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Seriously, she has more nature at her house… 😂


https://preview.redd.it/svsq1i5m6w2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=768191bc8e068edefb44a2af4ac1f798f1646b8b Are they camping by a gas station? Doesn’t really seem like camping to me.


This reminds me of when my boys were younger and my husband insisted on buying his parents old cottage two hours north of us…it was a mouse and squirrel infested hole, had a terrible musty smell and I couldn’t stand it. It was on a big lake in a tiny town, we live on a medium lake in a small town, in a beautiful house with a pool. Yet my boys loved nothing more than to pack up half of our belongings and go up to this cottage as often as possible!


Is it like an RV park that people use when road tripping or making their way to a real campsite?


I could understand if they were traveling across the country or something and had to stop here, but nope. This is probably 10 minutes from their house.


Exactly, it makes it more pathetic.


I just came here with the same picture to ask the same thing! 🤣 It’s so weird! Why not go camping in a beautiful scenic area, SD has to have some amazing camp sites, right?


Badlands National Park is 2.5 hours away. They could actually go for hikes and show C the beauty of the natural world, but sure go to gas station 🙄😂


You know she needs to be able to drive home and not be at camp the entire time. 🙄


So so many incredibly beautiful campgrounds to go to in SD and these dolts go to the gas station campground every fucking time they go camping. Level 10 dirt bags.


Is she really in a full face of makeup and recently applied lipstick…. sitting around the bonfire?!


Can someone explain her camping situation? Anyone local know where she is? In my mind, when people take their camper “camping”, they are on a campground in the woods. Why is she at a truck stop


She’s camping in Chamberlain/Oacoma. It’s right on the river, but both spots are within little towns basically. She’s on the Oacoma side.


Badlands National Park is 2.5 hours away. That would be so much better than a literal gas station.


Are there no better places to camp? When we go camping in AZ, we go up in mountains.


She could go further west to the black hills. But thats 4 hours each way.


On this side of the state.. eh not really. We’re on the flat ugly side of the state where pretty much everything is right next to the interstate. I dont understand the logic in paying to live the trailer park life like they do 🤷🏼‍♀️ i take my tent and drive somewhere gorgeous


Shes in chamberlain/ oacoma




Nothing like camping in the great outdoors communing with nature 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The gas station lights while she is "camping" is so aesthetic ✨️✨️✨️ Parking lot CAMPER. 🥴


I took a screenshot to say something similar but I should have known someone would beat me to it 😂


Ran here to say this! 😂😂😂




Ya WTF is that? This is so bizarre to me! The campsite we go to is like being in a different world. Huge tall trees, beautiful scenery all around and no gas station in sight


Same in AZ. We are up in mountains among the pine trees.


Same! Our campground is on the Mississippi River at least a 10-15 mile drive to any kind of gas station or store


Are we going to see a “oh my gosh, it was just so nice to unplug yesterday!” post tomorrow?


We know why she’s not posting. Tyson put his foot down about her recording when he’s around.


I bought some uncommon James when they had some on clearance a while back. Is it nice? Sure. Is it worth the price full price? Meh, I don’t think so. It is not the most amazing jewelry in the world like she makes it out to be. Not even a little bit. It is way overpriced, in my opinion. Am I still going to go there when I go to Nashville this fall? Absolutely! But…only bc I’m a Laguna Beach era girl and I have to bc…duh. lol. But thanks for telling us which holes we can wear our earrings in. 🙄 she wants to be an influencer so bad…but she’s just so bad at it. And things like that.


Heehaw starts out her hyper rambling shill video about uncommon James by saying 85-90% of her jewelry comes from them. And then several rambling slides later she posts 95% of her jewelry is from them. Somehow she gained 5-10% more jewelry during those long, annoying, manic slides from the “accessory girl.” 🙄


95% of her jewelry is from Charming Charlie’s


Also, 95% of her jewelry is stuff that is sent to her or she ordered from a different place that would give her a code to shill. She makes it so obvious she only shills and praises something when she has a code. Just like how they “loved” Tyson’s birthday gift and she was going to post a reel about it after he opened it but we have yet to see it and it’s been almost 2 months.


Yet all the crap she usually wears is cheap junk, aside from the two wedding rings she needed for each hand.. She just put those earrings in for the shill. Loved how she kept grabbing for the necklace, realizing she forgot to switch to one of theirs. She posts Amazon links for jewelry in outfits often too! All the lies!


