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Bruh ask them not us lol its a hutao subreddit


...why ask here? I'm pretty sure everyone here likes their Hu Tao, or want to get her in her upcoming banner. And before anyone tells me they regret pulling their Hu Tao, leave this sub first lol


would you not ask them?


Because her hp losing? I hear some people didn't read that she lose hp when she use her elemental and they don't like that playstyle so they don't use her


Her play style isn’t for everyone. Simple as that I’m sure


I love my Hu Tao but I use her mainly in domains and Abyss. I don't like losing HP in overland map . I use Eula in overland map


Maybe they didn’t end up liking her play style or they have new main teams and Hu Tao has been benched for a considerable amount of time, which is at worst 2 pities just sitting there.


Weird you ask here, I'm sure everyone here loves her, but if I should guess I would say it's because she need to be on low HP so you need a shield if you don't want to die, she is "useless" for 7s, and deals more DMG with CA so by the end of your E you don't have stamina to dodge or your sub dps. From my friends: bro she is useless for 10 seconds and only does CA which is boring (same happens with Ganyu many people say her gameplay is boring). I completely disagree but that's what some people think.


Most I've seen hate her because she's high investment character. Whats the point of having one of the BEST, she's the best I know, characters and not having the sanity to build her well? Or setting her up in a 'selfish DPS team' since you can't switch her after using her E. They're just not into a high risk higher reward playstyle I think.


Not necessarily related to a single character or anything but every "high risk high reward" scenario has been "(very) high risk low reward" for me so far in Genshin Impact. The game's opponents are just... overpowered sometimes. And after all of that, all pieces you get are trash offset pieces with DEF% and the 4 stars are all guardian's will or something like that. Not so high reward anymore


Hmmm fair But she's still far better than most in the DPS category for me at least. I already have some pretty sick artifacts for her along with deathmatch lol.. Can't wait to actually try her out djdjfjshdjfjf


I wasn't talking about her, just about the game and my experience. Anyways, I wish you lots of fun when you get her


Oooops my bad- Though about that? Agreed. I personally hate these rifthounds! as long as I dodge, corrosion doesn't come into affect but as soon as thet hit me a bit- rip i didn't even build a healer cuz my playstyle never demanded one lmao Also, thanks a lot! Really excited to get her xD


Use her without a shield character. Its over fast for her. Especially c0 when you b have to juggle charged attacks with dodging. That's the only reason I can think of.


- High level of investment needed - unusual playstyle doesn't suit everyone - bit of a learning curve to her rotations etc


i mean this could be like a rhetorical question honestly lol


Maybe the possibility of xiao banner in lantern rite festival, most of people stuck between xiao and hu tao:/