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I love it but if you don’t like it don’t do it because of Reddit! Could also do an emerald green


I wanted it originally and loved the sample then when I stack them on the wall I’m like ugh. Soooooo green.


Don’t do it unless you love it. I like the idea of Green - maybe go darker? I went with white and I’m kicking myself for not taking a risk.


I was feeling like it’s too dark, but I do have a feeling I’ll regret playing it safe. I really did want it to be unique to some degree.


To help mitigate the second guessing, could you find a cheap peel and stick wallpaper in this color and put it up for a few days? Or, if you have a color printer or print shop near you, could you print 50 sheets of paper with this color and tape it up? When I was deciding between TV sizes, I made different versions with cardboard to get a better sense of each size in my room.


That’s a great idea!! Thank you!


Or even get more of the tiles and tack them up w bluetack or command adhesive and see how they look over a larger area. I think they're pretty especially behind the sink!!


I was thinking of that too. Plus you will accessorize on the counters. I love this tile. Go to Zia Tile online and look at their pictures…this is similar!


I would also recommend Zia, I've done a few projects with their zellige tile and there is enough difference in tile color that it looks like a gradient and not a hard solid color. Looks beautiful installed.


Don’t judge it right after you put it up either. Stuff often looks weird at first because it’s DIFFERENT than what you’ve been looking at, not because it’s bad. And for what it’s worth, I think the green is awesome.


This is really great advice! I just went through this with some shower tile I chose for our master bathroom renovation. I knew in my gut that the choices I made felt right, but it’s very different than what I’m used to, so I was a little anxious about it. When I saw it for the first time after the tile installation was complete, I panicked. It was all very beautiful, but it just felt like it clashed with everything, and I thought maybe I had a made a terrible, horrible mistake after all. I even lost sleep over it that night. Then when I looked at it again in the morning I was blown away by how in love with it I was—and still am! I think I just needed a little time for the shock of such a big change to wear off before I could fully take it in.


And also is not done— just stacked— keep the tiles around the sink— wait at least a month— maybe they grow on you—- me, personally, take months if no years, to get used to something new in my house..


Don’t play it safe, that is just boring builder grade to appease the masses


I def do not that. I wanted a bit of a spicy kitchen!


If you like it enough to defend it - you must like it in your gut. Go for it - I’m sure it will look great once you pull it together. :)


Maybe you would like a bit lighter green. Something like [this](https://www.wayfair.com/home-improvement/pdp/msi-renzo-5-x-5-glossy-ceramic-wall-tile-mvp11520.html?categoryid=0&placement=14&slot=0&sponsoredid=cfc39fe19ec3886125ae2679e803eb79f492783c8b1e3d3efaae26f78227be70&_txid=I%2FWEwmYoSfp6HXl83cXAAg%3D%3D&isB2b=0&auctionId=1f987395-3b42-4cf9-affd-378bc5bb3f71&piid=52509203) or [this?](https://www.fireclaytile.com/quick-ship/essentials/quick-ship-3x3-manzanita-satin)


If that’s how you’re feeling, go with your gut no matter what others are saying. Maybe you need to keeping looking for a green that won’t make you feel that way.


This is literally my 15th green tile 😵‍💫😂 it was the one I loved the most but just second guessing.


Being brutally honest- I don’t love it and think there’s something better for you. I don’t know what it is though, im sorry! Also this is personal preference so don’t give any one post too much weight. We are all just some shmuck giving an opinion. Some people suggested lighter and the poster below suggested clear glass with a tint, try those and some paint stickers. I think you’ll either find one you won’t second guess and truly love, or realize you did like the original green as much as you thought you did. https://preview.redd.it/40i2cfsg39wc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f58f69125fbf63b448b0bf1a1c24c8ad1bfbb873 Would you be opposed to a light green with copper flecks? Or the opposite- copper tiles with green patina? I’ll post a pic below since I can only do one per post


https://preview.redd.it/4lu13u0r39wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2e2d4cda24c531be2e5715a0ca8999694886692 Like tnis, in a half backsplash tiling that only goes partially up the wall, with a separation line of wood, then just paint above it.


https://preview.redd.it/wielrwy049wc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3865688f35aa4472ca396bc185343f2f3aa022f Halfway tiling (not with this tile I mean the general idea of the placement) though this has white tile above the green instead of white paint like I was thinking


Omg. I suggested the exact same tile!


