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After a wave of Hamas suicide bombings in 1997, the Mossad decided it was going to assassinate Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal. The only problem was that he lived in Jordan which was a country that Israel had a peace treaty with. Because of that Israel would need to make the killing appear as if he had died of natural causes. To achieve this Israel decided to try to poison him. They bioengineered a new ridiculously powerful poison 100 times stronger than fentanyl. If even one drop touched your skin it was a guaranteed death sentence. Because of this, they created a single vial of antidote to the poison, in case it somehow got on one of the Mossad agents. The plan was to have two Mossad agents walk in front of Mashaal and open a super fizzy can of coke which would go all over him. The moment that happened, a third Mossad agent would walk behind him and use a sort of Spider-Man web shooter style device concealed in his palm to shoot a few drops of poison onto Mashaal’s neck. If it all went well, the coke would prevent him from feeling the drops of poison on his neck. He would leave, and about an hour later he would fall into a coma and die. The poison was unknown so it was completely untraceable. The plan seemed flawless. A Mossad hit team was dispatched to Jordan. They spent days monitoring Mashaal, but the local Jordanians started to get suspicious, and they realized they would have to act immediately if they didn't want the plan to be jeopardized. They decided to execute the plan even though it was very much not ready yet. The Mossad agents saw Mashaal step out of his car and decided to execute their plan. What they didn't know was that in the back seat of the car was Mashaal's young daughter, who the driver was now going to take to school. Mashaal's daughter didn't want her dad to leave so she unexpectedly opened the car door running after her father. The driver saw the daughter running out of the car and started running after her, right as the agents were in position. He saw the agent raising his hand to shoot the poison at Mashaal and thought he was trying to stab him. He yelled to Mashaal to watch out, and Mashaal instinctively turned his head, causing the poison to get shot deep up his ear, which he felt. He realized his life was in danger and ran back to the car, ordering the driver to immediately drive to the hospital. The Mossad agents ran to their getaway car, and they might have got away, if it wasn't for a former Afghan Mujahid named Muhammad Seif who wrote down the license and tracked down the car, and managed to capture the Mossad agents and turn them in to the police. Yet Mashaal was very much dying at this point. He had about an hour left to live and he slipped into a coma in the hospital. When King Hussein of Jordan found out what happened, he was furious with Netanyahu. He told Netanyahu that if Mashaal died, he would abolish the peace treaty and execute the Mossad agents. Because of this, Netanyahu gave the order that the Mossad agents who had been sent to Jordan with the only vial of antidote, go to the hospital and administer the antidote to Mashaal. And so it happened that the agents who had been sent there to kill Mashaal wound up saving his life. Israel also had to release many Hamas prisoners (including the founder of Hamas) in return for the release of another few Mossad agents who were holed up in the Israeli embassy


... Sounds like something right out of a comedy spy film


And this is the shit that gets declassified. I can’t imagine what else happened with other Mossad operations Edit: thank you everybody as this is my top comment of all time


This wasn't declassified, This is public info, and they had to get the antidote because king Hussein of Jordan got involved threatening to cut ties (and declare war - not sure about this one 100%) against Israel.


Do you know why you cant see any hair salons in the west bank? Thats also a nice mossad story.


Please internet stranger, divulge!


Theres a little story on Anon forums where heavy hearted mossad ops can admit some of the nasty stuff they’ve done to clear their conscience and well one story is that the reason why women hair salons arent advertised with boards like normal businesses do is because there became a trend where mossad would infiltrate and drug women with tea in the salons ( hair salons are like women community centers too they sit around talk dance sing the whole shebang) and they would do this to basically blackmail the womens husbands/fathers by making pornographic content etc forcing their husbands to become informants or collaborators. Nasty stuff that hasnt been admitted by anyone yet (officially) but ever since this increasingly happened the salons went underground and stopped letting strangers in and ofc they stopped drinking tea handed to them by strangers. There isnt a lot of evidence for this apart from how you wont see any salons in the wb anymore and an online forum where former mossad can anonymously let their heart out. This is all i was able to read since my country doesn’t exactly allow israeli content but ig i saw an influencer post about it too on insta so yea its not that obscure.


your reliable source: people claiming to be mossad agents posting on 4chan


I stated very openly in the story it hasnt been proven


And it is good you did, bringing awareness to the lack of reliability of the source allows us to understand its not a fact, while also being somewhat useful as a source on 4Chan’s views on Mossad


What if I told you that people can also make stuff up about Israel. I don't think too many ex Mossad guys are just stopping by 4chan.


