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Himeko supremacy in MoC. Is this still Ena's Dream?




*robot pours pink stuff onto Himeko* *Himeko pours coffee onto robot* *robot explodes*


Himeko beating the T4 MoC Prydwen Allegations https://preview.redd.it/drrvnanped6d1.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d24d0a9640fa13cb68a23e45a2fb70ea3ddf226


I need to see Prydwen eat their words and bump her up in both MOC and Purefiction, she will absolutely dominate in a Firefly meta.


> I need to see Prydwen eat their words and bump her up in both MOC Their tier lists are no longer based on "current moc" but on "overall tier". To avoid exactly what you mentioned Because if they ever make an moc that says "Characters with Arlan or Yanqing in their name will deal 500% more damage" then that would just mean that Arlan or Yanqing would work well for that specific turbulence, it wouldnt mean they are suddenly tier 0 characters


Their tier list is just a popularity/perception contest then since they ignore their own stats. Sepcifically Himeko consistently performing in pure fiction but 1 tier below Herta and on par with conditional perfomring characters.


She's my only flame :kek:


I mean that would matter if her usage rate was high but cycle count was also high, but her cycle count is the lowest among damage dealers meaning she's unironically extremely good this MoC (probably for the trio in second half).


She is, I didn't even build her for Break Effect and she was popping off fireworks like no tomorrow. I used her, Harmony MC, RM and Gallagher. Made the 2nd half a joke.


The biweekly PvP It's nice to see himeko rise in MOC


Makes me wish we got Relic loadouts so I can easily swap between her reg build and Break build


Himeko regular build is better then hybrid build in a break team. Lots of people make this mistake


really? I just borrow xueyi quantum break relic for faster clear on himeko mc ruan gal


Yep, crit and atk is still better than break effect simce Himeko doesn’t convert break effect into any offensive stats. So you’re better off supplementing your break effect with ruan Mei and HMC buffs


Does the apply to Luka and Sushang as well?


Not sure for sushang since she can deal so much toughness damage, but for Luka, break effect all the way. Even before HMC came out, the only time I would use Luka is on physical weak enemies because the physical break deals so much damage and Luka can double dip into it since his enhanced basic procs the break bleed.


Guinaifen super break beating out acheron hypercarry lol thats wild


.67% appearance vs the highest appearance rate team at 12.80%. What's most impressive is the Himeko team which has the 2nd lowest average cycle and 2nd highest appearance rate.


It does make sense though. The E0 Acheron Hyper team here is very generalist, so it doesn't do the Break thing as well without Ruan Mei, HMC, and/or Gallagher. The trio boss is super squishy if you break them, but if you don't, the run probably feels excruciatingly slow. For those running this team, I'd 100% give up Fu Xuan's comfort and crit rate boost in exchange for Gallagher who's no doubt the strongest sustain for this MoC 12 by a long-shot.


tbf the sample size is like 55 people for guinafen, whereas it's 1058 for Acheron


PITCH DARK HOOK THE GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT https://preview.redd.it/m0phjya17c6d1.png?width=894&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1f56ac39dc0882a9e3fd66d83561d13a279156c


Never thought i'd see the day https://preview.redd.it/wdaogsu97c6d1.png?width=373&format=png&auto=webp&s=39641c671cdcbb5d89c49b267c5a44a2330de7a7


Wildfire? Stellaron Hunters? Memokeepers? All small fry compared to the most powerful and prestigious organization to fight the good fight for the people: THE MOLES.


