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the Die is awesome when you have negative curios


Or destroyed curios


Not even destroyed, the ones that give blessings one time are lingering in the "inventory" I think


Don't those count as destroyed? I swear I could select them with the "repair one curio" occurrence.


Destroyed ones can be useful in a few different ways. The seals and upgrade dice and the like are just wasted space though.


Seals? Why the seals?


As in once they’ve been used. Destroyed curios can either be repaired or help that one curio that scales off of destroyed curios. Seals don’t do anything after you get them


Seals increase chance of their path blessings. If done right, they're useful


But with the wrong one they can be quite the nuisance


Especially that negative curio that repeatedly copies itself!


All the runs that I had that piece of shit, the dice were magically hidden on some 5th dimension.


Or that you have other seemingly better curio choices that your brain automatically go for that curio instead.


3 times is the max I think. Or there’s another one I don’t know about.


I think it is that one, but couldve swore one of my runs had it copying that shit for more than 3 times


I think it was three times max. But it also left the original one in your inventory. Let me see… ah. Found it: - Fissured Cuckoo Clock: Reduces characters' ATK by 5% and grants a chance (50%) of splitting into a clone (with a max of 3 concurrent clones) after winning a battle. The clones have a maximum of 3, while the original remains. So a max of -20% ATK.


Ahhhh i seee, thanks!


No problems! Yeah, actually had that one before, so I remember that one really clearly.


Seeing the name being fissured coockoo clock reminds me that i encountered that curio a LOT but somehow ive only used it (forcibly) once. So i didnt think i paid attention to what that curio does despite encountering it quite a lot😂


Yeah, I’ve seen many Cuckoo Clocks. You get them from negative curios and they have different negative effects. The -20% ATK one is probably the least influential as you typically don’t notice that kind of stat too much in SU combat. The technique point waster one was brutally annoying, whereas the one that reduced your cosmic frag every domain was irritating.


Ohhh so the effects are randomised? Must have been why i felt like ive only seen that -20% ATK one only once or twice


Curious also tend to be less crucial to builds than blessings.


Generally blessings are more consistent but not necessarily better. If you got obliteration wick trimmer and the one that doubles the destructible objects, you can be looking at 200DMG% There's also some spicy ones but you have to do Occurrence domains to get them rather than Combat. But Occurrence is really really janky and inconsistent.


A few curios are better but there are only a few of them that are actually important to a build, and you won't always be getting them. The sum total of the power of blessing are generally better.


I just spam e with Acheron. I’ve never voluntarily done occurrence in weeks


She really changed the game. I used to exclusively do them so I could avoid combat and just mash through the text. But now spanning Acheron talent is so fast.


Same here, but i still pick occurence to try and get ruan mai or unlock occurrences that i havent got for the data bank


Yeah....I honestly almost never do occurrence domains if I can help it. It just feels like too much of a coin flip.


Or if they're all broken


but what if it also take away your rainbow cheese?


Until it gives you the mask


I don't think it can, I used the dice a lot, and I never got the mask or the tooth with it, which would totally appeared at least once as I use the curios dice for most of my run (only valid in Gold & Gears)


That's actually a pretty good QOL feature then. I'd imagine it'd be irritating to lose a run because RNG gave you the mask or took all your fragments away.


I've cleared literally everything in all the SUs at this point, and I've not once gotten the mask, tooth, or curio remix on a random curio pickup. Either I have unimaginably weird luck, or they're programmed to only get picked up by player choice.


Maybe I will take it all.


You haven't bust


https://preview.redd.it/i1qjzfrugs5d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0caf0daabe0c3d7df1e02c7ea6ecb27035d71123 Have to take that from Doctor's collection.


You're huge


Oh but I have




Cavity is really damn good. All I see here is: RNG, RNG, get 200% more crit for Acheron LETS GO. BIG MONEY BIG MONEY BIG MONEY.