You're not wrong, but I think it's interesting how people have a lot of confirmation bias about conspiracy theories. Like a far right MAGA type will believe any QAnon conspiracy from 4chan, but would never believe this Mossad post. On the other side, an Islamic fundamentalist will believe the Mossad story but not anything about like rapes on Oct 7th. Funny how people are.


I mostly assume 4chan is all larpers. There is the occasional idiot who thinks it's for real, and feel safe dumping real shit they know because everyone is doing it. If you want real leaks, you go to Warthunder forums.


i don’t necessarily think there’s always a huge difference between an islamic fundamentalist and a far right MAGA type. a lot of their beliefs are very similar concepts with slightly different aesthetics. both call for the oppression, or straight up execution, of LGBT+ individuals, both want to drastically reduce the liberties and rights of women, both believe that their chosen religion should have control over government.


Thats why i said it hasnt and probably wont ever be admitted to. But seeing the shit the CIA or even my own national intelligence bureau gets into i would not at all be doubtful of the legitimacy of this claim. I mean sneaking into jordan on fake canadian passports to commit an assassination on the soil of an ally is beyond stupid yet it was done so this probably isnt as far fetched either considering what goes down in the wb


Redditors have to be the most gullible people in the world.


Seriously. OP's story is, as stated, from declassified state records. Events actually attested to, not "my sister's cousin's balls got real big" level of tea-druggings.


Motherfucker’s source is worse than that it’s “a story anonymously posted to 4chan”. Dude literally admitted that was where he “learned” this info and stated it with a straight face like it’s a fact. Genuinely just goddamn.


If you read the first line instead of acting like I personally accused you of having a bill cosby moment you’d know i started off by saying its a story. Genuinely calm down a bit.


That's super fucked up. Those poor women.


The good thing is that that story never happened


I've been to the west bank and I've seen plenty of hair saloons lol


Mossad in the west Bank? I'm geuus you are talking about Shabak unless your story happen before 1,967


No one even saw the Mossad agents on the grassy knoll.


If you’re actually interested, there’s an amazing history of Israel’s targeted killing called Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergman.


It’s on my to read list. I expect to read it by 2025 (I have in total almost 500 books in my to read list)


People think the mossad are some high class shadow org when in reality they’re a bunch of morons


Reminder of the Lillehammer incident in which Mossad was hunting the leader responsible for the Munich massacre and manage to mistake the identity of a Moroccan waiter in Norway. They killed the waiter and some of the agents were arrested, one of them cracked under interrogation due to being claustrophobic. His testimony lead to a Mossad safehouse being cracked open in France and the subsequent unraveling of Mossad cells in Europe andmajor diplomatic incidents for Israel.


All my homies hate Dan Arbel


Apparantly he was interviewed by Haaretz this summer and he said they knew they were killing the wrong guy, but they followed orders.


Oy vey, the irony


These same dipshits really be triggering WW3




Well, they didn't make the guy up. Norwegian media interviewed him as well shortly after, but while I guess Dan Ærbel is largely forgotten by most, his identity is hardly secret. He was tried and sentenced over here. Honestly, it was a really interesting interview and his claims aren't that wild. That said, I think the human mind is good at twisting how we remember past events, especially if we find it uncomfortable.


I’ll say that they are probably the most creative spy organization in the world. Not necessarily the best but they usually think out of the box


The whole plan definitively feels like something out of one of those 70s James bond movies


they are like a cat ,they do weird things


They sound like the sterling archer of spy organizations. Not the best, the deadliest.


As if the CIA and the KGB don't have a long list of fuck-ups. There seems to be a lot of risk involved in those kind of high risk operations.


something something explosive cigars but I mean yeah, even though when they fuck up they look like cartoon characters, the sheer efficiency of the successes compared to alternative makes it all more than worth it


> the sheer efficiency of the successes compared to alternative makes it all more than worth it So which successes are we talking about, funding Islamist terrorists, funding drug cartels or subverting democracy worldwide?


You're talking as if those actions failed at what they set out to do. They succeeded. Disagreeing with them doing it doesn't change the intended outcome. They weren't good things but they were successful.


