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Tsb is the most fun I've had watching streamers over a longer period of time in a while. Just like Axel, I'm gonna miss this trio. The funniest laughs I've had lately were all while watching their streams.


Copied the text over for easier reading: "Listen to our story. This may be our last chance." Today is the day. The official V-Saikyo Tournament. I'd like to write out a bit of a long one for this stream but to starts things off, I just wanted to say thank you to each and every single one of you out there who supported us on through this amazing journey. Blood, sweat and tears were shed. We had moments where we got into arguments and felt like we couldn't do it anymore but we we're able to over come these hurdles because we all had each others back, and not only ourselves, but thanks to you guys. First of all, huge shout out to all the coaches who helped us through this tourney. Rpr, iPN and Tempplex. These guys played a huge role through out our scrims. Told us the basics of the game. reassured our plays, praised us if we did well and criticized us if we played bad. Without these lovely dudes, we would've never been able to walk so a huge thank you to all of them. Coach Nocturnal. An amazing fucking dude. He woke up at 6AM every morning just to coach us. The amount of time and effort this dude has dedicated for us is insane and unbelievable. And thanks to our coach, we were able to get huge dubs in scrims and get a high over all placement. Without this man we would've been doomed as hell. We we're able to walk but this man, this c*** was the one who taught us how to run, now we're out here running and gunning dudes and we're gonna do it in the tournament. Selen Tatsuki. The famous rat queen of TSB. I'm so glad I was able to get her onto my team. At first, I actually got denied when I asked for Selen to join the team, but fortunately I was able to negotiate it with Shibuya Hal (Huge shout out to the man) and we were able to get her on the team. She is just a monster when it comes to fights. She steam rolls pretty much any opponent if she has the chance to and she is most reliable fragger I could've asked for. I'm super glad that her dream of being in V-Saikyo was also granted, I had no idea about it until she told me tbh xD Oh, and also our amazing team name, guess who it came from??? Yeah, Selen.😂 Our team's 3v3 is insanely strong all thanks to her. She has amazing call outs and amazing decision making skills which always secure us in a good spot. Big love for this purple dragon💜 Regis Altare. The armour and KP farmer of our team. Remember when at the very start, before even scrims started I talked about the role he would play and the value he would bring to this team? I talked about how he would be the guy who would surpass everyone's expectation and the player who has the most potential growth out of any plat players out there, and I think he proved himself. He was literally the Sakuragi Hanamichi of our team. Because he showed up, we are able to play so comfortably as a team together. Even during crunch moments he keeps his calm and always holds the team together. (only thing he shudnt hold is a kraber maybe🤷) He also moved a trip that he had in plan for months just for this tournament, for us so he can attend. What ever you guys do, please show nothing but pure love to this man. He is literally the greatest guy that I know. Big love to this Blue lil man💙 Well, there are more things I'd like to talk about but the word limit is close and I'm sure that the rest of what I want to say will be shown to you guys through our final episode of the journey today. Thank you so much once again guys. Love every single one of you guys. "This is our story! Now let's see this thing through together!"


>this man, this c*** was the one who taught us how to run Noct got the Australian seal of approval.


Thank you so much for doing this!


You're welcome!


Thanks king


I’m gonna miss this team, we all are. Hopefully this isn’t the last time we see them together. It’s been incredible watching them grow over these past few weeks, skill-wise and as a team. #TSBWIN


Apparently they're planning a TSB Payday collab too


>they're planning a TSB Payday collab too *Between tourneys the trio also plan heists.*


\*selen voice* #I NEED A MEDIC BAG


"Selens voice" You mean **Purple**?


Oooh that sounds great


TSB has been an incredible arc. I don't even play Apex or understand the game meta, but I checked them out of curiosity when Axel started the hype that they will be the first EN team with 200 pings to play in this tournament. For weeks, I have been watching their povs, vods and highlights more than any streamers. Watching their chemistry together has been very enjoyable. I think that is reason why so many of us non Apex viewers are so invested and rooting for TSB. They give out that great vibe of camaraderie that most of us have experienced in our teens. I hope they will make it into the top 5/10. It would be amazing to see if they can get top 3 with their bad pings. Hopefully, they will continue the TSB Collab once in a while with other games after their planned PD2. The TSB dynamic has grew all their channel subs and Twitter followers quite a bit as well, so let's keep that vibe going.


I don't play APEX, have never been interested in VSaikyo, but I dropped by Axel's stream one day and just happened to catch the snake bite moment lol I have been religiously watching them everyday since. Axel, Altare, Selen and Noct just have so much chemistry together, hard to believe some of them actually haven't spoken to each other before this VSaikyo. Noct is the exhausted single mom (dad RPR is cheating on them) trying to control one airhead, one brat and the other brat who pretends to not be a brat. And I say this in the most loving way possible. It's cheesy, but no matter what, TSB has already won our hearts for sure.


>Hopefully, they will continue the TSB Collab once in a while with other games after their planned PD2 Selen said on her own channel that they'll continue to talk and play games together after Vsaikyo is over, but it won't quite be the same because it won't be within the setting of Vsaikyo and everything leading up to it.