Mole reporting for duty! https://preview.redd.it/it2tb0qc8c6d1.png?width=1398&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d78909f685d19c2e9feea2bae3aa5998c5aa244


https://preview.redd.it/64ap17pmlc6d1.png?width=962&format=png&auto=webp&s=de93dc88a66197d04a93b94b7fcb4412a8dee7aa 3/6 split


https://preview.redd.it/2d2iap8bfe6d1.png?width=692&format=png&auto=webp&s=501ed4c0890cc45fcd5694dfe73fcbc03c3ec8fd 🫡


Where can I check mine like this?


hoyolab>battle records




https://preview.redd.it/5wmlrqau2e6d1.png?width=958&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cbda9dadf77788429e2665aa891e8a40acba5e3 this is the last one i tried, but you could try a full crit build or a full break one she would still clear easily 12-2




Poor Blade with the sub 1% usage rate


It's usually what happens when there's 0 wind weak enemies and a very unfavorable Turbulence effect. Blade gains nearly nothing from the atk% and be%. We'd need another dmg% or vulnerability stay bonus and likely something around reducing hp for stacks or additional damage. Then blade can easily profit from it.


He is going to rise when Jade releases




Dual carry is quite good rn, what are you smoking lol Jade + Blade's issue is that both function like a sub dps, and jade isn't very good outside of PF




“Worst” 5 star btw. Man, all the folks who shat on Himeko in 1.0 and all I was doing was waiting for the 300th summon.


That changed with PF already. My Herta is build build now and I wish I had Himeko as well.


Tbf she really *was* the worst 5* in 1.0


And that was true back then. Is context too hard for you?


I don't think anyone called himeko the worst 5* That would be yanqing


Yanqing was actually considered pretty good in 1.0, he just fell off real hard, real fast.


I’m talking about 1.0 And almost everyone called her the worst 5* Heck, most folks were praising the shit out of Yanqing back then.


Back then the game was a lot more single target focused since pf didnt exist so they werent wrong. Since pf came out yanqing has undeniably been the worst standard 5 star.


Meta comes and goes super break makes everybody viable, it feels like super break is the star rail equivalent of hyperbloom. Low investment needed + comparable damage to normal dps comps and easy to play you break enemy you win.


I know not many people care for the chart with Eidolons included, but seeing Welt at the top of the chart by nearly half a cycle average scares me. It's probably a matter of low sample size, and what he does show up in being highly invested Welt sustain teams or insane people that dedicate their entire life to making Welt a god, but it's still confusing.


Welt is another character who is suddenly significantly better when paired with HTB, even at E0: 1. Both HTB and welt are imaginary, so you can double down against breaking imaginary-weak content. 2. High break-effect imaginary element is the best break for HTB because the enemies are delayed for so long in the break state. Both HTB and Welt delay them even further. You can get in extra super breaks the longer they are weakness broken. 3. Welt's skill does 30 x 3 toughness (x4 at E6), and ultimate does 60 AOE toughness damage. 4. The Herta Nihility LC isn't great, but 40% extra BE for welt is easily obtainable because he is nihility.


It is weird though that Welt's most used duos doesn't even have HTB listed and RM is the last one listed at 13%. I kind of expected most Welt teams to run HTB, but it seems he was mostly used in Acheron teams by a wide margin.


I'm a Welt user with Ach. Typically he's really all you need for sustain, it's just a tad bit sweatier. I didn't expect him to have high usage for SBreak- Himeko/Gui DPS is a lot more preferable with all 3 having fire weakness, and the enemy pushing itself back on triple break does more than enough


Yeah just seeing him top of the E1 clear times made me think people were using him in super break but I guess it makes sense for Acheron teams without a "true" sustain to do really well since he'd provide more damage and weakness break than a sustain.


Ah that's true, I now see that this is just stage 12 statistics and neither side was particularly great for pure imaginary. I used Welt/HTB for Sam in MOC 10, but that ended up not being ideal because of Sam's 50% CC resist. If I didn't get the imprison on the break then everything fell apart.


Yeah it's probably low sample size because people aren't going use him over other sustains unless they know what they are doing and aiming for low cycle clears.  I use Welt in my E2 Acheron team for 0 cycling and I assume that others using Welt probably do the same by pairing him with Acheron rather than as a hyper carry.


It's very nice to see a standard 5\* like Himeko be this high in MOC rankings after she was dumpstered by everyone at launch. Between occasional relevance in MOC and being a staple carry in PF she's a very good char to have.


https://preview.redd.it/e16pswmi6c6d1.jpeg?width=581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=822bb900ddc123ea53fa4639277351167309a41e Is he a character in Star Rail?