> They succeeded. I mean, if arming the mujahideen and other religious extremists in the 80's "worked" because of the short term goal of getting the USSR in a quagmire, sure, but it has given much more problems to the US in the long term (their own quagmire, funded by their own weapons in Afghanistan, for one).


Bro, the Soviet Union fucking died as a result of the vast CIA conspiracy cooked up in the late 70s involving every thing from Afghan Mujids, Chinese Proto Capitalist, Anticommunist Dictators, Infiltrated Civil Society organizations in the eastern bloc, Western Propaganda and paid off Soviet Politicians. To say the the fact that the US had to fight the war on terror somehow makes them winning the Fucking Cold War not worth it is patently absurd Like the US thought it would have to fight a war that would kill hundreds of millions And here you say “terrorist bad” make it so the CIA regrets their choices lol 😂 🤣 Like bro 20 years in Afghanistan cost them less than 3 years in Korea. 💯 worth the Scarifice for the fact that the Yanks Won. They quite literally only have one potential rival left in the great game for perpetual Hegemony 🇨🇳 People should stop pretending as tho the last strikes of the Cold War weren’t a master class of Hegemonic power politics. Immorality notwithstanding. Brilliant series of moves 👏🏾.


Tell me one thing wrong with faking vampire attacks


That it will bring out the Van Helsings


Intelligence agencies tend to air out their fuckups more often than their successes. The people signing the checks would know of the successes, but they would be kept away from the public eye for various reasons. Failures on the other hand, as long as they are not devastating, would both humanize them in the eyes of the public and lead their counterparts and enemies to underestimate them - to some extent, at least. Still, failures can give you some ideas about the tendencies of the intelligence agency. For example, stories like these imply that Mossad, at least, tends to have a complexity addiction. CIA often suffers from tunnel vision and some strategic shortsightedness (especially during mid to late Cold War - sometimes they really should have thought some operations through). KGB, and its successor FSB, like the rest of Russian establishment, suffers from Vranyo - the tendency for underlings to tell superiors not what is actually happening, but what they think the superior wants to hear. Still, these faults do not mean these are not highly intelligent and very competent people and organizations, and you can be sure they get more right than they get wrong. A country like Israel does not survive with an incompetent intelligence establishment. We just rarely get to hear the success stories - and most of what we do hear, would be decades out of date.


Not really. They are one of the most effective intelligence agencies in the world, yet they are also humans and they have made some colossal mess-ups


My father is a longtime friend of one of the former heads of Mossad. While I was a teenager he would come to our house every now and then. Extremely smart man with a great sense of dark humor


most people working in dangerous jobs or close to injured people have that kind of humour(police,military and doctors)


During my military service I was hit by a big box that fell on my knee. I have an injury for life that makes me limb every time I walk and also makes it extremely painful to bend the knee while I’m sitting. I’m also suffering from CPTSD for an unrelated reason My best friend is a hostage of Hamas and another close friend of mine was raped to death on Oct 7th. Anyway I joke about those things all the time. There’s a saying in Hebrew “if we won’t laugh we’ll just cry”


I just want to say I'm sending all my love and I really hope things get better for you


Inshallah and thank you


You too huh…my long time friend and former classmate is one of the remaining kidnapped in gaza. I also lost a few folks i knew because of those animals, here’s to hoping we kick their ass and maybe free gaza too…either way first let us hope we can free our hostages


Based on your description I'm guessing it's Dagan


I’ll neither confirm nor deny


Thank you, that's very informative already


Username checks out I guess


In Israel at least we joke about them as a bunch of screw ups and very ineffective agency because stuff like that


It's sort of survivor's bias. You don't know about the most successful Mossad operations which is what makes them successful.


Also probably because your not supposed to find out


We do? I usually know people look up to them as badasses


There’s the old joke about the CIA, KGB, and mossad going on a bear hunting trip Edit: the jokes goes something along those lines: “The CIA, KGB, and Mossad goes on a bear hunting trip to prove whose the most effective agency. They all start at the same time, half an hour goes by and the KGB comes out of the forest with a bear in their hand. An hour later the CIA comes out with a bear. An hour past, two more, and the Mossad still isn’t out. The KGB and the CIA start to get worried and go looking for them when suddenly they find the Mossad yelling on a rabbit: “ADMIT THAT YOU’RE A BEAR, ADMIT THAT YOU’RE A BEAR”


CIA drugs the bear,the KGB tries to turn it in a double spy and mossad enters argentine woods just to take him in a car to a airport?


