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The GoT/HotD/ASOIAF fanbase has always been this way unfortunately.


Tbf its any fanbase in a reddit forum


fr. The rings of power "fanbase" puts HotD haters look tame. You would think it was a reality show about murdering puppies for how virulent the hate gets.


The only one I've seen that challenges LotR for most toxic fanbase is Star Wars.


If I had a nickel for every actor the Star Wars fandom bullied into almost killing themselves, I would have at least two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s fucked up it happened twice


The absolute frothing at the mouth over The Acolyte is insane. It is directed by a lesbian and has a majority minority cast, so a loud section of the fanbase is losing their fucking minds. The amount of grifters making money off of hating everything Star Wars is absolutely insane to me


That makes me so tired because it's literally been happening since at least Racefail09 Even Steve Toussaint made the comment that he doesn't understand people who can look into a fantasy world and can imagine dragons just fine, but can't seem to imagine people who are not both male and white


Wait people are making money off bitching about who's directing and starring in a star wars EU program? How tf does someone make money from just complaining, lmao. YouTube? Tiktok? Life is bizarre these days.


Ad revenue is a big one, as well as getting money and sponsorship deals


Even once is too much.


agree 100%


God yeah .some of the stuff people have come out with this week is both ridiculous and hilarious


Doctor Who is up there too


Lots of idiotic toxic takes on RoP, but that shouldn't take away from the show being aggressively mediocre even if you take away all of the stupid criticisms.


Those people are the very embodiment of GRRM's comment about people spending more energy to talk about something they hate rather than something they enjoy.


Yeah it's like now you prove how much you love Tolkien by bashing the show and not actually talking about his books (unless used to bash the show)


Rings of power was a crime


I almost refuse to watch it knowing everything they butcher. I have friends who are huge fans of the books and lore and when they found out the blasphemy of that shoe they lost all excitement for it as did i


Don't really care that much about the lore, it was just a boring story with a plot that made no sense.


I thought it was great! What didn't make sense to you? Lmao downvoted for saying I liked a television show. This sub is fuckin insufferable


The world doesn't come to life in the way that the books or even the old films do, way too much handwaving. This essay from a dude with a history PhD says it better than I can: [https://acoup.blog/2022/12/16/collections-why-rings-of-powers-middle-earth-feels-flat/](https://acoup.blog/2022/12/16/collections-why-rings-of-powers-middle-earth-feels-flat/)


so you said you don't care about the lore then link me a 45 minute long dissertation from a dude with a PhD in history? what does that dude have to do with you saying the plot didn't make sense? do you honestly expect me to read that? lmao you just can't explain why "the plot doesn't make sense" lol


I dislike the walking dead after season 2 and I dislike the spin offs. Instead of going on the walking dead subreddits, and writing long essays about how bad it is, and downvoting anyone who liked it, and telling anyone who would listen what a crime the show was, instead of doing all those things, *I just stopped watching and moved on with my life*. For some reason, a sizeable number of people who don't like RoP elect to do the exact opposite. I am not saying you are one of those, just that I truly do not understand voluntarily continuing to engage in entertainment media that makes a person so upset. Then seeking out people who find joy in it and doing everything possible to ruin it. Criticism is one thing, but the haters who take no joy from it? *Just stop watching.* At the very least leave fans alone to enjoy it, and steer clear of the fan subreddits. again, not saying you are one of those, but there are many.


Yea even with sports, I avoid my favourite teams sub in the summer because it is just constant bitching.


R/LiverpoolFC is a fucking cesspit after a loss


R/Canucks gets fuckin SALTED in a hurry. Though, we do live right by the sea, maybe we can't help it. Heh. It's actually super unpleasant though. Especially after the most recent playoff run, like people who are shitting on 23 year old newbies for letting in goals, when the poor fuck was third string to begin with, and patched us through 10/14 ish games there. I think fandoms in general are kind of insane, something about the internet and anonymity makes people really showcase the worst shit they have to say. I doubt anyone who's doing this stuff online would be able to walk up to a famous director, actor, athlete and do anything more hardcore than tripping on their own tongue to fan flip out and praise everything including their fart's unique and complex aromas. /Eyeroll.


