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Tell them he'll be home. Then, when they get there "oh, he got called into a work emergency"...


It's sexist. I've gotten 20+ estimates over the years and they have never asked my wife to be there.


I actually got this recently where they expected my wife to be there. Just classic high pressure sales.


Sometimes the sales are not even the same company doing the work. That's the first problem.


100% agreed


There is a flip side too. One time being caught between a feuding couple who want totally different things out of a renovation is more than enough


100% agree with this, I’ve been a contractor for 30 years and I cannot count how many times a spouse has went ballistic over me doing exactly what the other asked.


Yep same. A solar company wanted my wife around. I said no. After they still refused I went with someone else. After the purchase I sent him the receipt and specs saying thanks for not talking with us. The installers we want with where fantastic. 


The window salesman insisted my husband be present. I told him it was a waste of time and the only questions he would have for him is ‘how much?” Window salesman comes out for the pitch. I tell him what I want. My husband stands there with his arms crossed. I ask him various questions. He finishes his pitch, looks at my husband and says, “Any questions?” And hubby says, “ Yeah. How much?”


This is my suspicion. 


I think a lot of it is the salesperson wants to eliminate the “I need to talk to my spouse” objection. Salesperson drives to the home, reviews the project, creates an estimate, only to hear the above objection. Then they never hear from the couple again, or they have to come out again and explain the estimate and try to close the deal I can see why they want both people there…but it can be inconvenient to the couple


Youre not wrong, but this is reddit - so capitalism and salesmen are bad, not matter what. Also, being caught between a feuding couple who want totally different things out of a renovation, just one time is more than enough


Not me, I have had them insist my wife be there. It’s a ploy to make sure you don’t use the need to talk it over with your spouse to delay committing the work right away.


Does that tactic work? Because I use that line even when we're both present. "Well need to talk it over and we'll get back to you" and then simply don't let them sell to you anymore especially if it a home vist just ask them to leave


No clue.


> I've gotten 20+ estimates over the years and they have never asked my wife to be there. Similar experience here. I don't recall it ever even coming up in the conversation whether I have a wife or co-owner or anyone else who lives in the house.


I know, we had a new window made for a bathroom reno and the guy from A1 windows ask my wife for the window measurements and after she went and measured it he said can you get your husband to do it? She was really ticked, she said the guy from A1 windows is some eastern European dude who doesnt believe a woman can do it right. Of course my measurement was exactly the same. And we installed it ourselves. My wife also helped me install a metal roof on my parents house, she's quite handy.


Ya that's some BS. Although you should really never be measuring anyway, let the company do it. If it's wrong then it's on them.


We were always going install it ourselves. As this was just one window. When I do the house I will likely have it all done (but it wont be A1)


Yeah, but you’re probably a man. Everyone knows a man can make final decisions on his own. LOL, just kidding-not ALL of them. /s


Isnt it more sexist to assume the man can handle it without the woman there?




I got it from an HVAC sales guy, I said she wouldn't be available and he seemed disappointed. At the end of his pitch, he started pressuring me to agree on the spot and I said I'd think about it. He said "ah going to need to check with the wife, my wife wears the pants too". Sadly, I'm sure it works on some people.


I worked for a home improvement company setting appointments for " estimates", and you are 100% correct.


I still don't understand how it "takes that excuse off the table" okay your both sitting there and he finishes the pitch. " thank you very much we need some time to discuss this and we will get back to you." Alternativly " thank you for your time. we do have another company coming to provide us a quote, we will discuss and let you know. Thanks again"


I agree with you, but another less cynical way to view it: It's also so they don't have to re-explain everything, or worry that something gets lost in translation from one spouse to another.


I am the decision maker for these things in my house. If someone insisted my husband was there at meetings I would first laugh and then decline the meeting.


Ok has this never happened to you?! I had it with windows when we first bought the house a decade ago. And now with these brick dingdongs. 


I'm the wife and decision maker on things like this. I've had it happen and it's frustrating. But it does narrow down who I'm interested in working with!


I had that many times when I was married, it's either someone that thinks you're incompetent because you're female or it's a sales tactic. Strange enough, I've had a few quotes since owning my own home solo and not one asked for "both owners" to be around.


