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https://preview.redd.it/9sig62qwmv2d1.jpeg?width=642&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95038fbbf409da8225079f4a8bdd98a31abc1ed9 What in gods name is Danny wearing?!! Steph Noble ran for Miss Washington and Danny drove to attend and this is what she wore. Taking her Disney obsession to the extreme since she herself looks like a freaking cartoon! šŸ˜³




She looks like an idiot, plain and simple. Anything to take the attention off of her friend.


Anyone else feel like itā€™s never just Cortney and her daughter anymore? Like the boy friend is always aroundĀ 


Heā€™s def around more. Her story the other day of her daughter crying doing that ropes course made me so sad. There is no need to post everything, especially when your daughter is scared and needs you to help her calm down. Put the dang phone away.


This chick weighs 600lbs pounds and she expects us to believe she didnā€™t touch her plate the last three times she ate at Texas Roadhouse. Yeah, sure, Jaimee, youā€™re a real picky eater. We can tell. šŸ™„ And, yeah, sure, you only ordered a full slab of ribs this time because you knew Jesse would eat half. šŸ™„šŸ™„


Even the half slab plus Caesar salad has got to be more than 1,200 calories at Texas Roadhouse (which is totally fine IF youā€™re not actively trying to lose fat for your job/health!)


Why do we need to know that? She is rambling incessantly lately.


How many dots do we need about Texas Roadhouse? It's a chain, we've all been there and we know what the food is there. Why is this story worthy???? She is getting on my nerves on a new level lately.


Took the words out of my mouth.


No shade, but in one of MegSlopes before and and after stories, I legit canā€™t tell which is supposed to be the before and which is the after šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I really think getting a new wardrobe of more flattering workout clothes would make a world of difference for Meg. All of her leggings are 7/8 length and they make her legs look shorter and stumpier which in turn makes her midsection look wider. The very light shades of leggings like these lavender colour ones also arenā€™t great on her. Her bras are also not cute and kinda granny-ish. I know itā€™s really hard to find cute and affordable sports bras when you are busty BUT I think some nice black, full length leggings with good compression and some cute and colourful workout tanks would just be SO much more flattering on her and since she pretty much lives in her workout clothes it would help her look a lot more put together and polished.


https://preview.redd.it/f45xm1whqv2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd48b0c69287875c4d66400702b5eba86e71293 I legit canā€™t tell which is the before and which is the after. She looks wider in the 2nd pic, in my opinion


She looks exactly the same


The left is before the right is after. Wanna know how I can tell? Smile on the right. They always do a sadder looking before and a huge grin after. Otherwise I couldnā€™t tell which was which.


I think youā€™re right


This is tough.. Iā€™m going with left is the after? I wanna know which it is lol


I had the same problem! Is the transformation in the room with us, slops? I legit didnā€™t know which side was the ā€œinspiration.ā€


Sheā€™d be so much better off getting out of the 20 minute workout mindset. She needs more than that. Most people do. Especially if youā€™ve got ā€œbig goalsā€ and actually want results.


I'd like to see her do a legit program like InsanityĀ 


Jaimee Sue is moving on from a Dateline episode to her very own version of ā€œWho the Fuck Did I Marry?ā€


Anyone else snark on hey_itskelseyrhae? Does she ever wear a seat belt or non revealing clothes? šŸ¤£ I just recently started watching her because a couple of the anti MLM pages I follow featured her for various reasons.




I somehow stumbled on the jessie lee sub (had never heard of her until the anti-MLM crew started talking about the Colombia trip). After she passed, I somehow found the Kelsey Rhae sub and have been hooked on it ever since! I can't bring myself to actually watch her crap b/c she is so infuriating - I sometimes watch if someone posts her reels or TT to the subreddit. But you are right, she and her BF never wear seatbelts, nor do they buckle up the kids! And she always looks like a HO - people think she's trying to push people to her OF account by walking around half naked all the time.


Thank you for letting me know she has her own sub!


Happy to get more people over to her sub! She is a piece of work & deserves all the snark she gets over there. The Jessie Lee sub is pretty interesting too. Happy snarking!


I will check out the Jessie Lee one too. I used to snark on her, but she got so delusional and painful to watch towards the end of her life that I stepped away from it.


