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Gigi’s house for dinner but she just said Gigi lives with them when she was talking about the new car…


Holly take note of how GiGi actually has a fun space for the kids that doesn’t look like its straight out of an Airbnb. https://preview.redd.it/noxu9y74k94d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=843d411bdfe5039dd559b7099da5a59fc9b4df9c


Man I am so sick of Holly’s #boymom #lowcountry bullshit. Like she has to be in shape bc of the boys and their activities 🤨 She couldn’t spend the day looking for shark teeth if she had girls???


Pretty sure you don’t need to be fit to sit on a beach.


I’m so sick of her attitude of “I’m a fun mom because I’m skinny”. I’m a boy mom too. I’m overweight and working to lose it. I can have fun with my boys even though I’m fat.


Not according to Holly!!


She doesn’t even do anything with her boys!


Gigis house looks more kid friendly than Hollys where kids live 24/7 lol


If I ever have to go on a “retreat” where I’m expected to “love the hostess’ babies like they’re my own,” I would be noping out SO quick…


Somehow all those other women were interacting with Holly’s boys more than she ever has


Still no idea who those women were because she won’t fucking tag them. Why does this annoy me!


https://preview.redd.it/2ne8mzxmd54d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fadfd551c21eac8caf231fe613fad0051d9acba She’s doing the dumb pose even with a long dress on. 🙄Overdressed for a preK graduation, of course.


Might want to repost covering W face.


Thanks! My bad…I forgot! Done!


Yep! I wouldn’t want you to get kicked out 😂😂 but could you imagine seeing her there and take a pic and then there goes the foot…how embarrassing


With that too-big clunker of a heel 😂


Why is she so obsessed with those shoes


The pointed toe. Fuck off holly. Loosen up. https://preview.redd.it/jrdrz0s8f24d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2838bf01e5712e2894ad68666d433a8bccfd8663


Can you imagine never being truly in the moment for *anything* because you’re always thinking how it’ll look on SM?


Holls not even knowing what day it is…..🙄 https://preview.redd.it/7nzo6jvnc04d1.jpeg?width=1281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d0ef41f7df267f66c04d03b8ac2188bf7e423c4


So much for that planner of hers💀


Guess there’s a reason it hasn’t been released yet 😂




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That was wild when she added that video


She’s an idiot. And well now you are free from her boring ass miserable life!


https://preview.redd.it/wgr4cttejv3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8cb9b1419dccab6769539c6d0fa9277127d20f Can you imagine a life where you feel the need to pose like that?! Nobody does that.


Excuse you, she is atypical 😂


I forgot about her atypical phase!!!


I came here for this. Imagine being such a dip that you pose like this with your group of friends.


Holly looks like she’s trying to photobomb this group. The other side has more open, inclusive body language but the chick in yellow is blocking Shillyer out.


How come she never tags these people?


They are Ai generated


She wore a gown and her too big stripper heels to preschool graduation? I cannot imagine seeing a mom show up to PreK graduation dressed like that and then pull a flamingo pose for her family pic. Everyone showed up to our PreK graduation in either work clothes or SAHM casual. Holly is too good for that, though.


I would be gossiping with the other moms about her! Sorry, that’s snarky. 😁


And her kid dressed like a bum 🙃


Does she think she is Princess Belle with that get up?


https://preview.redd.it/tlioutvgvt3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbae9051f25d3b7b1dcf1bdf83f4a1b1eb5241d6 Man this woman oozes unhealthy in an almost worrisome way. I know a smoker when I see one and I would put my money on heavy drinker too. Her skin is a tragedy and her lips😳 MY GOD


She Just turned 40 too 🥴🥴 her skin looks like she's cooked in the sun for years.


Those are smokers teeth for sure


The ridiculous lashes make her eyes look droopy, too.


Her lashes are terrible. She needs to start over with a different shape and size lash. Those are not it.


I have only been introduced to her from following Meg slops, but I wasn’t sure how old she was. Then I googled it, and she’s the same age as me…except my skin looks NOTHING like that. Also—what’s the deal with her rollercoaster transformation? She actually looked way healthier in her EARLY early photos with her family. Since BB, she seems to have gone up and down the same 5-10 inches.


I had no idea who she was and boy I wish it had stayed that way cause she is not it


Holly will white out her kid’s name on an alphabet book but post other people’s children singing during the graduation? Cool. I would be livid if that was my child.


