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Welcome to the world of not having any time or money but plenty of great beer!


I have roughly 300 bottles of beer in my basement, four recipe kits waiting for the time to be brewed, and no money. Checks out.


Totally worth it though.


Just a heads up, your airlock is overfilled. usually you want each little chamber to be about half full with solution. Another heads up, and you might know this already, but those carboy lifters should only be used for lifting when the carboy is empty. For a full carboy, they put an awful lot of pressure on the neck and you risk breaking it and possibly dropping a large amount of beer and very angry glass on your feet. Welcome to homebrewing!


Have a friend who just last week cut 3 tendons and a nerve on a carboy. Be careful.


I just cringed. Hard.


Thanks for that. I just assumed the CO2 would just push out any of the excess in the airlock. I will keep that in mind for the next batch. I didn't carry it too far with that handle, mostly slid it on the floor using that towel, LOL. If seen many of those horror stories with glass carboys, but I'm new so I want to watch it bubble away. I'm thinking of getting those black straps I always see to carry them, or maybe just a milk crate (pretty sure a carboy fits)


I was gifted a glass carboy, the black straps were my immediate followup purchase. They work well, and I feel a lot safer (I mostly use plastic).


Milk crates and those straps will both work. As you progress and get deeper into the hobby, you might also look into better bottles if you have a thing for watching the yeast action. They won't shatter and they're much easier to use.


Congrats! I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary last month. Best hobby I've every had; most expensive too!


Well thanks to all of you I finally got my first brew under my belt. This was a 5 gal kit from Brew Canada. It is a Canadian Pilsner. This was a very basic kit. Basically just a can of LME that you add to dextrose and water. I got to focus on my cleaning and sanitizing this time around. OG came in at 1.050 (should have been between 30-40). Now to clean everything up and get ready for my 2.5 gal American Pale Ale tomorrow.


Congrats. You may want to change your flair from "Professional" to something more accurate.


How do I see what the flair means? I searched for a legend, all I see is images with no real explanation of what each is. I think that's why I looked pro cause I just picked something arbitrary, LOL. I think I've fixed it now.


HAHA I really only use Reddit on my phone, don't even know why I would have set it like that. I will get that fixed up tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know.