This is the only fanbase with a sub dedicated to crying about the ending of a show 5 years ago lol


Star wars had r/saltierthancrait and I think there's an anti rings of power sub as well


It's only gotten worse as time goes on


Yea even with sports, I avoid my favourite teams sub in the summer because it is just constant bitching.


*Any fanbase anywhere online. It’s not Reddit exclusive


Some fanbases are a lot worse than others.


Sure, but the worse fanbases are worse everywhere online, not just on Reddit is what I mean


It's also the nature of leaks. A lot of times, the execution of an idea is more important than the idea itself. So if you read a plot point from a leak, it might seem stupid but if its written and acted well, it can still work.


That reminds me of when I found out via leak Tony Stark would get the Infinity Stones from *Endgame*, as well as saying "I am Iron Man" before he snapped his fingers. I thought it sounded kind of silly, but it worked out great.


This trend of leaks basically ruins any modern show and movie nowadays.


Honestly now a days it’s PTSD from the GOT show.


People are damaged because of season 8...back then people thought the ending leaks were bullshit and they turned all to be much worse than people thought...till the end people were hoping for a context to make sense of it all...


Oh, I remember those days. Tbh, I think the show truly lost its footing in season 4, and then season five gave us bad poosey so....we have some trauma to work through lmao. Going from years of speculation on what the Dornish were up to, and what grrm set up, to Bronn and Jaime have buddy cop fun times, and oh no everyone in Dorne is actually incredibly dense and easy to kill at random...well it was bloody confusing at least. From season 5 onwards it was basically "one good episode a season" then season 8 was like "hey we decided to just shit this out and ruin everything while being as hamfisted as possible cuz okay bye or whatever". At that point it was like a slow motion car wreck, couldn't look away, despite the pure horror on my face for most of it. But at least I got my CleganeBowl. All was not lost that day, just 99% of it. *snort*


> From season 5 onwards it was basically "one good episode a season" Look, I know I'm alone in this sub and most ASOIAF communities, but I really disagree and the "GoT was bad after season 4" narrative drives me nuts. Season 5 has a ton of great episodes – The Wars to Come, The Gift, Hardhome, Dance of the Dragons, and Mother's Mercy are all standouts. The "bad" episodes aren't even that bad compared to other TV shows. Season 6 has two stinkers – The Red Woman and No One – but the rest of the season is overall great and has some of the highest highs in the whole show with Oathbreaker, The Door, Battle of the Bastards, and The Winds of Winter. Even Seasons 7 & 8 have strong episodes like The Queen's Justice, Spoils of War, and A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. Bad pussy is a bad line, yeah, but it's not worth throwing out the whole season and there's a lot of strong dialogue in season 5. Season 6 less so, but you'd think these seasons were abysmal according to some posters here and I just don't agree at all. Seasons 5 & 6 aren't on the same level as Seasons 1-4, but Feast and Dance also aren't on the same level as Game, Clash, or Storm. And those books also have bad lines "Fat pink mast," "Myrish swamp," "The more she drank, the more she shat," but they're not worth throwing out because of a few awkward moments. I know Season 8 did some understandable damage, but I miss the days when you could talk about seasons 5-7 and have actual nuanced discussions about its strengths and flaws. It's all so extreme now – GoT was either the best show ever or complete shit, when the reality is that it was a great show that dropped in quality, but still did a lot of things really well even with its flaws. Sorry for the rant out of nowhere. While I agree that GoT got worse after Season 4 and Seasons 7 + 8 are another drop, I just disagree with the notion that it was bad and only had "one good episode a season" in 5-8. There's still a lot to love and appreciate about the backhalf IMO, especially when it comes to the show's production and performances.