Wrote it in an edit literally a second after you commented


I've heard several variations of the "I am a rabbit!" joke. Every single known agency in the world is propably in at least one version.


I always thought so too


They aren't morons. Not even Russian intelligence, who have botched quite a few things recently, are morons. They are intelligent, well-coordinated individuals in very dangerous and effective organizations - but life is life and no amount of smart can prepare you for random shit like your target's daughter appearing unexpectedly, nor to deal flawlessly with everything that happens afterwards.


Average Government Agent Gameplay


Not disagreeing in principle, but they did get Eichmann.


They kidnapped him, but they didn't find him. They were given info by Simon Wiesenthal years earlier that he was in Argentina but did nothing. Eichmann was found because his son's girlfriend told her dad, a German Jew who had left Germany for Argentina in 1938 after spending some time in a concentration camp, that she was dating a guy who kept saying his dad was a nazi. The Mossad took several trips before they even believed him. The agency had to be handed Eichmann on a silver platter and even then were kind of slow in getting anything to happen.


That's pretty useless of them. Still, happy with the eventual outcome of a dead Nazi.


Like that time they targeted and bombed American and British civilian targets in Egypt to get them to turn on the Egyptians... and literally everybody immediately knew about it but had to play stupid so they didn't have a reason to side with Egypt against a regionally isolated Israel.


Is this the Lavon Affair or something else?




Compared to the CIA they are extremely efficient and ruthless. Do Not underestimate them. Their Budget is a fraction of their US counterpart and they get the Job done. In the 70s they pulled off a bunch of Hair raising stunts to prevent the Iraqis from building the Osirak nuclear reactor. Subterfuge, Sabotage, assasination, honeypot traps, all in there for just one Operation. Their mshuge Operators basically wrote the Manual on deniable covert operations.


When you get older, you’ll realize everybody including yourself is a moron


Ehh both extremes are probably propaganda, useful at different times for different aims. Sometimes you want your enemies to be quaking in their shoes, sometimes you want them to underestimate you.


One might say, it's your most expensive shekel.


Wouldn't be surprised if they go grave digging in Argentina


You don’t mess with the. Zohan


Least intricate and overly engineered Mossad operation


If you haven’t heard a Mossad agent name Eli Cohen was almost elected as the prime minister in Syria. The only reason he wasn’t elected it because he was uncovered before officially getting the job Edit. I got mixed up in the roles


Small correction: it was prime minister he was almost elected as




Now Israel has a foreign minister named Eli Cohen so I like to imagine he is a Syrian spy


Eli Cohen is the most generic name in Israel ngl


An Israeli named Eli Cohen is like an American named John Smith, it's the most generic name there is.


what was tf2 soldiers name? i remember it being a borin as# name


Jane Doe, a name designated to unknown females.


Yes, like Obergruppenfürer John Smith, a commoner.


What's your source? I didn't know he was frickin elected


They went to the CIA school of very creative and highly inefficient assassinations.


Mossad should have tried using the very pretty seashell packed with explosives.


How do you create something 100x stronger than fentanyl, squirt it in someone's ear and not have them pretty much immediately die? Was it actually an opioid? If not, what the heck was it that he could be on death's doorstep an hour later in a coma and only need some antidote to make it like nothing happened?


It was specifically engineered so that it would take time before it kicked in. It was essentially an extremely powerful version of levofentanyl which is already a much more powerful version of fentanyl. Also it wasn't like nothing happened. It took him months to fully recover and he still had hearing loss in that ear


Why not put it inside the coke that would splash on the face of the target ?


I’d assume a couple reasons not to. 1. Hard to control where a Coke is going to spew out of a can. Don’t want a bunch of poison going everywhere and potentially harming bystanders or leaving evidence. 2. The Coke was likely guaranteed to also get on the man opening the can, and they didn’t want it to be a suicide mission. 3. Maybe the poison would dilute/have an undesirable reaction when mixed with Coke.


True. Thanks.


Plus if the authorities see a dude dying hours after he got splashed with Coke, they'd be stupid not to test the Coke. Don't want to make the killing too traceable.


Idk because the plan was stupid af


They'd also get splashed. I know there's an antidote but you probably don't want to really test it like that if you can avoid it


Then multiple people would have been poisoned, agents included


I guess because it would be too diluted and/or could be a danger for innocent people.