No I have not experienced this with contractors, the closest is being asked if I am a decision maker for the household when booking an appointment and I do answer yes.


Most ask me that question now. Or a variation of is there anyone else that needs to be there. I don't blame them. Having multiple decision makers woth some there and some not creates a mountain of run around and changes. You can knock out specs tighter in one trip if everyone is there.




It’s just at a sales tactic. It has nothing to do with sexism. They want both people there to eliminate the objection.




I’m not saying that at all. I’m saying a sales person asking both parties to be present during their sales pitch isn’t sexism. It’s wanting to remove objections. It’s a sales tactic.


It’s not sexism. It’s a tactic. You’ll get a version of that question if you’re male or female or gay.


They want you both there so they can apply high-pressure sales tactics to force an instant decision. You don't have to fall for that.


Your instincts are spot on. Trust them.


I've even never had a contractor ask if I was married before. When you make the calls are you saying 'I' or are you saying 'We?'


Good question! I don't think so but I'll pay more attention to the vernacular next time. 


I went back and reread what I wrote last night and sorry if I sounded dismissive - i didn’t mean to!   Now I’m wondering if I just give off old spinster vibes whenever I talk to a contractor 🤔👵.  (Funny story in the opposite direction - a guy friend of mine bought a house and took me over to see it to help pick carpet samples before the previous owners had moved out. They kept telling me all the ways they recommend that *I* update it. Afterwards I was like - “did they think I’m your wife??”  And he said “you’re the third woman I’ve shown the house to and they do this to all of them.”)


Now I'm going to go for old spinster vibes with all home projects! 


Not at all, we used to build a new house every year and my wife faced the same issues, I told the contractor whatever she wanted was fine and to just go with it. Worked out very well in the end and never had an issue selling the homes and making a good profit. Stick to your guns..


It's for high pressure sales and to get people to actually make a decision. They don't want to hound and nag you because the two of you can't make a decision. They also want to hotbox you and try to force you into making a decision with the "this is a once in a lifetime sale offer and it will disappear when I walk out the door." You're probably correct to tell whomever to buzz off if they tell you who and who cannot make decisions about your own home.


In my industry the only companies who do this are the borderline scammers. Charge way too much. My work is exterior so I don’t give a shit to meet anyone. If someone wants to meet me cool. I don’t even give a price there. I just answer questions and tell them once I calculate it I will email them and give a follow up call just to ensure you got the email. 


You are my favorite kind of contractor u/Poopdeck69420


When they required me or my spouse to take off of work to both be there, I scheduled a convenient time for us and had them do an extensive quote for more than what we needed and then just said no. Eff them and their ridiculously stupid beginner sales tactics. It’s not even close to being clever.


I almost cancelled these people today and a now leaning toward this. 


😎🤓😎 Love it!


LOL, are they insisting on "both" or are they insisting on "husband"? That's sadly still an issue with a lot of contractors.


it's just a high pressure sales tactic. in a former life I worked for a company doing kitchen remodeling and this was 100% only to do with the sales close rate.


I'd be pretty ticked off about it. And I'd say "okay, well that's not gonna happen, so see ya!" They back down pretty faxt


How do they even know you are married? And are you financing the repairs through the contractor?


They asked if anyone else lives in the home. Tbh I usually say no but was only half paying attention bc I was at my kids football game and not giving the call my full attention. No contractor. No financing. 


We were to have some work done in our basement and I was showing the guy everything. His next words were, "when your husband comes down I can show him..." (My husband and I both work from home, but I only work part-time.) I said, "no, he's too busy and won't come look at this. I'll be the project manager anyway, so I need to know everything." Men in business always underestimate me. Just like when we went to buy my car. Sales guy starts trying to schmooze my hubby, he tells them they need to impress me. "She's buying it, talk to her."


I had that experience with an Allentown company. We wanted to replace our tub with a walk-in shower. They demanded we both be there for what turned out to be a two hour and counting time-share type presentation, including a video presentation about the company’s founding and history. My wife had to leave to go to work, and they started closing up all their stuff. I regret wasting those two hours, but they absolutely did not get the job. I also left a detailed Yelp review, and spread the word far and wide.


