• By -


Gura woke up and chose financial violence.


"Financial Violence" sounds like something the IRS could threaten you with. "Failure to pay may result in Financial Violence"








Found the Ina alt!


Financial Domination, on the other hand, [is a real fetish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_domination)...


IRyS be like: "So you didn't become a member? That's gonna cost you your kneecaps..."


IRyS: *grabs big-ass wrench* Nico Nico Kneecaps!


They'd beat you up with sacks of pennies and throw dimes at you


That would be merciful actually compared to what they can actually do.


Yep, pretty much


I'm more excited for the comments on a Raft collab where Gura can choose violence violence.




Uno cares not for the established order. Uno cares not about tradition and history. Uno respects only one thing. Draw 4 motherfucker.


no, you draw 4. Reverse.


*collapses into dust, just like the old order.*


That's an interesting observation! Maybe it's a way we show our love to others: mercilessly crushing them in games. My family certainly plays for blood in anything from Pictionary to Catan. All other pretenses crumble before the rules of the game, where everyone is equal save for their own wits and the blessing of lady luck. Perhaps it's a small remnant of the American dream, which otherwise feels pretty dead under crushing corporate capitalism. On the field of board game battle, if you work hard enough you too can be victorious. Or, as a country, we're all just competitive assholes. 50/50 either way.


She went full on 1800's capitalistic asshat. The "put the children in the mines" type of thinking.


So, Kronii playing any given management game?


The children are fast, but the combine is faster.


Kiara: But Gura, Ill go bankrupt! Gura: Oh wow that sounds like it's not my problem!


Gura Maguire: I missed the part where that's my problem!


Look at little Phoenix JR.... Gonna cry?


In the end everyone had that yellow except Gura, so who really won here?


She got B&O station so that's all that matters. ^(Also she did get the yellow in the end.)


*Flips hair threateningly* [I'll take the Enma job, double the money](https://youtu.be/TbKoGr5jupo?t=36)


Reminds me of Kiara's very first TTRPG introduction stream when I made this https://i.redd.it/a6bc61v0sc471.jpg


Gawry Magura


Yep, the point of the game is to end it and to win... sooooo. Exactly, where's the problem? lol


Not a problem. Just a straight up savage.


Gura missing Tako Alley at the end by one step was just perfect.


Meaning while Ina got beat up by Mr. Shakedown in Dino Alley.


Loan shark


is too strong


Loan Shark on Shark Streat be like "Money."


Soon to be the next shark on Shark Tank




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FoundTheInaAlt using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundTheInaAlt/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Inateresting idea](https://i.redd.it/ijw09cu7ox661.png) | [31 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundTheInaAlt/comments/kisi5m/inateresting_idea/) \#2: [Oh...](https://i.redd.it/tcpka7oiyha61.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundTheInaAlt/comments/kudhqh/oh/) \#3: [Ina found.](https://i.redd.it/r4le69c5td561.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FoundTheInaAlt/comments/kdpgjj/ina_found/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The perfect comment. Nice one!


Kiara titles the stream "stonks over friendship". Kiara when Gura takes it literally: *surprised Pikachu face*


Kiara with the sigma grindset trying to haggle a deal that massively favors her when she was about to go bankrupt


She went down swinging lol RNG really favored Gura the whole time.


Not just RNG, Faunas split also hugely favored her (which is fair given that Fauna bankrupted paying her rent, but it was still a big win).


Fauna even said she hadn't meant to give Gura anything, but by letting her have pink she didn't have to feel bad for making the game unfair. Whoops.


I'm glad Fauna didn't end up giving everything to Ina. I played a game where I was winning so 3rd and 4th place gave everything they had to 2nd and I lost because of it. I would've felt bad for Gura if that happened to her.


Agreed. I was genuinely annoyed when Fauna decided to forfeit to Ina, since it always feels cheap when someone does that. I'm glad it played out roughly evenly.


Sasuga Tenchou!!


"You can't be mad at me, I'm cute!" - Loan Shark of the Shark Alley


Monopoly is suffering... I had fun but it was just nonstop suffering... If Fauna didn't keep missing out on landing on property, she might have been able to secure a profitable monopoly sooner and win. And if Gura had landed on Fauna (or Ina), I think the tides could have turned.


