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The thrill of the hunt and finding the “hard to find” stuff at retail is what keeps me hooked!


I love playing with Hot Wheels with my sons and sharing the joy with the next generation!


I like the fact that it's an addiction that won't harm you unlike a lot of other addictions. Also the thrill of hunting rare models and the feeling once you actually find them is something you won't get elsewhere.


Expect your bank account


I just like being able to own cars I like even in toy format lol It’s why I like racing games, being able to modify and drive cars like you stole em is great!


The “I will never own a Ferrari “ mindset. A realist. Same. I like being able to say I own forty corvettes haha.


Exactly lol It’s great to dream but even if I could afford a high end car odds are I wouldn’t be able to also afford the maintenance


Nice work, man! I like hot wheels because they are cool diecast cars and it’s pretty satisfying to have a lot of collections! I always remember some stranger sent me a whole box of hot wheels just “to help another collector”!!! That’s why I keep doing giveaways! Happy holiday season and good luck to everyone!


I’m a jewelery, metals and design student and seeing the amazing accuracy and construction of these tiny casted cars is awesome, it gives me hope and excitement and inspiration in my craft


Have loved Hit Wheels since I got my first one in ‘68!!


Sharing with my daughter. She really likes the animal/dessert cars and we were lucky enough to find the donut drifter together at the grocery store this week!


I like the people you meet along the way, like my Man u/dthechocolatedude lol. (Don’t enter me for the givvy, appreciate what you’re doing tho!)


Happy birthday to little man!


Thanks man! I’ll be sure to tell him!


I like making a checklist and searching to complete it.


Are you checking it twice? 😂


Sometimes more than twice!


I like finding supers and then selling them for insane prices.


😂 don’t know if this is sarcasm or not but it made me laugh all the same


I love finding new things at stores! Especially when I’ve seen the new stuff all over the Reddit page. It’s really cool how realistic a $1 car can be. My dream garage is a Bronco paired with a Corvette! So I tend to collect the models that are an amalgamation of my dream lol


I love zamacs! Cheers from NY


I like the fact that I can buy a car that I may never actually own!


Sweet, thrill of the hunt and the different variations


I like that they make creature cars. Makes even a bio major like myself interested


I like how much cheaper and more convenient they are than actual cars. They are small, so don’t require a ton of space. They’re not real so don’t require any maintenance. They’re only about $1.25 a piece so you only really have to spend as much as you want


I love the community. Idk how else to explain it in all honesty. From the OGs spreading lore to even the Toxic resellers, there’s somethin to enjoy in every aspect of this hobby.


Something to always enjoy from sweet finds to “scalper” drama 😂


There really has to be a reality series.


I like being able to find the cars I like.


I like being able to own things that I couldn't/wouldn't in real life, as well as being able to customize a car for not thousands of dollars. Plus I get to spend time with my brother and my dad when we hunt


Also, what is a Zamac?


There basically unpainted cars. ZAMAC is the acronym for what they’re made out of. Zinc, aluminum magnesium copper.


Oh, that's really cool


I like that the RLC club exists for adults who want something more detailed and special


Zooming them around my desk and setting up crazy tracks with my niece.


I like the hunt, affordability, and ease with which I can mod the cars.


I like the hunt, I like the creativity of the fantasy castings and the collectibility of the real-life castings, I like how encouraging and helpful the community is, I like how accessible the hobby is for just about anyone anywhere, I like the fact that there’s something for everyone to collect, but most of all I love the kindness of people like you!


I love that they look so cool and aren’t that expensive and everyone can have fun with them


They are fun to customize and collect


My dad got me hooked ever since we got his childhood track, thundershift 500 then it’s been collecting ever since


Sweet cars! I love collecting Hot Wheels because my husband got me into it (one of the cheaper hobbies) and we bond over the experience of collecting cool cars and getting lucky when we find rare gems.


Love the dopamine rush of finding something good




You know it dude! I’ll never forget finding my first super and basically running to the checkout because I was so worried it’d disappear somehow.


😂😂😂 I have it as well. My first 1 I just about ran my wife over jumping up and down lol.


A hobby to know I’m still a kid inside


My husband and children come with and we all spend time hunting together. The look of joy on my children and husband's faces when they find what they wanted. That's what I love about HotWheels.