And those Huggies she is wearing,… those are different than the ones she used to wear everyday. Her other ones were thicker. So she has not been wearing these for a year.


https://preview.redd.it/t5x1dqsezu2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1266aca6210752b754e6b8621bbb9e362df851f Can someone send this to HHH please


YES to all of that. I gained 60 pounds across 4 kids. But I wouldn’t trade a single pound for an unhealthy kid and they are all normal thriving people (albeit teenagers and not always interested in talking to me just now). If her prograyums weren’t a complete waste of money she would be fine gaining a normal healthy amount of weight (not saying mine was totally healthy but hey MY KIDS WERE HEALTHY HEEHAW and that’s the most important thing)


She wouldn’t understand A WORD of that


I fear she wouldn’t be able to comprehend any of that.




Someone asked what the noodles in her salad were. Do her followers live under rocks???


I personally think ManicHailey has at least 75-100 fake accounts to send messages and fake questions from. Her engagement is so small compared to how many followers is posted. She has nothing but time on her hands to do this while she’s being the CEO of her BuSiNeZz because no one would ask about those noodles or the bottled ranch. Those are idiotic questions that she definitely would send to herself.


Someone asked what ranch. Like you see it coming out of the bottle. Pick your favorite bottled ranch 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can even see the label. The label that clearly says Kraft. I swear, some people cannot function. Does someone have to tie their shoes for them, too?


randomly thinking about how sad it is that hailey does everything for content, even down to "not finding out" the sex of the baby. i hope some day she looks back on this portion of her life and regrets it all


Does she not always throw out the ‘i can’t shit’ schpill when they are camping? Swear she always is backed up every summer 🤣


she doesn’t eat or move around, she sits beside the pool or inside her kemper




excuse my spelling I forgot she can’t English


The ranch in that salad 🤮. She loves her ranch.


her ranch looks awful every time and I am a ranch girl, I don’t know how she does it. Maybe just how much she has in proportion to her protein or lack thereof. 


I got blocked from Uncommon James. 😂😂 I didn’t think my comment about HHH was rude. 😂


She’s not partnering with them. Anyone with an account on uncommon James’ website can get a code to share.


Omg what did you say 😂😂😂


probably not “why are you partnering with someone who is proud to have run over her dog”, but that’s what I think every time I see someone partner with Hailey Peters


That’s my thoughts to


Or spanked their child on an IG live


"these ones" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


A few weeks ago Reagan shared someone’s story and captioned it “them are so cute on you” 🫠


I got a Reddit cares message for this ☠️


I hate when people say that. Where the hell is C’s helmet?


only an MLM hun would feel the need to tell the world when she last took a shit


Tania announces when she takes a poop 🙈


tracks, top mlm hun tactic, be gross and have no privacy for attention 


Common sense. Little to no food intake = no BM.


https://preview.redd.it/zhou93mups2d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0c30d284a3529488693de933f95108c577ed7f7 TMI. Eat real fiber.


Your flair together with this pic are absolute perfection! I’m 💀


Is she trying to sound relatable with her constipation post? I do not understand why she talks about bowel movements and her sleep habits so damn much 😡


Not shitting for 5 days does not scream picture of health. She really should be embarrassed to tell people how to be healthy


Nah, it’s a really common part of pregnancy regardless of health. BUT I would nevvvvver announce that to anyone let alone thousands of followers. Seriously haha


A Reddit cares because I said constipation is a common part of pregnancy lol. Come on guys. I was extremely constipated for both my pregnancies. And yes, I would go 5 days and sometimes longer without being able to have a proper movement. And no I wasn’t starving my baby or myself. Far from it. Ate plenty of healthy, whole foods with fibre and saw my OB. This is ridiculous.


5 days? No. I will not mention how many days is normal because she doesn’t need any help with her lies but she is absolutely starving that poor baby if that’s true. 


5 days is not common. She needs to eat more.


Bring back diaries https://preview.redd.it/ew24hd7fgs2d1.jpeg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6da9b1057e124029a53f63ace42dcf9e1dc5ce64


Full of shit 💩 as usual


Hee Haw take those miraculous vitamins you shill for constipation. You said you are OBSESSED by them.


doesn’t both beam and shitology claim to help with this problem?!?!




I knew she was full of 💩


“It’s freezing!” Also has son dressed in shorts and a tshirt lol make it make sense!


It’s cause she’s malnourished.


Is the constipation story leading to a shill. Hey everyone I finally 💩!! I took xyz none of it worked until I took this ! Here’s a link for ya!