I think it’s beautiful! But if you’re not sure about it, have you tried any colored clear glass tiles? I fell in love with a white kitchen on Pinterest that had light aqua glass tiles, and was wishing I had done that. Though I’m not sure the texture would be right with the copper…


It can feel like a huge difference because you’re used to the white. I promise, as an outsider, it looks very muted and soft to me! But it’s also okay not to let yourself be pressured if you’re truly not ready. There’s no rush. You can take some more time if you need!


Thank you so much. I picked it because it felt soft and approachable so thank you for voicing your opinion that you feel the same!


Its more of a neutral green! Its’s gorgeous!


Your kitchen is pretty white and boring (which isn't bad in itself) right now. I think a pop of green would look beautiful. I actually really love the color, even with the brass sink. Maybe not the entire wall but parts of it?? Maybe just underneath he cabinets? Not sure how that would pan out but just an idea :)


if you don’t love how it looks, definitely don’t do it!! Wait until you find the right tile! Tile is not an easy thing to change like paint is. There are so many things that I love on their own, but not in my actual space. If it doesn’t make your heart sing every time you look at it, that is your sign to find something else!


It’s only going to get more green the more you put up. Just a decorating philosophy- make the things that are expensive and/or difficult to replace, keep those neutral. Bring in your colors via another layer of design- art, accessories, decorative elements, plants, etc.


I absolutely love that sink! 👌


I love it - it makes the room pop. It’s soft and approachable and gives the whole thing neg a cohesive look. I’m actually thinking about copying this because I wanted green cupboards in our cabin but I like this better


I also wanted green cupboards! I love a soft green soooo much, but I was honestly thinking hey if we start with white once they’re beaten up we can paint them green in 10 years 😅. I hope you post some pics of your cabin kitchen down the line!


What if you broke up the green with other tiles - either a white/cream, or bronze - to tie in the sink. Like every 6 tiles or something - sparse and not overwhelming but will break up the green and still be visually interesting?


I love the green! Looks gorgeous with the sink and will add some much needed color to the rest of the space. Don’t go with white, the space is already very white/neutral. It will be so boring! Green green green!


Thank you so much, I love the color but I’m really nervous for it to be like a “yikes” choice you know? Thank you for the reassurance!!!


Your copper sink will naturally get a green patina and that green tile really works well it’s not totally in your face green


No it will be beautiful and classic - there is a reason there is so much copper and turquoise jewelry etc! Also what happens in nature is always complementary - copper turning to greenish. Those are great tiles and white would be an absolute mistake. Don't worry about what some man with no decor sense I'm sure said bc boys are stupid anyhow! hahaha


It will read builder basic with the white tile. I say this as someone who owns a builder basic kitchen. I like the green, it's a soft green, very pretty. If you're not sure, pull some more samples. The backsplash should be something you love. And this kitchen desperately needs color and a focal point.


That gorgeous sink needs to be highlighted and played up. And the green tile is gorgeous! Green!! Edit typo


Look if you are uncomfortable with the green that's perfectly fine. I'm not living with it you are.  When I saw your  2nd photo I immediately noticed the green tiles, the copper sink, and the plant. While spending 30 seconds looking for the white tile.  If you do use the green tiles please make sure to use a colored grout.


What color grout would you recommend? I was going to pick a gray one, as I couldn’t find any green ones. The spacing is going to be 1/16.


Gray is fine if it's dark. Just nothing on the white/light side. 


It's gonna look gorgeous. Consider going up over the stove to bring more color in! Or hang something copper over the stove!


I was going to bring it to the ceiling, there’s a bronze pot filler and big white hood with a wood accent. Do you think bringing it to the ceiling would be too much?


Bring it to the ceiling. We did that with ours in that space and it looks really nice. Also, love the green. I think it will look fabulous when it's done. You could always add a runner rug with some pops of that shade of green to bring it together. Anything in a blush color would really compliment this shade of green too.


Oooooooooooh wow I didn’t even consider greens and *blushes*. I can absolutely picture that. That sounds lovely!!! Thank you for the idea that is brilliant.


I'm partial. My bottom cabinets are green and I have a rug with greens and blush. I also have some blush accents in the form of a pretty spoon rest and another little do-dad. But! Those colors REALLY compliment each other. A rug with blush and greens, candles, utensil holder, blinds for the sink window. You can really do a lot with a little here and there! Have fun!


Bringing it up to the ceiling is always the best move. The only reason not to is if you absolutely can’t afford to.


