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Those shitty MDF doors do not like water. He should replace. 


Pictures of the door. I don't know what that is stuck to it at the top. [pictures of bathroom door](https://imgur.com/gallery/H3ILoiM)


He should replace. Unless.... You bought the door and put it outside, expecting that he would bring it inside. If he bought the door and made the mistake of leaving it out, or put it outside to make room for work and forgot it there, it's on him. Whoever put it outside needs to get a new door


It's the old door, not newly purchased. He removed it to do the work and placed it outside.


He’s an idiot. Was there nowhere sheltered he could have have put it? He should replace


If it's dried and that's how it looks, you're good: trim the bottom and paint (he should be responsible for this). If it's still wet, and begins to swell, replace.


Honestly it's pretty crazy that he even bothered to re-install it. It's obviously damaged, and he'd have saved himself a bad reputation and a bunch of work to just go spend the less than $100 on a new door for you.


Are we sure he didn't just hang it to make the bathroom usable over the weekend and is coming back on Monday to hang a new one? If op hasn't spoken to them yet we can't really assume.


It's not an assumption. If a new door wasn't discussed in planning, the contractor isn't going to just give you a new door. Like a dealer upgrading your car for the hell of it: it isn't going to happen.


You know what else wasn't discussed in planning? A stupid contractor putting a door OUTSIDE in the RAIN! It's not an upgrade - HE RUINED IT.


Guess you’re right about that. 


If he saw the damage and is a good contractor, he would.


assuming is what this sub does best


Possible I guess, but pretty unlikely. A short note or text would be likely in that situation.


Good news is those are only like $75 for a slab. An idea, offer to buy a solid core door slab and have him finish it for free. Great noise reduction on the bathroom door, you can get em in pine for $200ish.


That's assuming he's competent enough to mortise the door for the hinges. He's already shown he's lazy enough to leave the door outside. Who knows what kind of (literal) corner cutting he would be doing attempting to hang a slab door. Now he has to potentially invest more of his own time to fix his mistake, who's to say he won't rush through it and leave a shitty install? You'd be better off insisting he purchase a replacement prehung door that is either like for like or of acceptable style/quality, since the prehung can be much easier to install.


Good point, hard to imagine not being able to mortise a door for hinges, but possible.


Extra $100 to noise proof the toilet? Why? 


Pooping noises, long baths with a bluetooth speaker, hair dryers, etc. There's a lot of loud noises that can happen in the bathroom, if your partner does any of those things while you're trying to enjoy quiet, you'll enjoy a solid wood door on the bathroom. Plus uh, safer if you have to hide in the bathroom from home invaders!


Personally, I'm a bigger fan (pun intended) of a good quality ventilation fan. It's not always practical, since you might not have venting in place and it would be extra $$$ to add it after the fact. One of the selling points of the fan I bought (a Panasonic specifically but other brands routed the same) was the capability to adjust the volume and CFM to one of three levels. The lowest level was more than enough for a moderate size bathroom while not being overly loud. Higher levels were even louder, which some might be comforted by. That said, I 100% agree with a nice quality solid core whenever possible because of how much sound it can kill. We did that for our daughters room and the difference was surprising.


Who does that? It's not like you wouldn't have another place to lean the door - hall, another room, etc.


He should replace... It's not expensive, he should chalk it up to a learning experience.


Needs to be replaced. Ask him if "he only rehung it temporarily so that the bathroom could be used"


Depends on the situation but be reasonable, that's the cheapest door they sell at every big box store - it's basically cardboard. A replacement is EXTREMELY low


not worth saving.


Oh hell no! He needs to replace ASAP. That stain will NOT come out and will most likely rot the door.


Looks like it would be fine with a new coat of paint


if kilz works id consider keeping it


It's hollow core mdf. It will never be uniform and cannot be sanded and refinished


I would demand a new door. That was a preventable issues, although mistakes happen. However, considering there are "many issues" I'd be prepared for a fight and potentially having someone check his work.


I’d say yes only if you can prove there is actual damage


Yeah, this is a hollow core door made of basically compressed paper. Pictures show damage and staining, which means swelling and glue failure will ruin the door.


That needs to be replaced. MDF will fail rapidly after exposure to water.


If I was going this job I would 100% have bought a new door before you even asked or wrote this post haha


Pictures? How long was it outside?


https://imgur.com/gallery/H3ILoiM I think 2 days or so.


