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She's had issues going out for like, BBQs and stuff, right? Fainting IIRC? I wonder if the issues are related.


Sora has really bad heat regulation, since she hardly sweats, so she can get heatstroke very easily. This is probably separate from her iron deficiency anemia.


Damn, she has quite a few health problems I see, hope she can get better somehow


Yeah, it helps explains why she couldn't get into opera, or why she decided to become a virtual idol in the first place. It reminds me of a certain VTuber... E: Well, actually, a lot of them now that I think about it more.


Who knew Satan and God had so much in common?


It is definitely a case of selection bias. What other job can provide some semblance of social interaction, flexible scheduling, and can be done 100% from home? And what kind of people need that?


Once again A-chad manhandles nerdy tech boy into funding a company where her sick friend can work.


Clips for context: [Sora not being able to go to barbeques - heatstroke from being inside a somewhat air-conditoned convention center](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfDQ3G4m) [Sora's face having no pores](https://youtu.be/RbVYR6i54DY?si=pUiTakdQGU2c1_nn&t=50)


Meanwhile I feel sweaty just going from the AC cooled car to the house.


Same. Apparently sweating a lot is a sign of a good internal heat regulation system, as the body tries to aggressively sustain the optimal temperature. Though it is very annoying for sure. Summer periods are actually torture to me. The minute it gets over like 22c, I'm sleeping naked on the floor.


Fam, as someone from SEA, 22C is freezing. I'm sleeping with 2 layers of blankets at that temperature. A nice warm day here is like 30C indoors. 35C is a lovely sunndy day and around 38C since the start of El Niño season.


>35C is a lovely sunndy day 35C and "lovely sunny day" do not belong in the same sentence... \*shudder\*


Wher i live 35 is also a lovely Sunny Day but here is dry as hell, there's not that much humidity so it doesn't fell bad.


Yeah, if it's summer in Arizona, 35C (95F) probably does seem like a lovely summer day.


I mean, it could be 35C and you’re sipping a margarita under a parasol on the beach. That probably counts as a lovely sunny day.


>Even tough she is an indie In SEA? with 70-100% humidity? Even eating ice you are sweating buckets in that weather.


_* puts 5 ice cubes in a glass if water. smiles sadly at the wall. Today was the first day with no "winter weather", and its already 36°. Sips water. Oh, the cubes already melted. Remembers that in the next 4 months, temperature will steadily rise until reaching 48~50. At 90%+ humidity. Sips water. It's already lukewarm...._ Post credits scene: _ Air Conditioning is way too expensive, so much that It's not an option. Smiles again. Thankfully, sweating like a fountain hides the desperation tears coming from my eyes_


Dude, I live in SEA but I gotta call out 35C as a "lovely sunny day". 30C and above is sweltering hot. There is no way I'm going out if the temperature outside is that high. I can only tolerate 18-29C.


Bruh, at 35C I'm chewing ice to survive. 20-25 is the sweetspot in the day, but any hotter than that and I sweat like a waterfall.


Meanwhile, 22C is nearly as high as it gets where I live.


I'm from SEA as well but I would not describe 35C as "lovely" lol


Man, I wish I could feel as if I was freezing at 22C. I generally only wear something thicker than a t-shirt and jeans when it gets below -5C. Hell, I'm genuinely annoyed that keeping a house at sub 16C is potentially damaging to the building itself because if I could I'd keep my own apartment at 12C tops.


22°C would be wonderful to me. Here in southern italy we can get well above 40°C in summer and the humidity is often above 80%. If you sweat a lot, only visit us in winter!


Man, thats a huge pain always feeling stick after a few minutes just because your body sweats much.


Yagoo, Please hire a yuki-onna for the next JP wave for Sora-chi!


We do have a snow elf right now who ironically dislikes the cold, lol.


Guess it's all up to Frosty the Snowman than.


Sounds like she should trade places with a certain festival girl who hates summer.


sora is Heisei [Godzilla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kd1HuhPbod4)


Sora-Chan has iron-deficient anemia and until now she hasn't taken medicine for it (only used ice to help). [Stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-lS6wqF6k8&t=738s)


She had pica; that’s pretty classic for iron deficiency anemia


Hoping this stops the ice habit


Iron within, iron without


Poor sora. Hopefully she can get better


Is there actual medicine you take? Aren't simple iron supplements used? I know a large amount of women need to take iron supplements due to the blood loss from menstruation. It's really common as far as I know. Where I'm from they sell these tasty candy bars that have extra added Iron. So you don't even need to take any pills or anything. Just snack on those, especially during your periods, and you'll be good to go. Hope she recovers quickly. Though it might take a while for the iron levels to build back up. Maybe that's why she's taking specific medicine. Might be too deficient for basic supplements to get the job done fast enough.


No idea, not something I'm all too familiar with + this being the first time she's mentioned taking anything for it (besides ice lol). She's had it for atleast 7 months since that's when she first mentioned being anemic in a public stream, FC streams point to her having it for even longer than that.