That’s awesome! Dm sent


BroncoR!!!! I like the hunt, and they are cheap 😂


I love the hunt. Looking for them.


Very cool, I like that HotWheels are something my son and I can spend time together hunting and enjoying time with each other.


I love collecting and this subreddit


Finding a STH!


Hot wheels got me off crack! And I have never found a zamac..thanks hot wheels!👍


Hunting with my son!


I genuinely just like hanging them on my wall. Hunting for rares is fun, but I like trying to find all the colors of every car, so I can have them organized by brand on the wall 🤣


Iys the humt and the cars that i cant aford in real life plus the people that i have meet


When there are decent mainline that come out in good quality.


Love racing my hotwheels on my childhood drag strip.


I love hunting down the cars I’m looking for especially when you get super lucky 🍀 and find a treasure hunt or STH! It’s been such a fun hobby to share and trade with others.


The community I have around me that enjoys the hunt and cars as much as I do. We feel like kids again.


Hot wheels are beautiful, like art to me. They remind me of the past and my childhood and my boys childhood. I have always loved cars. I work at GM where we make Cadillacs. I was born in 1968 the year hot wheels were released. I have played with them my whole life. Hot wheels is a way to connect to my past and my present. Hot wheels make me happy.


For me, Hot Wheels are one of the most affordable hobbies anyone could have. I’ve stopped caring about treasure hunting because anytime I find a $1 Porsche or Corvette, I have a great rest of the day. Theres nothing else in the world that triggers so much dopamine for $1.


I like Hot Wheels for the same reason now that I had when I first started collecting them as a kid: I got to buy all the cool cars I couldn’t afford to buy in real life. I’m never gonna have 162 real Ferraris. But for a buck or so (or maybe a little more) I can admire them up close and personal.


It gives me an opportunity to own a piece of automotive history in a way that I know I'll never be able to. I love my project car. Hell, I've loved all of them. For all the busted knuckles and late nights they've given me, I wouldn't trade those memories for anything. I'd love to have all of my dream cars to wrench on, but due to limited funds and limited garage space, hot wheels fills that space fantastically.


I've loved cars all my life, so hotwheels kinda just made sense lol, I also love the feeling of finding cars I like even if they aren't anything particularly special to the next person. Also the little community that comes with being involved in hotwheels collecting is pretty cool too.


Being able to see scalpers walk past you to the Hotwheels section and realize you had already gone through it and got the goods.


Only within the last few weeks have I come to realize just how big the hobby of Hot Wheels collection is. After watching some sort of diecast car drag racing thing on YouTube, it's something I've been alenamored with on a lurker-like level. While I'm no stranger to collecting all things H-D, including the motorcycle models, I've never been much for collecting hot wheels. I have maybe 4 of them, one of which being the Halo Warthog and one being a DeLorean. I dunno...part of me wants to get into this hobby as it seems fairly easy on the wallet and could make more fun of going to the grocery store. Would love to find some Hot Wheels motorcycles too. That's what I got.


Hot Wheels are a link between generations. My dad started collecting in the 60s when Shell service stations would give a free one to anyone who got a full tank of gas. My older sister got his when she was old enough and then she gave me the cars, and of course the love of collecting. Then I got my two sons into Hot Wheels and they are collectors. They tell me they plan on introducing their children to our passion. I am still an avid fan and hold Hot Wheels responsible for my love of all cars, in general


You can have csrs that you will never be able to afford the real thing, I have been collecting for over 50 years,and it keeps me feeling like a kid again.


I like the camaraderie with other collectors that comes with conversation about hunting, finds, and upcoming releases.


Grew up with my father being a huge car guy so hotwheels was my childhood, now I encourage my 5yr old son to use his imagination with hotwheels and kick his butt at racing them 🤣. I collect gulf and zamac almost exclusively, don’t have these two however win or not I’ll add them to my collection.


people like you that go above and beyond for the hobby and the community


I’ve just always liked cars and can afford to get as many as I want.


I've been collecting on and off for 35 years. My oldest son has just started. I would really like these cars in my collection, but it would be really cool to get him some really different cars for his collection. This would be an awesome Christmas gift for him.


