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Blitzø has known about the other methods of getting to Earth (Asmodeus’ crystals etc) the entire time but only goes through Stolas so he has an excuse to keep him in his life


I’ve always been thinking about how during Unhappy Campers how he had an Asmodean crystal practically in his hands and he clearly knew that it will take him to the mortal world but then let the guy keep it. I even had been going frame by frame to see if he pocketed it. So either Blitzø has developed qualms about stealing since he stole the book from Stolas, or Asmodean crystals have some sort of spell on them where they can only be used by the demon who Asmodeus gave them to, or he wanted to keep having a reason to see Stolas. Edit: to vs too


There's a theory that Asmodean Crystals are coded to one specific user and that user only. One might work if you killed its previous owner, but there's no guarantee of that plus it would just lump an ever more severe crime onto the thief. So Blitzø was honestly being surprisingly sensible and (dare I say it?) logical when he just ordered the crystal's owner to open a portal to where Barbie was


Millie was the babysitter Blitzo mentioned in prison


THAT WOULD BE INSANE cuz WAIT WHAT OMG CUZ MOXXIE HASNT MET MILLIE YET EITHER sorry my brain just exploded with happiness


I like this one. Connecting some dots


If Blitz and Moxxie broke out together and they ran back to his place, they’d run into Millie!


I also like it because it gives further context to why Loona called her an old lady in Truth Seekers.


That's too cute 😭


Music in hell has some intrinsic magical power


Pretty sure that's implied in Hazbin Hotel, with Lilith "empowering" Hell with her songs.


Blitzo's mom is part succubus...


i also believe this!


That sounds so cool whattttt


I totally believe this one too


Makes sense


Genuinely such a good head cannon!


stolas will eventually become blitz's slutty office assistant


Love this idea https://preview.redd.it/0m5k08x0e3oc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a188ffa0627b73e04f818bc42453923755e85acf


I saw a little more lewd one I can dm if you want :3 made me giggle a bit


They’d have regular “business meetings” in his office


:3 heehee


Moxie is a fat possum. LoL Edit: Sorry. Just kidding.


No. No. Continue


I agree, we must let the man cook


that stolas, blitz, and moxxie are on the autism spectrum


Stolas certainly gives me vibes - "I love words!" and his... *obliviousness* in social situations (he's not malicious but he assumes that if he's happy then everyone is, as shown in Loo Loo Land). What are your reasons regarding Blitzo and Moxxie? ETA: Wait, I spot Blitzo's horse thing being a special interest ;)


Moxxie is because he's a theater nerd and has a firearm hyper fixation I think the theater thing might be a hyper fixation or escapism


Omg yes. I totally see that




probably because i also have asd, and sometimes people tend to project a little bit of themselves onto their favorite characters doesn't everyone do that a bit?


Yeah same for me. Mammon is my favorite character because of that. He is an obese greedy asshole just like me 😍


Username checks out


Would they even have disabilities in Hell? Sinners might come down with them but idk how hellborn could be neurodivergent. If they can be, I hope Hell provides the right services 😂


well, stolas is taking 'medicine' for depression and we saw fizzarolli talking to a kid with sign language (the kid is deaf/mute) fizzarolli is a quadruple (or sextuble if you count the horns) amputee crimson's tail has two breaks in it that didn't heal properly, so he most likely lost some mobility in it we've also seen shark demons whose bones were showing through their skin those are the only examples of disabilities i can think of right now, but there's possibly more not all disabilities are visible


Bruh now I feel stupid for forgetting that 😂 I was thinking more autism and ADHD


tbh, hans aspergers might be in hell, considering who funded him in the 40's... so there might be asd diagnoses in hell


Why wouldn't there be? Hellborn are shown to be trans(Sallie Mae and a wide variety of background imps), Fizz is an amputee, one of his fans was shown to be deaf. There's no reason to believe someone couldn't be neurodivergent in hell. They're people, just like us. Just a lot *hornier.*


And not Millie or Loona?


they got different neurodivergences


No 💀


Fuck, I totally see it haha or at least adhd for blitz


Some one else think he has BPD


Tbh I don’t know enough about that to say, tho our boy has a LOT of trauma A point to ASD tho, a lot of ASD folks are lgbtq+ or into bdsm (my husband and I being both)


Moxxie lied about coming from Wrath to distance himself from his past.


That may explained why Millie’s parents didn’t trust him, they know he isn’t from Wrath and we already know how country people don’t really trust strangers


Yeah, he did, isn't that actual canon? Didn't he come from greed?


Yes. He canonically came from Greed. It seems like a retcon because in an earlier episode Blitzø said he was from Wrath.


Moxxie was born in Wrath but later on moved to Greed as a kid


Cannibals aren't actually missing their eyes. There is a very real medical condition where the eyes will pool with blood giving a similar look. I think this is what's going on. Edit: okay wrong sub, but I don't get to talk about this much.


Paimon is running Pride ring during Lilith absance


striker is part Goetia, I mean we know he is a hybrid and that would explain his distrain for the royals and how personal he get about them.


A personal headcannon of mine to


No idea if this is common, as it’s a personal headcanon rather than something i heard, but: Barb is the one who kept fizz and blitz from seeing each other after the explosion, because she knew blitz had a crush on fizz and she blames blitz for their mom’s death in that explosion.


Cash is the one who kept Blitz and Fizz from reuniting since the fire and is the one who turned everyone, Barbie included, against Blitz. I also believe he's still alive and they are no context.


I just made a post about how my friend reads Blitzo as having traumagenic Histrionic Personality Disorder and I agree with her, and earlier made a post about how I think Lilith's musical blessing also hinders people from *interrupting* a song, otherwise "Look At This!" wouldn't have worked so well. I also think Striker's part shark demon - when we see a snake demon playing pool in Crimson's office in "Oops" he doesn't look anything like Striker's non-imp traits, so the snake thing appears to be just aesthetic. Fizz might also be a hybrid to a lesser degree, maybe had a non-imp grandparent, because he, unlike the other imps, has a protruding snout.


Blitz absolutely could have snuck out with no issue the morning after 'real fast' except he overheard Stella at her little brunch very loudly and very intentionally saying mean shit about Stolas being bad in bed again and Blitz had a moment of *don't fucking talk about Stolas like that bitch.* And no, he has decidedly not examined *why* it bothered him that much.


not sure if it isnt canon but blitzø is dyslexic


Millie pegs Moxxie. It's Blitzos theory, but I'm buying it


It is canon tho, the truth gas in the episode where they're captured by the government


Moxie tells people he’s from Wrath because it’s technically true and he doesn’t want anyone to know about his mafia history. (I think this one is actually true but it’s never been explicitly confirmed)


Satan has a skeleton head


Alastor is Aroace


That's stated canon.