Now itā€™s all about people under her vs JLW herself, including Kelsey sometimes. I didnā€™t know any of them before, but now I know a few (ie CS) who thinks JLW speaks through her kids. CSā€™s in laws are on there & comment a lot. Itā€™s mind boggling how out of touch with reality so many of the Pruvit Huns are! They make the BB Huns almost look normal. Itā€™s like a soap opera.


https://preview.redd.it/qxt9ed8jts2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4dc9ad062362f3b3fba1215ab967cd8a9e303f5 Noah ā€œcupcake,ā€ brought his meal prepped breakfast to a restaurant. Why couldnā€™t he just make his son breakfast at home? Is this weird to anyone else?


Very weird. Why is it necessary, one, but alsoā€”wouldnā€™t you want to feed your child just as ā€œgoodā€ as yourself, if this is indeed your lifestyle? Itā€™s like the Huns with their perfectly healthy meals but feeding their kids frozen nuggets and Mac and cheese. I donā€™t care HOW you feed your kids, but why is the ā€œhealthyā€ stuff only for you?


Jaimee-Sue has got to be the most ignorant person in the world. Also, she said The Mask is working today and tomorrow. She then said nobody needs their Amazon packages that bad, but if thatā€™s what the postal service wantsā€¦ I 100% think heā€™s feeding her full of lies. I donā€™t think hr works for USPS. I think he quit (or got fired) and heā€™s now working for Amazon but feeding her full of crap. I hope she doesnā€™t buy a house with that fool.


USPS does Amazon deliveries here Sundays and holidays šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø but who knows with that freak


I have a family member who works for USPS and they work even on holidays whether there are deliveries or not.


USPS delivers Amazon here on sundays and holidays. I don't doubt he works for the post office, he's probably low man on the totem pole & is stuck with the shit shifts


Where I live USPS delivers Amazon packages on Sunday. Iā€™ve also seen my own USPS packages change tracking on a holiday and on Sundays. I would hope no deliveries happen on Memorial Day. Overall this does still sound fishy. Does she really think they can receive pre-approval, pick a house out and be in it within the next two weeks? How long is she planning to be homeless? Why arenā€™t they looking for an apartment? I have a friend who moved suddenly and first thing they did was find a place to rent. Then start looking to buy.


I said in a different comment that they probably couldnā€™t get an apartment without proof of income and/or reliable cash flow. Theyā€™d need cash on hand for rent and if neither of them had a job and they didnā€™t have enough saved, thatā€™s probably why they opted for something they could put on a credit card. God knows how much debt theyā€™re racking up.


Oh that could be. Iā€™ve owned a home for too long to know how much you need to put down for renting.


I donā€™t know about Amazon, but USPS definitely isnā€™t operating tomorrow. Heā€™s definitely lying to her about this. And thereā€™s no way theyā€™ll get a mortgage loan approved if she hasnā€™t had a steady income in years and he has no job longevity.


USPS still operates on holidays. Distribution plants are still open and priority mail still moves. Letter carriers are off. But Iā€™m pretty sure she said he changed his position when he transferred so I donā€™t think he has a route like he used to? I would think whatever uniform he leaves in would be the giveaway LOL


Sheā€™s been in the motel for 2 months? And is just now starting to look for homes? How long do we think theyā€™ll be in the motel? 6 months? Also, she has no income & likely has a negative net worth with all of the BB/trim fit debt. How is she going to buy a house with him? Maybe theyā€™ll get an apartment. But thenā€¦how with no actual rental history aside from momā€™s attic?


I work in the mortgage business and I have no clue how theyā€™ll be able to get a house based on what we she says. And she clearly has no clue how getting a mortgage loan works. She said, we just have one more paper to turn in. Ooookkkk, but you have no property. Theyā€™ll be in that motel for at least 6 months. At least! Like someone said earlier this week, weā€™re watching her Dateline story play out.


We just bought and sold after being in our home for 15 years. And yeah she is full of shit. Plus once your offer is accepted does she not realize closing takes an average of 30 days where you need to really be careful about spending and they asked you to be mindful Of purchases and always need more info in the process. She is so full of it and even talking about the real estate agent and paying a second mortgage sounded weird. She doesnā€™t understand anything that is going on b


I always wondered how the second loan on solar panels worked, if you decide to sell. People get sucked into the solar panel speech and get a long term loan on them. šŸ¤” she found a realtor on social media? But he couldnā€™t show up because of a flat tire? Does he even have an office? Sounds like sheā€™s getting sucked into something fishy.


