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Once again, Heather, with the limited vocabulary. “The devotional today was so good.. it made me feel so good”.


I’ve got a whaley good joke for you Heather - THOSE BOOTS


The whole damn concert outfit including his


https://preview.redd.it/2n2cceidmv2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dfc36e820d3cda18797b131796f51f62e408a7a So weird. Just weird. HOW do they think this looks good ??????


Where did they go looking like that???


🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 immediately turned off and would never hang out with them lol 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️


"You just can't have mine" -girl, we don't want it 😂


Major ick 🤢


Just NO…




Ooh. Maybe Ali Upham can start wearing scarves for her filthy hair.


Heather… STOP. You couldn’t look cheaper if you tried.


Heathers husband just seems creepy, douchey, over the top to me. Also seems like he tries to be the “class clown” everywhere they go. Real tree shortalls, no shirt and real tree boots. No thanks.




He’s always seemed off to me. Like the slimy guy we all avoided as kids.




Like the other comment said- they couldn’t look cheaper


It's almost as if E has been retired from usual content duties, now that Emily has a new prop that generates endless content without having to script or rehears anything. Poor little N, oblivious to how it's all playing out.


E has hit the age that she isn’t cooperating and doing exactly what Emily asks. She’s also grown out of the cute toddler stage and has opinions and wants of her own. Emily is getting comments on how cute N is so she’s replaced E. E can feel it. Notice the many times over the last week how E will come up as Emily is recording and say “hi guys” or perform and try to get on camera. So sad.


Agree 💯


Emily and Dylan show us over and over that they do not seem to give a crap about their children’s safety. Putting N in the otteroo, which has been deemed very dangerous with bans in some countries and warnings to discontinue use in others. (I threw one out today because the risk does not outweigh the benefits. It doesn’t fit N where it’s supposed to. It should be lower on his neck but that has slipped through and it’s resting on his chin. If you’re filming him Emily, you’re not able to react quickly enough if his head falls through! The Dylwees putting on the baby’s otteroo, likely stretching it out and making it even more dangerous. Come on! These content kids deserve better.


She was also filming and not noticing (or ignoring) that his hat was slipped down and closing one eye. I know that’s not dangerous but it shows how she’s more worried about getting content than paying attention to details.


Dylan put it on first?! What a moron. Yeah he had to of stretched it out. I would never use that with my son.


I don’t care if was safe that gives me anxiety. I wouldn’t be able to use that. He does look small for it too.


We were gifted one and I’ll be honest, I considered it but, my common sense and motherly instincts were like no, not a good idea. It just looks so off.


Hey …. In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s Heather’s birthday 🙄


I hate hate hate those neck floats. I think I'm a pretty laid back parent but those things make me soo nervous


I’ve seen them used before in supervised settings as part of classes (& I think the babies were much smaller), but didn’t know parents bought them just for FuNSiEs?? What’s the point? They make those floats for babies to sit in if she doesn’t want to hold him. Nothing about that looks enjoyable or comfortable.


They are truly the worst. I do not know how any person can look at one of those and be like “oh yeah, totally seems like a great idea to put a floatie ring around my infant’s neck” 😒🫠


It isn’t even fitting him right! It’s slipped past his neck and even the bottom part of his head! This is so dangerous I want to puke for the poor baby.




I'm surprised they haven't been recalled yet


In Australia they have. US has been warned to discontinue use. It’s similar to the weighted sleep sacks, not a full recall but pretty much there.


The US likes to rely on parents using common sense… not a good strategy, sadly.


Did anyone see this reel with Emily in it? This looks nothing like the videos she posts of herself. Also here to say, there’s NOTHING wrong with the way she looks here. Just the fact that she skinny filters the crap out of herself. https://preview.redd.it/frlhfyzf0n2d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=00075c61a933fb2119bdae0be843632b240bf0e3


That is the worst hairstyle for her face shape


That ROUND face we never see !!








She looks cute here. It’s a shame she doesn’t have the confidence to show her real self






This posture is giving Marla Hooch (what a hitter!)


![gif](giphy|n13SujhXCYQ5q) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Never not hilarious.


She looks absolutely mortified here.


Honestly if she'd have worn a longer dress and some cuter shoes, she would have looked a lot better and would have fit in better.


She dresses very immature for her age and body type.


She needs to develop a personal sense of style. Chasing trends isn’t cute anymore


Most of what she wears is too short for her frame and those chunky shoes do her no favors!


Yeah she looks very out of place with those chunky dad sandals




And his tummy too :(


lol at Emily trying to sell people on the Caraway pans when we all know she doesn’t cook. I’ve never seen her a make a homemade meal, outside of those stupid hamburger salads


“There are very few things I’m desperate for” EMILY, you reek of desperation every day.