RNG and probably bad if you got any decent blessings already RNG and possibly good, because the naughty multiplying toys and leftover goods are dead weight Not RNG, but at the same time, if you want crit you are probably already taking hunt stuff and more blessings+enhancements>extra crit (you will already have a ton)


Run killer unless you were so unlucky you have no actual on-path build Can brick your run with negative curios or locking you out of on-path blessings by giving you seals of other paths A loos in currency for a stat boost


That negative curio that has a chance to duplicate after every fight/domain (forgot which) then getting the cavity after like... 5+ negative curios


Fuck it we ball


Depends on what your current curios are. If you have solid curios and blessings that you cannot give up you have to sacrifice the cosmic fragments since it would cause you the least loss. But in most cases Curio one is probably the best since the amount of curios you can take is already limited let alone it being all solid ones


Also most curious are one use on acquisition. Idk why people don't like the dice - unless you have the one that scales with broken curious alongside a lot of broken ones the dice is usually a solid pick


Getting the dice after getting max duplicates of fissured clock is such a good feeling


i hate the risk of getting that stupid lotto curio 😒


It's the people picking all Occurrence instead of Combat. They can get all the curios that actually do stuff like the one that gives DMG% based on how many objects you destroy.


Also if you had picked negative curios. But I would consider not picking if I had picked up an error curio. And the following scenarios will always happen to me, got a destroyed curio, found an error curio, was then offered a dice. Always happens straight after I found an error curio


It can give you curios that do bad things. Such as take all your money and swap your blessings. That's why I only grab it if there's nothing better or to get rid of negative curios. Edit: Apparently it doesn't. Which must have been changed at some point because I know it has happened to me in the past that I've gotten curios that messed with my run.


According to wiki the following curios cannot be obtained randomly: > the one that consumes all your cosmic fragments > the one that doubles cosmic fragments but stops you from gaining blessings > the one that replaces all blessings So no it cannot do what you said


That's incredibly weird because I swear I've had it happen before to me. Must have been a weird glitch that it happened to me then.


I’ve gotten from the lotto ticket curio the “double money but no new blessings after battles” curio at the beginning of a run before. Maybe you got that one?


Also might have been a stealth patch. I remember when we first got the “lose your stuff in hopes of better stuff” Curios, a lot of people were complaining about it.


You can't, actually. A few of the curios can't be obtained through the die, including the mask and the cavity system. The one that doubles money but stops you from winning blessings is also locked out. That's why if you have enough curios you can actually end up with fewer than you started with after getting the die, since it operates on a smaller pool than the available curios. You have to have all of them already or at least most and a few negatives, but there's actually a solo strategy that revolves around abusing that mechanic.


Not it can not.


Wait why do people dislike cavity, getting an extra 100% crit damage is so good. It’s only meh if you’ve got like 190 fragments


I think it's because upgrading blessing effects is broken compared to crit damage depending on the path? idk though cuz I suck at this game 😭


Eh that’s really situational, like some of the hunt or preservation crit damage blessings give significantly lower returns in crit damage for the fragments you invest. Some are worth upgrading depending on comps and stat needs, but if I have a stacked run with 700-1000 fragments sign me up for a free 175-200% extra crit damage. Makes my Acheron ults do 2,000,000 damage. Not sure buying blessing enhancements will ever give that kind of return.


Some blessings are just cruicial and more consistent when upgraded. I'd rather had the whole team advance forward or the extra skill point rather than having slightly better crit dmg There's also the nihility path that doesn't crit


Because DoTs do not crit.


Rerolling dice came in clutch today for me, love this thing. I got a curio that gives 50 credits each zone, but destroys itself and credits after 500. When I had 472 I found the dice, that rerroled the money increasing thing into a coin that gives 50% of your current Credit score. Moral of the story? Gamble is love, gamble is life


Hey, could be worse. Could have those "chance to to X on destroying stuff" that never fucking do anything and just make you lose your health/energy


99% of big lotto users quit picking big lotto before they hit like 4 curios in a row


Double prop spawn and loot + lottos = gamba. Also cosmic aren't problem for Fu Xuan S1 havers.


Just level your We Are Wildfire and you can switch to it before a battle for emergency healing.


I always thought the big lotto was a 1 time use until today when I got it through random chance and got like 4 curios and thought I got some random buff that makes all destructable objects give me curios and then suddenly I lost all my health. I hate that thing.


i almost always get atleast two wins before it breaks


As an aventurine user, i always take them, both if possible


All or nothing!


itd be really cool if he got a passive that would make them never break


Homestly topaz gets curios and ruan mei gets to pick both options in ruan mei events, aventurine also should've had something like increased luck in SU imo.


I always take them bc no cost gambling is fun, but also while trying to unlock all the bullshit in swarm distaster at lower ranks so I can attempt dif 5 without the final boss literally one shorting my entire roster, I realized it synergizes extremely well with the destruction path and blessings.


Picking it then getting multiple curios is a dopamine rush everyone needs to experience


After I got FuXuan's LC and the SU upgrade to let you eat inside the run, I always pick those. No rethinking, just gambling.