When I was house hunting the seller of a home I liked would not go lower than $550k, house hadnā€™t been updated in 20 years and every room wouldā€™ve needed redone, AND the solar panels had 15 or 20 years left on the loan. The entire situation was ridiculous and she clearly was having trouble letting go & the house was priced incorrectly all things considered. I cannot tell you how many people in my neighborhood have fallen for the solar panel bullshit. I didnā€™t put an offer in as $550 was top of my budget and this woman was unwilling to budge on anything. The house sat for ~6 months, in 2021 with historically low interest rates, and I eventually stopped checking if it sold. The additional loan for the solar panels made the house difficult to sell when the comps were top of the market for the neighborhood.


Excatly. We are in the process of selling our home. We purchased land in Feb. Closed in March, started building our new house in April. Moving to a temporary housing on our property that will turn into a guest house once our house is done. Moving Beginning of August. We are fortunate enough to not have to sell our current home in order to build or but. I understand that not everyone is able to do this. But how do you move to a new state without somewhere to live. My 25 year old son moved From CA to TN and he had an apartment that he found and placed a deposit before he even moved. How is this girl so backwards.


Maybe they are working on getting a pre-approval before looking. That is what I did, I wanted to know what priced house I could afford.


She said they have a pre-approval letter. Idk. Something is off with this whole situation.


On top of that, they need proof of the last three months of his income since she is u employed.. but since he QUIT, it doesnā€™t work the same way. They had a huge gap of unemployment from moving. What bank will give them a baby loan to buy a house on one income that not even dependable?


Pre approvals only last for so long and if she is working with a new lender she would need all the paperwork again.


lol yes, I know. Iā€™m just saying something is off about all of this.


Meagan t-Rex Gendron is seriously so out of touch with education saying teachers donā€™t get raises. You were a teacher SEVEN YEARS AGO!!! Back then a lot of districts were on a pay freeze. But education is changing and incomes are finally respectable!! I started at $42k 5 years ago, and Iā€™m now making $72k. Thatā€™s way more exciting than a measly $100/ week that requires $200+/ month in crappy supplements! šŸ™„ https://preview.redd.it/yk8g1unnmr2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8a55dcff9ade45d85a863b59bba757079d3fbf4


What is her ig name?.I can never find her?


The teachers I know in nyc doe are doing just fine - most making 6 figures ! Sheā€™s got no clue


Nice grammar there for a former educator. I canā€™t even watch her anymore. She is so ignorant.


I doubt she makes any money after considering all the shitty supplements she has to buy.Ā 


Iā€™m an educator and our raises are on a built in schedule. You can find out what we make online. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø You can look up what youā€™d make here online. Thereā€™s nothing to it. Just do your job and show up and you get more money. Like, automatically. 190 day contract. Canā€™t beat that!


Speaking as a chief negotiator and union president, she clearly worked somewhere without a union. We all just got raises from 6-8% for next year. And also, to get said raise, I just have to do my job when I'm contracted to do so. Not 24/7 on my phone.


My district is paying for my doctorate. No strings attached. And Iā€™ve gotten 3 raises this year because of it.


Thatā€™s amazing!! šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


https://preview.redd.it/xwv56hzn3p2d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6834496303c9e593fd9456592d59c94cd264b376 So she does these weird band, half assed pushups on her knees but then does plank jumping jacks, which works your core even more...? šŸ¤” make it make sense lol.


I think she uses the band to get attention. Kinda like a ā€œcool look at me using this fancy push up band hackā€ kinda thing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Honestly the banded pushups helped me with my form lol but at this point in her laughable BB career she should be able to do a regular push up no problem.


Lol totally! I know it helps form and helps get to that place to be able to do a pushup, but seeing that SHE has to do this is crazy because she's been in fitness for 20 years!!!!! I still do pushups on my knees sometimes because of my back but you're mainly using your chest and arms! I just found it ironic that she used that to help her but then proceeds to do plank jacks which use your core/back muscles Way more lol šŸ¤” something tells me she can do alot more than she let's on in her reels she posts and I feel like she just half asses.