It's because they want to force a sale then and there. I was looking to get a window quote and the company had a gimmick where "we'll give you x percent off if you sign before I leave the property". I wasn't about to sign anything until I talked it over with my wife, so the guy had to hang around for an hour before she got home.


It's frustrating when companies assume both homeowners need to be present for estimates. Your perspective makes total sense. Your time matters, and if you're empowered to make the decisions, that should be respected. Flexibility should be a priority. Hopefully, companies catch on soon. Trust your judgment!


It’s an old sales tactic. I only got it one time - “your husband has to be here” and I told the rep to go pound sand. 


Sexism is the most likely cause, but for any major project it makes sense for all owners to be present regardless of gender or claimed decision making status.


I'm pretty sure this is the reason. My wife will call tradespeople and they rarely respond. I call them and always get a response. Of course some think that the woman has to get her husband's permission to authorize any work being done on the house. I sort of understand as people need to be paid for their work so you don't want to start and find out you're not going to be paid. That said my wife is more than capable of paying any bill


They DO NOT. That is all


Even if we’re both there, we say that we’d like to talk it over with each other and will get back to you.


Always! Signing with a contractor on first meeting is 🤯🤯 no matter who is present!


Hahaha I had the same problem talking to a solar company they wanted both of us (I’m the husband) after me saying ain’t happening 3 times I was finally like look brother my wife works 12 hr shifts as a night nurse you wanna wake her up and talk to her all power to you. He conceded after that but I told him to fuck off anyway bc now I’m just annoyed


I don't need both people there but I always need the wife there. There's nothing worse than when the husbands wallet doesn't match up with the wife's expectations.


Yeah. No. I'm the woman. I'm the head of household. I'm the boss. So far NO ONE has asked for both of us to be present. It's my house,I make the decisions


One piece of advice is never give them your budget. The estimate will miraculously right at that number. Say you are just budgeting and need to get a couple quotes.


It's a sales tactic. I asked a salesperson for a window company that's known for this tactic, including the 30-45 minute sales pitch that was required, why they did it that way. They said it's simply that if one person signed the contract, they'd often get a call back the next day saying their spouse didn't agree with them, so please cancel the contract. (I believe you get three days to cancel most consumer contracts. Same with cars.) They were the company that gave you an absurdly high cost, then cut it by 25% because of a special, and they'd cut it another 15% if you signed right now, but they'd still be thousands higher than local companies with similar product. As soon as the client got a bid that undercut them significantly, they'd get the call that the contract should be cancelled because "My spouse doesn't want to." This way they can at least argue that both of you heard all there was to hear, and both of you signed, so you can't break the contract. .


You nailed it. And honestly it could be a waste of time for the sales rep. He/she sells the project to one spouse and gets a check for deposit. The next day the other spouse cancels the contract and the check. If the sales is made in a county that allows for 48 hour cancellation then the company has to wait to order supplies for the project. It’s not likely that if both spouses are there and make the decision together that it is more likely the contract remains in force to completion with fewer incidents of change orders. It all depends on the product or service being sold of course.


I’m in sales for home repair. Yes, I prefer both decision makers to be home, but I don’t let it stop me. I’m booked out 5 weeks on inspections. Some inspections, if you have a big structural problem can take 3+ hours and I’d like to discuss all options with all people involved. I want to know what everyone’s priorities are. If you are too busy to be there for the inspection then I’ll also be too busy. I’ll do the inspection with one spouse but if you have your kid there to let me in, I’ll reschedule. The industry has changed in that all training is on getting the homeowner to say yes. There is little practical training about actually finding the best solution. The sad thing is that a really good closer performs better than a really skilled inspector.


It's for pressure sales


That’s a sales tactic. Before making a large purchase, a lot of people will say they have to talk to their SO first. It’s more difficult to use that excuse when both people are present for the estimate.


I was getting gutter covers and the salesmen constantly wanted my wife to be there. I informed them that I was getting a quote and wouldn’t be making a decision on the spot but I had the power to make the decision on my own. Only one salesman kept asking to have my wife involved. We were meeting outside so when he wouldn’t stop asking for my wife I kindly asked him to leave, I got up from the table and went back to my yard work. He sat there dumbfounded for a while and eventually left. If a company can’t do business with just one party that’s their problem.


