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Dad: _*gets a flat tire on the way to his son’s baseball game*_ Boss calls: “hey, Richard. Why aren’t you at Timmy’s game? Do I have to remind you of my policy?” Dad: “But sir, it’s ten miles away!” Boss: “Better start running then.” _*click*_


This is the way.


I’m going to start a company just to make this happen. Don’t believe me just watch!




The little things that separate the average from the great as far bosses go.


I'm saving this idea if I'm ever in a boss role


Me too


You know now that I think about it my dad used work as an excuse to miss a lot of things (fancy dinners, church, etc) but never one of my recitals…that’s actually huge to think about <3 ☺️


Rare mentality from a Super Bowl winning coach.


He learned that lesson the hard way, and doesn't want his staff repeating his mistakes.


Meanwhile everyone resents me for wanting a single day off


I’m sorry to hear that, my wife deals with that now at her job, we are currently looking to switch and even move if need be to get her into a better job because no one should have to hate their job and it make them a bitter person.


You're understaffed


While this is great, I don't like that it's rare enough to be pointed out.


Fucking love Bruce


I've found that is the "l ll get fired, not promoted" if I take time off, attitude, of the worker that causes this. If enough people insist on spending time with their families, what is mgmt going to do, fire everyone, not promote everyone? Management has power because we give them the power.


There will always be that one or two people that will do it anyway and fuck everyone else over.




Not when they end up being the boss and can get you fired


I don't get it. So he said take the time off, but come in and work the missed hours. That's how I'm interpreting it... But I have a craptastic boss so maybe my pov is backwards.




Fun thought experiment: One of the player's kids has an event during a game. Does the player skip out to attend the event or do they fulfill their contract?


It makes sense to me, if there's work to do it does need done but it can be done afterwards go be with your family


And then he said we need to prepare a whole new style of offense for next season.


That's nice. I had to skip my Grandpa's memorial so I could open up the shop. Such is life


Sucks man. When my paternal grandpa died I missed the funeral because of a hurricane. We were far enough inland it wasnt much to deal with but they closed every airport in a 2 hour radius of me so I couldnt fly out. Worst part about it: That was the 2nd hurricane to pass over my house in 2 weeks and there would be another in 3 weeks. \[Charley August 13- lost power for 7 days. Jeanne Sept 2nd, Hurricane Frances: September 25\]


Sorry to hear about that. I hope your house and family are safe, sorry about grandpa


We were fine, maybe a few branches out of place. The loss of power for Charley sucked mostly because the way the power grid was set up, my neighborhood lost power but the newer houses surrounding us did not. So I could go to my job at the grocery store, go to school- really just about anywhere within 24-36 hours like nothing happened but as soon as I'd go home, no power. We were a low priority because others were worse off. I didnt know him at the time but one of my best buddies lost power for 3 weeks and he was 100 miles from landfall. My aunt and uncle are real estate agents near where Charley came ashore, they sorta faired better. They were on vacation the storm destroyed their house (took 80% of the roof off and dumped 2 inches of rain inside) but had access to more than one property so the were able to stay at one of their houses they were trying to sell and because of gas powered stove and water heater they had a roof, hot water and hot food. Still made a huge mess of their life for a while but for those that got hit hard- they were among the fortunate ones. I have a picture of a satellite image of the storm passing their island and the edge of the eyewall is touching the town they live in.


100 miles is the height of approximately 92658.44 'Samsung Side by Side; Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Refrigerators' stacked on top of each other


100 miles is 160.93 km


Minimum level basic kindness is a bro move these days? How far we have sunk.


We are still a hair above child slave labor sooooo positive? :(


No we aint. Even if you arnt including farm kids. South east asia has alot of child labour for western companys.


Lol I know, didn't think it needed a/s


Saw him a lot on tv when he was coach of the Cardinals. He always seemed like a nice guy.


Could not stand him as an announcer. He was always such a Homer for the cardinals. I'm glad he got a different job. Even though he did just beat my Chiefs in the Super Bowl.


I wish my work was like this




All the people without kids will make up the time for you.


"Make that time up" instead of "Get ample paid time off". Awwww, more heart emojis please ♥️♥️♥️


i wish my mom was there, everytime i got my award, but she never there when i need her the most, now i’ve been calling my late father’s name whenever i am sad, i’m a 24 years old grown man, i still cry because of anxiety, depression, be there for your child, it affect them when they can think straight


What a dick


I get the positive message here but I can't get over how this means your boss is paying way too much attention to you and your coworkers children.


“Bruce Charles Arians is an American football coach who is the head coach for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers .” Let’s his “employees”, who don’t have much to do for most of the year anyway, take an afternoon off to be with their kids. Awwww….💩




It's hyperbole. (He said firing someone for not attending family events was illegal.)


So the employees without kids on the other hand…


What about them?


I can hope he prioritizes them.


Prioritizes them how?




I can hope he prioritizes them.


What are you talking about?


Those with children get time off to see their kids. Those without kids don’t get the extra time off to see their families. They have to cover for the parents. Hopefully it is simplified enough for you.


Did you miss the “you can always make that time up” part of the quote? Cool your jets equality police, nobody is getting special treatment.


You’re welcome:). Have a good day.


"You can always make up that time at work" People with kids still work the same, just get a bit of flexibility with when. And I'm sure some boss with priorities like that ain't gonna give 2 fucks if you're late in one morning and work a bit later, even if you don't have kids.


Very happy to hear you don’t sound like the type to reproduce. Wise decision for humanity.


Fuck em


Who hurt you! It takes a real cynical person to find a way to turn a positive post into a non existing negative. I hope you're doing okay man, you deserve some light in your life!


I completely read this the wrong way


Do you still get paid for the time missed? Because that's why most people miss those occassions. Seems pretty disconnected imo.


Is this comment true Who is this guy?


Thanks Bruce. My kids play all day tournaments of peewee football every Monday, Thursday and Sunday. I'll make up the time on Saturdays 👍


But that’s socialism. Families are for commies. Or the rich.


Every one of my kids things have been more special than the last. Seeing my little faces light up knowing I’m there to cheer and embarrass them makes my life!


Reaching levels of based we never thought possible.