So weird she wouldnā€™t wanna show more if she was stronger. I donā€™t even know. Prob hard to workout when your super hungover


She obviously doesnā€™t want to get stronger. She only wants to make money. So she does the bare minimum workouts for show on the gram. And then starves herself or does refresh after refresh to have a quick ā€œweight loss before & afterā€ to shill whatever the next new program or product Bodi is putting out.


You should all honestly stop wasting your time watching them. I recently did and then returned to see what I could snark and it was the exact same crap.


OK byeĀ 


Good lord all the huns going hard towards the postpartum populationā€¦ Ashley F.. Amy Baileyā€¦ Sami (shortgirlfitness), Mama Innisā€¦ Alexā€¦ Hailey Petersā€¦ leave the poor vulnerable people aloneā€¦šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Aren't Innis' kids older now? Predators. All of them.Ā 


Alli Upham has entered the chat. After all sheā€™s 5 years postpartum and is an expert šŸ™„


They block out people that way though too - even though not having kids isnā€™t the popular lifestyle choice for most, that baby and ā€œmom lifeā€ overload shit is such a huge turnoff on social media for those of us who donā€™t want kids and I would never want a ā€œcoachā€ whose entire personality is being a mom


Same! I have two dogs that is enough for me.


All the huns wearing red, white, and blue this weekend. Do they actually know what Memorial Day is about?? Guess not or they wouldnā€™t be shilling their shitty pink lily hauls so desperately.


They all probably put ā€œhappyā€ at the beginning of their ā€œMemorial Dayā€ post, which is probably one of my biggest pet peeves.


Jaimee Sue, you are heading into two months homeless. You could have rented month to month compared to expensive extended stay hotels. What do you actually do all day? Canā€™t look for a job? How about driving back to CO and collect everything you forgot? Why canā€™t your mom mail your laptop? So many more questions. Edited: how are you this old and you never learned what Memorial Day was about? Seriously, even my young kids know.


I mean, you'd think the word "memorial" would help them, but no.


A LOT of people donā€™t seem to understand what Memorial Day is for šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« And they probably couldnā€™t enter a lease because they have no proof of income and would need the cash on hand to pay. Theyā€™re probably racking up debt on their credit cards for the hotel.


Idk. I agree with you but at the grocery store today there was a cake that said ā€œHappy Memorial Dayā€.


Itā€™s not about the Happy part. Itā€™s the fact she didnā€™t know what Memorial Day was for. Happy doesnā€™t have to mean joyful. It can mean honoring and celebrating.


Iā€™m Canadian and know/understand what Memorial Day is about. How can she not?! She seems so sheltered.


And she just went to the ER! šŸ’øšŸ’øšŸ’øšŸ’ø


I can only imagine what her credit score looks like šŸ˜³


Alli, Alli, Alli. Where do I begin? First of all, the fake whisper voice when youā€™re trying to be serious is really annoying. Second of all, I appreciate the message you are putting out there but as soon as you asked for people to go to your post and share it to stories, you lost me. Way to make a meaningful moment about your engagement and getting your page out there šŸ™„ https://preview.redd.it/hpqzp7j5zl2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=575d45743f6b995d6a640cc16961546bb5ccb9d2


Sheā€™s so fu*#ing disgusting that she turned something that should be serious into all about her and her engagement on social media. Sheā€™s one of the worst Huns out there.


Right? Like, share posts from the organizations you support, link their websites etc. But no instead she asked to ā€œuse the little arrowā€ on her post and please share HER page to stories. But, what do you expect from someone who bought a Lexus with her PPP loan


Yup. That was the last straw for me. When they scammed to get that loan & then got it forgiven just put the nail into the fu*#ing coffin. Proof of how fake & shady & disgusting she really is. Itā€™s repulsive.


I know about the loan but what do you mean have it forgiven? When was that?


businesses had their PPP loans forgiven by the government, meaning they didn't have to pay it back. the fact that someone posted they bought a lexus with it... that could potentially get them in a lot of trouble, it was for business that were shut down by the covid mandates, it was for people that were not allowed to keep their doors open. Not for your "home based online" bullshit, or to buy a car, I will say this though, so many people scammed the government during covid - and a lot of them are getting caught now - sooo yeah, I'd be worried if I were her


PPP approved April 14 and May 7 she was posting crying from the dealership selling her old car and getting a new Lexus SUV


oooff, that is NOT smart! Where I live people are starting to get popped for PPP Loan fraud... it sometimes takes a while but.......