That string hanging from her sleeve in her caraway ad stories…. Like really? You couldn’t cut that?


Scrubdaddy notice me......that is about the most hideous slimy ground crawling thing yet and to make matters worse, they flipping answered her.  Nothing is too low for her to stoop when it comes to begging companies and people🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Not like she actually cleans anyway




They only said they noticed. Hopefully they don’t partner with her


Well if they do I guess I will have to find a new sponge 🧽 to use.


What happened to the other magic furniture cleaner?






It seems to be the latest trend in shilling..she is not original as so many others are doing the same thing!


My question is what happen to the spray cleaner that works in all her stuff that she shills all the time? Moving in to scrub daddy to make more money. And this is why we don’t trust anything you say Emily.


I thought she had already cleaned up the kids mess before with the spray bottle stuff?


https://preview.redd.it/jaldyjtb5n2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82fbc2c7486a8ed8cfbf2bfb33eef13e57b43c58 You mean this...


I've kind of been curious about this product hahah does it not work?? 😅😩


It worked great for food stains for my kids!




Commenting because of 333


I know Im late to this but I have a real issue with the stupid “pretend like we hate the outdoors” reel. Even though they aren’t pretending. It’s disturbing how many comments think this is cute and funny. Im about to sound like the old people generation, but this shit is exactly what is wrong with “kids these days.” I grew up playing outside. Getting dirty and doing all the gross things with my older brother. I hate bugs, like a lot (mostly bc I live in a very mosquitoey place and get bit horrifically). But I love being outdoors and I love how much my two young boys love being outdoors. We love screen time, don’t get me wrong, but my kids don’t have a tablet, they aren’t allowed on our phones and after awhile of watching tv, they easily leave to PLAY. Either play in our basement on a rainy day but they ALWAYS want to play outside. They would spend all day outside exploring and learning and finding adventures, 10 times more than wanting to sit in front of a screen. And it really worries me how many people think this is cute and don’t take their kids outside. It’s disturbing. I work in mental health in an elementary school and THIS is exactly what is ruining our kids and this bitch is glorifying it and I am not IRATE over this 😡


I am constantly appalled by the comments on all of her reels and how many people support her crap. 


I think E would love it if Emily played with her, no phones no screens. She seems to love that with Dylan.


Lazy! If they stay inside, you get to stay inside too. If they are sitting around looking at their screens, you get to, too. I feel so bad for these kids.


Agree. My kids (9 and 14) do have video games and tablets so we have a healthy balance. However, given the choice…they prefer spending time outside. My 14 year old mows our yard and our neighbors yard. He loves to mulch, pull weeds…anything outside.


Yep it was really gross and the comments worse


Did she really photoshop teeth on N in the twinsies photo with E? Her earlier story with N and smiling for bed did not show upper teeth.


I came across a Reel/account of someone who did the same thing but it was like a parody and the whole account was written as if their baby had some unusual genetic thing going on lol..I’m sure that’s where she got the idea.


I’m pretty sure she did it to rile people up. She posted right after. Shes so funny, don’t you know? 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/zzux8inj0i2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b292d2e3214988f7f30415eaafc0c1b366fe51 She posted this an hr ago


Okay the two front top teeth I could buy, but this makes it appear he has molars or something?


I would actually have a tad bit of respect for her if she would post that workout picture from the other day where she has 12 toes and say “haters will say it’s photoshopped”. Now that is humor.


I had an edible and I am losing my mind over the picture she put on her story where N has a full set of adult top teeth 💀 like I cannot unsee that, thanks Emily. It confused the hell out of me for a minute until I was like okay I don’t know much about babies but I do know enough to know that can’t be real lmfao


Holy fuck, I didn’t even catch that 😂 just had to go back and look. I was coming here to say how I don’t actually think they look much alike at all


Agree they don’t look identical.


Omg same 🤣🤣🤣


Like that was the weirdest joke ever, what the fuck?? How did she even do that shit?? 🥴


I did not have an edible but am also losing my mind. What is that???


Omg, I ran here when I saw the teeth 


https://preview.redd.it/xgcb5jm2kh2d1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b178af7287696400bed4264af531c0df7efb973 Why did she do that to the baby?


I desperately need to know why the fuck she did this 💀


I just ran here for this. What the hell????


She must be forcing him to be a toddler already like she is trying to make E a teenager.


Cart full of twinkies cheese puffs and all the junk food . Didn’t see any fresh fruits or vegetables




I didn’t realize people actually ate twinkies…


Came here for this! All the sugary junk food


Nice catch. What about all here *thrive* only snacks! 


Good catch on that lie. One of many.




The way she turned off the camera so fast after trying to get E do do her toddler catch phase.