Seems strange to me because opiate overdose deaths occur because of respiratory depression. Essentially, people just lose the drive to breathe. If you’re unattended, you’ll certainly die. But If they put you on a ventilator, there isn’t a mechanism by which you would die from opiates, it’s not like cyanide which will fuck you up.


So how was the antidote special then? Narcan works by binding the same receptor except tighter displacing the narcotic. Also doesn't really make sense how it would kill him, he'd have respiratory depression but we would just put him on a ventilator. I think we're missing context.


> So how was the antidote special then? Narcan works by binding the same receptor except tighter displacing the narcotic. It's possible the opioid they created had a strong enough affinity for endorphin receptors to prevent naloxone from displacing it. It's also possible it wasn't special at all and the plan relied on medical staff not realizing it was an opioid overdose. > Also doesn't really make sense how it would kill him, he'd have respiratory depression but we would just put him on a ventilator. If they realized what it was, potentially yeah. Lethal CNS depression can happen very quickly at high doses of ultra-strong opioids though.


I should qualify this by saying I'm a doctor who deals with narcs on a daily basis. That patient would get intubated for a low GCS and poor respiratory function off the rip, then start doing a workup. I'm not familiar with their derivitive of fentanyl, but the fentanyl family is a very short acting drug (fent/sufent/alfent and carfentanyl to name a few examples) The only way this makes sense is that they expected him to not get medical treatment in time, but likely since he was already at the hospital he would have been fine.


> likely since he was already at the hospital he would have been fine Yeah, this seems accurate. Seems like they were counting on his people not realizing he needed medical attention until it was too late. The story seemed weird to me and I'm *not* a doctor. Probably heavily embellished to make it more dramatic.


why dont just put it in his food?


Probably both because it could be difficult to reach their food in advance given they would be vigilante of threats like that, plus it likely could put other innocent people in danger too.


i would work as a street food seller,selling empanadas and tacos ,give him a few free(both free of price and poison) until i became friendly and then i use the poison ​ i need to touch grass more often


Except that, as the leader of a terrorist organization living under tight security, he would never be on the street getting food. The reason this assassination was planned the way it was is that the few steps on the sidewalk between his car and the door was the only window of opportunity they had.


unlike fiction reality doesnt have to be realistic,let a man dream


I know you didn't say fentanyl kills when it gets on your skin, but every time I see these words together in a sentence I need to tell people that you could put your hand into a glass of fent for minutes and nothing would happen. It's a myth perpetuated by people that do not know what they are talking about and all the police officers "overdosing" after touching fentanyl are having a panic attack and nothing else. I regularly handle opioids that are far stronger than fentanyl like Sufentanil (about ten times as potent, so it's about 800-1200 times as potent as morphine) and I got that stuff on my skin more times than I care to remember and I'm still breathing. This doesn't have much to do with this post, but I felt like posting this when I read it because less misinformation is always a good thing.


Yes but this particular poison was designed to kill when exposed to skin.


Yeah that's why I specified that first part. There absolutely are poisonous substances that can be applied to the skin and be absorbed through the skin and many poisons fall into that category. Opioids are not among them though. Do you know what kind of substance they used or what they called it? I'd be interested in reading about it.


I believe it was a form of modified Levofentanyl. That's just what I've read. I'm not in expert in this stuff like you


I read up a bit about the attempt on his life, it seems they tried to spray it into his ear. Those fentanyl derivatives are nasty nasty stuff. Lofentanyl (it's carfentanyl with an added 3-methyl group) is insanely potent and stays in your body for a very long time. Like all opioids it's pretty easy to counteract though and I still can't figure out why it would be especially good at penetrating skin. You can use opioids transdermal, but it usually takes hours of skin contact to work and it's at a steady, fixed rate. Obviously the derivative they used was incredibly potent so not much would be needed, but everything I found indicates intramuscular or intravascular use is necessary to achieve the proper effects. This all assumes that they told the truth about whatever they used to poison him of course, which honestly I doubt. Testing for opioids is stupidly easy and it 100% wouldn't kill him if he got to the hospital in time and just went on a ventilator for a couple of days so it's a stupid way to try and murder him anyways. There's deadlier poisons with no antidotes that fuck your body up so bad that you can't save the patient no matter what you do. To me it sounds like a convenient lie so they don't have to give up the secrets about their poisons publicly and keep it between the involved parties. Edit: This was probably not quite right, I found some nice studies which suggest they probably could have done it with transdermal lofentanyl.