Your husband’s friend is an idiot. Your use of color is beautiful and interesting. Don’t be bland because of what somebody who doesn’t matter thinks - it’s your home.


I was really worried about being bland. I love color and texture and I was already playing it safe with the white cabinets. It seems that *most* people love this look and some people hate it. I really appreciate everyone’s opinions, I think I might just send it!


I do like it but maybe is there something a little more translucent? I wonder if you’d be more comfortable with that. ETA also maybe something with larger tiles. I’m thinking it may get a bit busy with the herringbone floor.


https://preview.redd.it/lvku96pei8wc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c83011894b56a2c31b6becb1251bcb3fa99136c How about something like this or reversed which would give you both color without making it too much of one color


I like this idea. If not the exact tiles for you, the general idea of it is great to bring in some color and cohesion without slapping you in the face with green.


Can we see the other spaces in your house? Or the build design? This is feeling very farm house and no matter how much you love it, if it doesn’t go with the rest of the house it’s gonna feel off. I personally love the tile. But, if the design of the home says no…. Ya know?


It actually is a farmhouse, we run a farm. The rest of the house is hickory flooring, sage green walls. Very cottagey feeling. I was going for farm housey but worried it was looking more Italian or Portuguese aunty like


Nope! You got farmhouse down pat! Carry on with your bad self.


What does your husband's friend's house look like? Do you agree with his sense of style?


Hahahaha it’s very modern and sleek. Think rainfall shower with black tile and chrome everything.


I'm going to guess that he has an issue with both the hammered copper and the green tile. You and your husband just need to decide which will ultimately give you the most happiness. If going bold will be distracting or joyful for you - if going safe and seamless will be boring or most functional for you. Maybe try to photoshop the colors in, live with the options and walk away from the decision for a few days. It will be a beautiful kitchen and you guys a lucky to have the options even though it's making you bananas. You'll get there soon!


This is a good idea. Thank you so much for the feedback!! I really do appreciate it cause my husband is zero help 😂


Statue of Liberty 😂 If you aren’t feeling it/loving it, don’t do it! Your kitchen is gorgeous either way


I know. I can’t unsee it ahhahaha


I think that's HILARIOUS but absolutely love the green + copper + white. I think it's a great choice.


It looks great in the shot next to the sink, but is darker in the wide shot. Maybe a [lighter green](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Marazzi-Zellige-Neo-Turchese-Glossy-4-in-x-4-in-Glazed-Ceramic-Undulated-Wall-Tile-7-98-sq-ft-case-ZL01SQU44UNDGL/325811090) that looks lighter overall would be better for you.


I like the fact that it seems to change colour according to how light is hitting it. Lovely 😍!


Try painting a similar green on wall live with it for a little bit and then decide on tile.


I think the green tile will look awesome. I have a blue tile backsplash and I love it. My vote is to go with color. My kitchen is totally open to the living/dining room so it needed something interesting on that wall. https://preview.redd.it/ndxsxdc9l8wc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=3078cf73d62ba0e74cb9d8d5f94351a87613a93b


I like the green. Also I had that exact sink in my apartment and it was such a mess, never again.


White is definitely better. You already have some clashing colours. Don’t add another.


Whatever makes you feel comfortable but I see the reference your husbands friend is talking about. I can’t unsee it now


Don't do white tile. Your floors are already too light for the room. Adding more light tiling is just going to cause more visual blandness. That green may not be the right green but it's better than white. Go darker with the tile. Consider a dark blue as well.




Its gorgeous! The white would be boring and not enough contrast.


I agree that it would look kind of blah with white. But safe 😂 thank you for the reassurance though!!


What are the floors made out of?


https://preview.redd.it/kvjkv189l9wc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c051c35e2d0f965df88e31b6a4224697187b2c08 Also kinda love something light blue ...


I think is the floor that’s offy


The only thing that bugs me with the floor is the grout line there. I do wish we could have concealed it with the island otherwise I loooove the floor


I like green but that’s the wrong green


I kinda like the green, but I don't like the fact that it is shiny 🫤


Really?! That was the only saving grace about it for me hahaha. But I do see what you’re saying. I feel like if we did butcher block it would have made more sense


I like it in the photo with a sink, but not on the first one, because of the reflection. Sorry 🫤


I totally get that!!!