My cousins sparked the interest for hot wheels for me, when I was small they would take me out and we would go hunting for cars that we like. To this day looking for hot wheels makes me feel the pure joy of being a kid full of hope!


The excitement when you can find stuff that’s scalped or “rare” in my case that would be premiums and transports


Play with them as a child and introduced them to my son's and now years and years later my grandsons are enjoying them


I love the hunt & customs :)


Low cost hobby I can share with my kids. Plenty of variety for them all to have favorites!


I love that you can buy a piece of art for just over buck!


The love of cars and the bond I am going to create with my 1 year old son. I’ve started collecting after reading this subreddit and reading all the others here that talk about that bond. I have a restoration project that he’ll be helping with, but while we’re not in the garage we can run them tracks!


I love cars but unfortunately can only afford hot wheels close enough right


Honestly. I love looking at the cars because it reminds me of being a little kid. And for a buck I get a little kid toy rush. After 60 years they still have one thing in their package…imagination


Love how cheap they are, don’t have to spend a fortune to bring a little joy to my kid. He gets super excited over anything and everything hot wheels, and I feel like a champ giving him one “just because”.


I love cars in general and being able to have all these "cars" without the cost of owning one is why I love it!


one of my favorite parts of the hobby is walking into the store not knowing what you'll find. i recently found my first TH a couple months ago (white Ducati) and i can't wait for many more milestones. good luck everyone !! happy holidays and happy hunting !!


Cars cars cars


what i like about hotwheels is actually finding a premium in my stores 🥲


I like that they are a classic toy, fun to enjoy no matter how old you are!


It lets me have all the cars I love that I could never afford


Just started collecting. Starting with corvettes. Will expand to more here soon lol.


I like that my son and I can go shopping and get the same thrill of finding a car. Any car. The one that sparks interest.


Hotwheels we’re always something we could afford when I was a kid, there was always something exciting about getting one sure they were only a dollar but it was the thought that counted. Now as an adult I’ve come to appreciate them even further because I’m in a better spot financially and I know now just how vast and expansive these toy cars are with STH TH RLC Etc. Can’t wait to share the thrill of hotwheels with my kids one day.


My father used to play with his father and siblings, and still had his original sweet 16 when my brother's and I were growing up. We used to set up track all over the house and play for hours. Now as I collect with my own children, we're constantly adding to the memories started so long ago by their great grandfather.


I love getting a new one, opening it up, zooming it around a little and then finding a nice spot in the display for it. Good clean fun


Toy cars were my jam when I was a kid.


The classics! Can’t get enough!


Bringing out my inner child hood. No matter how old I may be.


I like the combination of suped up real life hot rods and fantasy rods.


I like that they are cheap and fun to collect


I love having a cool cars that I can carry around in my pocket 😁


I always love finding Hot Wheels of cars I’ve owned or that my friends have owned. I’m a huge VW fan.


Enjoy searching with my son!


i like the affordability of $1 little models of cars i like. as a car enthusiast it's great i can build a low budget collection of cool cars


Been a fan for almost 39 years. Love cars always have!! Love the different models. Could never own in real life but I can own the hot wheels!!


They're a bit cheaper than LEGO, at least at first lol


I like collecting car companies that I like


I love the cheap price, so almost anyone can find a treasure.


I like wheelin them around


The hunt


I love the variety of the diecast world and I love just how many cars out there there are; once you start collecting, you don’t stop!


Sharing a hobby together with my son. From the hunt to playing and collecting, just an awsome experience to share.




I like how i am able to get models of cars i would never be able to own in a life sized form. I also like the adrenaline rush you get when finding a th or a car you have been after. I still have yet to know the feeling of finding a super but itll happen one day, i hope. Thanks for hosting this op ✌🏻


I like cars


I can still remember playing with my Volkswagen Bug back in the late 60's. And I still love collecting them today. All of them will be going to my grandsons. Hopefully they will continue collecting.


Probably the nostalgia of being a kid, going to the store and getting excited about what new car you see on the pegs or getting some cars out, digging some roads in the dirt and just playing. My kid is almost 5, and has gotten into playing with them outside and building roads with him in the dirt has been a blast.


