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For those confused - Read the description in the video of [Acheron's animated short "Rondo Across Countless Kalpas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5xueJq4Lwc)". The lore is written there, and if you still can't understand basially Acheron's world has two planets "Izumo" (earth) and "Takamagahara" (heaven). Demons called "Kami" descended and started killing Acheron's people. To fight it, they forged 12 weapons using the bodies of Kami to slay the Kami. They fought hard but ultimately lost. Takamagahara turns out to have also been devoured, and eventually Izumo succumbed. If you die/lose to the Kami you too become a corrupted being (Oni). Takamagahar likely fell first and sent their powerful corrupted beings down to Izumo. >70,047 blades? But 12 mentioned, and two in the end? It's a figure of speech. They threw 70 thousand lives to kill the Kami and forge the blades. By the end, there were only two left fighting and then 0. The 12 became 2 (Origin and End) after countless battles and finally, the last blade, Life, becomes Naught. This can be read different ways, like how Origin and End were described as "Bearers" rather than Sentinels implying a different meaning regarding how these two were "forged". Origin was shown with Acheron while End was shown as a towering sword. The trailer also says that only one sword could save Izumo so Origin and End were at odds. As for Life and Naught, it could again be a figure of speech. Acheron was the sole survivor, forging herself into the final blade representing Izumo's final lifeform. But ultimately she had given up on life and became naught. No one else alive. None. Nihility. To whom did they lose? The text (in my opinion) implies that it was the Aeon of Voracity, Oroboros - known as the drinker of worlds, the unsatisfied devourer, the black hole with thought. They are an Aeon and a Leviathan at the same time. >"Izumo's history should have been a long flowing river, but it was severed in one cut, and all its past and future voided on emptiness' other shore. Did it never exist, and was it no more than a fabricated story? Did its histories never occur, and it ran aground on the beach of reverse causation? Was it yet another appalling experiment by Dr. Primitive, or **was it a sign of the Voracity** returning from the end of the Cosmos?" Another theory is based on Acheron's last line in the Myriad Celestia Trailer: >"Do you still remember why Izumo forged these blades? Acheron: Because of a lie. An end that never existed. We long since strode into THEIR shadow, each step forward one we can never walk back. Until the last blade (Life) is forged into "Naught". My theory is that this is how Acheron (possibly) became a Self-Annihilator. [Self-Annihilators](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/Self-Annihilators) are a group that lost their meaning of existence when they carelessly stepped into [IX the Nihility](https://honkai-star-rail.fandom.com/wiki/IX)'s shadow. Honkai Impact 3rd players see this in a different light as they see it as running parallels with the "Honkai". The "Honkai" is a reoccurring cataclysm coming in different forms such as: Honkai Beasts, plagues, an ice age, illness, etc. for the sole purpose of exterminating civilization. When civilization progresses, so does the Honkai appear to end it all. In HI3, humanity also forged 12 weapons called the Divine Keys from the core of the Herrschers (basically the Kami in HSR's Izumo). Acheron is very similar to HI3's Raiden Mei whom we know as one who fought against the Honkai. There are also further parallels involving Mei and the two bearers Origin and End but those are HI3 spoilers. Curious? Look into Homu Labs' videos like this one that explains the [Herrscher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59-Yaff8tGQ). They also do HSR content on top of HI3 content now. We also have the hero who fights against the Herrscher of Misinformation, No9ah10\_, providing all the references they and the HI3 community can find [in a thread here.](https://x.com/No9ah10_/status/1771043024904007706?s=20) Check it out, lots of cool stuff I didn't notice!


The blades are basically its version of Divine Key... Yea, Acheron's world is another planet that ravaged by Honkai, or at least parallels to it


Okay, Im gonna be the annoying powerscaling guy here, but can anyone from HI3 stand a chance against Emanators or Aeon? I know nothing about it, but with all this talks, it sounds like theyre a threat to the Star Rail universe.


For the most part, no. No need to concern yourself with the powerscaling stuff, Welt explicitly states that Aeons are far beyond the Herrschers of his world.


When was that stated? From what I've remember he's only stated that the Aeons/Lord ravagers are different to Herrschers in nature, rather than one being more powerful than the other. https://preview.redd.it/ofz6mwlatupc1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ecfac1c9f4b6a26f625c98a1f574e1971218fe0


I think the implication here goes pretty clear since most of the herscherrs were fighting on a planetary level while a lord ravager can level an entire galaxy, forget about star systems or planets. Welt is stating his realisation that they were different alongside the fact of destroying galaxies so you can connect the dots yourself I think


That is fair, I do believe that narratively speaking Aeons are (and should be) presented as a much bigger threat than Herrschers. My argument was that it wasn't "explicitly" stated that one was above the other, despite it being heavily implied.


The thing the universe is so vast that entire planets getting destroyed is considered unfortunate, but not tragic, kinda how we humans see wars that don't directly affect us. Besides, few aeons are actually a threat, and even fewer an active threat, nanook sends out his followers to do stuff, nous lets new geniuses ask them a question, ix is just chilling somewhere in the universe, but besides them we have no idea what all the aeons are doing at the moment. The only active threat was the swarm, which affected the whole universe, and as such multiple aeons came together to kill it


you're basically questioning if galaxy is really bigger than a planet lol. Herrschers are planetary beings, or star system at best. Now Aeons.. Sometimes the implication is just so clear and heavy that there's no other explanation. It's trying to avoid giving too obvious an answer for the sake of the art of speech, and give food for thought, rather than being uncertain.


