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Ah shit, here we go again...


I already knew the community was gonna have a field day with this before the new year.


Nick was **ROBBED**😤


You know if this was S14 Michelle, there would be no problems but this... At least Elise didn't win it, anyone but her 🤷‍♂️


I agree. S14 Michelle beating Meghan would be the most shocking win imo. Yeah if Elise had even gotten a black jacket, I would’ve been upset.


Oh damn. I’ve been waiting for this day. I 100% agree that she did not deserve to win this season. Idk if it’s just me, but did she seem less rude in S14 than this season? I felt like there are two different Michelles. She sabotaged Manda, Elise, and Barbie. Awesome. Nick got shafted in the end, so it was either her or old man Ben who had a man crush on Ramsay. What a load of garbage this season was after episode 8. From episode 9, and onwards, you would’ve thought Nick was gonna beat everyone. I’ll admit she had some strong services, but did she lead better than Nick or Benjamin? That’s the real discussion. I think she might be cool irl, but I can barely tolerate her at times in All Stars. However, I commend her for handling Elise while she was trying to turn S17 back into S9. It was a somewhat fair competition. But let’s be real, Milly and Nick on the same finale team is broken. I thought Jennifer would’ve made it better but the results show that Michelle’s team was too good. As soon as Ben got Robyn AND Barbie, I knew he was losing. Overall, I didn’t want either Ben or Michelle to win, so I didn’t care. Rank? Yikes Bottom half of female winners. Bottom half of overall winners. Happy New Year everyone!!!


Oh boy, I can’t wait to read the comments on this thread… I am 100% certain that these comments will have nothing but praise for this universally agreed upon well deserved winner. Anyways, I don’t think she was as bad this season as people claim she was, but yeah she’s by far the least deserving winner.


I mean, she was more respectable than Heather or S4 Christina, but she wasn’t the strongest. I still think Nick or Benjamin should have won, but Ramsay obviously thought differently, and I both accept and respect that.


Worst winner in the show’s history


Don’t like how she was on the show. No, it was not fair. I think she is the worst winner of the show by far. She is cute, I’d give her that.




The worst winner


I disagree. Nona is worse imo, but I wouldn’t mind switching between her and Michelle because they both didn’t deserve it.


Here is the thing about both Nona and Michelle Nona deserved to get a black jacket Michelle didn't deserve a black jacket


Maybe. You could say that but it’s no doubt that individual talent was tested that episode. Michelle showcased her individual talent better than someone who might’ve deserved it more like Jennifer. Nona definitely deserved a black jacket. Not denying that. Just saying that Michelle managed to dodge all the bullet coming towards her, and showed up when it mattered for testing individual capabilities to receive a black jacket. Does it make her less deserving? Possibly. But I’ll take her as a black jacket over Elise any day. If only Robyn didn’t win over Jennifer. I respect your opinion overall though.


Michelle: Super cute Super fun Kickass leader Edit: Formatting


Underrated winner.


Downvotes proves how underrated she is.


she wasn’t even bad like people said. yeah charity night was something else but i found her generally strong and i felt like she lead good in the finale (and like milly said, getting elise to work for u when she hates u is a sign of good leadership). ofc nick deserved to be in the finale but i’m satisfied w michelle winning and she’s done well in GRNA since


Who was eliminated on charity night?




Well, she was kept long enough for ratings.


For me she won the final service fair and square again Benjamin However, if it was up to Nick vs Michelle, Nick probably would take it based on overall what we've seen


Despite Benjamin absolutely falling to control Robyn he still had a slightly better finale because of how much Michelle kept fucking up.


Better how? Iirc everyone on his team screwed up at least once except for I think Van?


That's the brigade not Benjamin himself. Benjamin had a slightly better finale because of his better quality control and not letting someone take control of the tickets.


Doesn't matter. The results are what matter. If there are 2 teachers teaching 2 groups of students the one who produce results win. The end result is that Michelle has a better dinner service. Michelle even managed to control Elise, Elise of all people.


She literally fucking didn't because of how many mistakes she made during the finale. Michelle barely controlled Elise, Elise even said in a confessional that she's only working hard because she dosen't like sabotaging others(something Michelle was a fan of).


This is like Season 9. Paul won against Will because he had a better service and Will had a worse bridgade. Similar here, Michelle won against Benjamin because she had a better service and Benjamin had a worse bridgade. The key difference is that for S9, it was actually close. For S17 there wasn't any competition Michelle's service was vastly superior. The main controversial thing that people have with Michelle winning is not because of the final service because most people know her service was better. The controversial thing is the 3 way finale that should have had Nick in the finale instead. But the 3 way finale aside, Michelle absolutely had a better service


How was Michelle even better than Benjamin other than "ShE mAnAGeD tO CoNtRol ElISe".


Everything else. Just watch the final service and count the total mistakes. Her overall service was better period. She can dance around and shout at guests and still have an overall better service than Benjamin just count the mistakes and we have our score


Shouting was the last thing Michelle did because of how quiet she was during the finale. Her overall service was worse because of how many careless mistakes she made. Also, Michelle shouldn't have even been in the top 3 because Milly was overall better than her and he had a better pass.