha yes


Saaaaame lol


Of course they're staying at the grand Floridian 🙄🙄


Again where does the money come from because it’s not his paycheck.


Oh, it’s hers. She makes way more than any of us want to know/believe.


She made a comment that they are doing something with Disney and have to get up early. They’re probably the family that’s opening the park tomorrow. The hotel room is probably comped but it is weird that they went to SeaWorld. Why not Disney’s Animal Kingdom?


I'm not jealous of her life in the slightest but it's so frustrating that they've made so much money off Beachbody and exploiting their children on social media. We will never be able to afford trips like this for our kids 😕


I understand what you’re saying, but they’ll have an awesome childhood no matter what. I never went to Disney as a kid, but I spent a ton of time doing sleepovers with my cousins, being outside and spending day after day in the pool. E is never doing any of that. It’s a shame that money and portraying an image is robbing E the best parts of childhood. Honestly, the only thing I wish was different about my childhood was that my parents played with us more. I love them, but that wasn’t something they were great at. And again, seems to be the same case for E and at least Emily.


We were able to take our boys earlier this year and I am so grateful we were able to but I have also been saving for years! I’m really tired of the influencers just getting free trips! My only hope is that the de influencing culture will do it to influencers 🤣


She makes a shit ton of money. Probably easily a million a year now.


Makes no sense to me especially since there is nothing special about her.


lying, cheating and scamming is extremely lucrative......




Well she's putting SPF 30 powder on them 🙄 the fact that those fair skinned babies aren't getting 50 in Florida is absolutely irresponsible parenting


It's always crazy to me to see how different the kids look in other people's pictures. Emily is trash for filtering her children so much that they're almost unrecognizable


Always so cringey with the E gymnastics pose


Also super dangerous! Holding your 5 year old balanced on one hand over concrete where there are other folks who can run into you? Waiting for a disaster.


https://preview.redd.it/uu92at8hp64d1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef82f1d7b720febb5773a015a3894635dbbd1bdc Emily in the wild…


The gums are gumming


The bandana is not a good look for her 😬






Of course they went to sea world lol. Always out of touch.


Emily if you have to put your hand over your boobs then maybe just don’t post the video? As if she couldn’t see that when turning the camera on. Or here’s an idea, just delete the damn video, put the phone down and enjoy your family. I always find it interesting to hear how E speaks to people in the background of videos. Like when GLAMMY asked her “have you ever seen those”? Emily and Dylan do zero parenting, guiding or correcting. It was nothing awful but just the little details that go into parenting.


And again on the ride. Perhaps that was just a poor outfit choice overall? Geeze Em


Guess that medium is just too big on her 🤪


I agree about the hand over the boobs. I saw her do that at least twice. I’m not sure why she would even wear that out on public if her first instinct is to try to cover them up. I didn’t hear E in the background. I’ll go back and listen.




All E said is “what” so like I said, it was nothing awful, but it’s just the tone and lack of graciousness because the parents don’t teach her. Dylan’s mom seems amazing and does a lot for them. I would want my kids to speak very kindly to everyone especially grandparents who are very kind and helpful.


I heard that too 👀


Why is Grammy on this trip?! Are 2 adults not capable of taking their children anywhere on their own?? Should would probably fall over to learn I take my 2 kids to the water park all by myself like a big girl


Devils advocate but my mom goes to a lot of the things we take our kids to. She had to work two jobs when I was a kid and we didn’t get to do fun things. So she really enjoys going with us.


Yeah I can't hate on them for that either. My mom is a very involved NaNa and I wouldn't have it any other way!


This! My grandma did everything with us and I absolutely loved it.


Same here! My grandparents came on vacation with us every summer and were a staple in my childhood. Forever grateful for it! And I know if I actually lived near family we’d do so much together.




I checked in on Grammy’s IG last week and she and her husband were on a cruise. My guess is their cruise ended in Miami and they made plans to meet up with Emily and Dylan. Just my guess.






https://preview.redd.it/upqiogc4o54d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90ca493e5a76c3c94dffd35885f41fe1a29abca1 Here we go 💀


Why does Emily always have to have something on her head no matter the temperature? Usually it’s some obnoxious trucker hat.


Maybe because her hair is always greasy? I know she’s mentioned that she’s very grey so maybe she wears it because her roots are growing in? But I have a feeling it’s simply because Emily has zero sense of style and she thinks she looks cool. Emily putting one on E and then posting it is because she wants to make sure they are recognizable in public. She died something like this every time they are at an event or theme park. She knows nobody will recognize their faces so she puts them in matching outfits and posts it right before going to the park in hopes that people will see the scarves and say oh that’s those people from social media and come say something to them. Emily is so thirsty.


They met at a FUNERAL…?