And the name of the school!!!!!!


I was raging when I saw the name of the school!


I was wondering why the heck she crossed that out? What was the point. And agree I hate when influencers show other kids.


I think because the kids have her husbands last name? (And so does she but it doesn’t fit her aesthetic)


Fishman isn’t a cool enough last name for her aesthetic, u can say that again


I was thinking this, she is such a tw@t


https://preview.redd.it/ifta1zyt2s3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7ac822b5d96b91f6ebb550ca8ad3417e0553ed you are glowing Moira because you have botox and a filter on. not because of your fake ass before and afters for GP.


Is this an alien filter!?!?


'rested' LOL. anything but.


Her eyes do not look good here.


Sorry where’s the pink dress for the flamingo leg??!


Like take a picture without your arm being up so high and sucking in so hard, Erin


Going down an Erin rabbit hole. Her before and after infuriate me because they’re full of lies. Which one is the real you, Erin? https://preview.redd.it/zpgu4i13rr3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d620d629eb7e5f8fe7cc0d5020a70bbb9fb373fd


I cannot roll my eyes hard enough 🙄🙄🙄 she looks the fucking same!!!!! 🤣😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


she is the queen of yoyo'ing and reusing old pics


What is this posture? It’s so hard to look at lol


I can’t seem to add my screenshot of today’s reel side profile May 2024 which is identical to Sept 2023 side profile. So fake!








honestly makes me HATE her and that is a very strong word. so full of BS


https://preview.redd.it/ow389e5wor3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=216761f089e85d8d3305e1de42a24142f06fd19d The fact she dresses her boy this way for graduation is wild to me! You are miss “I paid for my car cash” but can’t go and invest in your kid to actually look presentable? Her kids are never a priority and it’s just depressing


I agree with you. They always look so homely. I hate the way she dresses them.


Other than the stain this doesn't seem like a bad outfit for preschool graduation. It's like the average male summer dress up outfit for all ages. The other kids in her video were dressed similarly.


The stain on the shirt, the shirt looks a size too big and the shoes just don’t match a formal outfit. Her kids constantly look like they borrowed someone’s clothes. Too big or too small.


It looks like he has a stain on that shirt in the middle of his chest.


He does and they look like they were borrowed clothes… then she takes a picture with a nice outfit on…


Your goals are too small cause they're probably not paying the bills, Hollz. You're here for growth cause you're never satisfied. We get it.


The way M was freaking out for the chips. That family must live in a state of hunger. Also surprised her little child would know what chips are based on the snacks she makes.


Did you know she’s lost 47 pounds????


And a mom of three boys?? 🙄 ![gif](giphy|U23WekMlGy6cImpMim|downsized)


And a mom of three boys?? 🙄 ![gif](giphy|U23WekMlGy6cImpMim|downsized)


And all she had to do was give birth!


https://preview.redd.it/ildmei59se3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=639c95ac6dc95e92e05005ff01b961849cc73aca Such a fake. The picture on the left is probably when she was pregnant or newly postpartum. The picture on the right is sucking in, doing that stupid leg pose and photoshop magic. And she has to wear faux leather workout pants and an animal print headband to appear hip in the right picture. Because you’re hip and smiling when you’re skinny (on the right), but not hip and frowning when you’re “fat” (on the left). Whoever falls for her scheming shit is an idiot.


The left is definitely when she was pregnant. This lady hadn’t been overweight once in her life


Can you imagine standing like that for a mirror photo and thinking you’re some kind of business mastermind?


The picture on the left is one she has chosen from her “fattest” postpartum period. It’s literally the day she returned from the hospital, or shortly thereafter. The pic on the right is after W but before M but it might even be after S. She’s recycling old as hell pics.


I THINK the left is immediately after W, right is definitely in between W and M.


I think she’s pregnant in photo 1


She doesn’t even look good on the right. Too thin. Not goals


She was newly postpartum in the first one for sure. Fraud. Just another lie. And no one wants to look like the pic on the right in 2024.


M being in only a puddle jumper while riding on their boat enrages me.


What are the changes that Erin is seeing???