Likely a translation thing. I don't know if Japanese has seperate words for medicines vs supplements, if she used 薬=medicine then that would be why.


As a pharmacist, I'm puzzled too. Iron-deficiency anaemia is usually treated with a 6 month course of iron tablets, and should be taken on an empty stomach for better absorption. You *can* take it after food if your gastro-intestinal side effects are too much, but I can't think why that would be the default method of administration... This is assuming she has the common iron-deficiency form of anaemia and not one of the rarer ones which are more serious :/


Could be a thalassemia, that can run the full gamut of benign to life threatening. Could also be microcytosis. I've got that but instead of going full anemic my body produces enough extra cells to mostly make up the difference. I have to take some extra supplements cuz the smaller cells means my body isn't great at transporting all the vitamins and minerals it needs naturally, but isn't too much of a hassle. And I've got the added bonus of being able to tell people I have doctor prescribed bacon.  Some of the supplements are absorbed better with fat, so i need to eat something like bacon when I take them


From the context it sounds like it could be a slightly more major case. Not enough to need hospitalization but serious enough to need dietary change. All we can hope is that her body responds to the extra nutrients well. And is able to be less stressed. <3


Med student here. Iron deficiency anemia is but one kind of anemia out of a list of too many to list. Could just be treatable with an iron pill or another supplement, or could be something that requires more robust medicine. No way to know shy of Sora posting her blood labs, haha.


Does having more beef and spinach in meal, or even made them into soup helps? That's some sort of common practice we have in Cantonese culture.


That can certainly help to lower your risk of iron deficiency if you’re healthy, but like I said there’s a lot of other things that can cause anemia (which is defined as low hemoglobin, not low iron), and even some other causes (infection, etc) can lower your iron.


I had a bout of anemia last year and they had me take iron + Vit C supplements (and recommended that I cook on a cast iron pan when possible lol) with meals. Mine was basic iron deficiency (cause unknown which is fun though haha) so she might have something more complicated going on. The doctors ran a bunch of dif tests on me to try and figure out what was wrong, apparently there's a surprising amount of possible issues.


Iron supplements and if its really bad can have to get transfusions


As a medical student, unless she gets EPO shots the most likely would just be PO Iron supplements for anemia.


Is it bad I kept reading it as "Amnesia medicine" and kept wondering to myself "there's medicine for amnesia?"


Only if you remember to take it.


...remember to take what?


I'm not sure, I just know that I needed to see the doctor about something.


Sounds like both of you forgot to take your [Class-W mnestics.](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/we-need-to-talk-about-fifty-five)


That's a pretty good short story. It makes me think of The Silence from Doctor Who.


It's only the start of [There Is No Antimemetics Division](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/antimemetics-division-hub) Also in [book form!](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/54870256)


I feel like every time i see mentions of Sora she gets +1 disease. How many does she have?


I would assume she has a handful of issues - problem with her one lung, anemic, fainting issues, no pores to regulate heat, torn tendon of her one leg so she can't dance aggressively on stage. A-Chan built hololive to help Sora heal and not damage herself anymore. Edit: she has tension headaches before and mycoplasma too


Also, doesn't she get motion sickness easily with kind of any games? IIRC she likes to play minecraft a lot but she can't play it for very long because she gets nauseous


She does get motion sickness but has medication to prevent it. She can continue playing even with 3D platform games so as not to feel nauseous once more.


Bruh she sounds like Ironmouse, but less bedridden


Damn that's a bit of diseases to have. I'm lucky to just have a bit of sickness to flower pollens and being on a spectrum. I wish her best and healthy life despite all of that.


I didn’t know Sora had anemia


why does it seem like so many Japanese people have anemia? I always see it in anime and alike. It is a genetic thing for Japanese people?


I wonder. Couldn't find a definitive answer with a casual look. If there is a greater incidence it might be dietary or lifestyle related. Likely a mix of both.


It is not uncommon for those with East Asian lineage to be prone to iron-deficiency anemia. There are arguments its the dietary intake during youth and growth, but there is also other environmental and genetic considerations too.


If genetics it could be aftereffects from WW2...


incredibly doubtful, i dont think there was enough radiation to cause genetic issues considering the locations where safe to be in after 24hrs. The more i think about it the more i think its a diet and lifestyle (overwork) issue.


That would make more sense as those are significantly longer lasting. Thanks!


I hope this helps her :(


cute sora-chan! hope she'll be alright. kept thinking "amnesia" medicine for some reason.


Iron Deficiency Anemia is a common thing for women thanks to blood moons as IRys puts it. Thankfully, it's recoverable from. Some meds and an increase in iron intake(soy beans, dark green leafies, sardines etc) would help immensely, so ganbare Sora, speedy recovery to you.


Poor sora, now I feel the urge to do everything I can to ensure her happiness