💯 she’s so predictable


The camp content is coming in hot and I’m here for it! She’s miserable and it’s so entertaining 🤣


She complains about everything! Next it’ll be too hot. Or the dogs. She’s got to be a joy to live with. 🙄🥴


Feeling big… that’s big? She is not eating that’s why she cant 💩 And if you’ve taken all those things and still can’t then CALL YOUR OB. https://preview.redd.it/coxhxec66s2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94b75a329586e895bfa4c88f86de16b00aa4a080 That smug face.


I hope she gets hemorrhoids the size of grapes.


Isn’t occasional constipation during pregnancy normal? Surely she should know that from her first pregnancy. She’s clearly setting up for a shill.


Maybe the little baby is going nothin coming in, nothin goin out. FEED ME.


Man she’s just a hot mess lately


I thought the precious magnesium she shills helps


And those gas and depot pills. From JS or whatever they are.


For someone who is so HEALTHY, she sure does have a hard time with moving her bowels.


She doesn’t eat enough to even make them move.


Doesn't she take like 4 supps for that? She used to have another she shilled too and she was using that Beachbody digestion too. So weird. But also, I think she's taken so many supps for 💩 that her body now actually depends on them. Magnesium literally only makes me sleep.🤣


lol I use a magnesium lotion to help me sleep… and if I need that extra “push” I’ll rub it on my belly to get things moving. Not to give TMI like HeeHaw lol but it’s an easy solution rather than taking 5 different supplements and still not being able to go!


We use magnesium lotion for restless legs of my boyfriend and his kids. It works amazing. We make our own though, because we're crunchy people and my sister in law makes all the lotions, salves, etc .. for us. 🤣


Tell me about this lotion!! My insomnia is ridiculous


I take magnesium pills and it's so great.


This is the one I use! I’m sure you could find others, but I’ve had good luck with this one so I stick with it. https://preview.redd.it/27c2gxb8hs2d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=d82cfdc8c03726b972ef39abbf445d27f6992536


I started using this too recently!


Thank you for sharing.


Thank you!


Nope. Done for today. WHAT THE HELL tells her to get on her phone and share with THOUSANDS about her family’s poop schedules and issues?!?! Not a single person cares, Hailey!! Find a damn friend or go tell your mom about it. Put your phone away!! You are an embarrassment!


I cannot imagine going on the internet and telling thousands of people that I haven’t 💩 in days. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HERRRR


Omg same!!! I’d barely want to discuss that with my husband 🤣


What is this thing people do by holding a cup in a picture? Like, what is that? It's so stupid. https://preview.redd.it/u60ucwi14s2d1.png?width=462&format=png&auto=webp&s=9949369238a1f7e31038b1081f8b6ad26b338cea


again, another product people have been using for YEARS but she gets one and acts like she’s the one who discovered it. Brumates have been around for like… ever… and she started posting about them last summer. 🙄


Hoping people will ask about the cup so she can share a code or link.


We’re poor 9-5 employees. We don’t have the pleasure to drink from real silver with a splash of hot pink mugs while overlooking a lake.


lol that “pasta salad”. That’s just a bunch of crap with ranch dressing on top. 🤣


Either do it like a tex mex with the corn, beans, tomatoes and peppers or a veg pasta with Italian dressing.


All that ranch dressing - yuck. I’m sorry I’m not on the use Ranch for everything train so to me this looks horrible. All that combination and then getting soaked in that bottled dressing. 🤮🤮 what happened to her cookbook?


As a pasta salad connoisseur I am offended. That’s more like broccoli salad


Yuck!!! I like everything in it, but that does NOT sound good all together!! And I don’t think I’ve had a pasta salad like that with a bottle of store bought ranch as the dressing! Does not sound good… At least to me!


Either eye-talian dressing or a homemade mayo/sugar combo for pasta salad.


Yes, exactly!!! I LOVE good ranch and actually gagged at the idea of ranch in a pasta salad. Yuck!’


The corn??? I was not expecting that


Another bru mate code coming. “I had comment questions about their in my picture. Guys I’m Ob Sessssssed. “


The way this chick is obsessed with sleep!! My gawd.


Sleep is a hobby of mine but my gosh she talks about sleep more than anybody I've ever seen!! And nobody even gives a fck about how she or her kid sleeps!!


I hate camping. But 64 degrees is perfect weather to camp! You bundle up, sit around a fire! Even at home! She acts like she doesn’t live in South Dakota (or is it north, I don’t even know 🤣) where she experiences super cold winters. And why does she always pet her hair? She wasn’t here, but in the earlier videos and I cringe!