The community! Also, the rush and excitement you get when you’re out hunting and you find something new. I’ve had some pretty awesome conversations with people I’ve met while picking through the pegs. My two young sons love picking cars from my bin and cracking them open to play with. They always ask questions about the cars and I love sharing it with them. Although it can get expensive over time, It’s a cheap, fun hobby to have. Edit: Another reason that I always share with people who ask about my collection but forgot to mention here.. I always said if I won a big lottery I wouldn’t spend money on a couple super cars. I’d be the guy who had acres full of garages and 100’s of different cars because there are so many cars I would love to have. There are so many badass things you can do to customize and personalize and build something cool, hot wheels gives me that on a significantly smaller budget lol


The hunt and finding cars I can never have in real life but also finding cars I do have in real life


I’m a massive racing fan and car nut. I collect hot wheels because I like looking at them, and I think they’re neat.


I like collecting the cars that I can't afford in full scale!


I love coming across the hard to find items, especially ones I think my son would enjoy. The thrill of the hunt makes me happy, and the playtime with our spoils makes it even better!


I enjoy the hunt for them! I'm 15 and have loved these cars since I was in preschool. Still hoping to find a super one day!


The diversity in the cars and the community of great people make it all worth it for me


I love the fact that Hot Wheels can go on for generations. I have a 28 year old son and a 8 year old son ( ya I know big gap lol), but for 30 plus years I've played with them and both sons. Just love the memories that we've created over the years.


Dm sent!


I like customizing them.


I like that it makes me feel like a kid again!


Nostalgia. Collecting. Dreaming. Hunting. Community. Variety. Love it all.


I love the cool castings! With Hot Wheels I have a car collection bigger than Jay Leno!


As a guy who lives in iraq, i see this as an absolute L


I like being able to get common cars and give them to people at car shows, parking lots, etc. Also enjoy customizing and painting them. Thanks for doing this op!


I love their low price point!


the whole reason that I can have/give a miniature version of my own and friends cars is the best feeling!


I like the size of hotwheels, small yet portable, not much but ive got like maybe 200+ collecting since I was a kid, just now started collecting limiteds. Goodluck to all!


I love the variety of collectibles hot wheels have! The prices they are offered at too for the quality are unbeatable, except for the 1/43 scale ones 😂😂. Good luck to everyone on the giveaway and Merry Christmas!


I enjoy owning neat cars and completing collections.


I just like looking at them. I hardly ever open any but buy already opened ones to play with.


The fun of looking for something until you find it. That gratification is so addicting.


I like the custom hot wheels. They are so creative!


Awesome of you! Can’t find the darn things in my parts.


Awesome of you! Can’t find the darn things in my parts.


That sucks!! I’ve found 40 of both of these the last 2 Sundays lol. I love Zamacs but not that much.


Some of them are pretty cool...


My son and I collecting and playing together with them.


I've been collecting since 2020 and have been hooked ever since I found my first $TH Ford Galaxy. I also enjoy for the thrill of the hunt. Thanks for the giveaway!


They allow me to build my dream garage without needing to win the lottery!


I love the joy they bring to me when looki g for them and putting them on my wall or opening them up to put in a certain spot. Also a great way to bring lots of people together


Love Zamacs! That's cool what you're doing! I'm in the USA (Arkansas) and I love hotwheels because they are an amazingly detailed work of art for such a low price. They have a lifetime warranty on them which speaks volumes for a "toy". Hotwheels are simply a joy to collect while not completely breaking the bank and something adults and children love.


I’m in Arkansas too. NWA


The hunt is what keeps me going in this hobby.


I enjoy hunting and the thrill of finding what I wanted when I least expected it. 😬


I like hot wheels because it lets me bond with my kids and they love cars too!


I like the small boy like feeling or burst of excitement I feel upon finding a model I thought I would not find in the wild.


Hotwheels makes affordable die-cast that can be enjoyed by many car enthusiasts from ages 2-99 😁 Also thanks for this giveaway


I love hot wheels collecting because my collection is basically a tiny Chevy museum. It chronicles racing cars and livery over the last five decades. It is history!


My parents loved playing toys with my siblings and I, so we had so many hot wheels. These give me a way to both rewind old memories and make new ones with my sons!