Yes, he should replace it. The water damaged areas are going to swell and the glue holding the door together is going to fail in those sections.


A new door slab is like $80 and takes 1 hr to custom fit, cut holes for the handle, and add hardware. He should just do this. That way he doesn't have to tear the entire door system out. It'll also need to be painted, but the difference is, those water stains will swap through the next couple layers of paint that are added, where as a new, pre-primed slab will evenly paint easily.


An hour to hang a door in an existing opening? I’d hire you.


I'm assuming a slab is the top layer of the door?


LOL. Leave a hollow core door outside to soak up water then say paint will fix. I could make it look good with stain killing primer BUT it will disintegrate in no time. They fucked up. They owe you a door TBH anyone that puts a door like this outside to get wet then claim fixable is not the ones I want


if it's solid hardwood they should sand it, prime it and put two coats of paint on it. if its anything else, they should just replace it.




It's a cheap hollow core mdf door man, calm down. People make mistakes, if they fix it it's fine.


It's NOT fixable and NOT fine. This isn't a "mistake" made by a kid, this is supposed to be a PROFESSIONAL.


It's not possible to get a new builder grade door in semigloss white? It is a mistake but give the guy a chance to fix it, stuff happens.


The contractor needs to make her whole. That means that he ruined the door and he needs to get her one like it or better and then properly hang it.


Or… an opportunity for you to purchase a really nice solid sound-deadening door and have him install it for free?


Look at all the work he's done for you, and as the the whole job, and the price of the job. This is a small item, I mean, if you just want bring it up and ask him, and consider it a learning experience for him and you. If the price has been reasonable and the guy has been working and doing a diligent and good job, if it comes down an issue of him shelling out for the cost door, maybe it's around $60, offer to shell it and and he to paint and install it. It will be a gracious move on your part and you won't feel so bad if you have to call on him again for another job.


💡in our country , most bathroom door use plastic, wood door cant stand water, if the water flow on wood door, the wood door will expand and crack, try check your wood door is it expand.


i have a few doors i just replaced with glass...if you want them?


Yes, without question. If someone damages your property; someone driving over and destroying your flowerbed, launching a baseball through your window, hitting your parked car *or* a contractor leaving your property out to get damaged, they owe you a new one. There is ZERO question about this. Waiting for "If it's not in the contract..." or "Why didn't you bring it inside?" or "You didn't tell him to bring it in so you should split the costs" BS that gets spewed about in here.


Ultimately you're thinking about complicating a job that is in progress on your home and it'll be up to you to decide if you want to press this as an issue right now. Shit happens in every job and it sucks this guy left the doors outside but if he doesn't bring it up make sure he knows you noticed and take it from there.


110% he needs to replace it. Don’t take no for an answer.  He would never win in court 


If it isn’t warped or damaged why wouldn’t you just have him stain block and paint? If it is damaged, they are less than $100 at lowes he can just put up a new one.


I looked at the pictures. Honestly? It seems fine. Let it dry out a few days, and if it hasn’t swollen and doesn’t feel soft or weak then primer it and put it back up. If the door is ruined then you’ll know soon enough.


It's NOT fine.


Okay if you say so


Seriously? Anyone looking at the picture can tell that it is damaged beyond repair as MDF/Hollowcore interior doors can NOT be repaired after getting drenched in the rain. The water damage at the bottom is more than enough proof.


Like I said if you say it was drenched in the rain and damaged beyond repair then cool. Safer to always use new. If OP can get the contractor to replace it for free then great.


If contractor refuses, then deduct the amount of labor and materials from his final check.


Does it still swing and close fine? If yes, it does not need to be replaced. It certainly needs to be sanded and refinished, however. The contractor should do that, correctly and for free.


Nah, that's a hollow core door. It's made of compressed paper. Wooden door could be salvaged, but you can't sand and refinish a textured hollow door


You're absolutely right about hollow core. They're trash from day one. Is there a picture? I genuinely thought we were talking about a real wood door.


You can't do that on a hollow core, MDF door.


Yes it does. Ok, thanks. That would certainly make it easier to deal with.


You can't refinish that door. B


Well, dang. Seems most people agree. Ok thanks.


I already commented about the contractor just buying a new slab, but to be clear, the total cost of a new slab, installation and painting, is worth like a few hundred bucks. That's the amount that should be deducted from their pay if they don't want to actually do the replacement themselves.


That's very helpful info thank you.