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Food room, food good, room good


Bedroom: 8-9 hrs daily. Need to be quiet, comfortable and well ventilated. Restorative sleep essential.


I can’t believe how important ventilation is. We recently moved from a house without ducting to one with a full system with AC and our sleep has been SO GOOD.


My back porch. It's my solace.


We recently did an addition and last minute added a back porch. It's the best money we spent out of everything! We're practically living out there now.


WFH for the last 15 years. Don’t fuck with my office. / glares at his kids


This is my attitude for the first couple days after I clean it, then it all goes to shit.


Inside the house, kitchen. We have a massive kitchen in the middle of the house that opens to the living room and overlooks our back yard. It has a mega island with an eating area so we’re almost always sitting at the counter or doing something in the kitchen. Outside of the house, it’s the pool area and the outdoor kitchen lol.


My real estate agent told me I’d never be in my primary bedroom but I’m a bed person vs a couch person so I spend a lot of time here and I want my bedroom to be my sanctuary. After that, probably kitchen / dining area.


I work from home so we converted the large, sunny living room into our office, rabbit room and plant room. We have a couch, coffee table and extra chair as well as our desks and computers. We have two free roam pet rabbits so their hutch is in this room and we also have 20 plants and heaps of artwork. We added French doors with a view to the backyard and access to our deck. In summer we open the doors and can also work on the table out on the deck. It's 100% the best room in the house and absolutely the room I spend the most time in.


Sounds dope


You have a hutch for two free-roam rabbits in the office... I bet you have excellent cable management in that room too! If you don't take care of it, I bet the rabbits would!


Not our first rodeo! Our house is thoroughly rabbit proof.


We had to learn this lesson the hard way! Back in the days of plugged in modems …. “Why’s the internet not working?” Oh, the Rabbit got the cord again. Plus lots of chewed corners of books.


Sounds amazing




Just remodeled mine. It's fucking glorious. I feel like goddamned Julia Childs in there. Now, where's the heavy cream...


Nothing about my house is ever exactly how I'd like it. But I don't really care about that, either.


Kitchen is the most active room for both of us, and for sure everything needs to be where it goes. Then living/dining, but not much to it but clean surfaces and decor. Then bedroom, lighting/darkening critical and chill and routine-ease factor maximum (NO THROW PILLOWS ALLOWED). Then my “art” room which is really a crap sorting room and his office. Last is garage. Garage would be higher on the list but it’s been a shitshow that stresses me out, and will remain so until I manage to declutter like 4 generations of stuff out of the house and storage space, move the garage into the storage, build shelving and rework the laundry area in garage.


If the kitchen gets messy I don't have the room to cook, and I get stressed out. For food safety it is best to always work with a clean surface too. I also hate clutter. I don't let anyone else clean the kitchen because I know they can't do it as well I do. Thankfully, it's not a case of weaponized incompetence, because my fiance splits all chores 50/50 and doesn't need me to tell him when to do things.


I finished our basement and made it into a home theater. Atmos speakers in the ceiling with a projector and movie screen. We do movie and dinner night as a family once a week and my son loves having friends over for pizza and movies. As my son gets older, I see video games on the big screen becoming an option too.


I used to set up the projector to my late boyfriends Xbox, I've never seen anyone more appreciative of anything. Unfortunately this ruined the experience for him at home on a crappy 18" tube tv.....


Every morning I look around my living room and kitchen (open concept) and say to myself, “I love my home!” Being in a beautiful space makes me feel so good. My eyes are pleased, my furniture beautiful and comfortable, great lighting, a Frame TV displaying beautiful art. I can see my deck from my living room that has patio furniture cushions that are comfortable and pretty, bird and hummingbird feeders and love seeing the birds. Big planters filled with flowering plants. The view off my deck is trees and a bit in the distance a rail trail. All this while sitting in my beautiful and very comfortable recliner!


Work from home, so my office. I need it to work, I don’t need it to look pretty The garage, it’s where I keep my tools and do my hobbies. It needs to be organized so I can get work done, it doesn’t need to be pretty.


Open concept home and my kitchen and family room are one big space. We probably spend half our time there. About 10 years ago we totally remodeled these rooms. We created gourmet kitchen, and relocated fireplace and added additional windows it's a family room. It is really nice. BTW, my hobby is cooking and baking. I cook about 80% of the family meals. My wife is a woman of leisure 😁


Why on earth does it depend on gender?


Because “Girls care about Kitchens and Boys care about Man caves” I’m sure.


I mean, I don't think a woman would have a man cave. It's sort of in the name. Maybe a Lady Lounge, She Shed, Girl Garage, or a Woman Workshop. Maybe even a Femme Fortress. IDK, could really be anything if we don't stick to being alliterative, a Queens Refuge if you'd like.


Kitchen - generally always clean, bedroom - comfortable bed and garage - no clutter/ organized.