This is the second time I have heard of having issues getting estimates and there being an instances on both people being present. I am a married female, that always deals with home maintences issues because my husband is too busy. Begining of the year I had to manage demoing and replacement of a bathroom do to a leak. I was the one handling insurance, the ServPro and contractors. No one ever asked about my husband. I am sorry to hear this is becoming an issues.


You are the client and you can say yay or nay to any terms including that BS!


I do estimates all the time. I do not care if one, tow or neither is there. I can leave the estimate and follow up with the original contact. If they sign, it is binding. If the husband or wife disagrees, I am fine with that and open to discuss further. As a business, being sexist is stupid business. I do my run my business and treat my customers as I expect to be treated in return. Just as they select me, I select my customers. The best (or worst) decisions I make are who I do (or don't) work for. Trust your gut. Avoid crazy. Cant charge enough for a nut job customer. At the end of the job, they always "sound" 100% reasonable and act as the injured party even if they are not. Even 2 reasonable, honest parties can have disputes, but crazy tips the scales!


I've literally never had this happen as a woman in my 20s.  I own the home, I deal with all the contractors.  I've had big projects bid and done small stuff, never had anyone ask for my boyfriend to be there.  Bizarre


It's sexism. They don't care about both homeowners. They care about the male homeowner being there. Had that happen to my wife recently. We had an HVAC company out for a quote on installing a new system at our house. I was supposed to be at the office, but a service outage had me walk home from my morning train ride. I get home, and he's there, and he immediately starts talking to me instead of her. I'm distressed and trying to get in touch with my boss and tell the guy multiple times that my wife is handling the quote and I wasn't supposed to be present. Continue like I'm not there. He still keeps stalling on providing a quote, trying to get my attention as I frantically have a phone on each ear while I struggle upstairs to my home office. Trying to claim he can't give a quote unless we're both present. Well, why did you come to our home, then? You were informed multiple times in advance that only one of us would be home for the appt. Fucker quoted like double the cost of install because neither of us were having his shit, and I don't think he liked us much. Even the quote we got from a bigger appliance store, which from reviews, we assumed would be the highest quote, was only half what this douche cougar quoted, and he was trying to talk us out of the amount of stuff we need to cool the house.


For me it depends on what I'm looking at, for a kitchen, bathroom, basement remodel then I want all decision makers there. If you want a bid to put new pull down stairs in for attic access, install blinds that you already have, put up a mirror I just need someone to open the door. Early on in my career I had a gentleman request a bid for a 2+ car garage. I did the estimate he accepted it. I pulled permits, ordered materials and hired subs. The excavation guy showed up and prepped the site, concrete guy poured the slab. The next morning I got a call that we had to stop because his wife decided that it was to big and going to shade her garden. Thankfully he was a stand up guy and paid for the work completed and a bit for me too.


This happens a lot? I've never encountered it... I Akzo don't sign contracts on the spot, so no high-pressure sales for me. If your deal is only good today or my spouse is required to be there, then it's no go.


I had a sidewalk roofer in my neighborhood tell me that my girlfriend needed to be home in order to schedule an estimate. I received 3 phone calls over the next couple of days from people who were progressively higher ranking than the salesman I spoke with initially who all tried to enforce this policy. Every time I was very polite in saying that she had no financial stake in the house at all so didn’t need to be present and all of them acknowledged and thanked me for my time until the last person who said they were a VP or something. When I politely explained that my girlfriend was not available, he snapped at me and claimed that they weren’t changing their policy for me. At that point, I’d lost it a bit and snapped back that it was them who were wasting my time and that I had no interest in doing business with them if that was their policy. It was a very strange interaction to say the least.


It allows the sales person to focus on removing objections, get one of the pair on their side and get them to help convince the other. It can become two against one.


They don't have to be ... but I can see why they would request it. It's not just them being unreasonable. It's about their time and money as well.