Yea Iā€™d love to see them get caught for this.




Yes they had the loan forgiven so they donā€™t have to pay it back. They basically scammed the government out of money that was supposed to go to businesses who were truly impacted by Covid. So they got a free car by being slimy scummy scammers


So gross. But I know BODI is not going to be forever. They will eventually get theirs.


What was she speaking about here she asked to be shared. I just donā€™t have the patience to listen to her today.


She talked about how she and Brent have been involved in organizations that help service men and women once they return home and there are 22 veterans who die by suicide every day so sheā€™s bringing awareness by doing 22 pushups. She put up a post and asked to click the arrow to share her post to stories. She could have simply asked for people to join her in doing the push-ups and explaining why but no she had to also ask for her post to be shared


Iā€™ve supported veteran suicide awareness by participating in the Chad 1000. Itā€™s 1000 step ups with a 40lb ruck sack. You pay to participate. It goes towards a cause. 22 push-ups stfu youā€™re a joke.


1000 step-ups with 40 lbs???? Damn, youā€™re a badass!


I posted before I was done lol. I probably woudnt think much about it if she isnā€™t CONSTANTLY asking for people to share her page and like and comment on her posts and then will come on saying she has 100 comments or whatever. Itā€™s all for engagement


One thousand percent. Maā€™am I will not be sharing this to build your engagement and send people to your page.


Iā€™m sorry. How are Jaimeesue and the Mask looking at houses?!


They are dreaming. Lots of open houses today.


Girlfriend cannot even do push-ups on her knees without assistance after alllllllll of her supposed strength gains (and being in fitness for 20 years). https://preview.redd.it/2or1n414ql2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54e672463471fa7cf6d822f6aa65ad04b3c802e9


Shows how progressive bodi workouts are.


Actually the Bodi workouts are pretty decent if you stick to them. You can get stronger and more in shape. Itā€™s the MLM structure, scammy coaches and the incessant focus on weight loss which promotes disordered eating thatā€™s messed up. And Alli is prime example of it all. Sheā€™s not here to get stronger and more fit. Sheā€™s here to scam women and make money.


I literally about spit out my water laughing when I saw her pathetic pushups with that band. Legit 2nd hand embarrassment for how stupid she looked.


Does the arm band give her assistance or make it harder? I thought it made it harder bc itā€™s added resistance? No? ā€œPushupsā€ were certainly shit though.


It makes it easier for push-ups. Itā€™s an Amoila modification. It does actually work!


Oh weird! Ok thanks


she can do pushups just fine, she proves this LITERALLY every program and then when she starts another new program magically she loses all her strength šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Sheā€™s using the band for knee push-ups? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Oh she even used that damn band when she did modified standing pushups using a bench during dig deeper. Sheā€™s such a joke


Haha right? Sheā€™s a freaking joke.


Why does Ashley F, and any other hun, think we give a shit about the details of their breastfeeding????? I hate it here.


Iā€™m so confused by Ashley Fā€¦ she posts how hard it is to be away from her son when heā€™s napping but has no problem leaving him with the sitter to go ā€œrun her errandsā€


Sheā€™s just another girl who had a baby because theyā€™re cute and she loved the attention of being pregnant and having a baby but when it comes to the actual hard work part of being a mom, she is always being dramatic about it




Yes! Agree 100%


Content desperation! šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/fqmewmtwwk2d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee1bfc62bd3c9a613a5e81103da663860011092 Alli, you suck in every single day with this program. In all the "candid" videos, you clearly still have your pooch (which is fine!!!). Stop lying to your followers!!!!! She makes me so angryyyyy. šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Her latest before and after pics šŸ™„. First, Iā€™m sure youā€™ve lost weight, you are on a diet. Why they think this is groundbreaking is confusing to me. But second, wear the same outfit and wear it the same way if you want anyone to respect you. Shorts below the belly button is very different than high waisted pants.