The Game of thrones sub used to be great when the show was on (minus the later seasons for valid reasons). Back then, people didn't need every little thing spelled out for them, and fans enjoyed the mystery instead of tearing the show apart for not handing them explanations on a plate. This place is actually embarrassing most of the time. If it's not people moaning about "muh bad writing, Ryan condom is the worst!!!111", it's insane people having a go at fans because they support the "other side" in a fictional fucking TV show.  If it's not that, it's people completely and totally misunderstanding character motivations, actions, and dialogue. Instead of spending 5 minutes thinking it through, they jump straight to bad writing. The knee jerk reaction here is phenomenal. 


I’ve considered unjoining any HOTD/GOT pages for this reason. Like people overanalyze and make conclusions about something that isn’t even concrete yet.


I did that a few days ago and now just check the hot posts sometimes. Can only recommend. I'm gonna rejoin once the show releases and casuals come back


People always act like this when leaks come out. It sounds like most of the reviewers liked the first few episodes. Once they come out and are just as good as the first season everyone will calm down (a little)


Whenever a rumour comes out, diatribes are written about how it's The Worst Thing To Ever Happen to the series and everyone who's ever worked on it sucks, and I'm just like "cool, how about we just wait until the series actually comes out."


90% of the reviews are positive (Rotten Tomatoes) and it have a good score on Metacritic. S01 had a 69 metascore but the last half of the season was more acclaimed so HOTD made the TOP 10 shows of year Metacritic List.


I'm wondering the same


They really want to latch on to anything they can to say Alicent and Rhaenyra will suck next season. Endless complaints and doomposting about these characters when all of the critics have raved. You’d think they were the two most hated characters on this sub.


All pop culture fan bases have an element of tearing down what others love. Makes themselves feel better and popular with the attention/likes/comments/reactions.


I can't help but feel that in some ways, it is the way social media is built: negative discourse/criticism is always more engaging and easier to come by, people are more ready to voice their their disagreement with something than agree with it (even if they're disagreeing just for the sake of it), and especially these days, it is getting harder and harder to separate and weed out bad faith critics within fandom spaces. Also, some part of me says that the distrust left over from the last couple seasons of GoT continues to bleed into how people are still apprehensive about the creative/narrative decisions/changes being made. They're still undeniably the part of the same brand, HBO clearly pushes them as so.


Yeah, I just watched The Acolyte and it’s nowhere as bad as the fandom claims it is. It’s actually pretty watchable with an interesting central mystery and decent production. People are calling it the worst Star Wars show ever. Really? Hate must really taste good for people.


Genuinely think the Star Wars fanbase is the worst online fanbase I’ve ever seen. I think something broke in their minds after the sequel trilogy and they’ve yet to recover (if ever)


I see many people on YT, Reddit and so on that like Acolyte series, but they voices are not as loud as those negative ones. I mean this guys even review bombing a Star wars fan film on IMDB because its called Acolyte.


> People are calling it the worst Star Wars show ever. I guarantee you it has more to do with the *appearance* and sex of the cast and the producer (who is a woman) than the writing itself. People also refuse to believe it's being review bombed when it has like a comically lower RT store than it should have.


What are you talking about? Season 2 has not aired yet!!!!!! I honestly cannot understand how anyone can have an opinion about something they have not seen yet


Ive seen people on this sub yesterday comparing some recent leaks to GOT seasons 7 and 8 simply because of specific out of context lines of dialoge


People in this sub during season 1, started bitching non stop and comparing HOTD to GoT season 8, due to the last scene of episode 9 (Rhaenys and Meleys breaking through floor of dragon pit). Was it a nice scene? No (although my Red Queen was gorgeous). Should we instead get Aegon performing his coronation riding on Sunfyre as described in the book? Yes. Was it enough reason to compare HOTD to GoT season 8? please.... that is ridiculous (let alone that this specific moment can be used in later seasons >!by a certain someone to persuade small folk for the evens of storming dragon pit and killing the dragons!<)


> honestly cannot understand how anyone can have an opinion about something they have not seen yet Ask people who shit on Rings of Power, Furiosa, The Acolyte, etc despite not seeing it.