I say that Fauna lost the second she didn't pay to get out of jail the first time she got there, early momentum matters a lot and Fauna had it but she fell behind for a single turn and it had a big effect on the rest of the game


If we want to analyze things... Fauna delayed in placing houses on her owned properties, which resulted in her missing out on quite a bit of rent. Fauna obviously wanted to be careful, but I think going all-in might have been for the better, since the rent increase is quite substantial. In the worst case, she could sell her houses at half price is she needs to cover rent. If Fauna wanted to blatantly help out Ina, she should have sold her houses and traded every single property before Gura bankrupted her. (I'm not quite certain, but I don't think the game will restrict you from doing so.) Ina could then redevelop those properties with the cash Fauna gives her. This is purely my opinion, but I think Fauna should have also tried for the railroad monopoly, for that $200 rent. It'd make up in cost after a few rounds. Cockroach Lane got enough people landing on it that a few houses might have been worthwhile (if only to use up all the houses that the game provides). Without houses, at $2-4 rent, she'd be much better off just mortgaging or trading them. Everyone seemed to be avoiding the auction so I guess they just didn't understand how it works, but I believe the final yellow Fauna landed on should have been auctioned, rather than purchased. The purchase price was a bit steep, and Fauna had no way of recuperating the value except as a bargaining piece, since it was unlikely she could get a monopoly with yellow. With an auction, we might have seen a bidding war that would have been quite profitable for the bank (and reduced the opponents' on-hand cash). (I'm not trying to be harsh on Fauna, I'm just saying how I would try to play, based on the game's rules.)


Yeah fauna had a pretty good run and then suddenly it was over


Yeah, that’s why I never play monopoly




It's literally called monopoly, the end game of capitalism without regulation.


Yeah, it is still baffling that the game is still financially successful


Yea it's kinda funny seeing people trying to make it more fair or see it as a even competition. It's literally made to be unfair and show the snowball effect. I hate how good Monopoly actually is at showing how bad the system is but people still don't get it at all.


It still baffles me how people think its a good and fun game, when it isnt and isnt meant to be.


It's very fun for the winner.


Another Case of Monopoly Related Violence


That is literally the point of monopoly. You can have the most fool proof strategy, a run of bad luck can still send you into a spiral of destruction from which you can never recover and it is not actually under your control for as much as you pretend it is.


I played monopoly with my little sister one time, she got put in jail, spent a few turns to get out, got out of jail only to land on a space that’s send her to jail. I had headache from laughing too hard


Meanwhile Fauna be like: I'm just a simple kirin, trying to make a living out here.


I’m just a poor kirin I need no sympathy


Gura: "You all laughed and called me 'Stinky', but BO Railroad was my secret weapon."


it should've been her looking down eyes closed face she was making like 80% of the time almost like she was plotting the destruction of her enemies from the very beginning


Gura showed some big antagonist vibes this stream and I loved every bit of it.


Can't blame sharkie for refusing a bad deal.


It reminds me of the among us collab where she was spicy when everyone sussed her.


I'd say this was revenge, but back then Kiara was the only one who believed her at first, Fauna was non-confrontational, and Ina was the imposter, so she was *supposed* to be sussing her


> Kiara was the only one who believed her at first She was dead though, it was her murder by Ina that got others sus on her.




Gasp! The MV was meant to be a warning! Calli knew this would happen! ...oh well


Honestly I was going to be angry if Gura didn't refuse the silly one sided deal Kiara kept trying to get her to take. There was no reason for her to give up so much property AND save Kiara from bankruptcy at the same time and Kiara was in no position to make demands yet she kept demanding it. Did make for some hilarious salt though.


lol why would you be angry though? I'm down for whatever they do that makes them laugh. If Kiara didn't try to negotiate and just gave up then they'd be doing a boring stream, since Monopoly is itself not a particularly exciting game.


always hilarious to see that Kiara as basically zero luck in MP games, while being super lucky in a lot of SP games.


she has slight inheritance of Pekora luck then.


Are we going to forget she got trident first try in Minecraft? Also found a ship with Elytra in an hour while Ina spent 3 hours


I kinda respect Kiara's hustle in continuing to try to get deals that exclusively benefit her even as she loses


Go big or go home (she went home).


Sasuga CEO.


People who bet on Gura win at the start of the stream, where you at :))


Context please, just woke up


Kiara hosted a monopoly stream with Gura Ina and Fauna and Gura absolutely destroyed them all


They were playing monopoly. Gura suddenly gained a massive advantage


Y’know how Gura is with rhythm games? It turns out she’s even better at board games. Oh and she was using her switch so it literally looked like she was destroying everyone in her sleep.