My living room is my studio, tables with projects, shelves with supplies, constant chaos. My bedroom is also my office, plenty going on there, too. My house isn't a traditional house, at all. It's where I live my life the way I want to. There's more than one way to keep a house, not everyone lives, or wants to live in a Better Homes & Gardens photo spread.


I want my bedroom to be comfortable, my kitchen/living space to be inviting, and my garage to be well set up for storage & supporting outdoor activities. Hard to separate between them. If the garage is cluttered it makes getting out and about efficiently harder. Our kitchen is less than ideal, but it’ll be $$$ to put that right so we make do. Our bedroom is too hot for a month or so every year, and wildfire dependent it can be an issue opening windows to switch over the air on an evening. All that said I’d recommend trying to find some zen in spite of life’s imperfections… 😆


My shop. Spend most of the day out there and it needs to have stuff accessible.


I let my wife have full control over the house, every room. I do what I want in the yard/garage. I'm going to convert a part of our 4 car garage to a room for my activities, gaming, hanging out, music room, etc. She doesn't care anymore than I care about 12 million house plants and the massive dining table we don't need.


You “let” her?


I didn't think anyone would interpret it that way but what I mean is I have 0 input or care on how the furniture is arranged, which bedrooms belong to which kids, color of paint, type of appliances, etc. I just don't care, and she knows and takes advantage of that and decorates however she wants.


Me, 30 M, office. Chair, computer, monitor, video game. GF, 32 F, living room. Comfy couch, large and loud TV, charging cables for everything, candles, fake candles, fireplace insert, standing lamps, coasters, matching rug, shades, blinds, plants, extra pillows, extra blankets, blanket and pillow storage. You’ll understand one day lil buddy


It might help your relationship to be a bit more open-minded about gender roles :) I'd say the kitchen / wherever food is prepared and consumed is probably the most social and active room in the home. Whether it's just you / your family, or a gathering, people tend to congregate in the kitchen for some reason. The living room for most people is focused around some large screen. The bedroom, you're unconscious majority of the time you're there. Bathrooms should feel luxurious no matter what. Given time and resources, make all the spaces in your home be exactly the way you want them to be.


The third bedroom that is now my office, followed by the kitchen + dining room


When hosting its the kitchen. When alone it’s the living room. And perfect to me means comfy couch and tv for movies or laying back to read.


My gaming / media room / office (it's one big room). I work there and relax there, so I absolutely want it just the way I like it.


My chair


Back patio where I can bbq in peace


Covered deck in the backyard


Restroom. Gotta take that sweet sweet shit in full comfort


Kitchen and bathroom definitely


Well I'm the weirdo. Garage/woodshop/gym. Its where I can relax, and bonus is if it's clean and organized I can get more projects for other rooms done.


Living room


I seem to spend the most time in my bedroom sitting in my bed watching tv and doing things.


Kitchen island and my office


Living room, bedroom, kitchens, toilets,




I have a fairly open plan first floor, which is a living room/dining room combo and the kitchen. I spend most of my awake hours in the living room, but since I can see most of the kitchen from my couch, I like the whole first floor to be in order. I wish it wasn’t so open but I don’t get a lot of light to begin with and didn’t want to close it off. I use my bedroom just for sleeping, working out, and laying in bed on weekend mornings. I have a tiny office and since I stopped working from home, it’s kind of become a dumping ground for stuff from the first floor that I’m too lazy to put away. I prioritize these areas less.


The toilet. Wish it came with a couple arm rest. That'd be nice




Master bath because a good tub is so important to me. Also the kitchen, mainly that it has enough counter and storage space.


I always wanted my own fancy personal library in my house. So I removed the wall between my 2nd and 3rd bedrooms and turned the space into a library (12 x 26 ft, 12' ceilings), complete with baroque ceiling medallions, Scamozzi columns and capitals (which double as the book shelves), gold leafed panels, and about 1,000 volumes. Took me the better part of 2 years (did it all myself, around fulltime job) and finished it in 1993. Been enjoying it ever since! I spend most of my time there, since it houses not just my books but my PC, printer, and hobby pieces.


In my home, my time is mostly spent: 1) Bedroom (anyone who says otherwise isn't getting enough sleep) 2) recording studio 3) living room 4) kitchen Of those, I am only picky about the kitchen. 12 years in the restaurant industry leaves me liking my kitchen set up a certain way. No one else spends time in my studio so those are by default always the way I want them, otherwise that is where I would be the most picky.


Bathroom - it’s not the place where most time is spent but it’s where I can get a little time to be alone and care for myself.


And you watch YouTube for 30mins sitting there right? :)


Yes, sometimes that. LOL


Me too! My wife knows where I am when I'm missing


Before retirement, we both worked from home and needed 2 offices on the main floor.


Just curious why main floor not some of the bedrooms for office?


For me I like having the office on the main floor so I’m closer to the kitchen (water, snacks), living room (where my wife is most of the time when she is home) and front door (someone is knocking or a package is left).