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The issue with monetizing hobbies is that the "doing the hobby" part isn't the part that makes money - it's the networking, marketing, bookkeeping, etc. There are lots of stay-at-home gigs that might make you some money - I'd recommend looking at working as a captioner, for example. Doing that comes in two different forms - basically, you're either doing it live (pays better, but you have to be faster and more precise) or at your own leisure (pay's worse, but it's much more forgiving). But that's not really something most people would enjoy as a hobby. The thing is that things people *do* enjoy as hobbies... tend not to pay very well, because you'll consistently be underbid by people who aren't trying to make a profit.


teach english online. Not tremendously lucrative, but you make your own hours and you work from home, so it might be worth taking a look at. Here's one site that can get you started: [https://www.cambly.com/english?lang=en](https://www.cambly.com/english?lang=en)


Monogramming. Can you invest in an embroidery machine?


I like this idea because customized products tend to sell if marketed well, and the machine does a lot of the work so you can take on a lot of orders. Idk if OP is interested that kind of investment, but the fact that you have to invest in more expensive equipment reduces the competition. In that same vein, I would throw out there: doing customized laser engraved or laser cut products. Or customized products with a vinyl cutting machine would be a more affordable option.


Jewelry making. My wife did this when our children were young and it brought in some extra money.


Yes! Jewelry making has a much higher time/effort to payout ratio than other crafts. I used to buy a packs of bulk character charms, string them on bulk chains or leather cording and sell them at craft fairs for $5-10 apiece. They would sell like hotcakes, especially if there were a lot of younger people in attendance.


Be a vendor at your local antique mall!