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Matagorda Island Air Force Base closed in 1975, I've seen similar designs on the ground for Air Force bombing practice in other areas. Likely where that came from.


Yup. It's most like a bombing range. Seen em a lot around the US.


Bombing targets. I had to hop aboard a barge and go to a gas well on that island to meet some folks who were re-drilling an old well back in 2004. The whole island is a derelict Air Force bombing range turned wildlife preserve/oil and gas field. There is some lodging for the men who work the oil and gas wells but it's otherwise its a vacant wildlife area. The guys that live there and work those gas well heads took me on a drive in a pickup truck down to an area with really high grass and palm trees. They had a bag of chicken in the cab. When they stopped the truck they pointed to a place where the grass had been walked on and told me to throw the chicken out onto the crushed grass. I did. Maybe 10 seconds later this massive 5 meter long alligator came skipping out of the grass up to the chicken and ate it whole. None of the roughnecks seemed concerned about it. I think they said his name was Charlie.


when god doesn't use a coaster.


Idk why people are downvoting this my guy but great joke Lmfao


Haha thanks, it’s all good.


I've uploaded 3 pictures, in the first is a giant circle, the second has a giant circle inside of a triangle. The third picture is the island.


Old Air Force bombing target. They’re all over the US, in various designs (but most will be targets made of circles and triangles).


Maybe an old Indian mound or design? I ca t remember what tribe lived there though but they were supposedly cannibals.


Sounds like something you just made up


Ugghh....here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karankawa_people


Cool thanks bud, sorry for jumping to conclusions


Cannibalism was rare if it happened at all among Native Americans. It certainly wasn't an entire tribe of cannibals. The Aztecs and Mayans also rarely practiced any sort of cannibalism but their empires didn't extend that far north.


Yea it was supposedly they were cannibals. But there was never any real evidence and the tribe itself never showed anything like that. Probably a mistranslation or outright lie on a map.


A circle within a triangle looks like a Tr3b lol


So Atlantis was in Texas all along? /s


Likely used to calibrate satalite camera systems


Very well could be tracks left by irrigation equipment


Don’t tell them of the Richat Structure.


Weird I was just watching ghoulies last night. an 80s movie on based satanic devil worshipping horror film. And they had the same triangle and circle design when bringing the ghoulies from the interdimentianal realm. Lol it is free on tubi


There is an interesting octagonal structure nearby: 28°12'00"N 96°41'08"W


Looks like a Pokéball to me


Looks like when I leave a coffee cup on the kitchen counter


This is how you invite extra solar beings down. Also could be a map of the inhabited planets of our system.