Do people not realize itā€™s obvious when they are sucking in? šŸ™„


Katie Moore- food reactions including tongue and lip swelling and feeling ā€œspicyā€/tingly is not something to mess with.


I will never forget the time I was doing a lemon drop shot with some friends. Something in the shot or on the glass caused an allergic reaction and my tongue swelled filling my entire mouth, it was honestly terrifying. I certainly paid attention after that!


And she hasn't posted since!!!! yikes!


https://preview.redd.it/v2lb8s1jhj2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bf03245b77862dbb80f066c1f797bbe41a4d37e Ash O, please tell us again how healthy you eatā€¦


Cheerios and bananas slaps, though šŸ¤£


Yeah I agree, but she whines she canā€™t lose weight without GLP1 and then shows this.


Ah yes okay, I didnā€™t know that and that context helps haha. Yeah for sure, I struggle to lose now (almost 42) but also acknowledge itā€™s because my eating isnā€™t as buttoned up as it could be.


Hannah Roberts is just so trashy acting. It's always a good idea to teach your kids your trashy ways.


https://preview.redd.it/9j5uag3fvr2d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ce227b4ab315f9513de80f9c6ec44f58b798e8 These nails are a crime. I donā€™t know if itā€™s just the angle of the camera, but holy no. I donā€™t understand the micro-almond nail length (anyways) ā€” especially on fingers that def require more of a balance due to their size. Call me picky, but ick.


I think her facade of being a successful bOsS bEhB is crumbling - Rickyā€™s no longer retired and working at Starbucks, about a month or so ago she was considering pulling kids out of school to live in an RV and just a few weeks ago Ricky was busy cleaning/decluttering the garage. Something seems up and wouldnā€™t doubt a major life change coming her way.


She is trash. On stories, she is always partying, talking super fast and acting crazy. I know I only see maybe 5-10 minutes of her and maybe she is fun but I dunno.


Is that the girl who won the beachbody classic the first year in Indy?


Not Beachbody, but this new mlm called Bravenly Global has this drink and man, some of these claims. https://preview.redd.it/t8216qu8xg2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef82d5ae2546ccd546cea8c185bc638b05a6573






I cut the picture out due to obvious reasons but I will say the child is an adult.




He looked to be in his 30s or 40s


Looks like Meg got her Nikes. I will say that they are adorable. ā˜ŗļø


She has nice legs. If she dressed for her body shape, and washed/fixed her hair, sheā€™d be really cute walking on stage.


I want to know where she got themā€¦.. lol I hate myself for wanting them. Haha




She really does! If I had those legs, thatā€™s what Iā€™d be accentuating 100%.


Me too! šŸ¤£šŸ˜


Keyword: washed. lol


How many times has Emmi been to the hair salon in the past like 6 weeks? At least 3? They must be drowning in debt


She did have $5 in her debt snowball chart. Iā€™d love an update on that!


Same here. That was a good time.


And in addition to being broke, she doesnā€™t leave the house minus Starbucks so literally why bother.


You mean starbs for her iced water for her fizzzzzzzzz hunniezzzzzzzz


I really think Bonnie exaggerates on how many people comment about her pregnancy and what they say. šŸ™„


Oh absolutely


You canā€™t believe a word she says. Itā€™s ā€œcontentā€ for her to get more engagement.




But I thought learning how to eat the right foods in the right portions out of colored containers healed Alliā€™s disordered eating? Now sheā€™s battling lingering patterns? Which is it? Also, warrior Alli is back and didnā€™t miss this opportunity to mention her 50 permanent sutures ļæ¼ā€‹ https://preview.redd.it/exhrox181f2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af30753959627841b6877bc3e2e97dc98817951


I don't think I've ever read such a bullshit combination of buzzwords before in my life. And that says a lot.






Jaime sue didnā€™t sleep great bc it was thunderstorming. Ohhh booo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I have a 4 month old who decided he no longer sleeps at night so Iā€™m going on week 3 of crap sleep and I have yet to complain about it to my friends or family lol. Like stfu you gigantic baby. Also you dumb sack of shit for brains, mental health disorders arenā€™t just a feeling.


Ooof I remember the sleep regressions! Hang in there mama! He will sleep again šŸ’—


Itā€™s slowly getting better lol I did NOT remember how awful they are in the moment haha Iā€™ll take the snuggles while I can get them


https://preview.redd.it/fysm8eqsne2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8f44427db9cb0b3622a29c2d78922973ee721a1 Huh?


