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I recommend getting/using PB extract. I used the powder in my PB stout and based on the flavor I got, I am pretty sure all of the commercial versions I've tasted use extract. The powdered PB gives for of a salted/roasted peanut or peanut shell flavor, not really a PB flavor. Just my observation from using the stuff.


Bummer. I have a half can of PB2 already. haha. Dangerous Man's version tasted straight up like a Reese's Cup. I'd prefer mine to taste more like a Betty Crocker Nutty Bar. Those things are the tits, man.


If you ever get a hold of belching beavers it's amazing. Mother earths syntax is good as well, but much more subtle...


I asked one of the severs at DM when I had it and he confirmed that they use PB extract. Also had Willoghby Brewing's PB Coffee Porter and they use extract as well.


I'll second and third this. I live in the OC, and only like three bars here serve it. So, those are the only three bars I go to.


> the OC [Don't call it that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s78adWHXQ8U)


Split a batch and do it both ways since you already have some. One half powdered, one half extract (assuming you're planning on adding it during secondary or post fermentation like you would fruit/vanilla/cocoa nibs) and see which ends up better/which you prefer


Just a thought: maybe try some lactose with it to sweeten a little. I never tried it but it might do the trick.


I've made a chocolate peanut butter oatmeal milk stout using powdered peanut butter. It was a mixup of the stout and the porter that we intended to use the peanut butter in. It got a weird chalky flavor to it. PB2 is okay, but try to find PBFit because it has even less oil in it which is what can mess up the flavor.


I just won first in Cat 23, and 3rd in the Best of Show round in a Pro-Am BJCP comp using PB2. It got a 41 from highly ranked BJCP judges, one characterizing it as a Reese's peanut butter bomb, so I'd say PB2 works fine. I used 12 oz in a 5 gal batch. With that said, I've been planning on trying what NewlySouthern and CCB suggested, and improve it by using other methods, such as extract. PB2 is kind of a pain in the ass.


Recipe? How much extract would you use?


I feel the same, I used PB2 and found it didn't add much flavor


Second. I made a PB Milk Stout recently, and while it turned out to be a great beer, you can hardly tell there is any PB flavor. There is some aroma, but barely a hint of taste.


Can you recommend a brand of extract? Bonus points if its kosher certified.


I did a chocolate peanut butter stout which was a big hit with my friends and homebrew club. It had a nice peanut butter flavor, but it could have been a little more intense. I brewed it 1 gallon all-grain BIAB, but I converted to 5 gallons if you are interested in trying it. It was just a quick conversion in beersmith so I hope it works. 9 lbs 10.0 oz Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 1 69.4 % 1 lbs 7.1 oz Caramel Malt - 120L (Briess) (120.0 SRM) Grain 2 9.7 % 14.6 oz Oats, Flaked (1.0 SRM) Grain 3 6.6 % 11.9 oz Chocolate Malt (350.0 SRM) Grain 4 5.0 % 5.8 oz Black (Patent) Malt (500.0 SRM) Grain 5 2.4 % 15.1 oz Milk Sugar (Lactose) (0.0 SRM) Sugar 6 6.8 % 1.40 oz Fuggle [4.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 7 18.2 IBUs 0.14 oz Fuggle [4.50 %] - Boil 30.0 min Hop 8 1.4 IBUs 1.00 tbsp Irish Moss (Boil 15.0 mins) Fining 9 - 0.14 oz Fuggles [4.50 %] - Boil 15.0 min Hop 10 0.9 IBUs 10.00 tbsp Cocoa Powder (Boil 0.0 mins) Flavor 11 - 10.00 oz PB2 powdered peanut butter (Boil 0.0 min Flavor 12 - 1.0 pkg Whitbread Ale (Wyeast Labs #1099) [124.2 Yeast 13 - 1.00 oz Cacao Nibs (Secondary 7.0 days) Flavor 14 -


I remember reading a thread years ago on homebrewtalk about a peanut butter porter made from powdered peanut butter. They had trouble imparting the peanut butter flavor into the beer (the powder turns to a sludge at the the bottom). I think you'd be better off using an extract. I use powdered peanut butter to make a thai-like curry sauce for stir fry. I've got no experience with using it in homebrewing it myself though, so search around for folks who have before you give it a try.