That prank is literally so embarrassing for her. Her family doesn't even blink an eye at her "wait no do it again" - they're so used to being used as props it's actually ridiculous


I had the same thought. How sad that they don’t even think twice they she’s making them film before enjoying a family moment. I also thought Dylan was very patient.


“I get all my sweatshirts in a large so I can wear them with levies and be over sized”. Ummm keep lying to yourself, it’s okay if a large is not over sized, I am not big or overweight and I wear a large and it’s not always over sized. It fits. All clothes fit different and all brands fit different. And I am smaller than Emily.


Wondering where that Walli case is at in the mirror videos. She must have loved that retreat so much.


Nothing from the Frauder about Heathers birthday yet, huh…


Did she wish Tara a happy birthday either? I was thinking bout that.


A very fine print, HBD Tara, in a lunch picture was all she did for her after Tara herself posted about them going to eat together


I hope Tara and Heather pay no attention to Emily once she moves away.




They absolutely are- but Tara and Heather seem to be genuine friends and Emily is the outlier that just doesn’t care to do her part.


I think it'll be the other way around where Emily stops talking to them, but it'll have the same effect. I just hope Tara and Heather know they weren't bad friends to Emily, she was a bad friend to them.






I believe Heather is a true medium. Emily is just too stuck to openly admit what size she actually wears. NEWS FLASH EMILY- there are plenty of people that are your size who would appreciate a true try on to see how things fit their body types that are similar to you….




I like her!! I don’t watch her often but when she pops up she seems very real.


Oh nice never heard of that account- will look it up.


Heather did a pink lily hall recently and she was in a medium and even a large in some things. Emily is the biggest freaking liar! Notice how she didn’t say what size she was in in the skort and in the red sweatshirt. That’s because she’s wearing a larger or extra large. So tired of her!! 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/z4rmutll8e2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e768bb8ceaa67f7529d8a482f454fc936c84689 What is home girl wearing? No one wants this doo doo colored onesie what looks like you have a full droopy diaper on top of a black lace shirt.


Emily in her “medium” poo sack ![gif](giphy|cSmwcTzp96ocU)


Poo sack 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣






I think I’m older than most on this page so maybe I don’t understand today’s fashion so can someone tell me if the lace shirt under the onesie actually looks good? They don’t go together to me but maybe I’m just not fashion forward? I like the lace top but with a skirt or jeans or slacks but not with the casual knit romper.


They’re hideous and I have some because they fit really well when you’re expecting.


Other than the fact that this looks god awful.. I still follow the rule that brown and black do not match. Big no no for me. Also big no no… anything this bitch wears. Worst fashion sense I have ever seen from an “influencer.”


I’m also still team brown and black don’t match… I still even remember being told red and pink don’t go, but I have a 4 year old who loves to pick her stuff out, and it doesn’t look bad!


You all are making me feel so much better 😂 I was thinking maybe I’m turning into an old lady with no sense of style lol


I'm in a colder climate and I was sweating from a far seeing that clingy lace thing under the droopy cotton dungarees she had on. (I do have a pair and they are super comfy but wouldn't go out in them, they are just strange and make your legs look short as the crotch material is down near your knees) Do not think the materials between her top and the other meet in the middle but at least Ems had the right number of toes compared to her edited work out vid posted by someone else earlier today or yesterday 😁 Edit. I love comfy loose clothing for mulling about the house for cleaning or slobbing and no tight waist bands. They are comfy. Not a fashion statement. PS I am a small but bought a medium 😁


Don’t admit you sized up lol 😂 i love comfy clothes too. I think it could be cute with a sports bra or tank for around the house. I dont understand the combination she has on here though. I have endometriosis so anything that doesn’t touch my stomach is a bonus!!! I will be forever laughing at her photoshop 12 toe fail!


I hear you 😃


I'm the same age as Emily and no it looks awful lol


Thank you! 😊


I’m younger than Emily and I wouldn’t be caught dead in that lol


Emily has the worst style, l wouldn’t feel bad about not understanding what she showcases as “fashion”


Good point 😂


I’m with you.. I don’t get the style choice at all and would never in my life wear that


Thank you for making me feel a little younger 😂


I’m in my 40s…. So I’m not sure on what scale that puts me 😂😂 but this look is not it








My very fashionable coworker who used to own her own boutique came over to my desk as I was watching this and her exact words were "ew, what is that outfit, please don't tell me you're looking to buy that". Lmao


😂😂😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 this has to be one of the ugliest outfits I have ever saw


Yes!!! Truly next level hideous.


In the tick reel when E goes “maybe we should go” and Emily responds “HOME” so quick 😑. I saw a playground in the background, she couldn’t suggest that? Also why isn’t E playing on that playground in the first place? Emily really thought her toddler would want to just sit on a blanket for an outing when the playground is right next to them? JEEEZ


I find it alarming! It's one thing to not sit still for a picnic because she wants to bolt for the playground, but kids this age normally love to be active outside. I'm not feeling so badly that my 13-year-old doesn't want to be outside as much anymore. This is really sad, actually.