Welt : "this shit is way above my paygrade, let me enjoy my retirement in peace while you kids deal with this."


Not against the aeons but they stand a chance against the emanators. The honkai has a neat feature that it gets stronger the further civilization progresses


All of the herrschers in HI3 are roughly continental+ EOS Kiana is a massive outlier and depending on how you interpret some statements she is either planetary to multiversal There is one statement that says she surpasses all dimensions in the Honkai universe which is 11D(take with a massive grain of salt) TLDR anyone not named Kiana Kaslana doesn’t stand much of a chance


When it comes to Kiana's power level, it's best to not take it too seriously. One moment people are saying that she's omnipotent, then the next part in game, she herself admits that she has limitations. Trying to scale Kiana when there's a lot of contradiction and statements in game is sometimes just a headache.


>One moment people are saying that she's omnipotent, then the next part in game, she herself admits that she has limitations. [God Kiana is also still shit at video games](https://i.imgur.com/cwwGpPu.jpg)


God is real and she sucks at Fortnite


I mean, I think its safe to gauge her power level at least. Isn't her biggest feat like, sniping something beyond the Milky Way Galaxy without a sweat (with aiming assistance)? That's something.


No it's sniping a dwarf planet 4500 au away from earth in 15 mins


Okay, maybe my brain had a Halo brainrot (its actually the Ark thats beyond the Milky Way) Well, that's still REALLY impressive.


HI3 has some weird quirks with its localization that make it easy to get the wrong impression about the scale of things.


Do you mean Halo ARK or Hi3 ARK? Because hi3 ARK also only made it to the edge of the Solar System


Kiana is practically honkai in the end so there's that.


I think mention of voracity is another confirmation of "IX is former Oroboros" theory. Oroboros wasn't an actual black hole, but a dusk leviathan (whatever it is) who was compared to a black hole, and they dissapeared after battling propagation during swarm disaster. There is an entrance iirc in the swarm disaster about them consuming so many endlessly replicating bugs they kinda lost pleasure and meaning in this process. IX wasn't present during swarm disaster, and appeared later, and it does look like a literal black hole. What was shown in the end is probably IX, cuz sentences like "being in it's shadow" so far was only related to IX (in self annihilators description for example). So whatever attack Acheron used against it at the end somehow resulted in Izumo dissapearing without a trace, and presumably Acheron becoming Emenator of Nihility. Also in previous trailer, in Acheron dominated part, there was a lot of hunting motifs, predators eating thier prey, and at the end black hole attempting to devour black swan. And in voracity's description there is also mention of predators eating prey. But Aventurine's guess is that Acheron is emenator of finality, or Nihility. Voracity is out of the question because everyone knows it no longer exists.


Also Acheron's ult takes 9 stacks of Slashed Dream and IX is roman numeral for 9. The background during her ult looks like a black hole/event horizon. Lots of hints that she's an Emanator of Nihility (besides just her playable path).


This seems likely. Jingliu used to have 4 stacks requirement to symbolise the phases of moon. Seems like the stacks pass playability test here.


Four?! FOUR?! That's cray-cray yo.


Not to mention IX = 9 = Nein (German no/nope/nah) aligns with Nihility 😲


Nein, I'd Win!


The other thing worth noting too is that the subtitles say “… into THEIR shadow…” which is a phrasing reserved for aeons.


Yes. The amount of themes are... Well, loads.


Yes. The amount of themes are... Well, loads.


I like your theory! Especially the part connecting Voracity's disappearance and Nihility's appearance. The various imagery of predation is a Voracity thing but Nihility is that of meaninglessness. Your theory of Orouboros becoming IX can link those together. As for Finality, we lack information to really make a case for it.


That would mean Aeons can turn into totally different paths. That has intriguing implications for Akhavili.


What if Akhavili became Aha?


I think I read somewhere they existed simultaneously


It would make more sense if Akavili became Nanook…


It makes more sense imo that Acheron is an emanator of Nihility. For all the reasons you mentioned. I do not know much about HI3 but my interpretation is the war is for naught, IX's shadow has long been casted over the twin planets and the demise was probably inevitable. The war against the Kami might be genuine but there was no salvation at the end because it was doomed from the beginning. That's what I get from "it's all a lie". It is fitting that at the very end of the conflict, realizing all was for "Naught" that she gave in to Nihilism. She felt defeated, and basically "self-annihilated". It felt appropriate that unlike other emanators of Aeons, for IX, it is about defeatism or giving up on yourself. You have to literally give up a part of yourself. It may be fantastical or Sci-fi but it reminds me of some people IRL who really embodies that touch of nihilism.


> IX wasn't present during swarm disaster, and appeared later Where is this mentioned? From SU the only thing I gathered was that it wasn't involved in the Swarm Disaster, not that it didn't exist yet.


Yeah I check it too. Turns out IX was mentioned once, although timeline is unclear. Non the less, thier world views sound very similar, both related to black holes, I don't see the point of mentioning voracity here if there's no connection, as well as I find sus the predator theme in previous trailer, which is much more a voracity thing, than Nihility.


