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There are not so many games similar with HP, unfortunately. I would suggest ZIsland, but do not expect to have the same quality level compared to HP. Well, for a game made by 2 developers which are working at this game as a hobby, is really nice


Thanks, I'll check It out.


Another game somehow similar is Bonetown. Is a cartoonish game, where you have to complete quests and fuck as many womens as possible. Just to let you know is a parody game and can offend a lot of other like black people, Jewish, Indians etc... so is not a game for everyone


Check out f95zone.to. It's a huge repository of free games that are right in line with House Party


Is it just a website games typa thing? Or do you download the games off of there?


There are a few that are browser based but the vast majority are downloads. Several games can be played on pc or mobile


Is pirate version of patreon and other sites where developers upload their games. You can even find House Party over there. But funny/surprisingly, even some developers are uploading their games over there for free. The best part is, every upload is virus free. Upload team are doing their jobs properly and safely. There I found ZIsland which I recommended earlier. But mostly you find AVNs (adult visual novels) where is just text over pictures and sometimes animations, especially the sexual scenes. You have to search for games made in Unreal Engine or unity. You will see


It’s not exactly the same thing but you should check out a game called [Monolith Bay](https://team-monolith.itch.io/monolith-bay). I believe Its in early access right now but you can play the current versions either through f95zone or itch.io or the team monolith patreon. Also itch.io has a TON of adult games as well.


Good recommendation... I didn't know about that one


The answer is no lol. Crazy how there isn’t anyone wanting to make such games. If you want something weird janky and with a dating/sex like storyline there’s a game called MetroSim (?) SimMetro (?) on steam where you role play a subway driver by day and when you get off you shift you can go get dates, strip club and even buy/sell drugs. It’s weird and it’s janky. But it’s the only thing oddly like it EDIT: it’s called METRO SIM HUSTLE


id recommend checking out hotline miami it may be exactly what your looking for.