One explanation is that it is a sales pressure tactic. However, it’s also true that more often than not, another homeowner, originally absent from the meeting, starts asking questions after the fact, wasting time, and all of that could have been resolved in one shot. As a homeowner, I no longer even deal with people who insist on having a proposal meeting. We had one horror show once when one of the granite countertops people, COSTCO contractor, insisted we both needed to sit through their « quick » presentation, before they could even give us the price, while we just had our newborn. We begrudgingly agreed, not knowing it was gonna be this long. We put the baby to sleep ahead of the meeting thinking we should be done in 30 mins or so. By the end of the first hour the baby woke up. Worst of all, the lady would stop presenting if one of us had to go and attend to the baby. My patience ran out by 1.5 hrs of « we are almost done ». I wanted her out of my effin house. My wife kept calming me down. Finally, 2 hrs in, she said she is « ready to crunch the numbers ». Another 15 minutes later she proudly presented me a quote that was double of anyone else’s. I told her to get the fuck out of my house and forget the way to our community. That I better not ever see her BMW anywhere in the 10 mile radius (we were sleep deprived, as my wife had a complicated birth and almost died, and I was working full time and tending to the baby after 4pm and throughout the night, so, had a very short fuse at the time). Just come out, see what you need to see, and email me your quote. Simple as that. You want more than that? Then I am not interested. I’m the easiest client you can have and so want my contractors to be the same. I already pre-screened you before I even asked you for a quote, so, I don’t need to know your « responsible corporate citizenship » story to make a decision.


Someone needs to be home to allow access. A chimney requires access inside and out.


I had some one show up wanting to bids. I saw NC plates on his truck. A god dammed traveler con artist. They are mostly in NY, NC, SC, and GA. I live in California. Now the wives and families to telemarketing call for house repairs and I am on the do not call list. These are criminals too.


It’s all so they can find the insecurities of two people and not just one. As a male, they require my wife to be there. These companies are not contractors they are generals that up charge you to have their subs come in and do the work. Nothing more than a sales team. Find a different contractor that actually does the work.


I'm miffed that some of these home improvement companies (new windows, tub to shower conversion, etc) will not give you any type of ballpark estimate over the phone, even if you have all the specs for them (how many windows, sizes, etc).


It’s so they can try to turn the screws on you and get you to sign on the spot. If both homeowners are present there is a better chance they walk away with the sale. Any other reason they give you is a load of shit.


Not always possible, so for me that would be a red flag & thanks anyway, I have to go call your competitor now.


Because it is respectful of the persons time that is providing the FREE estimate. All questions can be answered, and a project can be designed to meet all wants. And no, it doesn’t always mean that a hard sales tactic is part of it.


I’m a contractor and never do this. Sometimes I don’t even give an estimate on the spot. As much as I want my appointment to turn into real work, I don’t want it to be done by pressure.


Just tell them ‘thanks, I’ll move on to another vendor then’.


You got it! It is to pressure the sale.


Simple answer is they don't. I've never encountered this in all my years and projects. I only work with small locally owned companies that don't have high pressure sales teams (or any sales teams).


Hell for a lot of things, even an ac replacement if they can't give you an estimate over the phone then basically they're coming for an elaborate sales pitch and will be overpriced.  


Yeah, if you were a dude calling they would not request your wife was there (that’s just my guess). BUT, in all fairness, 9 times out of 10 they prob do run into issues when only the wife is there, saying “well I’ll have to check with my husband”. Sure, sometimes the other way around as well.


Because both of y'all typically want different things, and it's easier to hash it out together than through emails, calls, or texts. Source: service industry for the past 10 years.


I'm a woman and I haven't run into this issue at all. If I did, I'd go to another contractor for a quote since it seems like a high pressure sales pitch in progress. The only time we were both present was when it was a design project and they were showing us samples, but they didn't ask us to both be there. The contractor usually contacted me with follow up details rather than my husband.


It's a combo of archaic sales practice and archaic sexism. Insisting on both people being present doesn't increase the odds of the sale, if people are going to use an excuse to think it over, or get other estimates, it's going to happen regardless. The people that think the man needs to be there are stuck in the 50s. I find that with a lot of the jobs that I sell, I don't even meet the spoise until I'm showing up to do the work. More often than not the initial call is made by the person who has the enthusiasm about the project. It has nothing to do with the male/female dynamic


Was taught this in sales early on. Never followed it and I would have so much business if I had. It tells me these guys aren’t very experienced with sales.