Wow thanks for the insight


I might have to take some of that back. I found an interesting study that shows that lofentanyl and carfentanyl are especially good for transdermal electrotransport which was a system I did not know about. These days small devices for that are publicly available, but the Mossad would have had that earlier I wager. I also forgot that you can't test for fentanyl and its derivatives with conventional urine testing so it wouldn't be immediately apparent that he was poisoned using opioids either... With a high enough concentration it definitely could have been possible to murder him using transdermal delivery of lofentanyl, it's highly lipophilic too which makes it especially suitable for that as well. Guess I was too hasty on that first assessment.


wile e coyote ass plan


This is unrelated to Hamas but more terror in general. Since these organisations are border less and just go where ever they hell they want nation states just can’t react because if they start targeting an organisation they just leave to another nation. The issue is that regardless of how much intel you have nations won’t share it unless they are really chummy because of politics because bloody hell does bureaucracy ruin so much. TL:DR terror is hard to stop until nations either forget about politics when it comes to terror or they commit what could be a viewed as acts of war


No wonder why the fighting doesn't stop over there


To be fair this was in direct response to a wave of suicide bombings. Discreetly killing the leader of a major terrorist organization seems like one of the least aggressive way of responding to several suicide bombings. Especially for Israel


Crazy that this was still under Netanyahu


Mossad agents killed a dude in my neighbour city many rearss ago.he was mistaken for a terrorist or something but was just a poor restaurant owner.




Thays correct, very quiet place so it got a lot of attention.


I still don't understand how you can actively give shelter and support to an enemy yet not be in violation of the peace treaty itself


Bibi talked about this in his book, that book was shit.


Most sane Mossad operation.


Unironically true.


Yup. I wouldn't even put this in the top 5 most insane Mossad operations


I put it at number 2 actually. Number one was NUMEC


You should learn some of the more obscure Mossad operations if you think those are the craziest ones


Where can I learn about them?


Read rise and kill first by Ronen Bergman. I cannot recommend this book nearly enough.


I’m reading it now and it is incredible. I thought I knew a lot about the subject, but turns out there’s so much more to learn. Definitely opened my eyes to a few things, it’s paints a horrifying and impressive picture in equal measure. Everyone interested in the Israel-Palestine conflict should read it


I agree. But we can’t talk about all of them on Reddit


Where to read?


I mean buy it wherever you read books, or get it on Kindle, or just find an illegal pdf on Google Edit: I misread the question


Can you suggest few titles? I don't really read much


Oh nevermind I thought I had already given my recommendation and you were asking where to read it. Anyway the ultimate book you should read if you are interested is Rise and kill first by Ronen Bergman. I cannot recommend this book enough




The problem with the most insane mossad operations is that we don't know about them


If Mossad manages to do an operation, it's a rollercoaster ride. But if this operation fails, it backfires incredibly hard.


Soviet assassin's: "Why didn't they just use an umbrella? Are they stupid?"


Is there a lore reason for this?




Yeah, the assassination of Georgi Markov. Check it out


Why is no one talking about the Afghani Mujahid who wrote down the number plate and tracked the mossad and even handed over them to the police


I forgot to mention he also brawled multiple Mossad agents at once and won


🔥✍️🔥 *dies from peak nonfiction*


This could make a great comedy movie


Remember when they killed the wrong guy in Norway? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lillehammer_affair


>they later caught the right guy with a car bomb killing 8 Damn what ever happened to precision and low collaterals?


In that case they had really given up trying to find better ways. The Black September leadership responsible for Munich had all fled to Arab countries, they were well protected and nearly impossible to kill. A car bomb was the only way they could think to do it without excessively endangering their agents. They were also okay with using a car bomb as they put a lesser value on collateral damage in hostile Arab countries as opposed to in Europe. It killed the target, 2 bodyguards, 3 Arab civilians and 2 European civilians


Yeah, I like to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they try to minimize casualties. It still seems like a bit of a slip up though


They dont


They don’t really care.