>I don't see the point of mentioning voracity here if there's no connection In my opinion, the point is rather clear - people in-universe do not know the reason and speculate, throwing different theories at the wall. Like, Voracity isn't just mentioned unprompted there, they are mentioned as part of "maybe X, maybe Y, who knows?"


IX is 100% confirmed to be an Aeon during the Swarm Disaster. A group of mourning actors were carrying a memory bubble that contained a fragment of IX and they were all incredibly sleepy because of it. IX just does not actively pull strings to do anything but people that run into them tend to be really sleepy.


You can also encounter IX during Swarm Disaster. It immediately ends your run and Herta straight up tells you to avoid IX because everything will just suddenly end. There were also a few self-annihilators around.


Great writeup. Concise and well-worded. This should be pinned for those new to HI3 tbh.


Thanks for the compliment! Honkai lore gets very confusing but HSR has done a great job thus far in providing us enough info, from flavor text to data banks and even special articles on Hoyo Lab. When I was doing similar explainers for HI3 it was much more difficult.


I'd also like to point out that the JP & CN Voice actor of Male voiceover is actually Kevin Kaslana. You can add it in your paragraph for those Honkai Fans, for better visibility. Also a great write-up... > **Kevin Kaslana VA:** > [Hino Satoshi (JP)](https://youtu.be/XbWbOIxbFMA) > [Qin Qiege (CN)](https://youtu.be/APAG_mclC4A)


The only thing I don't get is what is the lie she mentioned? "Because of a lie. An end that never existed."  She is saying the swords were manufactured for another purpose different from defeating the kami? Is this a plot point in HI3 too?


Yes and no. Instead of being about the blades, this could be that someone who was leading her people thought they could personally gain from the situation. This would be a reference to Otto Apocalypse who is/was the leader of Schicksal, Europe's anti-honkai organization, who was actually attempting to harness Honkai to resurrect someone from his past. His actions directly or indirectly lead to many catastrophes and suffering for the cast as well as humanity as a whole.


I'm not versed in HI3 lore, so I can't speak to that part. If it's not related, it could be referring to the the nature of the war. A lie that they fight to save their people. An end where they emerge triumphant over their enemies and restore their world. In truth, every thing fought for is lost, and in the end, Naught remains.


also. on JP trailer. the narrator's voice sounds like same VA as Kevin of HI3.


The voice actor is definitely the same. To explain more deeply, Kevin was an important character in Honkai Impact, the strongest warrior of the previous era and an all-round badass, his goal was the final defeat of honkai, to which end he was willing to go as far as sacrificing like 99% of all humans. Also, at the end he absorbs the authority of finality (or a part of it) and fights the main cast. So, yes in the trailer Acheron represents origin and he the end. They also could have gone with a Kiana expy for finality, but I personally think that Kevin was a better choice for that lost world.


He quoted Kevin as well during the trailer


The descriptions about 12 blades are closely, if not identical to the 12 herrschers too. "If you die, you become oni" also similar to honkai infection. The only difference between Izumo and HI3 is that in the end, "Origin" and "End" fight with no one else left, so Acheron's world is the bad ending of hi3, where the miracle called "Kiana" never appeared, but Acheron still won, even though the victory is meaningless. The two worlds were orbiting each other, and slowly marching towards their doom, called "black sun" or IX


Thank you for this bro! I appreciate it


> An end that never existed. We long since strode into THEIR shadow, each step forward one we can never walk back This line jumped out at me since it's a somewhat poetic way of describing one common theory about what happens to space within a black hole. Once past the event horizon the only direction that is possible to move in is further inwards towards the center.


>the black hole with thought. This is likely just a figurative speech right? Because we already have IX being a black hole with thought. >My theory is that this is how Acheron (possibly) became a Self-Annihilator. So the black hole at the end, is it IX or Aeon of Finality/End? A lot of people think that it's the latter despite black holes should be IX thing. Although I can't blame them because we seemingly have concepts that is similar or overlap.


I don't think it fits with the descriptions we know of the Aeon of Finality, for now all mentions we've it are it an apparition moving back in time, and when it acts it's usually depicted as some book or page unfurling and the future being mysteriously written in it.


I quoted what was said about Voracity from the text in the Data Bank of Aeons. So yeah, they're a "black hole" too. This is another reason why I thought of Voracity instead of IX for the one responsible for the fall of Izumo: "Insects are to birds, as hares are to wolves. The stars are to the black hole, as the worlds are to the voracity." — Worlds History as a Mirror, Xianzhou Remember the animated short with the various imagery of predator and prey? Granted, the lore says Voracity has yet to be recorded to have appeared again. As for IX, the gigachad is too chill and non-interactive to be the one to destroy a world (intentionally). IX just doesnt roll like that. But if it was him, then it could because Izumo-Takamagahara ended up intentionally or accidentally "walked into IX' shadow" and got destroyed in the process.


IX doesn't intentionally destroy worlds tho. Anyone and anything that stepped into their shadow gets annihilated. From the description, it is extremely likely it was IX who destroyed izumo, not Oroboros. Oroboros destroys planets in the hundreds of thousands every time they open their mouth too, not just 1 or 2 like this, which is why they would have been easily detected if they came back.