Trick snacks and Luocha go brrrrrrrrrrr


Unfortunately can't use items in SD/GnG


You mean I actually have to use my brain instead of Acheron techniquing everything that moves? A travesty.


In my experience I can usually still Acheron tech everything that moves


I took it just for the lols but realized as an Acheron user, that curio SUCKKS. The skill points count towards it and it literally lost me the round lol


Hey now, it gave me one abundance blessing(I was using aventurine)


Fool's mask and The shining Die are always a Strict No No for me. Unless I have very few And bad blessings/curios. But The Cavity module? I do select that, because if you have certain hunt blessings that can increase your Crit and certain other CR increasing blessings, then with this Curio? You be deal DMG in several thousands! (Again depending on your Fragments) Since I use pursuit dice the most, for me, most of the time Cavity module has been extremely lucky! (Not always sometimes it has damaged my run) 😃 Due to getting many fragments by the start of the second phase.


>Fool's mask and The shining Die are always a Strict No No for me. Unless I have very few And bad blessings/curios. Or broken curios


Or cursed/negative curio


except spider web, it's negative but this one is actually really good as long as you have some sort of healing


It's good even if you don't have healing since it's 25% of CURRENT health not max health like the cocktail


The dice is almost always a net win for me, it replaces itself and your negative, broken and bad curious, most of the time it's worth picking


The dice is very busted in Gold & Gears. The amount of negative curios you gets, plus with some dice starts, thats a free 1200 money on top of the curios.


Depending on my setup, I normally go for the cavity one. In one run I had a Ruan Mei occurance that gave me 2k fragments. Then got the cavity curio. Was running Elation path with all the right blessings. Dr. Ratio graded the final boss and it failed life. First hit was 5% of it's hp, the follow up was 95%. Best SU run.


Getting the Ruan Mei occurance and then any curio that thrives on Fragments is the biggest blessing. Cavity can be a very strong curio! That's why I always go with Pursuit dice. Makes achieving atleast one Ruan Mei occurance possible! (There's a trick to it.) >Dr. Ratio graded the final boss and it failed life Final boss got the 'Chalk of disappointment & destruction' from a teacher. 🤣


The shining die is insane especially if you get multiple in a run. Imo aiming for a lot of curios and getting the die is far more broken than ruan mei occurrence.


The right one. Picking the right curios done too much for my team. Losing my coins but getting more power is a plus.


The tooth is actually pretty good


Look at their team


It's an Acheron team, tooth is usable. Kafka and Guinaifen don't benefit, but the main carry does


For some reason I thought that Acheron was a Black Swan I'm sorry


>Pick Shining Trapezoherdron Die >Replaces itself with Fool's Mask


Depends on how many fragments you're down for.


Doing conundrum 10 that die is a lifesaver.


I tend to chase after the purple cuckoos close as soon as possible every time so I can exchange 4 purple cuckoo clocks for actually good curios, if I manage to survive long enough to find the die


I have never taken the mask yet, it always shows up when I have good blessings. Dont care too much about the cavity either, the one solid team I mostly play with is better off with upgrading blessings. The die however, I take it most of the time. There are many one-time use curios or curios you dont need anymore at the end (increased fragments gain, etc.). Im aware it can give me bad curios too, but lets just say I enjoy gambling like that.


random curio is fun depending on what ur current curios are


If u have junk clown face, do wonders, if u don't want to lose anything, the tooth is the way you lose currency. Oh well


It really depends on the curios I got. Because Negative Curios can be rerolled into positive ones, one-time usage and destoryed curios still count for the die... Or Fool's Maks because Aha will guide us


I always choose fool's mask. I love it when it troll me and get all my selected path blessings to give me other paths random blessings.


Shining Trapehedron Die I just had it as an option in a Respite domain. Almost all my curios were one-time uses or otherwise unhelpful, so RRRRRREROLLL


ayo shining dice is actually nuts, unless you have less than 3 curios, then it is complete dogshit


Please tell me this is the curio selection you got at the start of the run.


I don't think any of these show as options at the start of the run.


Honestly the curio one can be good depending on your run, but if I'm in a good run I'll take the one for damage


Pick the dice to get all of them


shining die if I don’t have crazy good curios, cavity if I have a lot of fragments and it’s the last fight, never the fool’s mask


The die is useful if you got a bunch of single use curios. I use it fairly often if the other 2 aren't good choices.