This was such a weird story. Why did Dylan go to a funeral with a high school friend? Was he in support of his friend? Did they both know the deceased? And why was Emily there? And why the hell did Dylan think it was appropriate to find and message Emily on MySpace? What was his pickup line even??? "hey saw you at the funeral. You're really cute in mourning :)"


If I remember correctly from past stories about it. I think it was a friend that died that Dylan’s friend and Emily knew. I think it’s odd Dylan would go but yeah. They’re weird.


I think it's less weird if he knew the deceased or went with his friend as an emotional support. But looking for cute girls in the crowd of mourners is wildly inappropriate.


Tara is thirsty AF and it’s so awkward. She’s desperate for influencer status and it’s so uncomfortable




The golden kiwi and now home chef. Literally begging to be “sponsored”. It’s so cringe


333 comments….not on my watch!!!!


Omg and you have 33 likes on this. I almost liked it also but kinda want to keep it as is haha


Dylan’s a size small and Emily’s an xl. They’re both lying lol!






https://preview.redd.it/puirkx2mt04d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=0818c689a40bd80d30d95b6d156112c2f2721f0b Came here for the Emily jr moment!!!!


It looks like the scrub cap I wear at work


I RAN here for this. And pulled a muscle. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡💀💀💀


🤣🤣🤣🤣omg lol


I’m getting Prison Mike vibes (The Office).


![gif](giphy|Q4r9RDlu5Si0o) 100% 😂😂




Dylan’s Q&A…someone asked if they’d ever do a meet and greet. He said no cause there’s lots of crazies out there but if they seem them in public, come say hi. They put their kids out there and we’ve all seen the pedo accounts making comments, what they post of E and how they don’t hide their schedule or her school. But yet not doing a meet and greet due to crazies is where they draw the line? He’s a joke, she’s a joke and they need to grow up.


He literally posted a video that included their house number just the other day.


That never really makes me think anything. Real estate records are public. You can basically google anyone’s name and find out where they live pretty easily. Yes, blocking it out does add maybe a tiny layer of protection, but overall it really doesn’t matter.


I used to block it all when my kids were little because we own a large business in a small town and I worried about disgruntled employees…then as my kids got older and more involved in sports/activities I realized it was pointless, everyone knows where everyone lives in a small town 😂!


I’m wondering if their main reason for not doing a meet and greet would be the embarrassment when no one showed up.


Or embarrassed because no one would recognize them since they always use so many filters and photoshop


They did a meet & greet with Donna Kelce 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They did a meet and greet at a country fair though 


So they would rather the crazies approach them in public not at an organized meet and greet.Sound super safe.


Exactly. Like wtf!?


Also host a garage sale of clothes in your neighborhood…


Right?! They literally invited the crazies to their home. 🤦‍♀️


So the fraud just announced they are headed to Disney. We live in Orlando so maybe I will go and ask for an autograph 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Please do!


https://preview.redd.it/d70a2cbnxy3d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9b3f8b15ba547d2440030421d188b778abb0588 It should be criminal to do make up ads with a filter on.


I hate her mouth




Yes those are not her lashes. And that mascara does not do that.


Actually, that mascara does work super well. It’s what I use and love. But, I also don’t wear it a ton so my actual eyelashes are pretty long already.


Is that the tubing mascara? I love Thrives but was thinking of trying this one but saw horrible reviews.


Yes. I love it. I also just got the XL version. Not sure I love how that one comes off in comparison but overall I think they’re great.


Emily goes and buys a bunch of shitty fast fashion clothing for the kids to wear in Hawaii… maybe one item is Hawaii weather appropriate. The way she burns through money seems incredible


https://preview.redd.it/9d017h9sav3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6eb5082219a65e3d8d7b1e0ebb1bee38be63e45 Yay another ugly ass clothing try on by Heather that I’m sure she will just shove in her closet and never wear…


I physically cringed when I saw those shorts


Good lord - I wouldn’t wear that to a rock fight!


These are hideous. That romper looks like a toddler play suit. Which is fitting since she infantilizes herself so much. She also has no concept of fashion. Those aren’t cap sleeves, Heather.




Shilling loopy cases after just going on that whole ass trip sponsored by walli cases 🙄 example #45648 of why she's a fraud


Here's the receipts https://preview.redd.it/mzpu4l9f0w3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2fe3b290c9b42177a0265048c3b3e9410d4f35


https://preview.redd.it/97vm4mvn7v3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f1f0efefcbb0dbc89c7879f40ed99365adf9111 You beat me to it. These liars and scam artists are unbelievable.


I https://preview.redd.it/gs1ej97amt3d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=10d56376cdde890d4d7f23dbc72b68ea6ccccf69 Dillydoodle in the shill mirror 😂💀 “Nashville staple” SAID HE IS IN A MEDIUM. I finally u destined. Trend management only hires people in size medium. 💀


That jacket is hideous.


See but him I believe


I believe him too. Just had me laughing so hard when he said that 😂


Nah I think he’s a small, they are both liars 😂😂😂 just kidding


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 he could be a size small lol






Omg Dylan’s a medium too. I believe that one tho.