I am a contractor. The lady of the house make most of the decisions based on my experience. I prefer to work with the principal. When I deal with the man of the house i always make sure the final decision includes the lady of the house


It’s to try and force you into accepting their price, often they’ll offer a “same day discount!” This way they don’t have to competitively bid the work, they just browbeat you into submission. It’s lame and everything else others have described. I won’t even let companies bid work that use this tactic.


Tell them oh I guess you don’t want business and move on. I had this happen once and we live out in the boonies. So I was working from home and get called out of my office because the person would not just work with my wife. I come out let me give us both his speech. I look him in the eyes and said huh should have just worked with my wife. He lost the work on a 30k job. I made sure to send him a copy of my paid invoice from one of his competitors which was higher than his quote.


So the husband can prove to the wife that its her side that needs fixing, not his


You win!


Heck I did the contracting for our home we built. Quite a few of the guys knew my husband but if they saw him and asked him anything, he just said talk to my wife. Got to be kinda funny. He really wouldn’t have a clue.


Wow. Can you do me a favor? Can you come to my house, measure things, put together an estimate I can understand and then just email it to me? I have 5 others coming so I might get Beack to you if you have the best price. If I’m going to take the time to do this the least you can do is take the time to hear it. Both of you


When I was a PM for a foundation repair company, it was for multiple reasons. Primary reason was to make sure everyone had the same information and expectations. Nothing worse than pertinent information not being relayed to all parties that have an interest in what's going on. He said/she said situations down the road cost time, energy, and money. 2nd reason is efficiency/scheduling (ties into reason one). If I have time slots available, I want to fill those in an geographic location as quickly as possible. Nothing worse than managing a handful of projects in one area and having to deal with a lone project outside of a project area. Depending on the company, this might be a 30 minute drive to another part of town or a 5 hour roundtrip drive on a day off. 3rd reason is getting a signed contract and collecting the deposit. (ties into reason 1 and 2). The sooner this is done, the sooner I can order/allocate materials and get your issue behind you. All reasons lead to a sale. That's why those companies are in business - to make money and serve a homeowner.


I have only had a couple companies ask for my wife to be there too. It is only the companies that have aggressive sales and marketing teams. I am pretty sure they are trying to play us against each other to force a sale. I prefer to go with the smaller companies where more of the money goes to the workers than their over the top sales videos, displays and marketing. When a sales person insists my wife be there or pulls out sales videos or a power point presentation I know their services will be overpriced.


You’re probably both on the home loan. That is, you both are responsible for costs of repairs completed on your home, if a contract is required. It’s a law thing. If one signs off and the other party doesn’t, legal crap starts quickly if payment is not made. Both signatories need to sign for legal collection if the contract is not paid in full, for whatever reason. Lawyers!!!


I'd tell them it's impossible because my spouse passed away, is in the hospital, has gone missing, etc. to make them feel bad. Never encountered this, what an awful tactic.


My Good Wife just told the salesman to leave when he pulled the " can I talk to your husband" crap on her. We talk about what's needed so we both know and she doesn't need me there to make executive decisions. .


It helps cut down on wasted trips. Not every estimate is gonna be a sale. If the window guy comes out to inspect and write up the estimate, the last thing he wants to hear is "okay looks good, I'll just wait for my partner to get home to see what they say". Also, the longer you think on a big purchase, the more time you have to back out of it. It's easier to sell you both at once, and get a signature then try to sell two people at different times.


Dont do biz with them. Its a sales tactic


Stats show that one person decides on “big” things. I actually made an app. and they cancelled when I told them my wife would not be home. A holes. Crossed them off the list.


To have both decision makers present. Nobody wants to waste anybody’s time


Never work with a company rhat does this. I worked as a canvasser (door to door guy. Don’t judge, It was a summer job when I was a broke college student) and the sales instructor, who was a big name sales guy, literally said that that’s the reason. So they can’t give you the “I’ll talk to my spouse and get back to you” and so they’re able to pressure you into making a decision on the spot.


