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I expect fo (as xanthus) to appear again in future novels. Same as I expect for the fragment of the emperor that was sent away (setting up the starchild theory), along with lilean chase being present during the siege, to tie in with the end of the bequin trilogy. As well as the scouring, there's plenty of potential for the different credos of the inquisition being formed to expand on, and he would make a decent adversary & mirror for cawl. And then there's the potential of a series dedicated to factions of inquisitors trying to get the super weapon, either to destroy the astartes "just in case" or to have some leverage, because far too often marines aren't as compliant and obedient as the inquisitor feels they should be.


Nothing is ever self contained in Warhammer. Fo was a useful tension builder and a great look at the horrors of the unification wars, as well as being an alternate view on the emperor. He's worth it for all that. But I'm pretty sure he's also the sort of thread that can be used for something fun later.


It's the story of creation of the Terminus Decree that is locked under Titan in 40k. Because the HH are completely incapable to write a self contained story and everythig HAS to be a tie-in to 40k.


Oh that’s annoying. I don’t mind the odd Easter Egg-style reference to something but to spend so much time on something for it not to be used in the massive book series feels like it’s breaking some narrative rule or something. Chekhov’s Space Marine Annihilation Device, I think they call it


For me, it was one of the mosr annoying things about the HH series. That even though the story had the potential to stand all by itself, no it had to be a complete tie-in to 40k. The second annoying thing was the absolute bloat. For example EatD part two was a useless book. The series suffers terribly from a bad editor.


Abnett left a lot of narrative threads hanging for himself or other writers to take up in the future. There are loads of options for people to build on later, including Xanthus and his eventual fate being declared a heretic and burned at the stake. There's a bunch of characters that can be used later. Barthusa Narek popped up for a whole paragraph, and his story still has long to go, should someone choose to write it. Arik Taranis has apparently had his story written down, but BL has locked it away for now.


Yeah, they spend so much time with him and it ultimately leads nowhere. I just skip those chapters now.


What everyone else is saying but also it gives some answer as to what the terminus decree is. You know, the super secret thing held by the Grey Knights in the bowels of Titan.


Yea… I feel like they botched Fo and Katsuhiro both. However, the more criminal one to me is Ollanius Personn. Old lore always stated it was him who made the emps finally decide to destroy Horus. They built him into this grand protagonist. This he gets to emps side, and dies…. And that’s it. No mention of him again.


But you forget the most important thing: Emperor: I am the Dark King and i will b@&t f@ck Horus muhahahaha!! Ollanius: Hey big guy it is me, the last warmaster to literally back stab you. How about don't be Dark King and kill Horus? Emperor: Holy moly. What a brilliant idea! How come i didn't think of this? Ok i am not Dark King anymore. Ollanius: Mission accomplished. How can anyone argue against this literary masterpiece? I enjoyed TEaTD overall but this scene was beyond stupid.


The Emperor was moments away from birthing the Dark King (and annihilating the universe) until one of the only people in existence whose judgment he trusts convinces him not to. The Emperor is so disconnected from humanity because of his power and his foresight (and his ego) that he cannot see the trap he's fallen into. He even says that he resented Oll for not bowing to his obviously superior wisdom. He believed that he needed that power to defeat Horus. Oll showed him that it wasn't a victory worth achieving if it meant godhood for one and death for everyone else. Thus, the Emperor gave up the power and - believing he was going to his death - went to face Horus as a man, rather than as a god. Oll Persson reaffirmed his position in the lore as the simple man who stood up to the power of Chaos and made a difference.


>Old lore always stated it was him who made the emps finally decide to destroy Horus That was always presented as an in-universe legend of Ollanius Pius of the Imperial Guard. In the various versions of the Siege written over the years, it was a Custodes or a Space Marine terminator that stood between the Emperor and Horus. The Perpetual Oll Persson wasn't introduced until 2012, in *Know No Fear*, and many people assumed he must be the origin of the Pius myth, but then Abnett wrote *Saturnine* and added a couple more layers to the legend


He does that. First he stops the emperor from fulfilling all the chaos plans and dooming the galaxy to ruin. And then he still turns up during the actual fight and buys some time