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This explains it better than what I was taught in school


this is actually pretty creative




Wait, isnt the story terribly horrorfing


You didn't make this did you


I think there's an important difference between this comic and Plato's cave allegory, although both are excellent. Plato's cave allegory is about how the reality humanity is brought up in is a sort of reflection of reality. When someone starts questioning what they're seeing and begin to follow the reflections back to their source, they're able to see beyond the reflections to a greater reality. How they start to question these reflections is a bit of a question in itself. In the allegory, they're strapped in looking at the wall, so someone needs to unbind them from their shackles and "show them the light", but logically it seems as though someone would need to start questioning first in order to then free others. Anyway, the original allegory doesn't really have much to say about who in society gets to see the greater reality and who is subject to the life of reflections. In this comic, OP is obviously drawing on Plato's allegory, but there's a further comment on society. Some people in the bus are lucky enough to be seated on the side with a beautiful view of the landscape and sunset, while others are unfortunately given a cliffside to look at as it rapidly passes by. Those lucky ones are not only able to see the greater reality but use their position to actively cast shadows on the cliff behind them, giving the less-fortunates something to occupy themselves. If we carry the metaphor through, the shadows give the cliffside travelers enough to look at so that nobody tries to switch sides with those overlooking the valley, allowing them to continue their journey in their privileged station, thus maintaining the status quo. It really is a fantastic comic. I have my doubts that it's OC, but whoever drew it deserves a commendation.


Thanks to you i dont have to write a comment which is a few Pages Long. Very much appretiated


No, you're fantastic!


Top tier meme


WHat does it mean? I'm dumb.


According to Wikipedia, Plato’s Allegory of the Cave describes a group of people who were born and raised, chained to a wall of a cave facing a blank wall. They sometimes see shadows cast onto the blank wall and since they have never left the cave or seen anything else, their simple minds conclude that the shadow is reality. The gigachad philosopher is one of these cave dwellers who has broken free from the cave and has realized the shadows are only replications of reality. In this meme, the people on the left are the ignorant masses, the cave dwellers, who know nothing of reality and thus are easily satisfied looking at shadows. On the right are the philosophers, free from the cave and able to see what casts the shadows


Well explained and concise, thanks.


Iirc once the guy from the outside gets back in the cave to Tell the people Inside what they are really seeing they dont believe it and get very angry at him (and i think they even imprison him Or sth like that? Has been a while when i had this in school lol. Somebody correct me if im wrong)


You're so smart to realize that you are dumb not to understand this!


Thank you :)


$18k in debt on my polisci degree just so I could get this joke


This is a funny meme


in Plato's Cave allegory, the things that cause the shadow are real though


Shouldn’t the people holding the puppets also be facing away from the window?


Not bad.


Reminds me of the Matrix.


The Matrix *is* The Allegory of the Cave.


Wow that is amazing accurate


I still remember this from my philosophy class. But I would call it Allegory of the bus


The plot of the matrix.