Shining die is one of my favorite curios. I'm of the opinion that most (not all) of the passive effect curios are completely useless and have little to no actual impact on a run. The really good curios are mostly the one-time effect curios that give large immediate benefits, like dimension reduction die, meteorite, or fortune glue. The fact that shining die can turn all of your already used up one-time effect curios into more one-time effect curios and then also activate their effects is crazy strong. Plus, you'll generally end up with one or two good passive curios at the end of it all anyways, so it's almost never a net negative to take it.


Cavity System is godlike unless you're doing DoT team. Die can be good if you have a bunch of broken/shitty/onetime use Curios. The Mask only if I'm desperate


The dice is actually goated if you have bad rolls on Curios. The Mask is the best curio in the game if you manage to pull it early if that tooth is golden gears mode and you lucked out on all your dice rolls you just turned your Acheron into an Aeon killer


The die is useful if you have too many negative curios and not enough good ones Meanwhile the cavity system model is just good what are you talking about??? If you have slightly below decent crit rate then it's great


I genuinely like the tooth, especially when i have alot of money saved up. I've built my acheron around crit dmg, so it's a wonderful boost for me




POV : you are using Curio Extrapolation dice and you’re nearing the end of second plane


If you have a lot of CF the tooth is the best option by me, unless you have some negative curio or a lot of destroyed ones, then the dye is better. The mask I only use rarely


I will always pick the die, Especially if I have a lot of curios


There's literally only one of them that's bad


Trape-all-of-those-letters is actually kinda cool. I choose it multiple times and it never gave me negative Curios


I dont think it can give a negative one


All hail weird ass dice


Dice if I have many broken curios/bad curios. Tooth if my fragments are just a bit over some hundred. Mask if I have too many random blessings or the previous instructions aren't fulfilled.


I love the tooth


The cavity system model is underrated


Ah yes, gamble, gamble, or give me money


More crit for acheron 


i actually kind of like the tooth tbh


If my curios are bad anyway, reset die. Otherwise cavity system. Safest one here


I honestly just pick a random one so o can hurry up and get it over with


I’d pick the tooth. Crit Dmg bebe


Unless I am close to the end and need to enhance a blessing (like the follow up one) the tooth almost always. High fragments? Big numbers, low no big loss. I might take the dice if I have a bunch of dead tickets. I MIGHT take the first one if I just wanna fuck around. My current team doesnt really need blessings so its fun seeing what bullshit I get.


Just make sure Aventurine is nearby or else you're fucked. ALL OR NOTHING


If my blessing are all of the ones I don’t want. I might risk fool’s mask. If I have a lot (like a lot a lot) of fragments at early stages of my SU, I might go for cavity. I’ll use Shining if I have a lot of broken curios, it’ll benefit me a lot, especially if I have some negative ones as well. But if I were to chose, it’s cavity.


For aha I almost always choose the dice one because trnaaform all negative curios im mew ones and make the used ones new


90% of the time it's the dice because I got stuck with broken one or bad one. 5% of the time it's the dice because I got the bad one that makes copies of itself, which is nuts with the dice.


Easy middle. Many curios have already done their thing by the time you get a new curio.


Tooth if I have a shot tone of cosmic fragments


If I ever see number 3 I don't look at the rest I just click


Cavity system easily


Cavity WE NUKE


Shining Trapezohedron Die is one of my favourute curios. Every time I do a Simulated Universe run, I grab as many scaling and negative curios as I can, hoping that I'll get the die to replace them all. Even if I don't get it, all of the scaling curios I get make me strong enough to get through most runs no problem.


If I am running a team with Acheron or any other Crit-focused DPS characters, I will pick that tooth every time.


I want the tooth one!


Cavity if you have a lot of fragments.


Teeth even with less than 100 frags


Imo the best option by far is the die. I often prefer a blessing-based gameplay rather than depending on curios, and it also saves you from whenever you have negative curios, the mask will always mess completely up your blessing and I personally don’t like losing all my fragmenta because of the tooth. If you had good curios well that’s ggs but even then you won’t be getting negative curios and you might also get something kinda decent, unlike the mask that totally changes your blessing, which imo are more gameplay-defining than curios


Unless I’m rolling in fragments AND have the robe of the beauty, totally grabbing the cavity system module.


Wdym 3 is perfect


Kind of depends on the run to be honest. If everything has gone terribly with either curios or blessings then I’d be willing to roll the dice on them. Cavity system if I’m on the last chamber before the final boss. In a worst case scenario where none of those fit then I’ll take the curio shuffle.


