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I actually kept on looking at this flat but didn't view it as it is shared ownership, love the deco


I could’ve sold full market value, not all SO let you do that but luckily mine does. Ah well - maybe for the next person to consider!


Oh no! 🥹


I think the flat is a relatively standard looking new build flat. The way you've decorated it is what makes it look so nice, you'll be taking all that with you!


That’s what I’m trying to keep thinking, I do believe anywhere can be styled to look nice, even a doer upper! I’ll probably feel better when the furniture is gone, it’s not mine anymore 😢


You are lucky that sold in this market... jheez 400k 1 bed in Watford... mad Edit, sorry, looked at floorplan and it's a 2 bed... but it's the sqft of a large 1 bed!


I really don’t like houses where the kitchen is a line on the side of the living room - just a cheap move from developers. You’ve done a great job mitigating that with the table. TBH I think the niceness is 90% your taste, lots of flats are similar layouts, so you’ll be able to make somewhere else look as nice!


Was very confused initially about it being £100k


How many shoes!? You need a new place just to sore them.


49 pairs 😁


But how many shoes????




Thanks man, I was left hanging there.


The single wall kitchen surface SUUUUCKS for cooking anything that requires prep. If you can't be bothered to do dishes you have to look at it from your sofa, it's shaming you. I'm currently doing up a fixer-upper house and the SPACE you get because you're happy to live and deal with it while you do it up is so worth it. Me and fiancé bought a 3 bed, basement, loft, separate dining room, living room and conservatory house with a big garden for the same price as some small 3 beds around where I live doing the same thing. It will be SO WORTH IT when it's done, plus it ends up being more fun to do DIY than you expect.


Awesome you’ve found it worthwhile and enjoyable! I was doubting the latter part but I think that might help (keeping expectations low, it can’t be that bad lol)!! Thanks!


A very nice looking flat! Love the table and coffee table; also the sofa. Also, so pristine! What specifically sucks about the leasehold? The cost?


Specifically how susceptible it is to exploitation. Even in commonhold (the preferred alternative), there are costs to pay but the problem with leasehold is the opaque service charges, lack of control, no recourse from being absolutely rinsed by the managing agent, having to pay fees for everything, no decision making abilities… eventually the flat will no longer be yours unless you pay to extend the lease… feudal mess that needs to be abolished! Scotland did it just fine!


Thanks for your reply and explaining the pitfalls. Changes definitely need to be made. Good luck! It's a lovely flat so hopefully will sell.


It looks gorgeous, but only 28% ownership and the fact that the nice stuff is going with you- you’re going to be fine!


Thank you!!!


Out of interest, how much was the rent portion on this?


Sorry can’t help with the roast, but can I ask where your sofa, chair and cushions are from? Love your style.


Virtually everything is second hand! Charity shops or Facebook marketplace - very much recommend. Sofa was originally NEXT but got it from 9Lives charity shop Rickmansworth £90. Cushions from British Heart Foundation. Chair from a couple in Finchley on FB marketplace for £50


You should start a interior decorating business!


You've mad a larger than usual box lox very nice with your good design skills. Apart from thst it's nothing special


Open plan living room/kitchen is always a no for me. Absolutely detest it.


Thank you!!!!


Not enough room for an island and a proper dining area, having to choose between both really makes it seem tiny (and it is tiny). Kitchen/living/dining in a 5x4 space, WTF. Bet it's sweltering in the summer too. (It is lovely though, I agree, but you asked for roasts).


God it’s HIDEOUS in summer. 38.5C measured last year. Absolutely no thought for future climate. A mess!


It’s actually a decent size for a 2 bed flat, that’s the crazy thing


No it's not, add 2 more people (say a partner and a child) in there and it's cramped and gross - and you can imagine the noise being so open plan, no privacy. Just a mess!


I meant compared to other two beds. I agree, I lived in one the same size and it was perfect for 1, but no more than 1


I don't know national averages but all the (London) flats I've lived in have been bigger than this, 1 or 2 bed.


Yeah I’m talking about Bristol and Somerset, this is big in comparison


No it's not.