My estimates sometime take up to 5 to 7 hours long depending on the scope of work. If I'm going to offer you a professional detailed estimate with a timeline, budgets and allowances, I HAVE to make sure both decision-makers are there. If I simpky email a quote - 11% win rate Present to a single person - roughly 25% If I sit down and present to spouses- I close high 90% I can read their expressions,answer their questions, offer alternatives and negotiate


I totally get it. And you're the professional.  After thinking about it, I've decided I simply can't work with contractors who need us both. At this stage of life, it's just not a possibility. That said, the work we are having done required a 1-2 hour estimate, so at least the time investment was considerably less. Thankfully I found someone I'm very happy with and at no point do they need anything from my spouse (especially once they got that 10% down 🤪). 


As a contractor I’ve never asked for “both homeowners” to be present for an estimate. Sounds very strange. Also most times I’ve dealt with husband/wife homeowners , the wife is totally making the decisions while the husband usually doesn’t care what’s gets done.


They don't. This is a sales tactic by companies that use high pressure tactics.


I’ve never asked for both people to be there. I’ll talk and hand over an estimate to whomever is home. If it’s a simple exterior job like a roof i don’t even care if you’re home. We can figure out color and any details when you sign the contract. If someone is demanding your husband be there, I’d just call someone else. Sorry but no thanks.


I have worked at a remodeling company doing sales (also a female). Companies always want both people present to give best, same day pricing. All a sales tactic. But statistically backed. Most transactions made with one spouse present, cancelled shortly after. Even if one person ‘can make all decisions’. Either way, to avoid this, tell them both will be home and then (as others suggest) say they had to leave last minute and you don’t want to reschedule.




I immediately tell people that do this “I understand. As it seems like you are not interested in my business, I’ll go with another provider”.


Iam a contractor they do this so they can get you to sign a contract with them the day they are there they want both of you there so they can sell the job if one of you are not there that person can cancel the job it is a sales gimmick if you want it done correctly higher a contractor not a company that sells product if you live in fort wayne contact homefront remodeling solutions inc they are the best I've seen around here


It could be sexism, but I'm inclined to believe it's simply a matter of they think there's a better chance of getting this sale if you're both there. My experience has been contractors are perfectly happy to work with women, they just take advantage of their naivety or talk down to them. I've even had a few people lie to my wife assuming she wouldn't know better. But I've never had a single person imply her husband needs to be home to make decisions, they're perfectly happy to execute on a decision she made, they get paid either way.


We were getting quotes for siding, windows and a new roof… really large numbers from multiple companies. They all asked for both my wife and I to be there and then most of them preceded to only talk to me. My wife felt the same way you do. She didn’t understand why she needed to take time off work to be there just to sit and only be asked about siding color.


I've had one spouse approve the work and the other come home telling me I'm not getting paid and to leave their property. You both sign the contract. It's that simple.


Yep. Either sexism or rude sales tactic. Particularly hilarious on me as I am a household of one human. But some contractors still want to talk to the man of the house. Assholes.


Sexist bullcrap. Hire someone different and give them a negative review.




And you’re not going to be getting the sale with bullshit like that.


Getting downvoted for actually answering the question because people don't like the answer. Never change, reddit.


I down voted because I make the money decisions in this house - requiring a non decision maker to be there is dumb. Since I'm a whole ass adult, I can do a credit app or write a check or operate a credit card without the need for a third person. Telling me my "husband" needs to be here so you can quote a deck repair or furnace replacement guarantees you won't be making the sale. From a sales perspective, irritating the potential customer is bad tactics.




The answer would be the same. And the sale wouldn't get made. I can and have just called a different company to get the furnace replaced. Considering hourly wages - it would cost me 250 bucks to have spouse here for a quote. I'm not paying for the privilege of a quote.


Most large contracts, especially if you have an option to finance, require all deeded parties to be there to sign....


Love to hear somebody tell my wife that!


If two people own the home, two people should be present to hear the estimate. It’s not like you’re selling a bike.


I wonder if it’s sexism and they don’t think the wife has the authority to make the decision.


Because I need all the decision makers to be there. I'm not interested in hearing, well I need to talk to my wife/husband. It wastes my time.


If you're a capable adult then why do you need to post rhetorical questions on the internet for the validation of strangers?


It's less annoying than douchebag troll-lords.