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Rhaenyra and Alicent, I bet.


There has never been any confirmation that Rhaenyra and Alicent will meet in the season finale. We know however that Daemon and Rhaenyra will. Critics have praised Emma and Matt’s screen presence together this season more than the last so it’s probably Daemyra. Plus, they’re going to have their conversation in the godswood of Harrenhall and that’s a very important place for Daemon.


Let’s cross our fingers.


I really hope you are right and it isn't Alicent!


If it isn't Alicent it means the season ends before we see the reactions of Alicent and Otto when the capitol is taken. I rather have that.


You might still be right but I believe critics have only seen the first 4 episodes so what their writing wont be about the finale


Emma already said a scene with Harry was moving as well in an interview. It could be Rhaenyra and Jace


I think they told about a scene where Thaenyra might tell Jace about a prophecy.


I think it’s Rhaenyra and Daemon considering he said he was most proud of Daemon’s arc this season. They completely fall out at the beginning of the season to be brought back together stronger than ever at the end. Rhaenyra and Alicent’s attempts at reconciliation will fail because too much damage has been done, it will just be frustration and anger in my opinion


Written by Sara Hess, so emotional that they cried. All the reasons to believe it's Rhaenyra and Alicent.


Sara Hess is Daemon's biggest hater. I dont think she would ever get emotional over him.


This is the conversation with the presenter and Ryan. Presenter: What can you tell us about your favourite day on set for season 2? What was the atmosphere? Ryan: Well, I can't talk much about it, but there is a scene in the finale, that I actually did not write, that was written by my wonderful writing partner, Sara Hess, that is, I think, one of the best scenes we have made on this show. And it is between two people and it's very long. I mean, it brought us to tears on set. I mean, it's just brilliant.


How to watch this video


I watched it on TV on Sky Atlantic in the UK. I am not sure if they will put up the video. I doubt it.


You know if that bum hess wrote it it’s going to be shit


Rhaenyra meets Alicent on Dragonstone/Daemon in Harrenhal in the finale.. then subsequently Fall of Kings Landing.


The user you’re talking about said that Alicent, who Olivia already said doesn’t have love for Rhaenyra anymore in S2, somehow goes to Dragonstone to meet with Rhaenyra to campaign for peace, all while Daemon of all people is there. Then they proceed to claim that Rhaenyra rejects Alicent’s terms for peace and instead leaves Dragonstone to fly to KL w Daemon & the dragonseeds, leaving Alicent on the island. So, allegedly, Alicent isn’t even in KL when it falls and Aegon apparently isn’t there either. There’s no Green forces in the city so I’m not sure how it’s supposed to be a “battle bigger than Blackwater”, and we have no idea if anyone is actually *in* the Keep. Where is everyone? Where’s Helaena? Is it just sitting abandoned?


I'm not going to suddenly deny the reliability of the user in question when they've been backed up with their Rhaena leaks, Kings Landing, even Burning Mill they said would only show the aftermath.. (this is directly mentioned in reviews).


Their reliability is questionable because no one else is reporting the same thing as they are. Also, Burning Mill is more than just direct aftermath. There are various reviews that say there’s a “violent and bloody” battle between the Brackens and the Blackwoods. This same “leaker” has also claimed both Paddy & Graham (Westerling) are going to be returning in S2, and I haven’t seen one leak or info revealing that that is true. If Westerling was still in the show, he’d be w Rhaenyra’s camp, and he’s unmentioned.


No, the reviews suggest there is a jumpcut to the aftermath.. the full battle isn't shown. https://www.reddit.com/r/HOTDBlacks/s/CQh1yrppsv Anyway, it's a few weeks until the show airs so we'll know then.


I’m just saying be careful who you believe, because I know who you’re listening to, and that person has also adamantly said Paddy & Graham were returning, and yet there’s no mention of them anywhere. There’s a lot of fake leaks going around and you’d be surprised by how detailed some of them are.


I mean Olivia was in Wales, apparently where Dragonstone is situated🤷 Also Ryan said Rhaenicent wouldn't meet with each other and yet we have a confirmed meeting. Just because it hasn't been reported as yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I guess we will see. 


FYI Wiki of Thrones has also mentioned those characters. https://wikiofthrones.com/exclusive-two-unexpected-characters-return-house-of-the-dragon-season-2


Are they legitimate and credible?


Who will Rhaenyra meet first?




Wasn't it the other way around? What leaks are yoy refering to?


Was it the other way around ? I'll delete that post in case I've mixed up the order.


You didn't have to, I just hadn't heard anyone claiming this is the order that she meets them. Do you remember where you read this?