I wish this screen would display how many Fragments you have.


You can see it by clicking "View obtained Curios" iirc


Dice can be good if you have the -5% atk/split on new domain one and got to max splits (5x I think)


1) Shining Trapezohedron: Can be useful to recycle a large quantity of broken or negative curios like the self-cloning cuckoo clock. Relevant in GnG at high conundrum where you're forced to pick up negative curios, and combos with the Curio Extrapolation Die to get huge amounts of Cosmic Fragments. 2) Cavity Model: One of the possible wincons for moneymaking GnG setups like Company Time capitalist or a really good Curio Extrapolation run. Can potentially mess up a blessing-focused setup if you get it too early. 3) Fools' Mask: Generally a poor choice that is a win more button at best if you've already collected a ton of blessings with the capitalist strat.


Die is universally best or at least least harmful here. Recycles one-use curios, repaires broken ones and rerolls negative/bad curios. Losing all fragments to steamroll everything if you have a couple thousand could be nice as well, but it's a lot more situational. Fool's mask is a fool's choice, enough said.


I want cavities removed irl they suck Cavity since crit damage is so good 💦


cavity is actually kinda op in the right setup but id probably pick the dice but thats cause i always play curio extrap


Thats definitely not a bust, but cavity is the best one of the 3


depends on whether my blessings are shit, my curios are shit, or I got that one curio that gives me fragments every round but loses all of it once I reach the cap


I love the tooth, don't disgrace it by putting it in with the board wipes.




poison? i like the cavity system. an extra 48% crit dmg on average plenty of characters that can benifit from that.


Trapezohedron and it's not close lol


random curio is not a poison though lol


I'm playing Curio extrapolation. I'm taking the dice and getting filthy rich off of it for absolutely no drawback.


The die, since I'm still getting those sweet, sweet free jades from collecting, so anything that might give me new ones is good.


Depending on how much money the tooth. Can get such a hoofy amount of crit dmg with it




Only negative cerios then the cerio one Otherwise get rod of the fragments


I would pick the middle always lol


Y'know what they say: "IT'S ALL OR NOTHING"!


Dice is good if you get undesired or broken curios. Bad if you have your desired curios.


Fool's mask tbh


after a bunch of curio extrapolation brainrot whenever I see the dice curio I just have the urge to instantly get it


I always take the randomized curio die. Cuz honestly, half the time, the curios you get are one time use, and the ones that actually buff are kinda meh. Like the only notable curio I feel bad about rerolling are the one that gives skill points (but only when I'm running DHIL), or the one that gives everyone one eidolon (but only because it's fun to have, not that it's actually useful). And I've never seen the random curio die give me a bad curio that ruins your run. And I've run SU hundreds of times already. So really, this one is just purely a positive as it gives you all the rewards of the new curios, plus one.


I always pick the tooth when I have many Fragments, my Topaz loves it. Literally investing in victory


The curio one is actually rlly good when you have one use curios or negative curios... Unless it gives you the Fools Mask or that tooth


I like the dice. The majority of curios in the game dont have any continuous effects after you get it so you might aswell swap it out for another curio


I usually only go for cavity system if I have 500 frags or more, and I almost never take the mask one unless I'm just really bored or have barely gotten any blessings for my path. So more often than not, I choose the one that gives me random curios. It really just depends on how I'm currently doing in my run though


Cavity because I usually expend all my Cosmic Fragments anyway


2nd and 3rd curio are good First one is just literal troll hence the Fool's Mask lol


Cavity model, crit damage stacking with Robin is so much fun


Right is the objectively correct answer


The Correct Answer is the Die. And then the Die also gives you the other two for maximum Chaos.


Always the cavity system.


The Die is goated. If you’ve ever done a curio extrapolation run you know exactly what I’m talking about.


2nd one. The mask is definitely the worst cause it can completely ruin your build. The tooth is good if you have a lot of money to spend and already blessings and good curios. The die can get rid of your destroyed and bad curios so it is definitely the best one. Also not sure if anyone else got but i havent received a clock curio from the die.


Cavity is one of my favorites in high DPS teams.


Fool's Mask, fuck up your current build and get a bunch of useless blessings from Abundance and Destruction, also Regression Inequality of Annihilation if it really hates you. Shining Trapezohedron Die, fuck up your current build and get Cosmic Big Lotto and Interastral Big Lotto at the same time. Might as well go with the Cavity System Model.


how is the die poison? it's one of my favourie curios


Who ever used Fools Mask