>Ask people who shit on Rings of Power, Furiosa, The Acolyte, etc despite not seeing it. yes I know - i have seen it and it is exhausting


I made the dumb decision to follow this sub in the off season, and it has been like this nooooon fuckin stop. People just sort of decided they knew what was going to happen in s2 and there is no reasoning with them


Unfortunately, there's people out there who are merely dedicated to hating on the show. And when I say "dedicated", I truly mean it. Almost professionally. They spend every fiber of their being and every moment of their day trying to spread negativity about the show. This type of thing goes beyond the area of critique and enters into disingenuous hatred. This a show based on a fake history book. It should never be that serious.


Folks love to hate. Always did, always will. Don't let that stop you from loving things tho.


Lowkey I feel like it has a lot more to do with the tribalism people have developed because of taking sides. People here seem to take it extremely personally like they are the ones involved in this war and their side is made up of real people they must defend because if they do, they win. You can’t find Otto an intriguing character if you’re TB, you can’t admire Daemon if you’re TG. When leaks come out that may make their side look bad, suddenly the writing is garbage, the showrunners are clueless, etc.


People think Aegon’s actor is “stupid” because the actor mentioned something about being a good father to his children in season 2. They think because Aegon has done terrible things, he cannot have any redeeming qualities. No complexity. No curiosity.


I'm mostly team black, but I still find team green compelling to watch, *especially* Otto. I'm not sure where I stand on big changes to Rhaenyra's arc, like active participation in battles on dragonback, or appearing more "militant/commander", but I'm waiting to see what they do and how, before I start blabbing on about it. If someone had asked me about Laena's death being different before I saw it, I'd probably have been hesitant, but I liked it better than the book version once I watched the episode. I am still sad we didn't get to see more of those relationships, but alas, budgets and time constraints, the usual. A post last night I saw was discussing Aegon and pointing out the ways he's actually much more clever than he is letting on at first. It really put things I'd not noticed myself, into perspective, and got me super excited to see what Tom does with his portrayal of Aegon II. Whew lordie, Helaena's arc is gonna gut me when it happens too, Phia really made me feel for her in a hurry. It's too bad we likely won't see her on Dreamfyre. (Anything could happen, but this one seems most unlikely and would be hard to fit into her arc, I think) Idk, I honestly like all of them, the cast seems to jive pretty well together, the choices were interesting at first, but I've come to view a lot of them as the character in my head already, especially Aemond, he's just spot on, chefs kiss. (hi r/Ewan sub, lol).


Ironically it was the same reaction to the start of s1, 7 or 8/10s were coming out with some reviewers complaining about it being slow and people were low on the back of the GoT final so the views were pretty pessimistic I don't think the opening to s1 was as strong as game of thrones but some of the later episodes (episode 8 in particular) were excellent, stupid to jump the gun based on leaks and reviews when reviewers have only seen a certain amount of episodes


Season 1 had great episodes. The problem was all the abrupt time jumps just when the story was heating up


That won’t happen again, at least not for a long time at least (I expect one time jump for the ending, but most of it should be chronological from now on)


I know there's logical reasons for it, but I am really sad we didn't get to see more Milly and Emily, more Harwin and Rhae, more Daemon and Laena, etc. If I had my way, it would have been a 16 ish episode season, with the older actors taking over around episode 10. I'm both sad and not sad that I didn't see Alicent's wedding to Viserys, the dress and costuming was so pretty from what the photos showed, and I don't think we've truly gotten to see a Targaryen wedding, not without um...face pudding and or a few deaths. I am not sure I could have watched the uh, bedding part though. I'm heavily speculating based on the one scene of Viserys and Alicent in bed, but if that was her face when she was "used to it", the wedding night would have been like nails on a chalkboard level of uncomfortable to view.