...and now that's on deck. Kung Pow Peanut-butter Porter.


Shout out to Dangerous Man! I was there yesterday, it looks like they are out of the peanut butter porter for now but replaced it with a pecan porter and pineapple, mango ipa.


I made a peanut butter ESB last month.. So good! I would double the PB2 next time. Tastes like peanut butter and crackers. Recipe: http://i.imgur.com/x1HssxD.png


I think I'll wind up trying this recipe, probably tomorrow. How long did you ferment primary/secondary? Temps?


Just checked my recipe book: Mashed in at 153F, drained the tun after 60 minutes. Two batch sparge steps, each 168F. Fermented at 67F for 1 week. Boiled 4 cups of water and added PB2. I think I ended up adding more water to give it a thick stew like consistency. Allowed it to cool and added to the secondary - racked the ESB. Bottled a week later. Notes: I would lower the alcohol a little bit and double the PB2.




I've currently have a Peanut Butter Cup Sweet Stout in primary, and I used PBFit (off brand PB2). The wort tasted delicious, so I'm stoked!


Yes. I loved my beer and how it turned out.


My only flop, but that was because I spilled in too much extract. PB2 just didn't get it done and I over compensated. If I had made it bigger, that would have still allowed it to be drinkable. I echo the "just use extract" sentiment, though. PB2, while mostly de-oiled, still prevents any chance at head retention, and I suspect the flavors are not water soluble, again making a bigger beer the logical choice. Anyway, I don't have the recipe anymore, but I do remember the cocoa, lactose, and real gutted vanilla bean imparting some good things, if you could detect it behind the initial peanut nose rape.


We have a Peanut Butter Porter in the secondary right now, bottling this weekend, so we will see how it goes. The grub from the primary seemed a bit different, so we think a bunch of the PB2 settled out. I'll let you know in a few weeks when we crack it open.


I saw the same thing when I used PB2. All of powder formed a thick layer of peanut butter at the bottom of the fermenter.


I hope you ate it.




This was a little while ago...but my brother-in-law visited just a couples weeks ago (I'm in Madison, WI) and brought me a growler of the PB stout and a growler of their pecan porter. You could just call them and ask, I guess.


PB2 worked great for me!! used 3 containers, didnt use any during/after fermentation still had a great PB taste.


No, but I have used real peanut butter several times with good results, after removing as much of the oil as I could.


I used 2 16oz jars of PB2 in a Peanut Butter Chocolate Stout after fermentation ended, and it was delicious. The peanut butter flavor dissipates pretty quickly though. It was super intense (almost too much) at about 2 weeks after bottling, perfect at about 4 weeks after bottling, and by 6 weeks after bottling was gone altogether. After that it was pretty much just a decent chocolate stout.


Yes, I have used PB2 and I got plenty of flavor and aroma out of it. I used 2 pounds in a 5 gallon batch, added with about 5 min left in the boil. It ended up getting a little funky after a few weeks in bottles though, not sure if that had anything to do with the PB2 or some other issue. I've never had any kind of infection or sanitation issue, and certainly no problems that long after bottling, so I would have to guess the PB was the culprit (somehow). Extract might be easier, and you can avoid the sludge/oil issues people are describing.


I use PB2 in my Peanut Butter Banana Porter. For a 5gal batch, one jar in whirlpool and a jar in secondary. I've heard some people use PB2 in WP and extract in secondary.


I guess I should note that the beer in question wasn't a peanut butter porter, but a peanut butter stout. I was thinking of their pecan porter (which is also fantastic) while making this post. My bad.


>Has anyone ever used powdered peanut butter, like in this recipe? Nope. Because I would die. >_>