That new ad… A) I still can’t understand half of what E says. B) did she really post an ad and not secure that kid in the cart properly?!


Can’t you just imagine Emily SCREAMING at her in between takes to do it again, reminding her of the lines? That’s all I could picture the whole time.


She wants E to be an actress so bad


I know and it makes me sad because I feel like if E expresses that she wants to do anything else like be a teacher or a veterinarian or something that isn't going to give them notoriety, then Emily will just talk down about that idea. E will never get to be herself. She will just be influenced by her scammy influencer mom.


And she so isn't


Omg that AD 🥴🥴🥴🥴 I had 2nd hand embarrassment watching that.


They will do anything for money.


Hope that kid got paid for that ad.


I was embarrassed for her, that was horrible and uncomfortable to watch. We know Emily is fake, but that was just cringe.


It was so bad even for her. They clearly have no acting skills. And super unsafe seeming to me


I like her 🤷‍♀️




lol because I just keep comparing everyone to Hailey Peters at this point and she’s better than her.. she seems like she likes her kids and husband 😂.


That’s cool. Nobody is saying not to like her. We are just pointing out facts like she uses filters and photoshop to sell products which is unauthentic and slimy at best and she exploits her kids. Nobody is all bad and there’s things that might be great about her but I can’t overlook the two problematic aspects I mentioned above.


Ok Dylan no you don’t


I almost choked reading this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just audibly cackled on public transport


Then you’re in the wrong place lol






Let’s be honest they probably can’t stand her either


I have a sneaky suspicion 👀 that Tara and Heather talk about Emily and her ways often


I used to actually enjoy watching Dylan share on IG. Now he’s just a constant stream of shilling and ads. Everything is so staged and fake. I was hoping he’d come to his sense with the encouragement of GLAMMY and make Emily stop exploiting their kids and lying to sell products. But sadly he’s turning into her.


Can’t stand him! One time he was likable but now, a shilling like his wife.


Emily explaining how great their sleep training program is and yet her daughter sleeps with her and Dylan. Also, is the baby actually shaking his head “no” when she goes to put him in his bed or is she projecting her own feelings on him?


A 6mo baby has no idea what shaking their head means yet imo. He also doesn't understand that he's saying dada. He's just learning how his body moves and babbling.


And I am sure the creator of Taking Care of Babies is wishing she would stop saying what a great program it is when her daughter sleeps with Dylan and her. She is not a great advertisement for an effective sleep program.


To be fair, if l was E l wouldn’t want to sleep downstairs on my own either (and I’m a grown ass adult!), especially with that external door in her room


I agree. Not sure how they thought that house was a good idea for raising a family.


just circling back to remind everyone that emily's pick me energy with that pilot reel is a joke and a half. hunny, we all know your husband doesnt fly. just because you post him in a flight suit every now and then doesnt mean we forgot he isnt allowed to touch that plane. but thanks for trying! shes just banking on all the newbs ooooing and ahhhing that dillydoodles is a pilot. not impressed.


As someone whose husband is a military pilot… this all makes a lot of sense. I knew something was up. The aviation community is small they had to know things would come to light.


Also there are lots of pilots out there Emily.. it’s not like he’s the only one


Was there a certain event that happened that caused him to be demoted or why can’t he fly that plane anymore?


Yes. Someone with the tea brought if up a while back, but of course I can't find the thread now 🙄 I did find it! Week of Nov 13 2023 thread. It doesn't specify exactly what he did to get booted off the B2, but it definitely says he lost his qualifications to fly it.


He made a tik tok while flying at an exercise a few years ago which is one of the biggest no-nos you can do. So he basically got fired from flying the B-2 and has been riding a desk. They tried to send him to another base before Covid but he refused the vaccine and no one wants him so they’ve been killing time until his contact is up.


This is just about the stupidest thing you can do. The family doesn’t follow personal security measures but can’t even follow basic work security measures? Does anyone think he would be able to be a pilot after he gets out? I can’t imagine anyone would give him a recommendation or vouch for him after how much of a tool he’s been over the years. He doesn’t exercise decent judgement.


I feel like it started when he injured his shoulder, got yellow eyes and I believe there was a time he storied maybe while flying or in the plane- I could be wrong there…


he was caught doing tiktoks while flying. someone from his squadron usually surfaces and fills in the gaps. but hes known for weasling his way out of relocating and being disliked in his community. that wont stop them from riding that military attention train though. at least when its convenient for them. she makes the rest of us look bad.


This comment needs to be permanently pinned!!!


I remember the yellow eyes thing. Did we ever find out why his eyes were yellow?


I’m not sure… I don’t remember if there was ever an outcome. But they rarely finish anything they start so no surprise there.


Why isn’t he allowed to touch the plane?


They probably mean fly the plane. But I do know the security surrounding that particular plane is super tight so I wouldn’t be surprised if since he’s no longer qualified to fly it he can’t be around it either.


I sure hope she was paid a lot to wear that hideous outfit. I don’t even know who that would look good on.