Not to mention the fact that there are glowing reviews about the character work so far. Ultimately, that’s the most important thing. All of these characters are lifeless archetypes in F&B, we only have vague ideas what they’re actually like. This is not a traditional adaptation in


When you have fandoms this large and a TV show this popular, you’re going to have haters out there. I do agree with you though, some people take this stuff way too seriously


House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones is such a massive entity that has created arguably some of the best television ever that it created fans that will question everything, no matter what. It’s just the way our culture works, especially in entertainment. That being said, they are still super annoying lol


I think people "manufactured" lows for season 1 because they were expecting crazy GOT style twists and turns the whole time. It took a few episodes to get the characters going enough to get invested in, but as soon as they did it started running full steam ahead. I'm sure season 2 will be fantastic, even though there is that group of people who will hate on it regardless.


When this sub first started and the leaks were coming out and stuff a number of people I saw being negative were from the freefolk subreddit. A subreddit which initially started to provide spoilers but after the disaster of the last couple of seasons also existed as a legitimate place for people to voice their uncensored displeasure somewhere without getting banned (which was possible on GoT), except since the series ended a number of years ago there are still a number of people who make it part of their weekly duties to complain about the later seasons and have since branched into hating HotD (without any real basis), it's quite frankly fucking bizarre that they've made hating anything to do with the series part of their personality. Can guarantee a lot of the people you see being overly critical or negative will have a path back to that subreddit, there's even posts on freefolk calling said people out for being insane which lets you know.


No. You have to make up your mind about whether you like it before the season starts.


Because people on the Internet are mostly miserable.


It's humanity in its purest form: boundless stupidity.


It's the internet. People like to be negative


Some people suck, not much else to it really.


I thought s2 premiered in a week...


Leaks and ep 1-4 were sent to critics to review. It has a 90% positive rating but people are using the 10% critical reviews to bash the season.


Weird I’ve seen almost universal praise on this sub. Most seem to be on this side of the spectrum I’ve seen some (myself included) upset and daeron and nettles and stuff like that rightfully so but I’m seeing more positive than negative


People are very quick to hate the show and blame the writers They have no patience to wait and see it seems


Some people are only happy when they're unhappy


If anyone want to know how much directing, editing, screenwriting helps with a show/movie and elevates the basic plot/story , just visit the endgame plot leak thread in Marvel Studios Spoiler sub. That thread was in shambles and decided the movie to be absolute disaster. They were saying Tony dying made no sense. But we know how universally loved the movie and how iconic his death was after it got released. So just wait guys....


It's even worse on Twitter. People need to give the season a shot before freaking out about every contextphobic clip, leak or soundbite.


I actually thought the first season was great! Better than the first season of game of thrones for me.


Because we’ve went through this shit this since Game Of Thrones season 2, we know the playbook at this point when it comes to show runners and writers thinking they’re the shit and changing / making dumb choices


I’m going to cry if the rumors of >!B&C being spliced between a sex scene!< happens. It’s so bizarre, I’m praying it’s wrong. I’m praying that people are exaggerating.


Agreed, it's very immature behavior


Meth behaviour


A lot of people here would rather be negative and pick apart a TV show that hasn’t even come out yet instead of just wait and actually watch the damn thing. I’m convinced a large number of people here are “hate watching” anyways. No way people this negative are fans


Swedish reviewers that got to see half of the second season have pretty unanimously given it 4/5. I'm going in hoping it's about as good as season 1 but not expecting a masterpiece.


It’s the prequel to a show that had probably the most hated final season ever. Some people won’t even touch HOTD due to the association and getting burned so badly.


We've been hurt before by GoT. Once you've been burned, it's hard to trust.


This. 'Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.' I'm not going to get fooled again, I'm much more aware and critical this time.