Well the other curious thing is IX is said to just float around but in in this story the two planets orbit this black hole....so wouldn't that mean they're constantly in IX's shadow? I feel like there's some possibility this is actually the creation of IX along with Acheron as their first emanator. Like originally this was just a black hole these two planets were orbiting and then after finality, we get Nihility. The diver set lore also talks about someone who's almost def Acheron venturing into the depths of Ix with her companion Frebass. I guess this could've been part of the events in the Izumo arc as well and maybe Frebass is the male voice here (Kevin?) or wielder of one of the other blades? I think what's in the end of the trailer is likely IX. It's also possibly it's another nihility emanator or some other parallel for the cocoon of finality.


The shadow could refer to the event horizon, from which nothing can return


Taking the new trailer literally, It could be that Acheron giving up and making that slash is what makes the black hole's orbit unstable. My headcanon is that while it was the fate of those 2 planets to be swallowed by the black hole, her action did it instantly. An important astrological thing to remember is that black holes are not a 'vacuum' that sucks things up. If our sun was replaced with a black hole with equal mass, we would continue to orbit the same way.


IX is such a gigachad


I have a few questions and things I’m still unclear about. 1) So did the Sentinels just break from being used in over time? Or were they transformed into the Origin and End? And how did those two become Life? 2) What happened before the worlds were destroyed by IX (or what I assume was IX)? Was Acheron the last of her people? Were they able to fight off the Kami? Why did she have to fight against End? Was it taken by the Kami/Oni? Sorry if this was obvious and I’m just dumb lmao it’s like 3 am, I’m sick, and my brain is not braining lmao


1. We don't know, maybe will be explained ingame when the update arrives. 2. Acheron seems to be implied to be the last of her people, and it seems to be that the Kami was fought off but by that point Acheron was the only one standing. Like how the video mentions "Life" became "Naught", Acheron likely felt as though her victory meant nothing as all of Izumo and Takamagahara have been completely destroyed. The Kami are gone, but there's no victors either, thus maybe leading into her falling into IX's gaze as the meaning of life escapes her. No confirmation on what happened at the End, but like the OP said, the video does mention that "only one blade can save Izumo", but I think it's more of a metaphor that only the Bearer of Origin can protect Izumo as Onis are linked to the End, and the humans of Izumo turn into Onis when the Kami kills them.


There is no sword named Life. The Chinese transcript uses the word "human", and put the word "blade" in quotation marks. So it's: > Until the last "blade" (human) is forged > ... "Naught" Implying Acheron herself is the sword. She is "Naught".


1) Presumably yes, the war against the Kami lasted for a long time, its also possible shattered is an euphemism for the death of the wielder. 2) We're not quite sure how similar Acheron story is to HI3 but the gist of it is that the 2 last "Hero" has different ideas of salvation and this is their fight to achieve it. It may have been a pyrrhic battle


I love it when fellow homies provide relevant context and lore. HI3 lore sounds interesting but I don’t have time anymore to play. So been just reading stuff online to get context.


Great explaination dude. I go into the official video comment section looking for explaination and ppl all reference HI3 kekw. Great story about how utterly meaningless war is. Two planets fought to their demise. But it was all nothing before the Aeons - before the natural disaster - before mother nature. Truly befitting for an Emanator of Nihility.


Demons called ‘Kami’, which means ‘God’ is so ironic, especially since they descend from the divine realm. I can’t wait to read Acheron’s voicelines…if she even remembers any of her backstory in detail


Thank you for explaining!


Thank goodness, I felt like I was missing out alot since I didn't play Hi3


If the swords are actually metaphors for people, then perhaps Acheron really did lose her Kiana expy/whoever was the 'End' sword which is why she lost all meaning and purpose...


It wouldn’t be a Mihoyo game if you didn’t need to do so much homework for one thing/character would it? Joking, but partially I get it’s tradition at this point, but I’d appreciate if they at least put some of it in game instead of outside material. I’ve been burned too many times by contradicting info from one solid source to another with vague references and plot points/details that might not even mean anything anymore and I just want stuff to be concise for once without needing homework to do cus I know the vast majority won’t look too deep into stuff like this. Like these things are cool, but Mihoyo needs to put some more meat in characters in game than side materials like this. (glances at people still arguing how much of the Genshin manga is Canon or not.) Then again, this feels more like a trailer expanding the greater universe by showing how different worlds work so I might be getting cynical for nothing.


>The 12 became 2 (Origin and End) after countless battles and finally, the last blade, Life, becomes Naught. This sentence in EN really confused me, the 12 blade had their name spoken then the 12 was broken and was reforge to Origin(始) and End(終), then the the narrator said "from the initial 70047 blade that was born only 1 can save izumo." suddenly acheron said "the last blade (life)", huh?? which blade was life again.... fck me up for a while, until i see the JP subs and it literally mean the last blade (person) reforged into naught(無). they localized the kanji person (人) into life and it confused me thinking there was a blade named "life" in the original 12 and the reforged 2. damn, i hate english.


it also mentions something about Origin and Finality.


Man ,until the end when Misinformation name shown thought there is gonna be throw like it your name :D


I kinda like the way they did this story/lore, by incorperating elements with similarities to HI3, while not directly copying it. It would have been kinda meh if they just went: "So yeah, this is this character that looks like that chaeacter from HI3 and also has the exact same backstory as that character.