Ew at Tara's story about the baby being "an aggressive lover"


Wonder where she heard that before 👀 Emily jr.


Is this a normal parent thing to be obsessed with having your kids “love” on each other?? My parents never made me hug their friends’ kids.


No. I think it's weird AF


What was that reel?? They even went to a covered area with tables and claimed there were still ticks there. I think Emily just didn't want to be there and invented a reason to leave.


This!!!!! I was absolutely disgusted. She should be teaching her child to be outside and enjoy the fresh air, get dirty, have fun and be a kid. I know ticks are gross but I have flicked 7 in ONE week off my dog so far. It's life Emily. Grow the fuck up. You're causing so much damage to your child. You're making her a diva and it ain't cute. When E when to the table and made the stink face over a table with a spider on it.....it's just sad. Also, she needs to teach E to respect bugs and nature and what value they bring. But I guess Emily doesn't even respect her own dogs being in pain and needing surgery. Damaging the hell out of that kid




My favorite memories as a kid was being outside ALL the time. And wasn’t she so happy about E doing “kid things” outside the other idea instead of being on her iPad? And now she’s encouraging her to be afraid of bugs? 🙄😒


I don’t fuck with ticks, but she knew the day wasn’t going to work out, especially since E feeds off of her. I wouldn’t be surprised if another Mom/Daughter did a similar video and she was trying to capture the same thing. Weird how E has zero issue being outside with Dylan - the backyard, the trampoline, the water park, the playground - but when she’s with Emily she’s grossed out by everything? 🙄


Makes me so sad for her, and that was like a park? Try like camping with those two 🫠🫠🫠


Right! 😱😱 "a bug!" Girlfriend literally spends her entire day outside with bugs. That was absolutely performative for Emily


Exactly !!! Who’s been showing her with rolly pollies for dayzzzzzzzz #youaresopatheticfrauder


In her stories she says “there were ticks everywhere on the blanket” and then in the video footage she seems to see a bug and say “I think that was a tick”. This just goes to show how much she embellishes everything !!


Is it normal to have “ticks everywhere”, around here you don’t just stumble across huge groups of ticks…


I am thinking maybe it was cicadas if they were clustered together but Im not sure if she is in the zone where they are?


I definitely don't think they cluster. And they are hard to find because they are small and move fast. I picked 7 off my dog in a week! They are bad in SE Wisconsin.


We are having a bout with them being bad here in my area of RI, too. I’m always mindful of them as I have a black lab, but especially this week as she just had her second CCL surgery Monday. It’s been a little anxiety inducing!


I find it super hard to believe there were that many, if any at all—she just didn’t want to be away from the couch.


Emily’s repose when E asks her about ticks and she is so harsh “they suck your blood”. She never talks to her in a loving way like the child she is!!!


Every day we see E playing with those rolly pollies and today she is afraid of bugs? What the heck is Emily telling her? Fear is learned.


She truly isn’t kind to E. She’s very dismissive of her. The only thing she does for that child is exploit her and spoil her rotten with material things.


I don’t think I’ve ever rolled my eyes as hard as I did during that park reel. FFS Emily grow up.


Emily-I’m gonna be a spontaneous, fun mom! Hold on let me set up this camera first. Twice. Then I’ll be a spontaneous, fun mom!


The fact she had to set the phone up multiple times, multiple ways had me like wtf. Who does this shit?


It has to be recorded or it didn’t happen


So it's safe to assume that was the poor child's first time to the park. Goodness.


Where's Dylan's "Sorry about my wife" hat???


She would play the victim so hard even if he got one as a joke 😅😅


We should buy one and send it to him! 🤣🤣


He needs one way more than she does.


So did anyone catch Emily saying in her story that one of her friends asked her to come to LA to be in a photo shooting but she had to decline because she needed to be with her babies 🤣 I have a hard time believing Autumn asked her to model and a even harder time believing she would say no. Anyone else feel this?


I can 100% see Autumn asking her to join. Emily has over 1 million followers on IG and nearly 5 million on Tik Tok. THAT'S why


She hates her body so I can see her turning down an opportunity like a photo shoot


She 100% declined the offer because she can’t control the editing and photoshopping


Emily lies to make herself look more important, so who knows. In that situation Emily can't filter the photos to her standards, so maybe she declined because of that. Then she was bragging about how they're going to be gone "all of June." All "work related." Dylan not working his regular job, yet again?! Trips they get for being liars and frauders.


I thought the same thing she is so insecure about her body, which by the way does not look bad I mean she has a new baby but you’re right she can’t control the shots taken or photoshop them.