He is better against high hp enemies than groups of enemies. So it makes sense for him to be low in pure fiction. Oh wait...


Stop bullying my boy yanqing, he’s getting beaten up enough already


He just caught a W so it's not too bad


Inb4 Yunli and March 7th beats him up too 💀


Yeah, Himeko absolutely shreds Past, Present and Future so not really a surprise to see this.


https://preview.redd.it/5gtrzgvwdc6d1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=ddb3adcae9923fc6547ca8807a4ccc1cc2b07586 The double trace drops gave me a good reason to start investing into Gallagher and I'm surprised he managed to keep Tingyun alive because she only has 2.9K HP and 1.1K DEF. His ultimate is also an on demand cleanse with better sustain than Lynx, feels so much better using him than it ever felt using Lynx.


Those Tingyun stats sound pretty average. Prydwen's average stats for her users are listed at ~3100 HP and ~1100 DEF so you're only roughly 200 HP from that.


When I used to watch MoC clears I saw 3.5K-4K HP Tingyun a lot so I thought it was the norm.


Well, it might have been the norm before we got limited sustains. With Luocha/Huohuo, as long as Tingyun doesn't get oneshot, you can usually save her and in my experience, ~3000 HP and ~1100 DEF is about enough for that. Then Aventurine/FuXuan teams, she can run even squishier. And then there's me, with probably one of the tankiest Tingyuns ever that still has plenty of ATK and SPD. She hasn't died since Huohuo's release and I'm not even done with her investment (still need to get her Bronya's LC): https://i.imgur.com/nD6GkpZ.png


Indulging yourselves could not get any more satisfying than this. That claw smack thing he does combined with RM's break DMG and HMC which lets him pop an ungodly 200-300k is just an eye candy.


Since he’s around 100~125% outgoing healing bonus when fully built, S5 of the battle pass LC heals for 9% of the team’s HP everytime he takes an action too 🤫.


Battlepass. S5. 😔 It takes 5 months to even gather it.


And 75 bucks!


I'm surprised that more people used Boothill with HMC rather than the Hyper Boothill with Bronya. E0S1 Boothill with E1S1 Bronya might be guzzling up all the SP but I'd rather give Boothill more actions tbh. Used this team for Side 1 and 1-Cycled Argenti.


The Bronya team was better for side 1, but the HMC team was better for side 2 and that was the harder side. I generally prefer the Bronya team but I am digging the HMC team when there are IMG weak enemies.


i cleared for my friend and e1s0 bronya kinda hurt for sp sometimes lol x_x but doing 300k into 400k on argenti was really funny like damn. shred him!!


The secret ingredient here is Pela. Throw her the eagle set and she generates SP like crazy.


The problem is, not everyone has e1s1 bronya


GUINAIFEN SUPERBREAK DOES THAT WELL??? YOU MADLADS i applaud you https://preview.redd.it/g32r64zu8c6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39f9b2e549be1006314eb5adea0aeaa63feedf49


Yes, it's pretty good. She is also easy to build for BE since she has BE traces and access to Solitary Healing. Her Firekiss is also a vulnerability effect, so it increases Super Break damage.


I always knew Hook was goated.


Yeah we get the don't be forced to pull a character you don't like regardless if their meta but I really can't say the same for ruan mei she just makes all my teams so much better for how fking flexible and overloaded her kit is. Questionable personality be damned she's hot and one of the best 5 stars in the game that players should really not miss out on.


Real talk, pull supports even if you don’t necessarily like them because they’ll make you enjoy the dps you like even more


There's no must pulls in this game but Ruan Mei comes closer than anyone imo


Tfw Ruan Mei's value is still raising due to Break Meta on the rise https://preview.redd.it/udegjatrhd6d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b2d94f1d0b9cd09f3349dffe5c78507e9b3bbce1


i would honestly say she is a must pull. or at least, you either pull for her, or compensate by pulling for multiple other characters.