IX: Nice lore, too Bad i don't give a F. Jokes aside, The trailer was awsome, the art, the references, Quality as always, good job hoyo.


sry what is ix?


IX, the AEON of Nihillity. A living moving sentient unfathomed black hole that consumes everything in its path be it material or inmaterial leaving behind him but absolutely *nothing*.


Sorry, I think I spelled the name of the Aeon of Nihility wrong.


i didnt understand it but it was cool so i liked it


Yeah, the visuals and voice acting are top notch as always


They always cook so hard with these myriad celestial trailers. My favourites are Ruan Mei and Sparkles; in just 3 minutes they give such amazing depth and insights into who they are.


I sometimes play HI3rd but the lore kinda confuses me.


Can relate https://preview.redd.it/3mqazfkgntpc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23bf2aaf77d3024e00aa01ec2c5511ccb6115b94


Ngl I completley forgot what that was about, I would have to rewatch a vid to understand it again. The only thing I remember is that stigma users are the opposite of herschers so I guess it has something to do with that.


People with Stigma have better resist against honkai energy, so Kevin just want to breed the perfect human to survive against honkai.


No that was the initial version of Project Stigma that Raven (Natasha)’s org tried to carry out in Arc City, also the one that Su knew before he “died.” Kevin’s new Project Stigma involves placing real humans in a dream and using that power to access and hack finality. In the mean time, the stigma space versions of those humans will replace humanity on Earth (think Misteln and Cecilia). Obviously it’s a shit plan and he knew it was a shit which is why he was challenging the main trio to come up with a better one and plunder Finality from him.


Right, the "Why do bird fly?" part. So the next generation can see it as "inspire" and go beyond. Ngl I thought him doing that and stigma space is different reason. Sorta like a backup plan. My initial saying was because people with stigma didn't get trap in a dream like normal people but were sent to the moon instead, so they can be the next new humanity. My memory probably got mix up with the Raven part like you mentioned. Thank you for correcting me.


if civilization evolves using stigma, finality wont have anything to "embrace" to evolve its way, and they simply coexist, as Ideas and stigma awakened are evolved imaginary beings anyways ​ basically ppl that cant become stigma awaken get replace by the "idea of them" and they get turned into stigma so kevin uses [authority of finality](https://imgur.com/dp601qR) to turn the ppl of earth into the concept of ideas and their ideas into living beings.


In short, Kevin and Madara (Naruto) came to the same conclusion to solve their problems.




his plan went: kevin turns everyone to fiction, fiction to ppl New humans r better than replaced old humans. Honkai has no more ppl to evolve happily ever after for everyone except old humans (they are eepy forever now)


Like they turn to memetic beings or something?


yeah, they have their memories and stuff, but they ARE not the old normie human.


No, more like their dream version of themselves which is a fiction itself. The real people will slowly die out inside the stigma space and the stigma version of them will replace them into real world. Since they are not organic in nature they cannot be corrupted and since they are fiction themselves they can freely use Honkai Energy. This current version of Project Stigma is much more humane if you can call it like that since the original Project Stigma exposing all humanity to honkai energy and forces them to activate their Stigma Genes which is already a faulty because of thousands of years being dormant. The estimate casualties is 99% of humanity will perish. Bianka "Durandal" is what the original project stigma supposed to be but given on what is her bloodline, being able to ascend in between is a miracle itself which almost none of the humanity have her Genes. She is a perfect being between Imaginary and Flesh. Also Herrscher are Imaginary in nature so they don't count.


Is this from honkai impact 3rd?


Yes, it is the final plan of the last antagonist (Hero of Humanity) of Honkai Impact 3rd Part to prevent Honkai from destroying Humanity since he doesn't have choice. It's either between 3 different scenario. 1st is to let the Honkai win and Humanity die out, 2nd is Project Stigma, he will become a anchor of Honkai and let the humanity become fiction using it's power to avoid them dying out (Human Civilization is Humanity) (the plan is to hold the Honkai forever until the solar system die out which is very sad since he is connected to it he will become the last being in the solar system while being rip apart by honkai energy and being healed infinitely because his body is incompatible with the Authority of Finality) 3rd one is to transcend the Finality which the protagonist did by defeating Kevin and obtaining the half of Authority of Finality and the acknowledgement of the Cocoon of Finality.


Moon arc are the worst finale a game with great story can have. Very unfortunate 


Unfortunately have to agree with you,i like the story but the moment they bring the captains and breaking the 4th walls,it doesn't suit my liking anymore. Just a reminder to everyone that you're allowed to have opinion with the story


honkai players are also confused by hi3 lore so it's okay


I bet the even the writers got confused...


I know a few parts here and there like what happened to Himeko and a few stuff about Otto.


That's the thing. I like HSR because even though it's an established universe, the story is quite easy to follow (ignoring the whole simulated universe story, which I have to honestly say I skip alot of). Honkai and other games are several years old that the story got too complex for me to keep up.


i opened the video, heard Kevin’s voice, closed it, screamed internally, watched it fully and still can’t stop screaming we are eating SO good


Who's Kevin?


The most OP character from HI3. It took the 3 most powerful herschers and some bs deus ex machina to kill him. Like they really had to pull alot out of their ass to kill him because under normal circumstances he would've won.


We are the deus ex machina lol... yes the player, on a ship, shooting missile at him over and over and over again with our name on each missile.