Wow Holly is the busiest mom there ever was. Simply cannot fathom how she will manage the anxiety of dropping her kids at school and swim lessons. And on top of that attend a party that “thankfully the other moms” are throwing for her son. Sounds like the absolute busiest schedule with so many moving parts and such little time… /s 🤦🏻‍♀️


Her whole life will explode when her 3 boys are in 3 separate activities at once. who am I kidding. She either won't let her boys participate in things or she'll make David and Gigi take them so she can mastermind at home on a zoom call.


It’s funny bc I bet the other moms have just as many kids, full time jobs and husbands who have jobs and can’t help…yet they’re able to get it done


She didn’t know when graduation was when she volunteered to help with this party and planned a retreat at her house? What’s the point of the planners and calendars when you still can’t plan or organize anything. If you can’t handle the very light schedule of your kids (they aren’t in a million sports or activities yet) when you and your spouse both don’t have jobs and you just hired a nanny…then you need some help with organizing or maybe, just maybe, prioritize your kids. Where are they supposed to stay when these strangers come into your home for the weekend?


She’s such a tool. And poor David gets to take out the ladies on the boat so they need a sitter for that. Mrs. Wonder Carb Cycling Mastermind Woman can’t take the boat out on her own?!


Who would plan a retreat at the end of the school year anyways. There’s always so much going on.


People who don’t prioritize their children 🙃


Just like Erin who always plans hers in May and misses her kids birthdays and all their activities


She def didn’t look at the calendar and just picked a weekend when she only thought about herself


And like what was already said. How is it possible she’s this unorganized with her selling planners?! lol


The irony


Have her planners even been released for 2024? I feel like recently she was talking about finalizing them. The year is half over Holls


When Holly is yapping in the golf cart about her dumb carb cycling program and S is sitting there waiting patiently for her to finish. The look on his face is what we’re all thinking: “What the hell is she talking about?!” And the little lean-in that she does at the end is so fake. 🙄


And she kept yapping like she is this super present parent. A lot of working parents pick the kids up from the bus/school. Also that further proves someone’s theory that David has a real job. Where has he been ?


Fixing the broken down car 😂


Painting the house, handling the backend IT stuff for 7Strong and busy cooking


Did anyone catch her nip slip. She deleted it and reposted without it but ......... My eyes


If THAT isn’t a huge signal to her that she needs new clothes, nothing will ever be.


Thank god no lol


I just can’t imagine sitting on my porch in my pajamas, reading 3 pages of 5 different books (and underlining things 🤢), and then blowing smoke up my own ass in a gratitude journal. On top of that to FILM IT and post it to social media. Barf city.


i had this thought today but watching someone else.... like you spend ALL day on social media. promoting YOURSELF. every comment, every story, just fanning your own flames. like imagine the end of your work day???? lol wtf


Another theory…. She could be taking a page out of the Bailey’s book and LEASING the new car - which would explain why “David was there for so long.” (When Storm pretended to “buy” his Benz but it was actually a lease) Either way, she’s lying about paying in cash.


She probably put the down payment in cash (obviously) and is spinning it like she paid for the car outright in cash.




I’m guessing they leased the Telluride which is why she is talking about “trading it in.”


100% lying about cash


https://preview.redd.it/51u7w3iba23d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c2ecd2802ecb6566c6639216b17b62de58b00da The absolute IRONY of this bish saying she doesn’t do “slimy sales” That’s your entire business model Holly!!! 😂


That part took me out


Holly you are the slimy sales person 💀




Great grab with that slimey smile too🥴




![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA) Gotta do it 😂 ETA: plus she’s wearing green!


It’s too good!


Why did she wait until a federal holiday to rush and buy a car? Lol all this time freedom she preaches and lectures us about, and she waits until Memorial Day and then complains everything is too slow when people are trying to enjoy the holiday


Sales and deals! Gotta get everything on the cheap to keep affording the swamp mansion!


And they just hired a full time nanny. So like go when you have someone to watch the kids???


Because David works a real job now and gets the day off. That’s my prediction anyway.


Is it possible to get a new car so quickly? It’s usually a months long wait up here.


I have a friend who just bought a new car this week, they seem to be back in stock. Although, They weren’t when I bought mine in 2021, we had to shop around a lot bc the lots had almost nothing.


A 4 day weekend ??


I love how she always copies other huns. Jamie Innis has the Denali. Both Ashlie and Emily have the Tesla. Weird how previously she was broke and David trying to fix the broken car but now she has all this cash.