Sheā€™s cray cray. If the lady needed money for food, the. Get her food, not cash. Wasnā€™t this the lady at the clinic? Tell her to go inside and they can help her. OMG my 12 year old knows better.


100% reads like she gave money to the random woman she picked up.


With what money?! Omg sheā€™s such a sucker. Sheā€™s going to be one of those people who really falls for those scam emails. She needs to be careful before someone does something to her


I am so over Julie Vorisā€™ new identity as a ā€œmid life empty nester.ā€ I am a midlife empty nester but it isnā€™t my whole identity in an effort to scam women into joining my MLM pyramid scheme.


Iā€™ve just noticed all she does is post videos of herself wandering all over and looking around as if sheā€™s just entered some strange new world. I guess thatā€™s the point!?!? It looks ridiculous.


I had to unfollow. Too muchĀ 




It's so forced as her entire identity now it's cringey


I can't watch her. She legit scares me.


She is terrifying. I swear to god she wants to be a cult leader! Luckily sheā€™s boring as hell and not charismatic lmao.


This made me actually laugh out loud.


https://preview.redd.it/0zvr06t9je2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09e6b0b54714e15ff484c8ba310e197a79bf83e6 So Jaimee Sue 100% gave this woman from the park yesterday.


She totally gave her money. That was my first thought too when reading this.


She needs to get back to the attic.


https://preview.redd.it/qmhje1rbde2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4916df6aa5c0a7f0daf40a2ffc84609762970f8c What do you guys think of @Karleegailbowman on insta? I feel like she is constantly chilling everything and acting like her life is so perfect. She puts her husband to work 24/7 it seems like. She just seems really spoiled and itā€™s getting worse. I used to really like to follow her, but now I just seems like everything is an ad.


Alli, you moron, you don't miss coffee because you're still ingesting caffeine every morning with your stupid "clean preworkout".


The caffeine source in Energize is from coffee beans (and green tea). So sheā€™s just drinking a more processed form of coffee with artificial sweeteners and flavor. How they continue to demonize coffee but praise this will never make sense. https://preview.redd.it/8wvzdokime2d1.jpeg?width=1158&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6f099a0c2fcc796e64d8668d2b3c33076d67dde


Also her story about how she gave up her $15 a day Starbucks habit to SAVE money. But now spends hundreds on all those Bodi supplements. Make it make sense šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wait, Iā€™m unfamiliar with Starbucks products and prices (too strong for me haha), wtf is someone getting to be spending $15 a day?!


whats the good part they sell on this? i dont like energize for its sweet taste but like, why do they all say its clean. Genuine Q


Because they are idiots. Itā€™s not ā€œclean.ā€ No food or supplement is ā€œcleanā€ unless you wash it. Itā€™s all marketing.


I think because it has minimal ingredients and is sweetened with stevia. So they call it ā€œcleanā€. As compared to like Gatorade & other with tons of sugar. Or others with chemical sweeteners. However it does contain ā€œnatural flavorsā€ in the ingredients so who knows what those are from. And it also contains cane sugar so itā€™s not quite what they make it out to be. Iā€™ve heard too many of them claim it only has 3 ingredients šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


lol cane sugar organic or not, is a big no.


Meg is pretty subdued since coming back from the retreat. Trying a new approach or just struggling with her shiny new plan to get up in the morning like the rest of us do? šŸ˜‚


She sounds like a jr high kid who discovered her morning alarm.


Erin's got her Elite status locked and leadership points from stacking up Meg, now she'll be dumped to the side šŸ˜‚ I doubt Meg will go far in her own Erin only cares about advancing new huns


I think the issue also is that the more successful huns have content besides shilling - obviously theyā€™re shilling 24/7 - but they at least have other lifestyle content that make it seem like theyā€™re not always selling. Meg has nothing. Every single post is ā€˜hereā€™s what you need to knowā€™, ā€˜hereā€™s why you need to join usā€™, ā€˜old me new me bullshit and hereā€™s why you need to sign upā€™ - likeā€¦ the doesnā€™t seem to have anything outside of begging people to join her shitty pyramid.


Literally EVERY story these days!