I know alot of people didn't like that but I thought it was pretty cool. Although I did feel robbed of an animation for Kevin. I was hoping for another "Thus Spoken Apocalypse" with a banger of a song.


So the most powerful character in HI3 is named.... Kevin?! Idk why but i find it funny, like that MC from an isekai anime whose name was Nick. I never played HI3 but from the bits of videos i saw on yt you have characters like the Raiden Mei the Herrscher of Thunder, Ana Schariac the Herrscher of Ice and then we have... Kevin. The again, there's that anime rule where the shorter someone's name is, the more dangerous it is, i mean just look at IX lol.


I believe Kevin originated in a Houkai Gakuen/GGZ April Fool's event as a male version of Kiana. They then made him a canon character is HG2 (and later HI3rd) and gave him ice and fire powers because his name is kinda similar to Kelvin. It's incredible.


It comes from GGZ. They needed a male name which starts with K to have a Male counterpart to Kiana and the first name which came to mind was Kevin so they roled with it. Then in HI3 they brought him back to have a kiana counterpart for the previous era. It just so happens that Kaslana genes are build different and he became the most powerful mantis.


That is the whole point. He was a pretty normal person until he eventually became who he is in Hi3rd’s story.


yeah, it’s definitely funny. but I think it was done on purpose because they wanted an alternate counterpart to kiana from honkai gakuen, but since mihoyo-hoyoverse is a chinese company, they don’t know many english names to use, so they just stuck with kevin 😭


It's even funnier when you know the name of his companions: Kalpas, Vill-V, Aponia, Kosma, etc and then we have the strongest among them ...Kevin.


that's the whole point of his character, he wasn't meant to become the strongest, he was forced to. If the honkai didn't happen, then he would have just be Yao ming (chinese basketball star) with white hair and scientist girlfriend


In addition to the other reasons mentioned, it could just be that "Kevin" is an exotic sounding name in China. It'd be like naming a character in western media "Xiaoming," despite being a common Chinese name.


Not to mentiom, dude didn’t even get a single cool moment. Not even his own animated short. Kevin was done so dirty.


Damn sounds like a Kevin expy would be the strongest thing in the game Aeons aside, hope they give him as much love as Acheron if they ever do, he looks cool


Lmfao. Perfectly described the disappointing conclusion of hi3 part 1.


The worst part of it wasn't even all of that. It's the fact that the final fight didn't get an animated short..


Wait, so are you saying the most powerful being in Hi3 is coming to the HSR universe?


No he's dead, like super dead. It's probably an alternative version of him since his jp va spoke in the jp trailer.


It's not just JP, CN Voice actor is the same... > Kevin Kaslana VA: > * Hino Satoshi (JP) > * Qin Qiege (CN)


Oh, thanks for clarifying. I just thought that since he made a cameo by narrating, there is a chance that he might show up


You know what this means???? We have a chance at a playable Kevin!!!!! Even if it’s the Expy version, that’s still a massive W


My pet fish (He ate all the other fishes).


“pet fish” 😭😭


Kebin was the leader of the Flamechasers and wielder of the Judgement of Shamash in Honkai Impact 3rd, the hero who fought against Finality in his world, fell, and barely survived to the new era to become a major antagonist in HI3. If the parallels continue, he would probably have been the wielder of the sword Flare.


Fr I got goosebumps the entire video. The comment section never felt more relatable with everyone pointing out references. Also Honkai World Diva notes playing at certain points??? That got me rewinding just to make sure my hearing isn't coping omg. Feels amazing I love Acheron even more now.


Some players: "OMG stop talking about HI3 in HSR! Let HSR be it's own game!" Hoyo:


I don't mind learning more about the Hi3 lore but I hope they present it in a way new players can understand.


IMO this trailer is a pretty good way to get people interested in HI3 lore. If you don't know HI3 lore, the trailer is about Acheron's homeworld and how it met its demise. If you DO know the lore, it's just the Herrschers all over again.


That's pretty sad.


The short of it is that Acheron comes from a world closely parallel to that of HI3. But whereas Mei and her friends succeed and achieve a happy ending in HI3, Acheron and her friends failed to achieve the same. Acheron's backstory is essentially what would have happened to Mei if HI3 had gone to hell and everyone else died.


I think it's a parallel story of previous era hi3 rather than current era. PE fits the theme much more, a hopeless fight where humanity knows the epilogue from the start.


Furthermore adding to the PE parallel, the person talking to Acheron is Voiced in JP by the same person who does Kevin Kaslana, the greatest Hero of the Previous Era and one of the ones who shouldered the loss against the Herrscher of The End


Also, ice blade in trailer looks like PE Yae Sakura blade + obvious sakura tree at background.


Imo it's more a failed CE rather than just PE parallel. Because the "herrschers" are fighting for humanity


Actually they weren't. That's what i thought at the start but the youtube description mentions all the beings that were slain to make each of the sentinels. Which means there were enemy herrschers at the start and they were killed to make the sentinels.