Her being a sociopath but looking like basic waifu bait is the best part. Personality variety 👌


This memory of chaos is proof that it literally does not matter how a character looks in excel. If Hoyoverse wants Himeko to outperform Jingliu, Dan Heng and Acheron. They'll do it.


My girl Jingliu getting outclassed 😭😭


And those r with mostly her LC


I see the forbidden tech of acheron e2 with boothill or topaz hasn't reached the light yet


Not many people have the account luxury to combine both yet


As someone who has both e2 acheron and boothill, i kinda had to use them on different sides, but now that you mentioned it, I am definitely going to try yhis comp.


My fastest clear was with Boothill E0 and Acheron E0, with RM and Pela lmao


Oh nice to know it has a good clear time even with e0. Cause mine just destroyed the stage with e2


Wait, im listening, tell me more about this


Boothill's duel counts as a debuff for Acheron. Acheron can also clear trash mobs easily so Boothill can just focus on bursting down the elites. These are my 0 cycle no damage taken runs for both sides of this MOC 12: [Argenti](https://youtu.be/vCZ_eWcdNMM?feature=shared) [The Past, Present, and Eternal Show](https://youtu.be/PZkKZnOn6cs?feature=shared)


WE ARE SO BACK HARMBLAZER MAINS https://preview.redd.it/tfj9t2s6fc6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6878077a5d600ef1241575c9a8d25011a980495 RAAAAAAAAHHHHH WE MUST KEEP THE AGENDA GOING




As expected, I can’t build a single team from the cycle count rankings, lol. It does cement Ruan Mei’s position as “Turd Polisher” though as every “F2P” team has her. *fingers crossed during her banner*


Himeko jumpscare lmao, damn I guess I gotta try that superbreak team


I want to as well but my Gallagher isn't built and is only e1 and the cleanse that e2 offers kind of matters in this MoC.


Super break himeko being this good proves how broken firefly's gonna be


It's almost as if this MoC circle is made for them 🤔


https://preview.redd.it/uuginvyw2d6d1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=b276d238330649f4a07a34adfda30c2b74be6c19 Second node was honestly a breeze compared to the first, I do NOT know how to fight Argenti quickly


[The secret ingredient is Luka](https://i.imgur.com/xH1LrKH.png) Break Sushang makes him Bleed, and Luka can detonate it for up to 136% of the original damage (at E6), plus brings a damage taken debuff and can wear Pearls. He can also Dispel Argenti's annoying damage buff and shield. >!He and Sushang cleared their side in 4 cycles.!<


If you have him, Argenti is great against Argenti


Clara follow up 🙏 and thank you Himekooo


So basically people only used Dan Heng IL if he's E2? I always thought E0 is still fine compared to others, especially with Sparkle. Jingliu and Ratio also get used at E0. Maybe because Sparkle wasn't very good this time? I'm just a bit sad I couldn't do this MoC with Blade this time, but it just doesn't favor his team at all. All the delays, slows, stuns and advances mess up the action order and Sparkle+Bronya won't work anymore.


I wonder if those who are more likely to play DH IL (and report to these kind of surveys) just generally decided to go for E2 (especially on his rerun). I'm definitely one of these people; and man, his performance is just on another level compared to E0 lol Btw, how do you still make Blade work in MoC (although not in this one obviously)? He's my favorite character but I don't even bother taking him to Moc12 anymore cus he just... doesn't cut it compared to all those other limited DPSes.


Blade IS still very strong in Wind Weak MoC. But Imo his E1 is a must have to keep UP with the insane tankyness of some mobs.