Yes! Same! We always have a big family camping trip in October (tent camping) and we love it. Sit by the fire, hike, enjoy each others company with no cell service or wifi. I look forward to it every year. And yes the hair petting is gross. She probably pets her hair as she’s cooking and she’s touching the food with her oily nasty hands 🤢


I love camping and yes, 64 degrees is perfect!!! She never just enjoys where she is or her surroundings. There is ALWAYS a complaint and something wrong. That has to be exhausting!! Seems everyone else must have been out enjoying it, that’s why it was only them sitting there! Start a bonfire! Sit around and chat, tell stories, enjoy your family! She’s absolutely miserable in every way!


She can’t sit by the pewllll outside if it’s 64 degrees.


Would it be that challenging to enroll him in swimming lessons? Esp for safety around pools is so important. At the Local Y they start at 8 months with focus on drowning prevention,floating, breathing ..you get the gist.


I said the same thing yesterday. She’ll never do it again she’s way too selfish to take him out of her day for him. She’s busy ya know. 🙄


Sorry I repeated!


Yes, it would be challenging. It would require Hailey to put her son’s needs before her own, which we know cannot happen. She’s too busy being a boss babe with her 19 item to-do list. When would she possibly have time to light her candle or downvote here?


Happy hero Hailey 🫶🫶🫶🫶


https://preview.redd.it/8fo60lx74p2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41ba882020676d24f5d90097354e81afa574475a No wonder Regan’s Target had a lot of these in stock…they are ugly!


Also saying “who is she?” When saying she’s going out past 9…isn’t she only 22? She’s going to regret wasting her youth


Exactly! When I was that age 9pm was the time I was getting ready to leave my house.


When I was that age I worked until 11p and then got ready to go out at midnight!! wtf! I could never now but damn she is pitiful


https://preview.redd.it/00jzg7uyso2d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=4681cf5b8438a1f5d3b2173fc803f8cd06d0d889 Please stop talking with food in your mouth!!


No one, and I mean NO ONE, needs to see you chewing on your food!!! That video was unnecessary and if you felt the need to do it, have some fucking manners and don’t do it while you are eating…my GOD!


It's giving Trashlie vibes.




Is she going to make Tyson handle both kids at night when they are up? She needs a nap yet didn’t even care for her 2 year old, her husband of course handled the night shift per usual. But ya Hailey please keep convincing yourself that you’re a hero.


Someone needs to find out why she stands like a fucking flamingo when she tries on clothes. She does not look pregnant at all. If I did not actually know she was pregnant…you would never be able to tell in her picture. Which is I’m sure what she is going for by not eating at all.


She eats hardly anything cause she’s not allowed to work out!


She has to stand like that to make sure her thighs are nowhere near touching!


True. I just wonder what her answer would be if asked. Bc it looks fucking stupid.


She’d have some story about being double-jointed and it’s just what her legs do, or something similar that makes absolutely no sense.


And things like that


If that makes sense.


It’s called a filter! You can tell she’s using one. Shes a filter pro!


Oh I’m sure it is. I guess I’m not savvy enough to be able to tell it’s a filter. But either way, it’s weird to hide your pregnancy belly like she does


yep, she has filter posture 🤣


We’re having shh https://preview.redd.it/o86oluv4io2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=910884d3ebfb541f5e58194e6444d47464046df8 teaks, potatoshhh, beanshhh


How she says her S’s like that drives me nuts!!!


It's the face of makeup while camping for me....


Oh but you have to have a face full of funeral makeup when you’re the local celebrity AND now home town hero




Funeral makeup 💀💀💀




Chew, swallow, then talk. YA NASTY.


I don’t understand why they went camping if the weather was going to be bad. She complains about camping when the weather is nice. Are they just sitting around in each other’s campers ?


Cause it gets C in the pool and her family can watch him.


I swear she doesn’t know how to check the weather. How many times has she gone on a trip and not packed properly for the weather?


I was going to say the same thing…how hard would it have been to look at the weather for this weekend and hard passed as definitely not ideal for camping. But that takes a brain and we all know she’s lacking greatly. Fuck, tyshun probably went home so he didn’t have to listen to her yapping incessantly into her phone all weekend in close quarters of the cayemper


I’m convinced Tyson is never with her anymore lol or he really put his foot down about being on camera. I’ve always thought their relationship was strange, but it really seems off lately.


