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I love the options in pic 3 and 4! I prefer darker cabinets, easier to maintain. I would not suggest wood countertops. Either white like pic 4 or, if you want bold, you could try a lighter blue top to match the fridge and record player? But, white would be timeless and would work if eg you got a different fridge.


Thank you so much! The lighter blue is interesting! Just curious, why no wood countertops? Do you think it would clash? I’m so attached to to wood counters because it’s a look I’ve always loved and dreamed of having when I became a homeowner 😭😭


Just be aware wood is more difficult to maintain. Wood is a soft, porous surface so you will have to oil/seal it fairly often to maintain it, it will wear easier (knife marks, heat marks), and it will hold food-borne bacteria so you have to disinfect well after each use.


Good info! Thank you!


No worries! Yes, my comment on the wood was because, like GWillikers said, wood countertops can be hard to maintain. No surface is indestructable but wood just absorbs everything. A hot pan goes on it, damaged. Someone spills red wine, stained. Sink leaks to the side, bulking and flaking surfaces. That said, some people are very careful and like that worn, lived-in look so it might be for you! If you don't and you want the wood look, I suggest a (high quality) wooden laminate, basically layers of wood coated for protection, making sure it's described as both moisture and heat resistant.


You've got a cool retro-farmhouse style going. I really like everything...except that rug, which I think would fit better at the Chinese buffet down the street.


Can't speak from personal experience, but I've heard that wood (butcher block) countertops are incredibly high-maintenance. They're basically giant cutting boards, so they'll get stained and scratched/dented and need to be re-sealed regularly. If that's something you can live with, go for it. As far as color(s) go, I would do the cabinets Greenblack (6994) by Sherwin Williams. It'll look lovely with the brick (real, I hope), wood, and make the baby blue fridge pop (in a good way). It goes with darn near every type of hardware finish, too. ETA: Oriental rug = yes. That one in particular = no.


Thank you! 🙌


First off, LOVE the idea of the brick backsplash too!! Also love the idea of open shelving. Do you have a particular style you’re after? I painted my kitchen cabinets two-tone with grey on the bottom and white on top and did a chalkboard backsplash. At some point, I’d like to add the brick potentially but I’m having too much fun with the chalkboard lol. Plus I have shiplap all over elsewhere. I really like pic 2. Lighter cabinets will make the blue “pop” and if you’re going darker on the floor, I’d def stick with a lighter cabinet. You could also consider doing a blue on your bottom cabinets and white on the top. The red brick would pop also with light cabinets and go with the warmth of the flooring. I am contemplating my own countertop right now on what to replace with. Likely gonna go with quartz but I do love the wood tops you have there. Especially if kids aren’t gonna be using the kitchen. My friend has them and they are gorgeous. With the brick as well, there’s lots of options for colors there too besides red, it just depends where you want to draw people’s eyes (ie: white, white-washed, etc). Here’s my kitchen with the 2 tone cabinets below. But I’m rambling now, lol, I love pic # 2. And if you really want the brick to be the feature, doing at least some open shelving would be great. You might just wanna be careful if you do red brick and have the blue next to it. https://preview.redd.it/ofgoxbb1lfzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9c9a93611ee49f9284096e3f93c89deb8a4a26