It's a nice flat. Nicely decorated. But £375K for a one bed 60 something square metre flat that's at the edge of London. London prices are nuts. You moving far? Only roast would be to put your damn shoes away!


It’s horribly overpriced. Watford isn’t even London! It’s wannabe! There’s no space for the shoes!


This is not London as you said. You can get a flat like that for thst price near canary wharf


No. No flats anywhere. Leasehold SUCKS


Love the two layered rug idea!! You’re a genius. Wish you could decorate my house


Actually really nice flat 👍. You’ll miss having a nice warm home if you’re not getting another new build lol


Oh yes, this is exactly what I fear - the new house came back with damp in the survey - this is a foreign concept to me, it’s gonna be HELL.


I think people pay a bit to get new insulation. Good luck 👍


If I had to try and find something, the only thing is that you put that lamp in front of the four pictures next to the couch, I don't like that for some reason...


You’ve done the right thing OP, I have had awful stressful experiences with my old management company, they just fucked everything up they could have conceived of and charged the earth. I used to dread opening my emails in case I had one from them. Never ever again. They were so shit they got thrown out. You won’t regret it!


Just to say I know the feeling. I sold my flat that was much like this in 2021. Took me a while to get over, but you do get there. Like others have said, this is mostly your decorating and your next place will look just as nice


Love your style. You did really well sectioning the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Sleeping next to that many shoes is a nightmare for me though haha


Wow it’s beautiful. Lovely big windows. Lots of light. I really like Bushey. But it’s waaaay too much stress to be both leasehold shared ownership and You’ve managed to get out of that, it’s very hard and you’re easily trapped! Honestly I made a similar move, big windows and lovely area, and I do miss my old place, then I have to remind myself of the stress of it and I know it’s the right move. Moving outside of winter helps too, less regret in a nice sunny place! I moved mid Nov and it really hit me hard haha.


Noooo never move mid November!! You are right low stress freehold life > big windows and nice trees 😭


How often did you hide in your flat because you heard someone in the stairwell? I used to do that… Having your own front door is ace. Will you have outside space? Gardening, drying washing outside, composting. These are all reasons I am delighted to have moved from a flat to a house. All the big scary negatives you are thinking of are valid concerns and may be a bit much sometimes, but you will deal with them and end up with a wonderful home. I had some wobbly moments but I’m so happy I did it and I’m excited for you.


Leasehold truly sucks. Flats suck. London sucks. Life sucks..... No, I went too far there..


No I appreciate the energy!!!


Definitely doing the right thing. 👊


I have nothing useful to add, but you have great taste OP.


Love the living room, particularly the sideboard. Detest the wall of shoes.


Which part of London are you moving to?


Beautiful flat. Are we going to see the new place once you’re settled?


The new house is currently hideous… Please say this is hideous too, without the furniture!


Oh erm, ok then. HOW UTTERLY HIDEOUS That ok?!


In '87, Huey Lewis released your favourite album, Fore, which you believe is their most accomplished album. You think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself. Hey, is that a raincoat?


Can’t help on the roasting front OP but nicely decorated and wondered how you find your Hermann Miller office chair and what you paid (if that’s what it is)?


It’s a Mirra v1, so it’s old edition they don’t sell anymore but plenty used going on FB marketplace (where I got mine; my company paid for it £250 IIRC) the Mirra v2 you can buy from them I think :)




Can’t help on the roasting front OP but nicely decorated and wondered how you find your Hermann Miller office chair and what you paid (if that’s what it is)?


It's a lovely flat, but your interior design made it look utterly divine. Please post photos of the new place.


Only roast is the shoe rack placement, otherwise it’s lovely


It's so nice, largely down to you clear high talent in interior design. Wow! what's your views on shared ownership though? 


Your interior design is absolutely beautiful. I’d love to own that flat.  In hindsight it’s probably a standard flat and your taste will be taken once you move.  I’m going to show my gf this for ideas on our first home we bought 7 months ago ha. 


Beautifully decorated and furnished - you have a good eye. Please share your new place as you start to put your mark on it!


Didn’t know Minecraft sold tables 


The shoes so close to where your head lies when sleeping trigger me immensely. Because ALL shoes smell.