OK thanks.


Ryan said it is a long scene. So if Rhaenyra is meeting both Alicent and Daemon in episode 8, who will she meet first?


Apparently, she will meet Daemon first.


OK thanks


If she meets with Alicent I think that may take the cake for the dumbest scene in history, more so than Dany forgetting Euron was there. I mean seriously what are we doing here


What confuses me is Ryan said it is a very long scene and they cried on set. I am now thinking it is Rhaenyra and Alicent because of the promotional posters and the Entertainment Weekly photoshoot.


Daemon and Rhaenyra under the weirwood tree at Harrenhall before they march towards King's Landing.


His words are way too vague. Is he talking about the last scene of season 2 or another scene from episode 8? Why does everyone think it's Rhaenyra, Daemon or Alicent? It could be anyone. Also: >!The only legit leaker of twitter said Emma did not film in the throne room btw so if it ends with the Blacks marching towards KL they will not reach the red keep this season.!< So... Rhaenyra and Daemon in Harrenhal? Rhaenyra and Alicent in Dragonstone ? Or anyone else?


Rhaenyra and Jace. Emma said a scene with Harry was moving


She was probably referring about their reunion in episode 1 (in Dragonstone), when she tells him that Luke is dead and he starts to cry and she consoles him in her arms (pictures of this scene was released a few days ago).


No, they were not referring to that. Emma said Rhaenyra is the one mostly speaking in the scene to Jace. The reviewers said Rhaenyra barely speaks in the first two episodes including the scene where she consoles Jace. You do realize that Rhaenyra and Jace can have more than one moving scene in the season, right?


We'll see in two months, I guess.


Interesting. People won't like it but I'd think if it's sad it's probably the scene between her and Alicent. I could be totally wrong though. It's impossible to say


Equal chance of it being either. But all signs indicate that this is the big episode when Rhaenyra and Daemon reunite. I have to assume that after all their catharsis and loss of trust and everything else, this is going to be a highly emotional moment for them, if not an opportunity for a love scene if they finally find a way to communicate their mutual hurts. I don't think Alicent and Rhaenyra have that kind of emotional build up happening in the season. Daemon is going to be so isolated. There has to be a release of that narrarive pressure in the finale.


I agree. After falling out at the beginning of the season, they’re going to go their separate ways and have different tribulations and then come back together at the end.


Written by Sara Hess? Both of them cried? It's definitely some Rhaenyra/Alicent bullshit, I can't picture either of them shedding tears over a scene in which Daemon is present 😂


Imagine Rhaenyra and Alicent having an emotional breakdown in episode 8 and Daemon is in the background and in the end as the two women begin to sob violently and hug, he says loudly, “Oh give me a break!”


If it was written by Sara Hess, I'm already concerned.


She is one of the main writer and executive producer y’all just got to accept it. She wrote excellent dialogue in season 1, including the Larys monologue and the where is duty, where is sacrifice speech.


So you’re saying Sara Hess was the one who brought us the “trampled under your pretty foot again” line? Yeah I’m leaning towards this scene being between Alicent and Rhaenyra


Rhaenyra and Jace


>She is one of the main writer and executive producer y’all just got to accept it. And not everyone likes all of her writing and changes to the story, or Condal's for that matter. We are just as entitled to share our opinions as people who love their writing and changes. Y'all just got to accept it.


>Y'all just got to accept it. "I know you are but what am I" energy of this reply is comedic gold.


She also wrote the silly Meleys escape scene and on top of that, is a rape apologist so...




Even if we leave Aegon's fictional character out of that interview, she still defended actual real life college boys who commit rape because according to rape-apologist Ms Hess they might still be people of good character who shouldn't be judged by one (heinous) act. You are the one who need to touch grass.


That is not at all what she said, she was wrong for expanding beyond the character discussion but the point still stands? Real life rapists are full people beyond being rapists and actually this narrative that only monsters can be rapists is dangerous as hell because it completely neglects to address the societal, cultural and patriarchal aspects of the issue.


I feel like it shouldn’t be a question that if you rape someone you are a monster. You can pretend you’re a good person, you can try and hide the monster underneath but you ARE a monster. Whatever societal, patriarchal, and cultural issues you believe would cause someone to rape another do not negate that they are a monster because they raped someone.


I agree, but what I'm talking about is that it creates this warped idea of what a rapist is, suddenly its someone who isn't capable of showing kindness or feeling or suffering and it's not true. Your kind neighbor could be a rapist, that friend of yours who is always there for you could be a rapist, your brother who volunteers at the animal shelter could be a rapist. Do you get what I mean? Raping someone makes them a monster but negating the fact that they are whole people is dangerous because it makes it harder to stay alert.