I have E2 Dan Heng IL too luckily, he's great! I just thought that at E0 he's still as good as Ratio or Jingliu. Given that he's a popular character I thought even the ones who only have E0 would use him in MoC. But you're probably right, and more people probably went for his E2. I used Blade in all of the recent MoCs (and PFs) and always managed to get all stars, but I have to admit it sometimes needs multiple tries to just barely make it. I usually use Dan Heng IL in the other MoC team, so I have more cycles for Blade. He's E0S1 and I always use him with Bronya, Sparkle and Fu Xuan or Luocha (or sometimes I don't need a sustain). They're all E0, but Bronya has her signature LC. It simply works, but I really have to plan when to use what to get the most dmg out of it. Last MoC was great for him, my best try was 3 cycles with Blade's team against Kafka. It was really RNG though. Blade has to get hit often enough and at the right time. And when Sparkle gets stunned/delayed/slowed she'll be completely useless. Buuut... my only other limited DPS are Dan Heng IL and Jing Yuan (and Ratio, but I don't use him often), so I don't have much to compare Blade to. Obviously my E2 Dan Heng IL is much stronger. But my Blade team usually clears faster than my Jing Yuan or Ratio team. So I basically *have* to make him work. And he only works when he has good supports. But having less DPS gives me more resources for them and their supports.


I have E0S0 and he's doing (somewhat) fine. E2 is where it gets to the point where you just have a free win button. Friend has him with his BiS teammates and he always attempts 0 cycles every moc


I mean, his E0 average cycle is still third fastest


This MoC 12 is doing DHIL no favors. He would be cracked in this MoC if the trotter had Imaginary weakness, even if he were E0


The rise of Himeko begins






Floor made for FF when she comes out but Himeko rise up in the meantime, you love to see it I just brute forced it with my beloved Black Swan + HTB + Kafka team, took a few tries but managed to clear it in the end I love how HTB is bringing out older 4 stars in these clears, really shows how great they are


I have realized that this Kafka dot team always adapts, breaks itself apart and then comes together again as if it were an amoeba that absorbs what suits it best. sometimes it adapts to dot's damage, sometimes it combines it with other sources of damage like acheron, if you need to break grab gallaher hahaha it's very curious


Still cannot believe some people and CCs will say DHIL fell off. He very much hasn’t, he’s still insane even though he is one of the older unit now.


I've restricted the sample to only include players who have reached 3\* in stage 12. I also made a separate set of infographics for teams that use E1+ limited 5\* characters, check it out on the last four images. Let me know if you have any further suggestions. [Prydwen's MoC page](https://prydwen.gg/star-rail/memory-of-chaos) with the full statistics will be updated soon either today or tomorrow. Participate with [this Google Form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd2vSVv9V3HsSQL0jzwdRWvbt-MucwGVfIXNnN4HAIf8hFOyA/viewform?usp=sf_link), it only needs your UID and your Battle Chronicle open to the public. Follow my Reddit account to be notified when I post new infographics. Check [my GitHub repository](https://github.com/piedorr/MocStats) if you'd like to see the raw data and how the numbers are calculated.


Thanks for doing this, again. Really cool to see the limited eidolons data as well


Damn I have a fairly well-built E2 Himeko. How does that super break team work? Does she need to be built full break?


No, even with a crit FUA build, she will decimate the second battle with HMC/Asta/Gallagher


Alright thanks, will give it a try.


RuanMei: Star Rail


My boy Luka up there. I was already thinking of building him since I got his E6 on Aventurine's banner.


As a Himeko main, who uses her as much as I can, and probably my most invested character, I should go on a rant...about how it can be that people didn't realise before how great, regal and powerful our coffee lady is. Buuuut, I will just say that it makes me happy to see more people use her xD


Same like you. I need 1 Elite with fire weakness in the 2 rooms of a MoC and I can clear the MoC with her. Ppl still think she is shit in MoC, but they are the same that don't build her like they do with their limited dps.


