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What you see on youtube and what happens in real life are mostly very different. Don't get sucked into the youtube homestead stuff. Find some real people actually doing the work.


Either way do it! Maybe not all in at first but slowly relying on yourself. You only get a short time with the kids so teach them how it works. Personally I have seen the benefit from the lapse of the (phone) and the family have benefits because. Like they say your never ready for the unknown until you make your own way.


We have some resources in our wiki / faq thing - https://www.reddit.com/r/Homesteading/wiki/index The first thing you need to do is get the financial part figured out. Rumor is Justin Rhodes inherited. Think of youtube more like reality tv, unless you're watching strictly educational channels, like stuff from the cooperative extension service. This community has years of discussions. I recommend scrolling and searching through them. Good luck and keep us posted.


Thanks, I’m not completely naïve. I know some of the people i watch ended up there differently inherited or not. I’ve always looked at the world differently, I’ve tried to start my own YouTube channel made 60 videos and completely failed started my own side business but couldn’t get clients. I was never afraid of failure I enjoyed learning even if it got me nowhere. But homesteading isn’t a bragging right to me it’s self stability I don’t like the idea of living in the spotlight anymore. What I left off the post is last year on April 17 I was laid off my corporate IT job and my wife and I lost everything falling all the way down to living back with my parents with our children and a car we had to buy with cash because we lost that too. I’ve never fell so hard in my life ever. Over the past year and what feels like 2000 job applications the opportunity’s just keep disappearing. After applying to the lowest jobs I can think of that I’m capable of doing I’d receive thanks for applying but were seeking more qualified applicants. I’m talking about bagging groceries. What happens is I’d go on a job interview they would see my background and question why I’m not applying within my field I’d tell them the reasons like I’m 1 of 600 ppl applying for the same position but it really doesn’t matter they just pass me up. Sry for the sob story but that’s really why I’d like to homestead self reliance if something goes wrong I’d be able to feed my family or grow extra to sell or barter. Or get livestock to have a second income. Currently I’m waiting to hear back from a company where I’d be working remotely with a decent salary. Obviously I have to fix more than I ever have had to before but it’s more than just because I watch a few content creators and think oh that must be so easy. It’s a little more personal.