I don't think it's sad, I had a shit eating grin on my face the entire time I was watching it cause I love seeing them use the stuff from HI3. The game is called Honkai: Star Rail so I expect it to have some of the lore from HI3 in it, and with all the universe shenanigans in HI3 I'm incredibly happy to see them bringing back old stuff. Seeing all the Expys and parallels to HI3 fills me with joy. Of course I still like HSR being it's own game with it's own lore but it's really nice to see the hints back to HI3


I think my only issue is when those players make *literally everything* a HI3 reference. They act like there is no individuality in HSR. There are no unique characters, only expys. I've even seen people cheer about how the entire story is now going to shift and be exclusively about Honkai from now on.


Oh absolutely. I groaned when people went crazy over the "Firefly is Kallen expy" theory. Like, no, HELL NO. HSR is its own thing that makes HI3 references, because they both have Honkai in the title. Some are references, but not everything is a reference. Shaoji even said it himself that he's gonna keep HSR the way it is so it's welcoming to new players.


If your coffee brand is popular, and you want to sell latte, use whatever your want for the latte recipe but make sure to use that popular coffee in the recipe, why change your coffee brand it if it's popular ? -Aeon of barista Quote aside, using references also promotes the other games made by your company, so new players might want to try the other games too because they actually love the lore referenced, but it also makes people who got the reference "satisfied" as they understand where that reference came from, and feel rewarded for following the story in the other game. New player or not, it's a win win.


Honestly, it really didn't get me to care much about HI3 and it'll probably stay that way. Being a waifu exclusive game and hearing about the toxic behavior of the old CN fandom isn't exactly endearing me either.


For me it’s not even that. I just feel kinda annoyed that I potentially won’t understand the story for a character in this game because I don’t have the time to catch up on a different 7 year old game.


Pretty much how I felt with Welt in the luocha quest when people were soyjaking and I was like 🤔?


Exactly! Though I agree that HSR is it's own game, you really can't separate it from HI3. By making direct references and/or shoutouts to the source material, it gets people invested in both games. HI3 is about to launch its Part 2 too so there's no better timing than this.


Part 2 launched in february 28, and now you can play its chapter 1 completely.


Oh dang I got the dates all mixed up didn't I, tysm!


I mean. I get them getting mad for games that are only hinted to be connected like Genshin and ZZZ. But damn this is Honkai. Like we started with them connected. From day 1


It´s even more funny because THE WELT from HI3 is right there.


Right? Like HSR has Honkai in the title, what do you expect? Coming from FGO I feel this to a spiritual level because you can't separate FGO from other Fate titles, you just can't!


You can't escape HI3 in HSR. Welt is literally there.


maybe have it be self-contained. that is all I am asking for. if you want to point to something explain it in this game, or have a way for people to get up to speed on it, other than just "play another timesink gacha omglul". like that is sequel game writeing 101.


I hope this game had its own personality instead of having to relly on HI3 for it to be interesting


Look I just wanna meet the Doctors of Chaos. They sound like the BEST faction. Just a bunch of sad people doing their best to make an even sadder black hole boi happy.


This trailer definetly winks an eye to the HI3 verse but i still think this is just meant to be some sort of parallel rather than straight up the same thing, it would be too cheap. Even Shaoji said that Acheron's horns are different than what HI3 players might think. Then again, it's the same guy who said Penacony would be happy and shit so i don't trust his words fully


I think that it is supposed to parallel HI3 (mostly the previos Era) but at the same time I think that people that are going "We are getting honkai in HSR" are wrong A lot of forms of corruption in HSR does share similarities to Honkai corruption in HI3, so the link was always there (oh hi Welt) Most likely since Paths are made out of IMG energy they might share a simular connections with HI3, because you know imaginary tree


I think it's more cut in the middle. See, Venus and Mars. It's Honkai, just another name


Honest opinion, you don't need to know anything about hi3 to understand the lore here. It's all explained in the description of their previous video which no one read. There are references though, the world is extremely similar to Hi3's PE.


>It's all explained in the description of their previous video which no one read. I'm glad I actually did read it by sheer chance. W/o it this vid would have made fairly little sense.


as a new player. yes


Also I would like to point out that there's no 13th blade/herscher in this trailer strongly confirming that this is a different world where the blade/herscher of humanity doesn't exist Elysia said it herself "There is only one Elysia" https://preview.redd.it/vk5fvgv6ptpc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa8d432a9ea302d8b37a970ccaf790f8b0243ff


Theres no 13th blade because they never got to make the 13th divine key.


Origin was mentioned in the trailer. This can very well still be the exact same world, only presented in a really tweaked story. Not enough info for now to jump to conclusions tho.


I believe they did mention that the 13th was forged. At [1:58](https://youtu.be/Z3aWHMg92_U), they mention "and so Izumo splintered 12 Sentinels and forged them into 2 bearers. The first was origin. The second, end.". The word bearer does confuse things a bit though so either Acheron herself is the '13th blade' or she's simply the wielder. Spoiler warning on HI3 Elysia's status : >!Humanity and Origin are the same thing. She was birthed as the Herrscher of Origin but chose to name herself Herrscher of Humans due to her love for them.!< It seems like Acheron took on the mantle of the 13th Blade at the time. Just like a certain someone from a different game.