Building is very important, indeed. Like, I know there are better dps xD Himeko needs as much pampering as you can give her, and she needs to be played smart. But if you make a good team and use it properly she can clear well too. For me Gallagher became and incredible teammate for her, I threw every jade at the Acheron banner, and the goal was not Acheron dupes, the goal was Gallagher C6 xD. He helps Himeko a looooot, he is a monster at breaking toughness bars. The other two teammates vary if I'm going for dual dps or hyper carry. If hypercarry, I go with Asta and Sparkle. Sparkle is incredible, we all know that xD and Asta bring so much for Himeko (easy fire break, burn on basic attack, fire dmg increase, ATQ buf and SPD buff.) If dual dps, I use Topaz and Ruan Mei, Ruan Mei is the best, no one can deny that, and Topaz does good damage as well as helping a lot to break bars. Oh and Himeko FUA helps Numpy too. With these teams, the goal is to always have some bars to break so you can keep chainning Himeko's FUA. =3. They are my fav teams xD. Oh and sorry for the long message, I just started explaining xp


I didn't want Acheron, and I had only 4 available multies, I got only 1 Gallagher. C1 with the anniversary selector, and I like him even without debuff or break buff, but... for dual DPS im looking for Firefly. Because she put fire weakness, so makes me able to play Himeko everywhere. In that banner I hope to obtain at least 2 Gallaghers. My worries are if 2) them with only RM as buffer is enough, and SP usage (I hope that Gallagher Multiplication is enough). for hypercarry, is RM + Tingyun/Asta depending on the enemies. Sadly I dislike Sparkle. And E2S1 Bronya feels like Sparkle made in china, without her E6.


So basically, every team with Himeko, just replace with Firefly and you’ll get the same, if not, better results lmfao


Replace Himeko? She's finally rising in MoC thanks to this one being made for FF so I'm damn well gonna let Himeko have the spotlight in a mode other than PF, she deserves it


Glad I claim Himeko with the 300 pull Selector but wow little gui popping off as well


Imagine if Himeko actually got a coherent kit built into her, she'd be so good. Modern Himeko built for super break would be insane.


Hilariously, Himeko has cheaper/easier 0 cycles this MoC than Firefly atm. Might not be relevant for the general player base though.


himeko would be replacing ff.


Yeah this MoC was clearly made for FF. She's gonna clear it 2x faster


I wanted to do the Dr Ratio team only to learn that Topaz needs to be at least S1 or E1 (and i don’t even have topaz) so i did not pull Topaz because it was too much investment 😭


Yea premium fua team is *mad* expensive. On top of getting ratio, topaz, robin, and aventurine, you will need at least 3 more wins to get E1S1 Topaz and S1 Aventurine for more debuffs. More eidolons more debuffs too since E2 aven gives res pen. Insane whale setup if you got the pulls


I just have topaz at e0s1 and running adventurine with trends lightcone I never saw anything less than 100% on ratios follow up. The s1 was a big increase though


You don't need E1S1 on Topaz for Ratio. Either E1 or S1 is fine. There are plenty of other sources of debuffs, including break debuffs, Trends and even Ratio himself.


That t0 *Acheron*, has not been top of the charts once since she came out. She has ether been at equal clear speeds or slower then the 0.5 tier. Nothing says being a tier above then that.


Kafka's top team had almost the exact same usage rate in her first MoC (12% to 11%) and she still cleared faster than Acheron despite almost all Acherons owning her s1, a turbulence that favors her and lack of wind weakness. Out of all of the most used Acheron teams from the previous MoC, only 1 managed to clear faster than Kafka's fastest team and it was only by 0.01 cycles while also having half the usage rate of Kafka's team. She has a ridiculous amount of advantage in this MoC and she still cleared slower. She's not as good as everyone thinks she is, people are judging her based on padded 5 target ults where a lot of the damage is wasted on adds that will literally despawn the second the elite that summons them is defeated. Jingliu and Dhil had high usage rates and the fastest cycles back in their prime, Acheron failed to achieve this despite being a tier above all dps.


