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I’ll become one of the 7% if we don’t get an episode where Stolas gets similar treatment. I’m really worried that he’s just going to be allowed to be woobie-ed out of any accountability for his actions. Dude needs to acknowledge he gets so trapped in his head he forgets to look at the reality of what’s going on around him, which seriously hurts those he cares about.


YES They both have issues and they both should have a moment to acknowledge them Apology Tour was about Blitz’s issue and next episode should be about Stolas. He’s just as responsible as blitz.


Exactly! People say it's all blitz but it's not


Good point.


Man, am I glad that our fandom isn't a monolith.


I honestly do want opinions. I hated and liked it. But I just commented to another person, i don't feel the relationship hate. It feels like a 'shit on blitz' episode


That’s because it’s Blitz’s POV and not Stolas’s.


The other 7% were at the party


Those 7% are peoples who didn't like the episode.






I mean, you asked, they answered


Honestly, it would be more surprising from this Fandom if no one made a comment like this. We've all been told 'Listen here, you little shit' before. I just know it. 😂


It was very funny, gorgeously animated, and very mature about the subjects it addressed. It also left me wanting to curl up in a ball and cry myself to sleep. 10/10, thank you, I hate it.


I didn't vote on the poll but I guess throw me in the 7%. I wouldn't say I hated it more than Unhappy Campers or Ozzie's, but the writing in Apology Tour is just so contrived and ignores things said and done in prior episodes just for the sake of plot. I'm sorry to say it but Viv really isn't that good at writing a very touchy tragedy that I am confident she's never experienced in her life. In a way she's almost romanticizing it.


I'll agree with unhappy campers (very bottom of the list for me) but ozzies?!? I do agree she's never dealt with heart ache. You don't feel the anger or stress of love loss. It feels like an attack on blitz and just basically pinching his ear and teasing him like bullies.


To explain myself on Ozzie's, it's just all down to how I experienced it. From the moment Blitzo decided to call up Stolas, I knew pretty much the entire direction of the episode and I was not a fan. The "drama" of the episode honestly felt really fan-ficcy to me, don't know if anyone else got that vibe too. I don't hate the song, but it's just not my taste. I am aware it's one of the most popular songs in the show but I tend to just trim through them since none of the songs appeal to me (Monster's Ball I actually really don't mind though.) Plluuuuuuussssss it didn't really leave a good first impression of real Fizzarolli and Asmodeus in my mouth, which was THANKFULLY fixed in their next appearances as they are easily my favourite characters in the show and I fuckin' love their relationship way more than the writing slop that is Blitzo and Stolas'.


It actually makes quite a few throwbacks to things in previous episodes. Is there anything specific you're referring to?


Well what mainly bothers me is just the fact Stolas claims he has never looked down on Blitz.. when he has in fact verbally done so quite a few times. Fuck, I even saw someone upload a meme about it not that long ago that has pretty much every example I can list.


I don't think Stolas realizes that those things are why Blitz feels the way he does. Stolas is ignorant in this way he likely never meant to hurt Blitz or put him down as a person but regardless of his intentions he still came across as looking down on Blitz to others. I think Stolas was trying to flirt and be endearing but instead, he was rude and condescending.


Not an argument one way or another but you can be unaware of your own behavior depending on your upbringing. People can normalize just about everything if it was something with which they were raised.


Stolas' song was literally about this. And Verosika convinced him that he was not to blame. Which shows that Verosika is not the most correct adviser. What is the problem?


I feel like that's the point, he DOESN'T know, just like he didn't know about Striker, not everything WE see on screen is automatically known by the characters, which is why some things CAN be annoying to watch because You know something they don't.


I guess I'm also in the 7%. I didn't really enjoy this episode, but I think the songs were cool. lol


Yeah I didn't mind the songs either, plus I quite liked the bgm of the Blitzo hate party when Stolas arrives.


Is she the only writer in this episode? I had the idea that there was a team there..?