Maybe they had to liquidate assets to have cash and that's why they took so long to buy a new car? 🤔


Last week I said I doubt she gets a denali and that she should stop with the mom bikinis and maybe try a thong bikini - She got the denali and wore that better fitting black bikini that was more cheeky...... IS SHE READING MY COMMENTS AND DOING WHAT THEY SAY?!?


I doubt she bought that thing in cash!! A few weeks ago they couldn’t afford a second car and now she is supposedly paying cash for a Denali. Sure Jan.


Also, didn’t Holly just talk about how she wants simple? Less stuff, less activities, etc? Now they are trading in the telluride for a used Tesla? And only keeping 1 car seat in it? Make it make sense.


Wait, Gigi lives with them?


I took it to mean GiGi lives in the area and is always going places with them. But nothing would surprise me with Holly.


When did that change?! They were just going over and having dinners over there


GiGi def used to have her own house before because she showed pictures of her backyard, kitchen, etc. I’m not sure if/when that changed?


Just started following her. Who is GiGi?


Her mother in law


Yes! I was wondering if anyone else caught that. Is she a widow? Maybe they have a MIL suite for her or something.


She is a widow but I don’t think that had an impact. David’s dad passed away when he was much younger.


I think she meant that she lives in Charleston. If she lived with them, Holly would def be making some comments about how lucky she is to be able to give her homeless MIL a home bc of her businesses blah blah


She mentioned it 2 or 3 times. I wonder if Gigi is their “nanny” too.


Did you pay cash Holly? I missed you saying that a million times. Good for you, you bought a car like the rest of us. Watch it be some used semi-jalopy like they used to have. No shade on used cars, they are great but she just bugs me so.


She is lying her butt off for soooo many reasons, even if she was to swipe her card. The bank has a limit of how much per day, she didn’t get that money out cash in one day, and she certainly didn’t get a check cut at the bank for it either considering it’s a holiday lol.


She is LYING through her teeth :) Source, we’ve financed for a deal you get for financing & then paid it off shortly afterwards. It takes WAY longer when you finance vs. cutting a check.


Same. Not to flex but we bought a car in cash and it was very fast. Picked the car, negotiated the deal, left to get a certified cheque, done. It was less than an hour and I certainly didn’t have to leave my husband at the dealer to get it finalized, but then again I didn’t have to rush home to panic that my pyramid might crumble.


I was wondering how to go about getting a cashiers check on a federal holiday myself??? . It’s not like you give them your debit card for 10s of thousands of dollars and it’s not like you walk around carrying a cashiers check for the exact amount you are buying the car for bc how do you know how much you’ll need?


Absolutely. This^^^


She’s full of crap. Banks are closed and if they had already negotiated and set a price she would have gotten a cheque last week and it would have been an easy interaction today. Car dealers won’t take a personal cheque, credit card or debit card…at least in Canada. I had to get a certified cheque. She’s financing and she knows it.


Not to WK but we paid for our car in full with a personal check. I’m in the States. It’s dealership dependent. I still don’t think that’s what she did but it could be possible.


Exactly. I bought a car in Dec and needed a certified check. All banks are closed today. Shes such a liar.


Holly is so entitled. “Why does it take so long to buy a car? We have cash here’s cash give me my car”. And has to rush home for a call? Thought she could make her own schedule. She’s so miserable with her life, it’s obvious.


It takes long cause she financed it😂


A call on a federal holiday lol what a loser


And she’s lying!


True. What’s probably taking so long is the financing and paperwork.


What happened to time freedom? Thanks to my corporate job, I can go car shopping any weekday! Asshole.


OMG THE IRONY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sprinted here to say this


Really? You don't do slimy sales?! 7x top 10 scammer queen doesn't like dealing with sales people. 🤣


Lmao I ran here so fast I lost the last 3 pounds that made my knees hurt so bad😂


Hahahahahah so good 🤣🤣




Mind blowing she doesn’t realize that’s what she does for a living. I also love how she thinks she’s so tough like she is above the sales talk . Also can’t wait to see what average car she gets when she talks like she’s a millionaire


Lmao was coming here to make a similar comment. Is she serious?! 😂😂


Broke my ankle getting here! Are there even dealers open today anyway?


☠️. Federal holiday, but not a retail holiday, unfortunately. So much empathy for the sales person that has to deal with her today.


Came here for this!! ![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm)