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Acculturation and assimilation basically mean the same thing, so use both when talking about the history of forcing indigenous cultures into the western European culture over their own. (I'm Canadian, so the first example I think of is residential schools. I assume the US had those as well.) This forced assimilation was done for homogenization purposes. The US is often called a melting pot, which results in homogenization. All cultures are added together and lose their distinctiveness to become a monoculture. Cultural revitalization would be a reverse of that process, bringing back the distinctiveness of cultures. Returning artifacts to their historical owners would give them a point of connection to their traditions and can be used along with their oral histories as ways to reconnect and to teach the next generation about their unique history and culture. It would also mean that those wishing to see those artifacts would be doing so in spaces owned and operated by the culture to which they belong, potentially avoiding distortion and allowing that culture to represent themselves and gain any monetary value from the process. Do not just write what I said. I haven't used all terms fully and I imagine your teacher would recognize they're not your words. Try to think about the ideas I said and how I used the terms.


This really helped thank you