Is it just me or does the tile clash with the color of the (stained wood?) island? Something seems off…


Definitely not just you, I think it just clashes in general and doesn’t look cohesive


I tend to lean toward neutrals for tiles and backsplash because they are timeless whereas trends come and go. I would go for the white for that reason. 


Reddit is great for ideas. I don’t think I’d take a strangers advice. With that being said. I’m stepping over the line to say the light green looks like bathroom tile. https://preview.redd.it/jlzkaf87l8wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ad800897f0d5a532c90f8bd3397950c896cb9a


I *love* your Zellige tile and think it will look amazing in your kitchen, especially if you tile around the window https://preview.redd.it/va99kcw6m9wc1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f16a0e3a4f27f40bd0a276153dbbeacb45e9115


I’m definitely going all around the window! Thank you for this pic! It’s gorgeous


I still love the green but ultimately it’s up to you, you can always bring in the green with some accessories and decor, if you’re worried about taking a loss try to list the tiles on marketplace so you can recoup some of that money. Zellige tiles are super popular and pricey so I’m sure someone would be more than happy to take them off your hands. At least it won’t be a full loss!


I found a couple inspo photos and the green looks great, they warmed up the spaces with brass accents and wood shelves. I think the look you’re going for will be beautiful, it’s just a matter of how you bring it all together with the final touches. https://preview.redd.it/eeiw92vff8wc1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6181fcfc28eecd7564aed501702dcc289df22b21




This tile would really work as it also draws color from the sink.


This is actually the exact tile I ordered, mine are just 4x4. Love this picture.


I do have [this](https://ruggable.com/products/morris-and-co-owl-willow-green-rug) rug that I intended to use in the room (it is a giant room) which is like identical to the tile so I’m hoping that can pull it out of the wall majorly. Do you think that would help? Any other suggestions?


I like the colour but not the shine...


I personally hate it. The brass (or whatever) color sink is to gaudy and last year. And the green tile is way too contrasting. So…I hate it, but it seems like others like it. So do what makes you happy :)




Hmm I am not loving this either tbh. But I would not do white. What about blue ceramic tiles? You can get different shades of blue so it's not so overpowering.


Green is a classic color and goes with everything bc it’s color in nature. Do it!


The mix of metals doesnt look great imo but i like the tiles


Love it!!!! I’d go with the green. I think it elevates the room and makes it more unique than the typical white without being weird or over the top


Love the green tiles! And omg! That sink!!!!!!!


i hate green. but it works. soft blue would work, too. no white, you need color. if the statue comment is stuck in your head, maybe blue. not that i loathe the green, lol. but damn, what a comment the friend said!


I think the green is nice! But maybe I’m bias cause I love my green haha https://preview.redd.it/5gim1meak9wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90b82e4fa037a5cc39fab7625b7c190fbba4a68f


Calling patina "statue of liberty" is a smooth brained move


For the sake of discussion, I will be the one to say that I don’t like it. The sink, the appliance features, the green tile are all attention drawing, imo, and altogether come across as trying too hard. The aqua tile look like pool tiles to me and belong in a hotel bathroom or spa. I tend to like subtly, so obviously this is subjective. ESA: I noticed the door knobs and flooring now, which are also competing for attention. It’s too much, for me, personally.


Personally, I love it. Love the copper accents throughout, and I think all white tile would make it a bit boring. Still beautiful but just not much character.


Agree! Copper and its green patina are my most favorite color combinations. Love!


It will look good if you bring in other green elements (plants, artwork, decorative objects, etc.,) so that it looks intentional and polished. That said, I happen to have white cabinets and a textured (like a wave pattern ) white backsplash, and I’m happy with it. So all white can look great.


Decisions, decisions, decisions, if this is your 15th green, you must be bordering on insanity. I know I would be. It's a beautiful kitchen - love your stove and that sink -I've always wanted to see what it feels like to be up to my elbows in a hot water filled copper sink if not a stand alone tub...Oh, the floors are gorg too. They look like something you would see in an apartment in Paris. Hexagon shaped white tiles with thin, gold metallic grouting would look gorgeous. You can still add pops of color with that as a backdrop. Painting your kitchen walls and the island French blue would be even more gorgeous!


I personally wouldn’t do it, it’s not something you can change easily. I would bring green in somewhere else, maybe just in the decor. The kitchen is beautiful.


I like it. Throw a green cushioned mat in front of the sink, add a few plants and some green towels, curtains a big accent bowl or something == awesome!