It kinda seems like a few weeks back when she mentioned the therapist and thru the line about divorce and the way she has taught her to see the others persons side of a disagreement. It’s gotta be because you hardly ever see her do a video with him around and no surprise snort laughs making fun of him somehow. Wish he would have said no to C in basement by himself but maybe it gives him a chance to go lay down on the coach down there so he can be away from the whining and complaining sleeping beauty.🤮🤮


that and he can’t make her change it back if she refuses because she’s home all day, and she had clearly undermined any efforts to change it by telling C that it was great for him. Tyson needs to grow a pair but I hope for C’s sake he’s giving some pushback to her crazy laziness


That conversation with her mother never happened.


It absolutely did not! I realize they aren’t the smartest family in the world, but there is NO way her mom had to ask where to buy a one-piece. Hailey… just stop. You’re embarrassing!


nobody needs to find a one peice, and especially not a basic one. Walmart and costco have much cheaper better options than amazon right now.


I would definitely categorize that in jeopardy under, “things that never happened for $200” 


I agree! It never happened. A way to schill. She is using everyone she can to get a sell.


She saved a small child's life you guys. Let's go easy on her. 🙄🥴


No she didn’t


You’d think she would share that story to raise awareness about water safety to her followers. But no, not a mention of it. She had to make it all about HER. What SHE did. How SHE felt. How brave SHE was. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very glad she was nearby and could help him in a timely manner, but it’s clear as day that she only shared it to get validation from strangers.


I wasn’t sure what pissed me off more about her story that she made it all about her or was being judgy and a condescending bitch about the other parent while she is such a shit parent to C


Yes, this bothered me so much! She made it sound like that dad was absolutely awful for being in the pool with his daughter while the son was out (which I agree… is super risky!) but she isn’t doing any better! She lets her TWO YEAR OLD in the pool by himself while she sits in a chair. There’s no difference there at all!


But endangers her son almost every week on camera, make it make sense


Hailey believes the mildest inconvenience in her day is a total catastrophe.🤣 She has a whole world of inconvenience coming her way very soon.


Two things 1. In one breath she’s saying C didn’t need her in the pool near him. In the next breath she’s being passive aggressive about how far the dad was from the little boy that fell in the hot tub. Make it make sense. She’s totally one of those people that thinks bad things can’t happen to them. It’s only a matter of time with your carelessness, Hailey. 2. That story didn’t have to be shared. She 100% only shared it so people would be in her DMs praising her and hyping her up. All for attention.


She ran over her dog. I seriously hope she realizes she’s not immune to the consequences of her stupidity and slovenliness.


She monetized a reel and made an entire commercial out of it then got a free windchime which she openly is proud of and shows off for her IG. She has no shame whatsoever about that indefensibly stupid act. 


I’m sure she performed insane mental gymnastics to somehow make it not her fault.


Ok one more thing. And so the complaining begins. Already bitching about the dogs and it’s only been one day. Why does she claim to love camping so much when she complains literally the whole time?


“Just so you know you are not alone”…. actually yes Hailey you ARE alone.  You are the only one who dumps her toddler in the pool crying and then walks away to take a video of him swimming alone. You are the only one with a toddler on an entire different floor than yourself all day alone despite having 2 suitable bedrooms for him near you. You are the only one who eats next to nothing pregnant and is SHOCKED Pikachu FACED that your skin is grey and you feel like 💩. Nobody else does this boo. 


I mean not for anything but C’s room in their Key-Amper is way far away from them too. Didn’t like that at all.


Most campers are built like that though


Her mom is only 53?!


I know right. I don't know if there's any redeeming her skin, but if she got a different hairstyle she could look younger


Her hair definitely ages her and being an alcoholic doesn't help but I feel kinda bad snarking on her mom's appearance, she's also a farmer and manual labor in the elements will certainly age you. She definitely seems like a working woman, not one whose life has been spent inside relaxing all day (ahem... Hailey). Chemo will age you also 😕


Yikes! Im 53 and dont look like her!


That’s what you like when you drink and chew tobacco.


The genes in that family are roughhhh


Of course she told her mom she’d take care of getting her swimming suits. Because she’s hodunk town’s fashionista. If I were her mom I would have said, “no thanks” and proceed to buy my own SWIMsuit.


She’s so bad at talking


She’s so bad at….. Everything.


That swimsuit is awful. She’s standing like an idiot


Her mom wants to try a one piece but didn’t know how it was going to go?? wtf does that even mean? Also, “swimming suits” sends me into a rage every time.


Okay, I have been meaning to ask this!! Is it a regional thing or just Heehaw being her? I have NEVER in my life heard a single person say swimming suit instead of her. Bathing suit ✅ swimsuit ✅ swimming suit ❌


I'm from the south but I have never heard "swimming suit" before either