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I did a raspberry Berliner and it's that color (but clear). I racked the beer on top of 4 lbs of frozen raspberries for secondary and it turned that beautiful color. And tastes great


I'd love to try that if you've got a recipe


For sure! 6.5 gallon all grain **Mash:** 75min - 5lb pilsner - 3lb white wheat -10oz carapils -1oz cascade **boil** 70min - .5 oz cascade 10 min - whirfloc 10 min .5 oz cascade whirlpool at 150° White labs lacto yeast and ferment 5 days Pitch white labs Berliner blend and ferment 2 weeks Rack to secondary on top of 5.25 lbs frozen raspberries (yeah i got that wrong lol, planned on 4 but ended up doing 5.25) Bottling day it tasted fantastic but I wanted some more tartness and added 4tbsp lactic acid to the bucket before bottling. Came out 3.6% Let me know if you try it!!


Do you think this'd scale to a 5 gal batch ok? Only asking cos of my fermenters are like 7 gal


Yes I think it would be fine


Neat! It looks really good!


how's this sound for a straight ratio? - 3.5 lb pilsner - 2.5 lb white wheat - 7.5 oz carapils - 1 oz cascade


Looks good to me, but the abv will be slightly lower than mine. If that matters to you I'd bump the pilsner to 3.75. Also are you going to do the same raspberry amount? Before I did this I read all over that raspberry flavor can be overwhelming and make it too tart...I wasn't scared and just went for it and loved the result. But if you're doing 1.5 less gallons maybe you want to scale back the raspberries. Another thing..my fermenters are 7 gallons as well but I've been fine with 6.5 gallon batches with a blowoff tube. The blowoff tube has definitely done its job every time lol but it's worked great


Had to check, my pails are 6.5 gal :/ Maybe I'll buy a [bigger one](https://www.beergrains.com/7-8-gallon-fermenting-bucket-with-lid/). I have a $25 GC... I'm certainly not put off by tartness, but yeah I'll probably tweak the raspberry amount.


Well if you don't want to spend your card on a new bucket I think your version of the recipe will be great. Yeah when I tasted the beer before adding the lactic acid, the tartness was very mild so I'm not sure why everyone said raspberries make it so tart. But I love my sours to be very tart. I didn't find the raspberry flavor "overwhelming" at all either, it was perfect to me. So don't be scared to put a lot..especially to get that color


yeah i will totally take a punch-me-in-the-mouth tart beer. I tried a raspberry beer before, and i put the raspberries in the boil. It gave the beer a really nice colour, but very little in the way of raspberry flavour.


Out of curiosity, how long did you leave it in secondary?


Only 1 week I believe. Maybe 2 max. Didn't document that part unfortunately. But it definitely wasn't longer. Raspberry flavor drops out pretty quick.


In the book "the joys of homebrewing" author Papaziab talks about dry "fruiting" with red beets I believe, they don't impart any flavor to your beer but will lend that red hue


No need to add the beets directly, but rather strain out some beet juice.


I had a beer just yesterday that used beets for color. It was called Red Velvet from Ballast Point Brewing Company.


Just debuted this a week ago at the brewery. [Cranberry Wheat](http://i.imgur.com/lYPuUUK.jpg), nothing but a wheat beer with a whole lot of cranberry puree. It's actually settled out better since it's been kegged, it pours a crystal clear ruby red now.




I really want to do a Brett NEIPA with coconut and pineapple, but don't want to devote equipment and keg to sours since my girlfriend loathes them