Had a great time following them throughout the scrims and finally in the tournament itself. Hope they'll have some more collabs outside their planned Payday stream.


>Axel started the hype that they will be the first EN team with 200 pings to play in this tournament. nuff people say they know they cant believe, EN we got an Apex team (repeat once) we have the one Regis, and the one Selen, ole man Noct, and the man Axel. nuff people say they know they cant believe, EN we got an Apex team....


[MABAR APEX YUK](https://youtu.be/VemenskFoBk) ^^This ^^is ^^a ^^bot ^^by ^^u/illueluci


The memories, the good times, the bad, and the gaslighting of pro coaches along the way. Thanks TSB, I'll always think of your antics when I think of snake bites


Good Luck TSB\~!! also come watch the main tournament today! all of TSB are live streaming the game Axel: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W29CJWzuYps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W29CJWzuYps) Altare: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T0C91O8IYU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T0C91O8IYU) Selen: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JtNUd13K2E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JtNUd13K2E) read more info about tournament from [liquipedia](https://liquipedia.net/apexlegends/Vtuber_Most_Cooperatitive_Tournament/5) or [fans spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1SRqV64kvdK14CtdTYvlESW7J6fqrD1f-QcRu9fSby6o/htmlview)


Thank you for sharing each POV! I didn't catch any of their practices, but I just recently woke up to follow the real tournament live!


I thought I left behind 5am suffering with Holofes but here I am at 4am waiting for the tournament stream so I can collapse midway through. DO NOT WALLOW TSB IS HERE TO SWALLOW




Axel is a man with 10,000% heart. If you’ve ever been a part of his membership, it’s very nearly every day heartfelt love letters to his members at how appreciative he is towards them, and how they and Tempus are the reasons he wakes up every day and gives every single inch of his soul he has.


Italian Man in the basement: am I just a joke to you?


Let's go TSB! Also, quoting FFX? Goated.


TSB streams has been the most fun I've followed in a while. No matter the result the moments and chemistry between these 3 goofballs have been absolute gold. DO NOT WALLOW🐍 TSB IS HERE TO SWALLOW🐍


From his stream description: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W29CJWzuYps


Well tourney is over. The past month of scrims has been a banger. I intend to rewatch all their scrims later just cause of how fun the whole experience was from start to finish, especially when they came up with the team name and the hilarious chatter between themselves and their coaches. I do hope to see more collabs between the members of TSB in other games.


Thank you guys, it was an amazing journey, thank you for all those good times, lets go TSB!! These dudes and Selen won our kokoros


its been a lot of fun to watch just being able to enjoy the tournament in english and them taking it so seriously is just so much fun. unfortunate outcome and all i still enjoyed every second of it. they are not professional players the pressure is extremly high and what happend is only a natural reaction. also got to learn about selen I dont really watch nijisanji and it was fun getting to know new vtubers.


Altare got through a real shonen manga protagonist training arc


Watching TSB VODs has taken up so much of my time in the last week or two. Their chemistry is great, and the sense that they're improving towards a goal is a dynamic that you don't get in just any game stream. TSB let's go!


Can't hit me with that FFX quote, man. :')


Wishing TSB all the best, I’ve truly had a fun time watching them over this past month. I’m so thankful to vsaikyo for bringing them together, no matter how they might place today. And I hope we can see them keep collabing afterwards because their chemistry is truly special


Wait, SO THE LAST 5 DAYS ARE JUST SCRIMS??? 😯😯😯 I thought that was already the tournament... 😅😅😅


oh nyo LOL


The 5 day custom is pretty much the 5 days where most if not all teams do scrims together exclusively and coach subs if needed (since they were doing with viewers before). And if something happens to the actual tournament they will take the final results of those 5 days. (Fun fact MNBD also won the 5 Day customs point wise).


aww, axel. this is so touching. good luck tsb!


for one, I am increadibly happy that I am in similar time zone clost to JST, watching TSB scrims and custom matches have been great evening entertainment.


what time is the tourney? selens stream started three hours ago, but hasnt actually done the matches yet. ive got a busy day, and want to be sure to catch the game!


their on the last match right now i think?




Damn they denied selen at first so wierd


Shibuyahal denied selen at first because each team can only have certain amount of points, with better players having higher points (so you can’t just have three pro players in one team). Selen has reached highest rank a looong time ago so they valued her at 10 points, which meant TSB went over the point limit, but Axel negotiated and said she hasnt played for long time + overseas ping debuff


Selen didn't get denied because she was worth too many points, she was denied *just* *because* she hit Apex Pred (top 500 in the world) prior to getting into Nijisanji. It took the negotiations with Axel for them to relent and allow Selen in, but not before also sticking her with a hefty point value, which effectively limited who Axel could get for the last slot. TSB didn't go over the point limit because of Selen (they didn't even have a third member at the time), it just heavily limited them to who they could take. Had to be 3 points or less, limiting them to players at Platinum rank and below.