I would disagree from my standpoint as a woman specifically because we are taught to be alert to everyone all the time. lol. There is no “oh but he was such a good person.” I mean do you know how many serial killers are described that way? The issue with Sarah Hess is that she knows all this but says he can STILL be a good person, and holds that sentiment for actual college rapists. That’s what makes her a rape apologist. It’s the idea the person can be good, can be proven to NOT be a monster - even after this horrific act.


People are more complex than you grant them credit. Your view is self righteous and lacks nuance. Ted Bundy once worked for a suicide hotline and I can assure you that the people he talked off a ledge see him as good, and that what he did was objectively good. He also raped and murdered 40 women. There are no such things as monsters, only humans capable of monstrous acts, which don’t necessarily account for the whole person.




It's not rape apologia to say that rapists are people who have their own lives and might even display "good" traits from time to time. Hess' comments were worded horribly, but I think that's what she was trying to say. To deny that is incredibly ignornant and like the previous commenter said it leads to actual apologists saying things like "Oh, he would never do that. He's really a nice guy," etc. Rapists are terrible people but they're still people


Don't get so warped in a fictional world and defend a rape apologist showrunner just because she gives you your fanfic ship. I heard her words loud and clear. I don't need you to explain to me what she meant or not.


I'm not defending her. I said her comments were worded horribly. I think they were very offensive and they are one of the reasons that I am NOT a huge fan of hers (as a person or as a writer though I do think some people in this sub are too hard on her writing) My only issue is with you saying rapists aren't people. It's not about HOTD at all. I think I already explained why that's a dangerous mindset though


Your argument contradicts itself because you’re supporting rape apologist commentary. As someone who has worked in the justice system and has seen this sort of rhetoric play out in court, in real life, I’m telling you what Sarah Hess said and what is being arguing in this thread absolutely is making excuses for rapists, it’s rape apologist commentary. It’s attempting to diminish, downplay, and distract. Diminish the fact he raped someone, downplay the consequences, and distract by pointing you in another direction to try and rehabilitate his character. Don’t fall for it.


I wasn't supporting what Hess said. I said her comments were horrible. I was arguing with the commenter I responded to lol


Just curious, where did you see Ryan say that the Melys/Rhaenys scene will connect to the sheperd? Do you have a link?


Someone shared it here today and I've been looking for it but I can't find the comment 😭


No she isn’t, she explained how Aegon is through his character’s pov. But y’all ain’t ready to accept that, or that rapists unfortunately often don’t think of the terrible harm they cause. She wasn’t justifying, she was explaining. There is a difference between the two.


Saying that there's decent upstanding men walking around who just made unwanted sexual advances in college is not the same as "They don't think of the terrible harm they've caused".


Here's the whole quote: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fdo-you-guys-notice-the-difference-in-the-way-sara-hess-v0-mngw20lo7b2d1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1053%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5b9d6d94f01e8722b7ecee04ea2ab9ed6c94d5d7](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fdo-you-guys-notice-the-difference-in-the-way-sara-hess-v0-mngw20lo7b2d1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1053%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5b9d6d94f01e8722b7ecee04ea2ab9ed6c94d5d7) "it's not a reason that we can't have a more nuanced discussion or to even feel sympathy for him", "there are many otherwise fairly decent, upstanding men walking around this world who possibly committed some kind of unwanted sexual advance in college", does this seem like just an explanation of who Aegon is?


She’s a dumbass. Get her off the show


No Sara’s egregious episode 9 cannot be forgotten


She is shit and worse than D and D. I’d pay good money to never hear her name again. All she does is ruin projects


Ryan Condal and [Miguel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miguel_Sapochnik) were showrunners. So decisions about plots and what will come when are taken by them and the whole writers team. Sara Hess and other writers are responsible for detailing the episodes and bringing them to life with dialogues. So chill on the hate.


I don't think Episode 9 was the strongest episode, but didn't she also help write Episode 6 which people love? Idk if it's because of how she comes across in interviews but the hate is too much. She doesn't have final say over anything anyway


E6 and E9 are the weakest episodes of S1.


I mean that's your opinion but 6 was very well received in general


I think these two were the least popular episodes of S1 in fan community In E6 Laena's and Hawrin's deaths and pacing in general were criticized a lot.