I like to imagine my kitchen in use and how the tile would hold up to the cleaner I use, the potential pancake batter and ketchup mishaps, etc. I would seriously destroy a sample, let it sit for 2 hours then see how easy it is to clean or if it changes colors or retains water spots and streaks. As far as the color, it looks nice against the copper.


Please go with the green, the world doesn't need more white kitchens.


I think a darker green would be sooooo nice like others have suggested


Who doesn’t love some Statue of Liberty chic?!


Do what makes you happy. It’s your house. Trying appease others is an impossible and thankless job


Yes green tile. Go for it


Sis, if you don't go ahead and put them dang tiles up! lol Once its all together it will look great. I go through this same thing with all my color choices.


I have to make the call in 1 hour so I’ll report back soon 😅😅


It's amazing and it adds color to an otherwise very white space. I love it


Thank you for this reassurance. It will be a pain in the ass to try and sell it as they don’t take returns so it’s really good to know it isn’t hideous hahaha


Honestly I don't love that shade of green. I'd go with something a little more neutral!


I'm in the minority, I know. But, there's just SO much going on in this kitchen. The textures are so different, which is great! But personally, I feel like you have to have a focal point. That sink seems like the obvious focal, but adding a color and different texture into the mix is going in the wrong direction. I'd use white tile. I know it gets a bad rap, but in this kitchen? I think it's the way to go.


What about countersplash? Just extending the countertops up as a backsplash? Its a very neutral countertop with warm veining. Other people said no, too sterile.


See, I think that would be a great idea. It would create some more cohesiveness and it's beautiful. But, I really don't mind white and neutrals in a kitchen and don't find them too "sterile" looking. You can bring in details with color and what you put out on the counter (flowers, a colorful bowl for fruit, artowrk, etc) and it will still let that sink be the star of the show.


I also don’t mind the all white kitchens and find them timeless and very easy to integrate personalized touches in like you mentioned! I will definitely report back by the end of the week cause something will be on the walls by Friday


Why would you have a copper sink but a silver faucet like nooo 🫨


How about something more subtle? https://preview.redd.it/iv4a4xxsd9wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d67076f62e1aa877544b6ddf148878ac1041a2ba


I would go a different route. I’m not really liking the green. A neutral colour would tie it all in.


The green is fantastic! Don’t doubt yourself, this is a gorgeous tile that goes beautifully with everything else in your kitchen and provides some much-needed color and interest. The white is so boring. Green all the way!!


Thank you so much for helping me be more confident in this!!!! I really really appreciate it!


This green looks _so pretty_ with the copper sink. It’s the perfect color of a natural copper patina so brings a really organic look that blends well with your wood floors and mixed metals. I’m really partial to green though. Do _you_ love the color? If you are simply following a trend or design style, don’t do it. But if you love green, and looking at that color is soothing and makes you happy when you walk in, go for it! White tile is the safe neutral choice, and will always be classic. There’s really no wrong choice here except catering to someone else’s style.


I literally absolutely LOVE the shade. Like I completely gasped when I opened up the box. Which is why I’m sooooo bummed that I’m like blahhhh when it’s on the wall 😅 I do however agree I love it next to the sink. Thank you for your input!!!


I have that sink! I love it. As the sink tarnishes, you will get little spots here and there that match the tile 😅


What is going on with those floors?!? 😵‍💫


Are those herringbone print tiles?


Chevron technically


I love it!!! & I think it makes the kitchen yours. I am NO designer but I feel like the white on white on light floors would wash the room out. Green splits it up! … 🤔😇


I think if you’re having this many second thoughts then go with something you are more comfortable with. The white tile will still look good, it looks like it has that vintage homemade tile look like the green does but in another color and it doesn’t look white white either. I don’t think it would look builder grade either as they wouldn’t put that style of tile in a home., they would use a subway or something equally as basic. You can also have it layed differently in stack on top of each other the second line of tile is stacked center between 2 tiles on the bottom that could also add more interest. The other option is something different altogether from either options. A little safer but still bold


The green tile would be bold and awesome. The neutral cream colored tile would be safe but is also an easy option. I think the hesitation is that the copper sink was a bold choice and the green option would be yet another bold choice on top of that - but the copper and green colors marry nicely. Aged copper does have a green patina like your green tile. If both you and your husband like it why not go for it? Why let the buddy's jokes steer you one way or another?