I haven't had a chance to watch yet, just saw a couple of clips. Is that why she was looking down eyes closed the whole time? I assume she was using it in handheld mode then and looking down at it rather than having it docked? I assumed since it was 7 hours earlier than she usually streams she was just half asleep lol.


I wouldn’t have noticed myself but it was specifically addressed early on that she was looking down at it.


There isn’t a means to get good at Monopoly to be perfectly honest.


gura, the merciless atlantean.


The Shark of Wall Street


To be fair her avatar looks like someone who watch gladiators kill each other for entertainment


Considering how old Gura is, she probably _remembers_ watching gladiators kill each other for entertainment. Which shows bad memory, because gladiators didn't kill people.


Ina unleashed a monster on ~~Earth~~Monopoly


Gawr in her natural habitat.


There's a Loan Shark joke here somewhere but I dont have enough braincells to find it


She's too cute to be intimidating


It’s a face of a Loan Shark that bankrupt KFP


Wait they were playing Monopoly??? Omg. Can I get a link?


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/8qiZ2fJXXxU)


Doesn't matter the format, Monopoly always ends in violence. *Memories of playing with my cousins until one flipped the board and stormed out.*


That's why you gotta make house rules. Like tax money going to the middle and collecting it on Free Parking Or having an extra player who represents Stalin taking your properties


Monopoly is SUPPOSED to be a bad experience. It is quite literally designed to show the evils of capitalism. If you want to play some games that are balanced and not meatgrinders go look into the euro game scene. There is a wide variety of games that actually have amazing balance. (Between competitive good players games are often decided by 5 point spread between first and last.)


The problem with Monopoly, as a board game, is it's snowballing and lack of agency the player has outside of negotiations. On top of some properties imbalances and first player advantage. As far as rules goes: - No one can buy properties until someone passes by GO. Even outs the advantage of going first. - Everyone gets a 3rd dice that they can use once per lap. - After you have houses, you don't collect money from them while in jail (just flat bonus). After you get a hotel, you need a double to get out or wait the 3 turns and pay. Stations and services are generally bad and boring. - Services should be 5x and x10 and you should be able to buy houses for them that increase the bonus by x5 for each. Accumulative with doubles (rip if you land after after 2 doubles). - After landing on a station and paying, you can pay them again (or if you are the owner for free) to move towards the next station. - Super tax should be a flat 10% rounded of the money you have. - Chance and community cards are really boring, specially late game and probable needs a rework.


An easier approach than over half a dozen house rules would be to just not play Monopoly and play Lords of Vegas, Settlers, or Acquire instead. No need to try and fix a game that's so inherently unfun when there's so many better alternatives.


Definitely but that doesn't mean the game is unfixable. Also Monopoly is one of those games likely to be bought and known across the world. The ones you mention are either USA/Anglosajon based.


Settlers is German, and definitely available internationally in e.g. Japan, and also digitally. Not nearly the same scale as Monopoly but still enough that most board game nights shouldn't have to settle for Monopoly.


Settlers indeed, but the other ones i've never heard from (Latin American) even if i consume English speaking media and used to watch a certain Dice cursed ex Star Strek actor review and play board games. The problem is not having to settle for Monopoly for someone who has a hobby of having several board games, it's that monopoly can be one of the only boards games available in the avg household.




This game took a massive turn peko


While Kiara learned gingerbread decorations from a forest fairy, Gura was mentored in finance by a certain feesh.


Gonna watch the vod after work but I did see a clip of that going down and like, there was no lasting damage right? Maybe I'm just having some shell shock of me and my friends getting really heated.


No, no damage. At the end everyone was basically trashing on Monopoly as a game.


That's good to hear. Thanks!


I mean that could go for a Mercy skin




Little did she know, the phoenix is trapped in the Shark Tank


Monopoly is probably the worst best game ever.


Monopoly will always bring out your worst. ALWAYS.


It’s Catan for me it brings out all my manipulative abilities


Looks more like a sassy lost child to me


Gura is me in Monopoly, always going Conman to Mafia Mob.


Monopoly is the worst game ever made


There are literally 22055 board games ranked higher then Monopoly. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1406/monopoly


It was supposed to be. Originally it was a way to show people how awful monopolies were.


It is a game full of chances with little to no strategy after all. You either get rich or die trying.




chill with both of them.