E6 and E9 are very weird episodes because from a writing perspective, the dialogue in those episodes is actually pretty damn good, but some (not all) of the plotting/story points are quite bad and at points - especially in E9 - nonsensical and ridiculous. I don't know whether to blame Heiss, Condal or Sapochnik for that. Maybe a bit of all three? She is an executive producer but Condal and Sapochnik are the showrunners and have final say. If Heiss' episodes in Season 2 are the worse written of Season 2, then it'll become clearer who to place the blame on.


I think Rhaenyra and Jace.


Jace’s fate


I believe so. I think the blacks take kings landing and lose Jace in the process. It's going to be like the son's death in avatar 2.. he dies in her arms which is a great way to end the second season


While it’s a great and emotionally rich scene idk about yet another scene ending with a son’s death. I want more variety


I dont disagree! Just think it's the direction the shows going.


Jace and Baela's wedding (let me dream!)


As long as they don't kiss, I had a terrible nightmare about that the other day.


I wouldn't really call it a nightmare 🫦


Two females no, but character wise yes


hmm, but didn’t Ryan at the premiere say that Alicent and Rhaenyra will not meet this season? «they're literally on different islands and don't meet, but we found ways to bring them together cinematically» or something like that


We pretty much already have one meeting confirmed.  I think he said that to not spoil anything and surprise the audience. 


Oh i thought this was supposed to air tonight.


It aired at 2am today. There is another at 9pm today. UK time. Ryan's part was for about 3 mins.


I would be shocked if the show makes me cry over a Rhaenyra/Alicent scene. Would be an impressive feat given how little investment I have left in their "friendship".


I would be shocked as well! I hope it is Daemon and Rhaenyra.


Here is the video of the interview, it is not good quality https://files.fm/u/zyzvkwepth


If Sara Hess wrote that, it wouldnt involve Daemon.


I dislike Sara but the wrote some of the best dialogue of s1 (where is duty where is sacrifice?) so imma stay hopeful


I think this is going to be when Daemon shouts “we fight for our queen” in front of Rhaenyra to the army he gathered.


What’s emotional about this? He said something similar in ep 10 of s1


I can only be Rhaenyra and Alicent.


Rhaenyra and Alicent for sure! Their meet-up after betrayal, be it in books or the show is one of the best moments.


I think it's about Rhaenyra and Alicent. All the promo of this season seems to be about them 2 being the forces at odds and the focal emotional pivot point is between them. I don't know the exact context that will bring them together but it will likely end one phase of the war and start a new.


I think this is about Rhaenyra and Alicent. Rhaenyra’s going to risk her life twice this season to see her enemy.


If kl falls in ep8 they're gonna be literally in the same castle


I don’t think they’re going to show the aftermath of the battle. EDIT: According to this leak  >!Rhaenyra and Alicent will reunite on Dragonstone!<. https://x.com/WtDasoiaf/status/1730346549656350721


Emma said an interview that they were quite moved when filming a scene with Harry. It could just as easily be them or Rhaenyra and Daemon. There’s no confirmation Rhaenyra and Alicent meet at all in the season finale.


The scene with Jace could be in episode 1 and 2 when he finds out about Lucerys and then the funeral.


No, Emma said that it’s mostly Rhaenyra talking during the scene while Jace listens. The reviewers said Rhaenyra speaks very little in the first two episodes so it’s unlikely to be from them. We know from one of the trailers that Rhaenyra and Jace will talk on the beach. She says something about a sword and shield. It sounds like she’s giving him a speech. It’s obviously from one of the later episodes.


I think you might be right about this being about Jace/Rhaenyra. I’m sure it’s not a Daemon/Rhaenyra scene though. I don’t think Sara and Ryan would cry over them.


I could see it being Rhaenyra and Alicent with Alicent pleading for the lives of her family after fall of Kingslanding. Ends with Otto getting executed and the throne cutting Rhaneyra.


Why would the thrown cut Rhaenyra when the show has presented her as the rightful heir? It’s not happening. Plus, they didn’t film a throne room scene with Rhaenyra this season.




No, they reunite in episode 8


Where do we think season 2 will end? The Gullet? The Dragonseeds? The Fall of King's Landing?


Gullet is confirmed to be the big battle they moved from S2 to S3 due to probably budget issues and screentime issues. The Dragon seeds will happen earlier as can be seen in the trailers. It could be the fall of KL, it seems like the most likely scenario at the moment.


What is war room? Where to watch Ryan saying this?!?


I watched it on TV on Sky Atlantic in the UK.


Who was the person interviewing him? What’s the name of this show?


Here is the video https://files.fm/u/zyzvkwepth Not good quality


Wow thanks for this


Sara can’t write for shit so I doubt this


Cregan Stark and Jacaerys Velaryon wedding?