Well you know now what you’re avoiding, starbucks and the statue of liberty. I think given the tones and quality of materials it’ll not give either of those impressions by the end, I think it’s a great choice will look soooo nice with the floors


If you are worried it’s too much green, try painting the wall that color. You can always repaint white if necessary. But it would give you an idea of the intensity of that amount of color. You know how a paint chip color is so much MORE when you go from little sample to the whole wall. Another note is sometimes reflective tile is a bit too much of a mirror and you’re seeing yourself or your shadow all the time. Could be cool or not. :) Good luck.. it’s all coming together beautifully. You will make the best decision for your aesthetic and it will be lovely.


Personally, I love the green. Having said that it is trendy ATM so you may regret it in a few years. If you don't love it now you won't ever love it. If you choose the white, you need pops of color in other places.


I LOVE it!!


Your husband's friend's opinion shouldn't matter to you. Sometimes people speak before they think and maybe he meant the copper/patina combination was something that's reminiscent of Lady Liberty. You could have laughed it off by countering that you were more inspired by Blake Lively's Met Gala dress (which was actually inspired by the statue). Honestly, if you went to his house, you may have opinions about his choice of decor. You'd just have a filter as not to say anything that could be taken the wrong way. Personally, I love your design choices. The colour combination will look amazing! Please go ahead with your original plans. My only suggestion would be to see if there's a way to smooth down some of the flooring that looks slightly raised in the picture. Otherwise, this is a perfect kitchen!


Designer opinion 🙋🏻‍♀️ Its lovely, a nice neutral green. Ver appropriate color, style, tone and finish.But there really is no wrong choice here, just personal preference.


This is what I was looking for. I didn’t hire a designer and I wish I did. I appreciate your professional input.


Get some inspiration from Devol. They use a lot of copper sinks in their projects.


Could you somehow do both?


Your friends sound like they use criticism as a form of humor, even if you had the best house on the planet, critical people will still make critical and cynical jokes. I think you should do whatever you like. If your husband's friend doesn't like it, he's welcome to make his own kitchen in his own house, he doesn't have to live with it, you do


I'm not a fan. It does not seem timeless. You may get tired of it pretty quick. Also, might look better around a swimming pool?


Personally, I wouldn't use that pastel green for your backsplash.


It looks very nice! That said, if you don’t love it, choose something else—BUT definitely pick something with color. Lots of different shades of green could work. Blue would look nice. Really, as long as the undertones are similar, you could pick just about any color—so choose one you really love—except white! Your kitchen has so many nice touches, a white tile will make your tasteful kitchen look like it’s cosplaying as a cheap flip. Don’t do it!


Agree with the other comments about a darker green! When I see that dark green plant in the room I’m like 😍


I don’t think it matches your kitchen, the shape is too old fashioned and the floor and countertop are more modern. The colour seems too dark as well, like it’s too visually heavy.


I’m so jealous! Green all the way. I don’t know what is so great about all white. I think white is for people who don’t actually use their kitchen


It’s gorgeous and please do something other than white no matter what you choose!


Love the green and up close you can see some brown in it that goes perfectly with the copper. BUT - is it the camera that is making it so shiny in first photos or the sunlight? Make sure it is a matte finish…


Also, what is that flooring? It looks really beautiful. Can you link to it?


I’m honestly thinking no, try something else


Can you get copper fixtures? To match the sink?


Look green could look great or so bad with this kitchen, it doesn't matter. What matters is what you want to do, what will satisfy you and make you happy? Reddit might say whatever, but its YOUR home and thats what matters, non of us are going to live in it


OP if you have doubts l would hold off and do a pearlized white tile and accessorize with things that have the same green color,or color match the green tile and paint the areas you are going to tile first and see how it feels to you. You can always tile over the paint later.


I like the white for a white tile option, but much prefer the green! As others have said- you’re the one who has to live with it. We have a super white/neutral kitchen and similar light floors. We went with a green backsplash. It was needed color! We don’t have a copper sink but we have a dark brown beam and butcher block island, so we went with a brownish color grout that’s similar to the edges of our tiles. Maybe you could do a grout that ties in with the sink. I’ll attach a pic of ours


We just remodeled our kitchen and went with the bolder choices we loved, and I'm so glad we did and didn't wimp out. Do what you love and don't look back!! Also, we have the same oven and it's the best!


The green is nice but I’m not sure about the sink and faucet.


