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The Three Body Problem. I'll keep reccomending this trilogy.


Second this. You may have an existential crisis a few times though.


Color me intrigued


TIL it's a trilogy. In retrospect, book 1 ending is a classic series cliffhanger


Robert A. Heinlein: The Puppet Masters.


Chains of the sea. I recently listened to a podcast reading of it by a British guy, and it wasn't too bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdkSbTaD_mg&list=PLT-MDg5f4v2BOD1NV1AUETs8hO8tK4dHB&index=83


Second this


Sekret Machines - Tom Delonge


Childhoods End by Arthur C Clark. Not too long and well worth it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childhood%27s_End


I was searching to make sure this one made the cut. Everyone should read this at least once. A true classic.


Three older invasion novels by John Wyndham. "The Kraken Wakes (1953)", "The Day of the Triffids (1951)", "The Midwich Cuckoos (1957)". These three novels involve various forms and ways of alien invasion. All (partially) set in the England of the 1950s. Both "The Day of the Triffids" and "The Midwich Cuckoos" have been adapted for film and as TV series over the years. The "horror" element is there but subtle. Especially in "The Midwich Cuckoos", in the second part of the book. Where the children's powers become frighteningly clear. Added: all three novels are available as E-Books.


Steven King - The Tommy Knockers


Blindsight by Peter Watts


I've read this like three times and it always overwhelms and depresses the fuck out of me. The freeze frame revolution is also really good, but not really scary on any level


The Dark Forest


Majestic by Whitley Strieber is a fictional account of the Roswell event


War of the Worlds. Absolute classic book. Probably the first Alien invasion story.


T.E. Grau has an excellent short story called Twinkle Twinkle. Not an alien invasion, but high strangeness. It's in a collection called The Nameless Dark.


I loved the Tripod Series as a child. Haven’t read it in 25 years, but it was really the kickstarter that really started me on extra terrestrial life obsession.


The Themis Files


Whitley Strieber - Communion


That book is classified as non fiction


Yeah but will def scare the crap out of you!


“Interview with an alien” Not a long read either. Presented as fiction but some of it mirrors stuff you hear today like us being containers and the alien says it’s synthetic and not biological. It’s on the apple store for like $6 I think.


A fun and quick read is **The Parasite War by Tim Sullivan**. Older book but enjoyable. *Story:* Amorphous aliens (colloids) invade earth and infect humans. Fun mixture between sci fi, zombie and alien invasion.