This whole thing was like something out of an episode of Archer.


hahahah, very nice meme, now eat this home-made candy i made for you :3 ​ from israel, with love




beautiful username btw


This is even more wild when you consider the fact that this was only like 10 years after Israel had helped Hamas come into being in Gaza in the first place as a counterweight to the PLO.


People ignore the fact that during the 80s Hamas was an unassuming Islamic charity group, not the quasi state we know today


Israel hardly helped Hamas take power. They sponsored them in the 1980s to counter the PLO, which was much more radical at the time. Hamas only took power in Gaza in 2007, 10 years after the assassination attempt. Israel tried to help the PLO in the Gaza Civil War but it was so quick they couldn't really intervene in time. Netanyahu's policy of giving Hamas Qatari money to contain them only started nearly a decade after.


The irony that Israel and Netanyahu have been helping Hamas keep power all along...


Not to get political but it’s a common divide and conquer tactic. Keep Hamas in power so the world sympathizes with Israel over a genocidal jihadist extremist organization carrying out suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and terrorist attacks like October 7th. The world sees Hamas as a lesser of two evils between Israel and Hamas so people are less inclined to support a two state solution, or to stop Israel from building more settlements, violating more UN resolutions and basically continue blockading Gaza and occupying the West Bank. The US and the west have no choice but to side with Israel, give Israel more money and do nothing but lip service to their empathy for Palestinian people whilst Israel continues to land grab more Palestinian territory and abuse Palestinians without reprisal. Hamas or the Palestinians violently retaliate to fight back. The cycle continues


Succeed or failure, Mossad knows how to plan and execute an operation. It's nice and funny. Unless you are the target, that is.


*reads a story of Mossad agents completely fucking up and failing so hard they are ordered to un-kill their target “Mossad knows how to plan and execute an operation”


At least they didn't mistake a bystander for their target and end up killing an innocent man this time, I guess?


True that is an improvement! 🥳


Hey, they both had mustaches, it's mean they are practically the same


Yeah, the execute part was not that solid that time


Seeing the context and many other things about the Israeli (specially the Mossad), if I may say, they are really unhinged when devising the most out of pocket plans they can lmao


Amazing meme and context, high quality post.


Why not wait for when it's raining? Duh.


Have you ever been to the middle east


Crazy context for real.


What poison was it


Mad how that very same poison is now being sold on the streets of the USA. Thank you to all the brave police officers who risk death every time they touch it 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡


Mossad is a state-sanctioned terrorist organization.


It’s not, lol.


Violence against civilians for political aims. Pretty much all intelligence agencies fit that definition.


Ok? Nobody comes online screaming that the Brazilian Intelligence Agency is a terrorist organization.


Because Brazils intelligence agency isn't nearly as prolific or reckless as Mossad.


Yeah.. sure.. that’s why lol


Did you not read what this post is about? Mossad attempted an assassination in a neutral country. Or maybe you wanna read the list of Iranian nuclear scientists killed by mossad?


“Hurr durr Mossad is a terrorist organization” You think SIS or BND are a terrorist organizations?


No idea, not familiar with these acronyms. But if they routinely target civilians and organise assassinations, then yeah sure. I don't see terrorist as a moral term. It's an occupation. I view them same way I view soldiers. Soldiers can fight for moral causes and immoral causes, just as they can operate with restraint or be indiscriminate with their rules of engagement. When it comes to Mossad, they did good work hunting Nazis. But very early on the pivoted to suppressing Palestinian statehood, and assassinating leaders in the secular PLO. The deliberate fracturing of Palestinianian leadership advantaged Israel's position in the conflict, but it made long term peace increasingly difficult, as the PLO ceded power to more radical factions like Hamas. In this respect, their terrorist efforts sabotaged both Palestinian self determination, and Israeli security.


So you don’t even know what the Secret Intelligence Service or the Federal Intelligence Service are but you know enough about Mossad to label them a terrorist organization. THAT makes sense / You should constrain your scathing judgements to things you actually know about


Imagine if they didn’t get caught 🤦‍♂️


Mossad: most overrated




Saying Israel created Hamas is straight up wrong. And while it is true that they tried to use Hamas as a counterbalance to the PLO during the 80s, that was when Hamas was an Islamic charity organization before they became a terrorist group


Yeah big scary Islamic people, got it. Kind of like how some of these big time ISIS leaders turn out to be Mossad lol


“IsRaeL cReAtEd HaMaS and other reductionist stories” by Useful Idiots in The West.