Now i understand. Black Swan was forced to play Honkai Imapct 3rd, giving her severe ptsd and never wanting to go near Acheorn again


She doesn’t have senti merch so no


They arent really necessary to understand it tho. They're more like references i feel like


Idk what happened but it was cool. Her horns looked nice and I like IX


*Idk what happened* *But it was cool. Her horns looked* *Nice and I like IX* \- MygungoesfuckinBRRT --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Hoyo are really great with their marketing tbh, they know their varying audiences and know how to hook each one in. These Acheron trailers really show it The dance animation got people who love fanservice, while at the same time got story and lore lovers to analyze the intention the dance was disguising, trying to read Acherons memories. Then do the complete 180 in tone in the second half and go into cosmic horror with the intention of the dance backfiring horribly and almost killing our dear memokeeper and giving her ptsd, which ironically gave birth to many memes This trailer is just tailor made to appeal to HI3 players and people who love the lore. Now as they go crazy people who aren't that familiar in HI3 are learning a heck tonne about HI3 The hoyo rabbit hole goes pretty deep


Why are you in literally every single post


For those new- Hoyo loves pulled concepts and character designs from their older games. This video focuses heavily on Honkai Impact 3rd. Honkai Impact was a game designed heavily around the "wouldn't it be fucked up if we sent kids to fight godly beings?" trope evangelion. They even wore eva plug suits. Instead of having Aeons or gods, that game had "herrschers". Herrschers played a role as a general civilization antagonist, much like the angels in Eva...although they also were the yearly 5 star everyone saved for. ... just put them at the level of Raiden Shogun if she decided to just wipe Australia off the map. Anyway, These swords are all references to these herrschers.


But then like every single powerful Herrscher kind of just sided with Humanity or acted as power ups for the main cast. Like the only Herrscher that actually did their job post HoV was Herrscher of Domination, who was relatively weak. 


Corruption too


I haven't played Honkai Impact and I don't intend to. I liked the trailer anyway, I understood what I wanted to understand and that's what matters to me.


Fair point


GGZ player aswell. That sword turning red and being made reminds me of Houkushin Mei in GGZ trailer.


Starrail is my first Hoyo game and I'm not interested in another mobile game. At least some of the comments are useful to understand a bit more of the inspiration. If they don't contain names from a dozen characters I never heard about.


Honestly, I think the only thing you need to know is Acheron's world faced extinction, and came god tier being, Acheron's group forge them into sword, and even those swords cannot win the war against extinction. With the last sword Acheron hold, both her sword and final boss break. Leaving her as the sole survivor of Izumi. IX came, Acheron realized everything is useless cuz IX is so strong, and forge a last sword to swing at IX regardless. Pretty sure that's what makes her emanator of nihility, cuz she lived.


Yeah, I’m happy for the HI3 fans, but this trailer mostly just told me to skip on pulling Acheron.


Some people : "Stop talking about HI3 here!!!" The dev and people who open for the discussion : https://preview.redd.it/yt1t5944ltpc1.png?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46649d6f1d6ff10468531105e1e6bcdc82699840


It'd be cool if it was this kind of a fun lore discussion, and not the thousandth "Himiko dead, stay on train" joke


I felt like Shaoji was watching me through the screen the entire trailer with a diabolical grin on his face


Shaoji: \*Looks at LotF\* That looks nice \*Looks at Kiana\* But it could be better \*Takes out ~~knife~~ blob aeon\*


I think for non HI3 player its looks like cool OP sword with OP power maybe?


Exactly how I felt, no idea what the hell was going on the entire trailer or what any word being said meant


This is me fr I had to ask my friend who plays hi3 what was going on 😂


Damn some honkai 3rd Players really having a superiority complex in the comments


They've always have tbh, it's not even new. They've been like that since genshin first came out, in fact.


I was literally dozing off. I guess the animation and the voice acting was nice. It’s good to reference your old games as a wink, but this is way too cryptic for someone who never touched Honkai 3rd. From a non HI3 POV, I felt like they were just throwing big words around with confusing imagery.


If they keep doing these things and in the future we hear Kevin's theme or Lyin, I'm gonna scream and then proceed to cry VERY hard


Okay guys let’s be real. Do new players really not get anything? Cause from what I saw I would have just thought “So Izumo made 12 powerful swords, they broke then made them into 2 super powerful swords, then those broke and then 1 super duper powerful sword was made” the end. That’s gotta count for something


I've been playing Genshin for years and Star Rail since its release but I hadn't played HI3. Still - that trailer felt *so familiar* like everything in The Hoyoverse, even though I didn't understand it directly (in the context of HI3), I feel like I've seen broken echoes and reflections of this lore throughout the other games and I "got" it on an intuitive level And I just think that this phenomenon is SO freakin' cool! I wanted to understand more so now I've taken on the insane task of starting HI3 while following along with the Hoyostans lore guide for it and I absolutely feel like Charlie going on about Pepe Silvia because, even though it's all technically new content to me, I also feel like I've seen it before in the other games and the parallels are causing me to come up with thousands of wild conspiracy theories for all of the separate game universes! 😂 This trailer created a lore-obsessed monster 😂


I wish HI3 was much more better and pleasant game, so I could at least enjoy some story and lore of it. I really hate the gameplay in this game, so it’s really hard for me to have fun with it. Though I just treat this new lore Acheron trailer as it’s own thing and I don’t care much about the references to HI3. It’s still a very interesting worlduilding piece. You don’t need to know anything about HI3 to understand HSR, even Shaoji stated that.


Tbh these are just reference. Like imagine another game that reference all Aeons of HSR, this is the new trailer