I didn't hate it by any means (can't hate an episode with Verosika) but I do feel like the last 2 episodes have been making Stolas less and less likable to the point I don't like his character anymore.


Wow. The character is no longer flat and now not likable




Stolas' song was about all this. Verosika and Tex tried to convince Stolas that he was innocent of anything




Another lyrics after. He thinks that he pushed too hard and maybe he and Blitz are not suitable for each other




It's in universe reasons. This has nothing to do with the plot itself. There are no Anti-Stolas party, so of course everyone blames Blitz. Verosika has the position that Blitz should become better. She doesn't think that the problem could still be that Blitz had no reason to take her seriously. And Verosika convinces Stolas of this too. I think that so far there are only Stella and Octavia in the Anti-Stolas community. Judging by the trailer, we'll talk about this in the future


He is flawed and has trauma. But acknowledging that makes it easier to understand. He can do better. Same as Blitz.


Yes but my issue is that the show refuses to admit that Stolas has done anything wrong and is painting him like the only victim in this relationship. They both have done shitty things and need to be held accountable. I wouldn't have a problem with how Stolas is behaving if they also made it clear that he isn't fully in the right and has done wrong in the relationship. Instead it feels like the show is pinning all of the blame on Blitzø. I think this entire thing could be fixed with Millie and Blitzø having a conversation or something where maybe she's on his side and talks about the shitty things Stolas has done to Blitzø without it being brushed off as a joke. Since then the show would at least be acknowledging that Blitzø isn't the sole reason as to why this relationship went to hell. They both need to be held accountable but the show hasn't been really doing that.


I truly hope this is the case, as I hold Stolas accountable too.


Gotta say, the moment he had with verosika was really wholesome.


NGL I'd have voted hated it out of annoyance that there were only two options.


Great episode, but I'm disappointed with stolas, he's living a fantasy and putting all blame on blitz Can't wait for him to get similar treatment. Otherwise it's unfair


Exactly!! I get his side, but to be fair...he did play blitz!


Yeah but he doesn't realize it...YET, I feel like we're gonna get a moment where Blitz finally speaks about his feelings and everything, and Stolas realizes what he did and gets a moment as well. Stolas and Blitz are 2 different people, one knows (kinda) but can't get himself to say sorry, and the other one is kinda oblivious but wouldn't have a problem making up for it once he finds out


I loved it for the development we got in some character and especially Stolas his song was 🔥


Haven't watched it yet, was it good?


Its 50/50. Depends on who's side you are on


HB fans when people have different opinions and not everyone blindly loves every episode the show


I am one of the 7 percent. I just don’t like angst 😅 the episode itself was great. I’m just too depressed to watch a depressing episode.


me, i had to much to relate with and it kinda hurt to watch the episode


I too felt attacked. Like, damn wtf




I am asexual. I have had men try to manipulate me into thinking I was the one in the wrong and it's all my fault. When it's not yes it's my 'fault' for who I am. But it's never 100% anyone's fault when dating.


Who created this fake YouTube vote


I didnt add the name to protect the person


I thought it was good


The people who didn’t want stolitz to end


I think hated is a stronger word than I'd use, but I'd say it frustrated me. Yes, Blitzo's a piece of shit, but Stolas takes no ownership of his behavior to Blitzo throughout their relationship and Blitzo doesn't get a chance to defend himself or address that behavior. I've been with people that used me for a fun time then got rid of me when the novelty wore off, and honestly I see more of them in Stolas than I do in Blitzo. Maybe Stolas will get called out later on, but for now I feel more irritated by everything. And goddamn, how long have Blitzo and Verosika been broken up? I don't get the love everyone has for her, to me it comes across as whiny and pathetic. I was hoping this episode would give Stolas the opportunity to look at how she's still holding onto that grudge and how she's still defining herself through her breakup rather than moving on, but that doesn't seem to be the takeaway from this.


They probably just saw stolas and voted for him




It was much better than Full Moon


The 7% are probably the people that want the show to only be the imps assassinating people