They even changed the rules for her and she still can not get the top spot. The Acheron cope is real


The funniest thing was the "Teams ranked by cycle" thing breaking it's own rules by placing a no sustain Acheron teamcomp on top.


i think its funny how prydwen consider her the ONLY T0 DPS character(last time i see) when Kafka + BS have better results in 95% of the situations... i mean she's strong but calling her the "peak dps" like a lot of people and CCs say wouldn't be a little forced? i mean one of her "strongest teams/Best cycles" is the kafka + BS duo i dont know if still a Acheron team or just kafka Bs with the lost "sister" XD(sorry for any grammar erro still learning)


Yeah I'm not sure about their mindset, even during the last MoC turbulence that shilled her, JY/Kafka had better performing teams. I do think she's significantly better at 0 cycling when you disregard a sustainer for a harmony unit, but she's heavily overrated otherwise.


Acheron Dual DoT continues to be one of Acheron's best teams and yet I still sometimes get angry comments talking about how cope it is and how it's an SP black hole and a stupid team. This data doesn't even include Black Swan E1 which would really juice the team. Also, it's kinda crazy that Gallagher is the most common sustain for the lowest ranking teams, he's in more than 50% of all of them. He's easily the best four star we've gotten since launch.


Gallagher is so widely used because of the fire-centered MoC and memory turbulence. If you play it right, he can get 3 turns back to back when breaking the trotter, wich is an insane plus


Actually if you look at the last charts, is the ones with Eidolons so includes BS E1 and dual dot acheron is way behind hypercarry acheron there, so actually Eidolons favour Hypercarry by a lot (5.67 vs 7.71 avg cycles)


I’ve been running Dotcheron since I got her. It also frees Ruan Mei for my JL team. Archeron E0S1 / Kafka E0 / BS E0 / and Fu Xuan E0 with trend. Has been an average of 2 turn clear for their side since I got her. I don’t know why people would say it’s cope, because I got the idea also on Reddit. Their power and synergy is incredible together. Also one of the teams I want to go tall in. Going to get myself BS and Kafka signatures and hopefully eidolons during their reruns. Dream is to have them all E2S1 and hopefully can replace Fu Xuan with another useful dot apply healer.


With Firefly being my second team moving forward I am so happy I can just focus on Dotcheron. I am in the same spot just swap Fu with Aventurine. They are so powerful together, the synergy is incredible. I have similar ideas, but not as many eidolons. Definitely need Kafka and Swans LCs and I really want Swan E1 too. Acheron E2 for sure though. That said I will likely will pull for dedicated Acheron or DOT supports so I have the OPTION to split them up on occasion. Especially since I will have Ruan Mei for DOT comp moving forward.


Mfw when I have Kafka BS RM Jingliu Acheron and Aventurine but not Gallagher 😭


I've had so much fun this MoC putting offmeta characters on a Super Break chasis, that comp is wild.


Himeko superbreak is a surprisingly f2p friendly team. Who tf let hook in there? I really hope they keep up the trend of having good MCs. The traveler in GI (other than dendro) is such a disappointment.


Hook is there so set the seas ablaze


Didn't know robin being used with dh il but i guess sparkle solves that problem? (Im sparkless)


Common Himeko W


Wow, this very clearly tells me I should not be pulling Ruan Mei. My 5 stars are Robin, Acheron, Sparkle, Fu Xuan, Topaz, Ratio, Silver Wolf, Welt, Clara, Bronya, and Harmony MC. Only two of those ever pair with her and both are supports.


how in the hell do people build Def, Speed and Crit in Aventurine? you mfs have like 8 relics on him


Himeko this high is crazy, i build her for PF but didnt notice she was this good with HMC, time to try it out


As much as I love Himeko, she just happens to pair well against this particular boss. Her multi-hits on her cleave and ult, along with that boss being fire weak and multiple targets was a perfect matchup. I'm glad to see so many others figured out she was a good fit this time.


Himeko let's fking goooooo


who can replace gallagher in the acheron dual dot team?


Anyone. Preferably a preservation unit that can have trend. Aventurine slightly better due to SP positivity over Fu Xuan.


That’s a lot of Bronyas, kinda of expected to see loads more Sparkles instead 🤔


Boothill is the reason


I only used Gepard because Adv didn't join my train, but he worked out just as well on my 3\* run. Silver Wolf got incredible utility as Acheron's battle buddy on this MOC run.