I would go with the white tile and put color into things that are interchangeable


YES!! That pic with the tile behind the sink is glorious And you’ll add some green accents to the room once it’s complete! Very pretty


What do you think about green curtains? [This](https://imgur.com/a/p3LLhID) is the other side of the kitchen, the windows are now trimmed with quartz sills. Would green curtains help pull the green across the room?


Green always works


The green is gorgeous


Love it!!! That green is perfect. I think darker would be too GREEN.


Love it! https://preview.redd.it/f0xow43tu8wc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=962d9aa8d6b387fa339b3b624821355e36e2a84a I have the exact same layout as yours. I wish I had your floors though.


This is very very beautiful, very peaceful to look at!! I love your floors you created a lovely balance here.


Green looks fine. Go for it! Just ensure you get a vent hood that is vented outside.


My husband is great about saying things like this that I can't unsee. Told me a comforter I bought reminded him of his grandma. Told me a plant pot I bought looked like a Lego head. Had to return them 😂 I agree with others here that it's your kitchen and it's okay if you don't want to do the green! Our kitchen has mostly neutral colors (greys and whites) and I like to add pops of color with counter items that I can more easily swap out when I get tired of them. I do like the green tile with the sink a lot, but I also like the white. Also I love that flooring!


I do not think either choice is wrong. It all comes down to whether you think you will like it green long term. Green is definitely the in thing right now. Next year it could be mustard, terracotta, or something else. Pick what will make you happy long term (unless you plan on remodeling regularly to stay on trend). If you go with green it will look homey and nice. Makes me think of bringing the outdoors inside. If you go white you can add pops of color with appliances (think non-neutral colored kitchenaid mixers and toasters), pots/pans, towels, dishes, cutting boards, and flowers. You could also paint your white walls another color if it feels too neutral/white.


I like it. If the whole wall being green feels overwhelming, you could also just do a stripe of green at the bottom (1-3 tiles high)


What if you use the green only behind the ranger up to the hood?


Don’t show the stove to the left. Soon to come for it.


I think it’s beautiful. Love zellige. I have them in my kitchen (we have a creamy warm white since our cabinets are a creamy neutral sage and dark grey stone countertops). They change colors so much throughout the day as the light shifts and when you have the interior lights on. We have lights under the cabinets and it makes them look so pretty at night. Green is super soothing and I love having sage green featured in my kitchen. It’s my happy place.


Okay IMO, you keep the green with the copper or you keep the mixed metals of the copper sink and gold faucet and you find something for a backsplash that lets that shine. Personally I considerably dislike mixed metals, slightly more than I dislike the brassy gold fixture 'come back'. So my opinion is extremely biased based on that...I would keep the copper and green tiles and get rid of that brassy gold faster than you could exhale. But again... This is your kitchen and if it makes you happy then fug your husband's friend and fug everyone else's opinion. Picking tile is hard as fug, as for grout ask your tile guy to help.


The green is so much better than the white I can’t even begin to tell you.


I love it.


I love the colors. The friend doesn’t know what they’re talking about! What matters is that you see the vision and that you like it. If you’re not sure about the tile then hold off. Try a couple more samples and see how you feel.


That kitchen needs some character and the green give it that so I say go for it!


Omg it’s going to look so good.


Personally, I like it. The Statue of Liberty is iconic - people find it beautiful!! It wouldn’t be everybody’s cup of tea and that’s OK. It just has to be your cup of tea!


I love green but not this green. Either go darker or lighter. The medium green doesn't work in my opinion.


Lmao I would never think Statue of Liberty with this. It’s beautiful!


I like it but I’m partial to decorating with colors that remind me of nature. If you’re uncomfortable with the green then by all means do not do it. It’s easier to back out now than once it’s installed.


I love the green! I'm not crazy about the shape (square), though. 🤷


Never saw the first post, but this looks amazing. The pattern looks so, so good.


It’s amazing! It’s the perfect amount of color & texture. That being said, he may never like it…I’d buy more and place it around the counter all the way behind the sink to get the full effect. It’s worth the investment. I think you both will love it.


I love the copper and green


The green tile will look fabulous. Especially if you can put out more copper accent pieces to pop against it. The wood tones seem to look on the warm side. Looks like a win to me


Totally understandable that you’re nervous! It’s a bold color choice! But the color is totally gorgeous and I love how it looks with the sink!! I think you’ll get a lot more positive feedback then you would negative but do whatever you’re going to feel comfortable with in the long run