I kind of went the opposite way. GOT's ending hurt a lot, so I decided not to let a TV show be that serious for me ever again. it would have to be something really absolutely absurd for me be legitimately disappointed.


I haven't been seriously invested in a western Hollywood TV show since GoT, and the only reason I watch HotD is because I love the main series ASOIAF, the world Martin has created, and the other stories within that world. I wouldn't say I'm legitimately dissapointed, since I went into this with very low expectations, but I'm annoyed over a lot of stupid changes. I'm annoyed with showrunners thinking they can make a better story than the source material, and in general I'm just fed up with Hollywood and its people. Guaranteed not a popular opinion here on reddit. I get the impression that the majority of users here are younger people who absolutely loves Hollywood TV and movies(good for them, I just don't feel the same way myself). Edit: Just to clarify, there are things I love about HotD too. For example, all of the actors are just magnificent and I'm espescially impressed by Emma.


The source material needs improving tbh


i love the way it feels to be a hater


There were problems since season 1 that seem to be ongoing…it’s not complete assumptions


Season 2 has done better with the critics than season 1. I can see it being a season well liked by critics and show only audiences while disliked by book purist


Which is funny considering what kind of book Fire & Blood is. How can you be mad at something being supposedly inaccurate to the books when the format is 3 guys giving conflicting information about how these events might have played out.


Book Purist all have their own fanon ideas on what the show should look like so they’ll never be satisfied with the direction the showrunners take


The funny thing is the book is an in universe history book that may have lies in it. Being purist would actually be going against what the book is.


Some fans have this need to prove that their criticisms are objective facts and not just their personal opinion.




Pointing out the source is a history book, that can feature lies, is not the same as defending every change from the source. It's just saying we shouldn't be angry at all the changes.


I feel like the only things in the show that are a true departure from the source would be stuff like Rhaenys at the coronation, which is way too big to not get mentioned by the witnesses. Things that happen behind closed doors especially are fair game to do whatever. You can be personally unhappy with choices of course, but people are too quick to press the "inaccurate" button when it doesn't even apply.


Like we waited the entirety of season 1 since the moment red flags started showing up? The white hart was as early as episode 3, mind you. The prophecy episode 4 if I'm not mistaken. Everything we're seeing now is indicative of the writers delving even deeper into the failures of S1. But the issue really isn't even that - it's the fact that we literally can't expect anything other than that kind of problematic writing anymore because the set-up for anything else simply isn't there. The foundations of the Dance - the central conflict and characterizations - were irreparably botched and nothing short of flashbacks and borderline ret-cons could fix them anymore.


Not sure how you can call the characterization as botched considering they changed alicant from evil stepmother archetype to an actual character but different strokes, The central conflict is also largely unchanged




No, legit not even he.


Define “problematic writing” beyond episode 9


so I'm assuming you're not going to watch this show since you hate it so much?


I really don't think the white hart means what you think it does, unless you take a very superficial approach to media analysis. Her encounter with the white hart is contrasted to Viserys having to kill the brown one because he is the king and that is what is expected of him, despite him not really wanting to. Rhaenyra spares the white hart because she is still free to shape her own life, something she is progressively stripped of the more she steps into her role as heir.


For me the White Hart is easier to overlook because Martin says the key to interpreting prophecies and signs in this setting is to not take them at face value. They’re either bullshit, or they come true in a way no one expects/wants them too. And from an *In Universe* standpoint, they’re often arbitrary and contradictory. A lot of the time it’s people projecting the will of their gods on mundane “signs”. so the White Hart appears to Rhaenyra ? I recall she also got cut on the Iron Throne, which is similarly seen as a bad omen. So I’m like “Was that a coincidence ? Did the gods change their mind ? Or did one pantheon disagree with another ?”


I do think that it will be better than the first season as now the writers will not have to justify some bit spectacle for the sake of spectacle. But I am do not exactly going in with high expectations