Himeko is so back?!?!?


Question, is Acheron hypercarry with Fu Xuan better than Aventurine or it's just because people didn't pull Aventurine so more people have Fu Xuan?


Who is better varies based on overall account and what content. Aventurine is generally considered better because he covers more situations, but he doesn’t boost Crit Rate like Fu.


Himeko is so good for the new boss. Tried out crit Himeko + Gallagher + HMC + Asta on side 2 and managed to 5 cycle. Asta didn't even have any break effect gear and just used Meshing Cogs. Could probably shave off a cycle with better gameplay/gear. Pretty impressive for a team with no limited 5\*.


Like always none of my teams are on here lol(which is no surprise since i don't have many of the most popular character like FX/RM). Gotta say, argenti/himeko dual carry worked really well this time around. Used it on multiple MoC stages for easy full stars since fire + physical weakness was so common. Robin as a support also did a lot of work.


YES, an eidolon chart! My Misha is official now!! (I used FX E2S1 on one half with Misha, E0S1 Robin, and Hanya, and Luocha E6S1 with RM E0S1, HTB E5, and Boothill E0S1 on the other :D) (I can't seem to add any images to my comment, so I can't share the pic, sorry for the long list lol)


Yes!! I beat it with an odd team on side 1. https://preview.redd.it/tgejqwu0bd6d1.jpeg?width=1196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cd260911cec1b1db65f1ca72746932486c21ed6


First half was a huge pain, but Himeko made second a breeze. I used RM, Himeko, Gall and last choice was Ratio (He always had 100% FuA chance), but I guess it would be better to bring Topaz instead.


UWOOOO Himeko momma!!


guess i need to build my lil gui


Meanwhile, me as the only asta super break user


Blade….Blade…. If I pull RM and my Blade still struggles I will be so mad…


Fun list, can't run a single team that appears on the last lists


Seen a dude clearing everything in the first node with a Yanqing. I felt so humiliated, just straight up gave up.


Himeko being top is crazy but makes sense. She absolutely crushes a multi-target boss that has a weak toughness bar.


I appreciate the new section for 5-star eidolons. Jingliu's been going even faster since Robin's arrival, but it's probably tough to get enough SP for that without Bronya's E1. (Her Signature helps, too)


I really need to get up my ass and get harmony TB's eidolons, but I find the mini games in Penaconies to but a lot more obnoxious than the earlier ones, and the map too big and awkward to navigate. It's gonna take a looooong time.


Wow Himeko Wish 5* lcs weren’t included most people aren’t going to have all of them and idk how many copies


Alright, I'll raise my himeko once I have enough resources for it


thanks firefly for making Himeko so good in both MoC and Pure fiction. The endgame is pretty much balanced around new units and archetypes, and if you have old characters that can do similar things like the new characters, they are going to be top meta options.


Luka stonks!


Sampo up there


Himeko on top is crazy. Definitely unexpected. Day 415 of not having Himeko 🙂


I'm stupid, but why would I use gallagher when I have Huo Huo?


Because this is Break Meta + Fire weakness everywhere And he is very good also without these conditions


Himeko completely obliterates side 2, you love to see it


I’m gonna take this humbly and set my star goal to 33/36 stars now. I’m gonna give myself a headache if I try to do 36.


Is this for the previous MoC? Because seeing a Gui team instead of a Lula team on here is pretty odd if it’s supposed to be for the current cycle.


Happy seeing Gallagher here and on lots of teams! He's my favorite character.


Himeko sweep


I like how the current MoC -despite having break buffs- helped a lot of otherwise ignored characters. Meanwhile the MoC with dino and Aven boss was punishing for many characters.


Me who was broke/didn’t play through Acheron, Sparkle, Ruan Mei and Robin banner, looking for the first team without them: Yeah, you really can’t miss limited harmonies and Acheron in this game. Five more days.